Dodge Diego - HaDe | Gone until Wednesday
Hello everyone!

Since the visual summer changes were around for a while now and some players prefered the old setting we decided to revert back to the normal color scheme already.

The special enemy from the summer update has vanished too but he will be back soon!

We'll be looking forward to the next seasonal update and hope that you had fun with the latest one!:Heartyou:

Also, Dodge Diego is currently on a 40% sale till the 3rd August so make sure to share it with your friends or grab the game yourself if you haven't already!

Happy dodging! :al_star:
BRG's Red Riding Hood - Brave Rock Games
Hi Everyone!

Thanks to your suggestions, Red Riding Hood now supports Español and Italian languages :D.

For more information check out our landing page:

Happy reading :D

OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL
- Fixed a cursor offsetting issue.
- Fixed an issue related to stuck windows.
- Converted window saving from registry to JSON files in the install directory.
- Added support for window layout presets. (Not yet implemented, but supported now due to the new JSON window saving!)
- Added converter that will convert existing registry-based saved layouts to JSON files.
(Hopefully you shouldn't need to recreate your window layout!)
Jul 28, 2019
Outpost Zero - Symmetric
Greetings Overseers,

Small hotfix patch today that will force load all old/orphaned savefiles which cause people to sometimes find their bases missing. You should no longer have any missing bases after this patch, aside from engine version updates that may invalidate old files.
Nation Breakers: Steam Arena - Team Clay - Zach
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to part 1 of the Nation Breakers: Steam Arena development blog. We will be releasing these every couple of weeks depending on our workload - as we don't want to detract from the development itself we may not always hit a weekly target.

The intention of the blog is to describe the evolution of different parts of the game as they evolved through the history of the game’s development. This lets us give you some dense and focused info without it being just a weekly log of iterations and tweaks. This first part will be about the origin of Coded Clay Interactive and the people behind the studio, essentially just getting to know us as well as getting into the early versions of the game. Okay! Enough of the intro fluff. Let the blog begin.

Team Clay - Who we are, where we’re from and what we do!

Damien Patterson - Programing, Co-founder.
“I was born and bred in Perth, Western Australia. From as young as 8 I can recall trying to program early versions of a graphic calculator and making ‘choose your own adventure’ style narratives by using programming to allow the player to put in their own friends and family members as characters. I made my first game with graphics around the age of 15, back in the early 2000s, using the same engine that now powers Nation Breakers: Steam Arena (well an iteration of it anyway).

I excelled at math and physics at school, and this became my focus in tertiary education, earning a degree in engineering. I didn’t like the ‘day job’ of engineering though, and quickly retrained to become a high school teacher. I’ve been teaching Physics for 9 years. I slowly got back into game development and improved my knowledge of the GameMaker language as a hobby. Learning everything myself, it was 5 years before I felt I was ready to make something for others and so I started work on early prototypes of Nation Breakers: Steam Arena.”

Zachary Andrews - Artist, Co-founder.
“My story begins in Esperance, Western Australia. A small town in the south west, it has incredibly white beaches and a 1:1 scale, undamaged replica of the Stone Henge of England (because.. reasons). My exposure to art comes from my parents, they ran an art gallery for roughly 10 years which was essentially our house and home. There we hosted countless exhibitions, weddings and live music. Out of school I went into graphic design studies and picked up my first lot of skills which I've used as a backbone for my work ever since. I put those skills into my love for music, joining several bands as a vocalist and doing the CD art, music video production and freelancing that work out to the music community.

Through one of these bands, an international project, I worked with a writer from the Polish game studio Techland. He landed me some voice over work for Dying Light, making zombie noises (perks of being a metal singer) and some temp character assets. As a massive fan of gaming, being able to have this taste of the industry was super cool and seeded a strong desire to work in it. Several years went on and I had developed writing fiction as strong hobby, something I took up to give my game design ideas extra depth beyond concept art. This work was really my private collection of moonlight thinking while I mainly made a living with art design, video production, tattooing and day jobs. Now to be actualizing those secret ideas and being deep in game development, it’s as if a decade long burn of skill accumulation has merged into a single expression. Happy to finally be here!“

How the Clay was eventually Coded.
Community forums focused on game engines, like GameMaker, often have collaboration threads with people looking to find a great dev relationship that produces a great game and a great studio. Reaching out and hoping someone will just latch onto your post and say “yes, I'll help, lets go!” usually goes unanswered, or cops some cynical feedback about skills, ideas or the industry. But not always, and that's exactly how Coded Clay Interactive was born!

Mid 2018, Zach had just left university as raising a child, studying full time and maintaining enough income became too stressful. Feeling defeated and dwelling on his stock of game design and fiction material, he reached back out to his friend in the industry who in return delivered a little pep talk, telling him to learn the skills to do it himself. Zach took it upon himself to delve hard into coding tutorials, using the GameMaker Studio 2 engine and producing his own prototypes. Eventually, reaching a roadblock as programming was not his strength. Zach reached out on the GameMaker forums, asking for anyone in Perth, Australia to help.

To his surprise, someone actually replied! Damien was in the forums and by sheer luck happened to be looking through the collaboration section within a day of Zach posting. Perth is a pretty small place for a capital city and one of the most isolated cities in the world, seeing a developer in his home town piqued his interest! Luckily, it turned out Damien and Zach only lived 20 minutes from each other and could quickly meet up and discuss ideas and ambitions. Damien came prepared with an early version of a game that would soon become Nation Breakers: Steam Arena, using a lot of placeholder art. What originally started as a “I'll draw yours if you code mine” kind of deal soon developed into a single project focus when they realized the scope of what they wanted to do and the work involved (An obvious thing really!).

Over the last year of sharing ideas, developing the team dynamic, exploring limits and ambitions they concrete a work ethic and unified drive. As a team of busy working parents, Coded Clay Interactive hopes to deliver rich and engaging gaming experiences to all those who spend their valuable and limited time on them.

The Prototype!
Damien, as a hobby, had started work on a dozen games before settling on Nation Breakers: Steam Arena. This included a game where players designed their own fleet of spaceships (from fighters up to goliath motherships) for RTS battles, a game where the player manipulated hordes of zombies to take over towns and a rogue-like 2D platformer whose levels were inside of mechwarrior-like machines that the player was also in charge of in a larger overarching battle. Each game died from a lack of interest to get beyond the basic prototype. The next game was another rogue-like 2D platformer (with an additional multiplayer component boot, because larger than life scope was his thing).

Half way through the prototype Damien finally decided to limit the scope to something that he would complete. Cutting all but the original platforming and player attacks - the focus was now going to be a 4 player competitive brawler, fast paced with single hit kills, in single screen arenas.

Taking inspiration from ninja themed anime like Naruto, the game focused on 4 mechanics - parkour like platforming, melee attacks, range attacks and a dodge - each mechanic interacting with the others. Shuriken would collide, sword swings would deflect shuriken and dodge moves would avoid damage and place the player behind opponents.

He had done it. It was a complete game - so much so that Damien took to playing it with his students at the end of the year during the last week before summer break - they had a blast. To his surprise, his students asked “are you going to sell it on Steam?”

Damien had never considered it. Seeing how much the students whooped and cheered when they played this early version sparked a desire in him to get the game to more people. So the first task was to improve the art. Everything in the game was free assets or crudely drawn by Damien. Without much of a budget he was left using community marketplaces. It was hard to find a ninja themed set of characters that had the right sort of attacks and movement. Too hard. In the end Damien chose to change the theme of the game to a world of warriors and magic based on a fairly complete set of assets from the GameMaker marketplace.

After a year of further refinement and redoing all the art, it was clear that marketplace assets just wasn’t going to cut it. The game was fun, but lacked a consistency in its presentation. Damien had just commissioned an artist to produce a few character sprites to test the waters of how much it would cost to bring an artist on board when he found Zach’s post on the forum looking for assistance in Perth. That was the start of the partnership that led to Nation Breakers: Steam Arena.

That's it for today!
Apologies for the long blog. We wanted to get the studio background out of the way yet still give you some game info. Thanks for reading!

Next Episode - Finding Planet Piston, Re-themeing the game!

Zach and Damien
Jul 28, 2019
Snakeybus - Stovetop Studios
Corgis Are Here!

Corgi Footage

New Bus: Double Decker!

New Map: Dorm Room!

New: Cave Map / Aerial Mode
Difficulty Level: Flappy Bird

All bus stops and drop offs are in the air. Use your infinite boost to pick up and drop off passengers. Water rises over time but resets after you drop off. This game mode is extremely hard and I suck at it. Good luck!

Game play footage

Required: WASD + Arrow Keys or WASD + Mouse or Controller

Quality of Life
  • Fix physics stuttering after pause/resume
  • Fix passenger ragdoll stretching
CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience - Delve Interactive
The new update is here!

This time we're bringing in the long awaited mental illness character story and a bunch of other stuff, as well as a load of community request fulfilments!

Sorry for the wait on this one, a lot of this content had to be added in one go for it to work, and we've also been hard at work on the ending cutscene in the background.... hopefully it'll be done soon!

We're going back to multiple patches a week now, so stay tuned and don't forget to leave feedback! Next up is more night events, item and story features.

Phew, well I haven't slept for a couple days, so... I'm gonna go do that. Onwards to the patch notes! :D

Changes and new stuff

⦁ Various new artwork & animations added

⦁ New SFX added

⦁ Mental illness character story added! My personal favourite, this character can be the most challenging; you get 2 random mental illnesses/maladies that are common among the homeless at the start of the game, from a pool of several different kinds. These maladies are unique to this character. Getting past winter in your previous/current run will give your character new random maladies in your next run.

⦁ Some new night events!

⦁ Day Labour system added! Look out for billboards in the street, here you can compete with others waiting for risky temp work from trucks that pass by.

⦁ The park has had some updates!

⦁ New interactions available with other homeless in the street. Each character now has unique interactions, depending on your relationship with them and your street reputation. They may also wander around the city and have a wider variety of behaviours they enact depending on various factors like time of day! We're going to be developing these characters a lot more in the next update.

⦁ 12 new perks added!


⦁ Coffee & energy drink have been nerfed a bit (slightly less walk speed increase)

⦁ Increased number of bus stops, benches and trash cans that get generated slightly

⦁ Magazines have been nerfed very slightly (1 point less happiness/study on average)

⦁ Having a high street reputation (>50) now also slightly decreases chances of being mugged

⦁ Veteran nerfed a bit, now starts with £7

⦁ Late game perks are earned slightly faster

⦁ "HIKER" perk buffed, now also greatly reduces hunger decay while in park

⦁ "CROWD PLEASER" perk nerfed, now multiplies multiplier by 1 + 1 for every 4 people watching (previously 2) < This was probably the most OP perk in the game...

⦁ Novel item now gives slightly more happiness & study

⦁ Hot chocolate item now only gives 1 happiness

⦁ Hot chocolate now gives you a cup when you drink it (this was actually always meant to happen, so more of a bug fix)

⦁ Various shop prices updated

⦁ "Secure bag" nerfed, now greatly reduces chances of pests in the night instead of being practically immune

⦁ Pests have a higher base chance of appearing in the night and taking food when sleeping in the street, but now they only take some of your food... most of the time.

⦁ STUDENT perk nerfed, now only your first study each day is shorter :(

⦁ You can no longer study if you're drunk

⦁ Fountains and toilets appear slightly less often

⦁ You now cannot get positive work buffs from a job while your happiness is less than 60 (previously 50)

⦁ Increased job study requirements

⦁ Adult learning charity event nerfed, now gives base 8-12 study (previously 10-15)

⦁ Increased base wages for street cleaning job

⦁ Longer work hours for Fast food and shop jobs

⦁ Base chance of being mugged significantly decreased

⦁ Stealing is slightly easier

⦁ You now cannot have the DISLIKED work buff if you already have TRUSTED and visa versa.

⦁ The residency system is now more lenient (takes longer to lose residency & takes longer to lose access to your bank account when residency is lost)

Bug Fixes & Improvements

⦁ Fixed various issues with magazines

⦁ Fixed various misc crash bugs

⦁ Fixed residency being lost when loading back into the game

⦁ Removed one of the NPC homeless characters from street generation (the one who wasn't Joe, Bill or Maggie), he's going to be our dealer in the next update...

⦁ Updated and improved various menu and UI elements

⦁ Fixed "New Clothes" text being wrong in the shop (now "Smart shirt")

⦁ Updated various texts and text formatting

⦁ Fixed warnings from poor job performance not always correctly dealing with number of warnings to be fired

⦁ Fixed sometimes getting the "DISLIKED" work debuff even when working with high hygiene

⦁ Fixed "Healthy" perk not being applied when auto-eating food from the shop

⦁ Vending machines and street vendors now have text describing item details

⦁ Fixed the white square graphic bug in certain night events

⦁ Fixed other homeless not always scolding for begging near them

⦁ Fixed clicks going through certain menus and other UI items that could activate street vendors and vending machines

⦁ Fixed some bugs with selling daily issue

⦁ Fixed cake not restoring happiness when auto eat is on and you buy it in the shop

⦁ Fixed not always entering buildings when clicking on them and moving

⦁ Fixed certain stats not displaying their amounts when less then 1 sometimes

⦁ Fixed Hunger/Happiness ticking down while in certain parts of the park and not currently travelling

⦁ Fixed buggy tutorial window

⦁ You cannot enter the toilet menu after 8pm, rather than showing it and not being able to do anything

⦁ Subway commuters will now sometimes complain about you begging there during rush hour

⦁ Fixed cups not appearing in inventory until after reopening inventory sometimes after drinking coffee and other items

⦁ Fixed speech bubbles showing over the pause menu sometimes

⦁ Fixed other homeless characters slurring when you're drunk

⦁ Fixed being able to rent/return library books if the library is closed

⦁ You don't need to hold down - & + buttons in the bank menu for as long to rapidly increase amounts

⦁ Fixed a bug that caused you change to a strange position after using benches

⦁ Reduced volume of "Item placed in inventory" sfx

⦁ Perk and inventory menus now reset their scroll values when opening/closing the pause menu (defaulting to top)

⦁ Fixed only being able to scroll the perk menu with drag by clicking and dragging on perk icons, now click and drag anywhere

⦁ The "Go to work" button no longer displays if you can't actually go to work for some reason (like having already worked that day)

⦁ Fixed bank not displaying funds you had the first time you enter it after loading the game or after losing residency and regaining it

⦁ Fixed scrap and cups being possible "give" items when making a trade... that was a bad exploit!
Exogen VR - Axon Genesis
If you enjoyed Exogen, come see my latest and greatest work in an immersive 360 degree dome experience! This is way above and beyond Exogen, taking you on an expansive hour long audiovisual journey through wondrous geometric and alien landscapes synchronized to downtempo psytrance music. It's sure to elevate your mind and soul to new levels!

Promo teaser:

Event Info

at Wisdome in Los Angeles, CA
Saturday August 3rd
5pm - Midnight
Note: my set time is 8pm but may change so check facebook for updates

Jul 28, 2019
Storm Area 51: September 20th 2019 - DjArcas
And here we are - patch 14, 6 days after release and still going strong!

  • Collecting a Gnome causes you to turn into a Gnome for 5-20 seconds. (depends on Difficulty)
  • Collect all Gnomes for permenant Gnomage!
Arauco Saga - Rpg Action - ÁNIMAS GAMES
- Mapu minche boss bug fixed
- Several errors in text dialogues npc