Dicey Dungeons - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

It’s normal to have a little dice-rolling in a game. Putting them in the hero’s chair, not so much. Dice are normally the silent judge, deciding clutch victory from horrific failure on a whim. They’re what separate mission success from a pile of dead XCOM squaddies. Maybe it’s time to put those bones through the wringer themselves. See how they like it.

Dicey Dungeons is the latest project from a team of talent headed up by hexagon masochist Terry Cavanagh, reunited with musical bleep-bloop maestro Chipzel. It’s random, it’s tactical, and it’s out in three weeks.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

An apparent Team Fortress 2 glitch seems to be making certain rare items far more common than usual, those ‘Unusual’ items with unique particle effects. If you want some pretty particles, now’s a great time for you. But because TF2 is part of the sprawling Steam economy of trading, hoarding, and selling items as much as it is a multiplayer FPS, this is sparking panic right now too. One hat that was selling for 60-127 in the past month, for example, is now common enough to go for 24. Some traders are trying to band together to slow the harm, uncertain if Valve will fix it. But, y’know, if you do want yourself a nice hat…


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Jay Castello)

The year is 2019 and I have never played a David Cage game. Sure, I said, I can review Beyond: Two Souls. It will be a good opportunity to see what all the fuss is about, both negative and positive. I ll keep an open mind.

That open mind, like all best-laid plans, did not survive contact.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Katharine Castle)

If you’re suffering from the summer heat right now, then take heart dear readers, as this week’s deals pool is deeper than ever. There are hundreds of thirst-quenching discounts going on at the moment, so why not put on your diving bell like the fine folks you see above, and take a plunge in this week’s best PC gaming deals? I mean, if the planet insists on cosplaying as the hot realms of hell from Doom Eternal in preparation for this weekend’s QuakeCon festivities, then we all might as well get in the sea / shade and have a nice chill-out with some cool deals. From the Bad North to the whole Bethesda‘s back catalogue, your deals herald has it all.


Northgard - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Matt Cox)

You wimps. So what if there’s a terrifying eldritch beast spooking about the ocean: you’re still Vikings, aren’t you? A Norseman without a longship is laughable. Though I have to admit your replacement fisheries look rad. And the kraken does seem nasty.

RTS Northgard has added the Clan of the Kraken as paid DLC. They’re a motley non-crew of squid-worshipping, Valkyrie-training spellcasters. I’ve spent too long away from Northgard’s shores, and whacking a kraken right next to them is a promising way to tempt me back.


Jul 26, 2019
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Tim Stone)

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all thirteen locations plus the theme that links them.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Tim Stone)

While the inhabitants of High Ashton, Wiltshire have their annual hedgehog rolling competition, the residents of Balybridge, Cumbria their nettle wrestling day, and the people of Temple Habberjam, Dorset their combination cider festival/Papist hunt, the highlight of the year in the parish of Flare Path is a communal game of top-notch tactical war-em-up Combat Mission. Having relied on first generation Combat Mission titles for the last three outings, it only seems right that this year’s event utilizes something a little more modern. For the next three weeks, via comments posted below daily SITREP posts, a staff of volunteer Comment Commanders you are very welcome to join will be doing its darndest to ensure a hotchpotch of Combat Mission: Shock Force 2 peacekeepers escapes a fictional/fractious Gulf state alive.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Dave Irwin)

Teamfight Tactics had its latest update not too long ago and 9.14b has dramatically changed how Critical Strike damage works. As a result, the meta has fully changed to the point where new team comps have been doing well and one or two older builds are coming back into relevance. Getting into TFT for newer players though is quite difficult, mainly due to a lack of tutorial and practice options. Rest assured, our set of guides will teach you the ropes, giving you a fighting chance.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)

After a decade of waiting, a delay of another three months for MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is but a blink of the eye. Wait! Don’t blink just ye- aw for. Now you’ve done it. You’ve blinked a fly into your eye and now its six legs are tickling your sclera and its wings buzzing against your eyelid. You’ll be fine once it’s out, I’m sure, but that’s an irksome surprise to have while waiting for MechWarrior 5. A bit like how the delay announcement also came with word that developers Piranha Games have signed the game up to the Epic Games Store as another of those exclusives.


Wolfenstein: Youngblood - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Matt Cox)

Every time you find a new gun in Wolfenstein: Youngblood, B.J. Blazkowicz’s twin daughters gush about how their daddy killed a bunch of Nazis with it. “Cor”, Jess will say, “remember when Dad told us about all those Nazis he vaporised?”. “Yeah”, Soph will respond, “that was tubular.”

When I think about how best to sum up Wolfenstein 2‘s co-op semi-sequel, tubular is not the first word that comes to mind.

