Jun 18, 2019
EBOLA - Indie-games.studio
What news:

• Optimization + 20%
• The rate of fat zombies is reduced from 500 units to 450 units.
• The health of fat zombies has been reduced from 500 units to 400 units.
• The rise time for fat zombies has been increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
• Added more shotgun cartridge.
• Added more pistol cartridge.
• Changed inventory.
• Increased the time of raising zombies for 20 seconds.
• Increased fanarik range, at minimum settings.
Slime Rancher - Monomi Park

Login to Viktor’s Experimental Update!

Join Viktor Humphries and test his simulated reality of the Far, Far Range. Well, a work-in-progress version anyway... Watch the trailer here :slimeamazed:

This update is jam-packed with cutting-edge ranch tech including: Advanced Drones to help with daily chores, a (questionably useful) Chicken Cloner, and a whole collection of wacky gadgets designed by Viktor himself! There’s also a new zone, new ranch expansion, and a new slime!

Viktor’s Slimeulation:
Viktor has been working on a virtual re-creation of the Far, Far Range and it’s full of bugs. Well, glitches. Well… glitch slimes to be exact.

- Viktor will invite you to his Workshop after you’ve unlocked the Ruins, purchase the Lab Ranch Expansion, unlocked Treasure Cracker MKII, and then successfully complete a Range Exchange request with him.
- Travel to Viktor’s Workshop and login to his Slimeulation.
- Use Viktor's patented debug spray to reveal hidden glitch slimes and vac them up before they disappear!
- Try to collect as many glitch slimes as you can before the simulation becomes corrupted.
- Once the corruption starts to spread, Viktor will open an exit portal for you; make a break for it before things get out of control and escape the Slimeulation safely!

Glitch Slimes:
Glitch slimes are hiding everywhere inside Viktor's Slimeulation and it's up to you to help him capture, quarantine, and research them before they spread! Be extra careful while exploring: taking damage from the corruption could give those tricky glitch slimes a chance to wiggle out of your tank!

Glitch slimes will turn into bug reports after you leave the Slimeulation. Turn in your collection of bug reports for unique rewards and mysterious manifold cubes you can use to craft new gadgets.

New Gadgets!
It wouldn't be a very science-y update without a ton of new slime science gadgets! Help Viktor wrangle glitch slimes and he’ll reward you with a smattering of useful gadgets he’s been developing!

Advanced Drones
These new-and-improved drones can handle not one, but TWO programs! Talk about advanced! Set a primary AND a secondary task to keep these busy bees busy while you’re busy being breezy.

Portable Water Tap
Water taps are a small, placeable water source that can be used to refill your tank if there aren’t ponds nearby.

Chicken Cloner
This is an experimental gadget constructed by one of Viktor’s scientific peers and, when it works, it creates a perfect clone of any chicken. When it doesn’t, well, that’s a data point at least!

Slime Bait
Fruit, Veggie, and Meat Slime Bait can be placed around your ranch or out in the Far, Far Range to attract slimes who favor that type of food.

Portable Scareslime
Place this on your ranch to keep slimes away from things they shouldn’t be around or… ːslimescaredː

Dash Pad
Ready, set, RUN! Use the Dash Pad to instantly refill your energy levels so you never need to slow down!!!

The Decorizer
This new storage device allows you to store, clean up, and manage decorative ranch items (ornaments, echoes, etc.) with the press of a button! Deck out your ranch and then clean it all up in a snap.

The Decorizer can be unlocked via the 7Zee Rewards Club as a mid-tier reward (it will already be available for ranchers who have unlocked or surpassed Silver Storm I).

The Secret Style Pack:
We are also excited to announce that the Secret Style Pack is now available for purchase! It’s an all-new downloadable content pack for Slime Rancher!

Search for special treasure pods throughout the Far, Far Range and discover each slime's unique secret style. Once discovered, you will be able to re-style every slime of that type whenever you choose!

This new DLC pack adds 20 slime styles for you to find and unlock. Learn more over on the Steam store page:


Note: Secret styles do not affect gordos as the gordos in the world, and their appearances, are an important part of game progression and we didn’t want to make it confusing to new players. This may change in a future update after further evaluation.

Visual Updates:
- Slimes got a facelift! The art tech we developed for the Secret Style Pack resulted in all slimes getting new, crisper, more detailed faces with added depth. The new, beautified faces are available for every rancher with this update.
- Added a new animation for boom slime explosions (they may be prettier, but they are still very dangerous. Please observe with caution!)
- Added new tutorial popups which replace the old lightbulb animation with stuff like: an even more adorable Beatrix, slimes doing slime things, and so on. Is it worth restarting the game and playing for hundreds more hours just to see these new tutorial images? Maybe...
- Updated Viktor’s Range Exchange icon.

Other Changes:
- Added the option to disable basic, advanced, or all tutorials.
- Added new Slimepedia entries for Ogden’s Kookadoba Hunt, Mochi’s Quicksilver Job, and Viktor’s Slimeulation Testing that you can reference if you need a refresher on what to do.
- Lowered gadget fabrication requirements to unlock Treasure Cracker Mk II (from 35 to 20) and Mk III (from 100 to 50).
- Updated the translation of “Tabby Slime” in the Korean translation.
- Updated the game credits to include all the new team members that help make Slime Rancher here at Monomi Park! <3
- chikKns

- Drone pathing got an update so they should buzz harder, better, faster, smarter.
- Phosphor largos will now disappear in the sun when the are carried outside.
- Fixed an issue where puddle plorts in silos weren’t being collected by drones when you left the ranch.
- Fixed a bug on Xbox that caused crates to appear blacked out.
- Improved the performance of clouds. This was a very complicated change but technically speaking we made them ‘do cloud stuff better.’
- Other various visual improvements to some terrain and structures.

Let us know what you think about Viktor’s Update and the Secret Style Pack on Twitter!

Until next time, stay wiggly and happy ranching! ːslimehappyː

June 19, 2019 - v1.4.0b
- Fixed a visual bug relating to the skybox
- Fixed an issue with Advanced Drones program assignment

June 27, 2019 - v1.4.0c
- Corrected a few minor bugs related to dialog boxes getting stuck on the screen. This should fix most cases of this, but if you are still experiencing it please contact support@monomipark.com
- Fixed a graphical issue when running the game with OpenGL drivers.
- Other minor fixes.

Aug 5, 2019 - v1.4.0d
- Fixed a Drones catch-up issue with Mochi's and Ogden's ranch.
- Minor translation corrections.

Sansar - Galileo-Sansar

Six strangers. One extraordinary experiment. Humanity's future hanging in the balance.

Join the Roddenberry team and special guest/SFX legend Greg Aronowitz for a screening of WHITE ROOM: 02B3 - a first-of-its-kind 360-degree short film starring Breckin Meyer, Tamlyn Tomita, David Blue, and Rachel True!

What this means: not only will you get to be immersed in the action as it unfolds (thanks to the 360-screening, but you'll also get to watch the movie alongside the people who made it. Be there.

Join us: https://events.sansar.com/events/sansar-events/white-room-02b3---a-360-degree-film-experience/76996315
Jun 18, 2019
City Game Studio: Your Game Dev Adventure Begins - Binogure

Join the community, and come help us improving translations for City Game Studio

  • Rework the Server panel (like the fanbase panel)
  • Add game speed x6

  • Closing a studio breaks the studio manager panel

Corrupted Commander - bigevilmozza
Hello commanders

Before the release of the next update we want to know of there is anything extra the community want to see, post a picture of a new unit or custom weapon idea or just explain a new feature.

I want the community to be involved so don't be shy post and be involved and maybe I will create your idea for you.

Many thanks
Eximius: Seize the Frontline - calvin.khan
Attention officers,

Stay tuned for an incoming podcast transmission happening very soon that will detail the new Summer 2019 Update! Expect some nice additions to our game that takes things forward for the rest of 2019 and more.

Times: 8:00PM (PST) / 11:00PM (EST) / 11:00AM, Wed (GMT+8)

Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Ammoboxstudios

Jun 18, 2019
Malzbie's Pinball Collection - Malzbie
It’s finally there!

It has taken a bit longer than usual to build this table, but now it’s done!
As always, you can test this table before buying it.
I like this table, I hope you do, too. :)


Have fun!
Mortal Kombat 11 - BadDudeWill
Hello all, We're thrilled that Shang Tsung and Kombat League are NOW AVAILABLE! And with this comes an update for PC. Find the patch notes below!

General Gameplay Adjustments

• Move list corrections
• Improvements to AI logic
• Fixed several rare online desync causes
• Removed a rare crash that could occur after a Quitality
• Fixed an issue that cause users to lose controller functionality when trying to record an AI command after pausing the game with very specific timing
• Trying to Practice Reset while waiting in a KOTH lobby will no longer sometimes reset twice in a row
• Added an Easy Krushing Blows option to Practice Mode’s Practice Options which will bypass most Krushing Blow’s conditional requirements
• Added Random Hidden option to Practice Mode AI Options’ Playback Recording Slot selection
• Added several new Brutalities for players to discover
• Added Variation info to the pause menu and some multiplayer online loading screens
• Added Kombat League online game mode. Season I (The Season of Blood) starts today, June 18th!
• Ranked Sets (only available when a Kombat League season is not active) are now a first to 2 match set
• Fixed an instance where the game would crash on start-up due to a conflict with the server, requiring players to delete their local MK11 data.
• Fixed a bug in displaying the opponent’s FPS rating
• Fixed several instances of SFX not playing correctly with Mouse/Keyboard
• Fixed multiple minor issues with Mouse/Keyboard input


• Fixed a rare bug that could cause players to be locked out of the armory after getting the Spear
• Removed the ability to get out of bounds of the environment under certain circumstances
• Removed a rare crash when exploring the Krypt after playing several hours of Towers of Time
• All Skeleton Key Gates will now reward some currency when opened

Towers of Time

• Adjusted the difficulty of some starting towers on some tower platforms
• Added new Boss Fights & rewards
• Added new Tower Platform rewards

Character Specific Adjustments


• High and Mid parries now work correctly against War Banner Charge
• Sinister Slice (Jump+Back Punch) no longer has an inconsistent hit region when auto-facing the opponent

Cassie Cage

• When an opponent loses a round to BLB-118 Bitchin' Bubble, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• BLB-118 will no longer sometimes lose functionality when the opponent loses a round to Control BLB-118’s Wub Wub Wub or Fun Phaser attacks


• When an opponent loses a round to Ring Of Fire, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• High and Mid parries now work correctly against Unlimited Potential (Towards+Back Punch, Front Kick, Back Kick)


• Adjusted Getup Roll Backwards animation to no longer recover slower than intended

Erron Black

• Added an ammo counter showing how many Locked And Loaded Rifle shots are currently available
• When an opponent loses a round to Zaterrean Spit, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• Swinging Pistol (Jump+Front Punch) no longer has an inconsistent hit region when auto-facing the opponent
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Hat to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred
• Fixed an issue that could cause Dynamite to be misaligned when doing it again immediately after the previous one exploded
• Corrected damage scaling going into the On The Shoot (Back Punch, Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch, Back Punch) Krushing Block cinematic which results in it doing 10 less damage


• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues
• When an opponent loses a round to Core Trap, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• Core Overload amp no longer still occurs after a Krushing Blow cinematic


• High and Mid parries now work correctly against Gauntlet Slam (Down+Front Kick)

Jacqui Briggs

• When an opponent loses a round to Grenade Launcher, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause her Shield Generator to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred


• Fixed a rare issue that could cause her Staff to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred


• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Thumper to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred

Johnny Cage

• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues


• When an opponent loses a round to Gas Blast Amplify, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Hook Swords to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred


• When an opponent loses a round to Magnetic Trap or Molotov Cocktail they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• High and Mid parries now work correctly against Under Kick (Towards+Front Kick)
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Shanks to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred


• High and Mid parries now work correctly against Noble Assault (Back Punch, Front Punch, Back Kick, Front Kick, Back Kick)
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause her War Fans to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred


• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues
• When an opponent loses a round to Vial Of Sorrow, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Chained Ball or Satchel to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred

Kotal Kahn

• When an opponent loses a round to God Ray, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
• High and Mid parries now work correctly against Xolotl (Towards+Front Kick, Back Kick)
• Fixed a visual issue when Kotal was hit by Geras’s Temporal Advantage while transformed during Tecuani Maul & Tecuani Pounce attacks

Kung Lao

• The Great Kung Lao Spiritual Guidance attacks can no longer be parried
• High and Mid parries now work correctly against Twin Kicks (Towards+Back Kick)
• Fixed a bug where Z Hat would not reset some connect in a row Krushing Blow & Brutality conditions
• Mind Of Its Own Brutality from Z Hat once again plays out the full animation

Liu Kang

• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Nunchaku to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred
• (Air) Fireball can now be correctly 2in1 cancelled into from a Jump Attack when playing with Alternate Controls enabled

Noob Saibot

• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause his Sickle to be misaligned after being knocked off when losing a match as a rollback occurred


• When an opponent loses a round to Rolling Thunder, they will no longer continue to play out some animations


• Adjusted repel during Throw Escape to eliminate some clipping issues
• When an opponent loses a round to Red Mist or Blood Ritual, they will no longer continue to play out some animations

Sonya Blade

• (Air) Energy Rings can now be correctly 2in1 cancelled into from a Jump Attack when playing with Alternate Controls enabled

Shao Kahn

• High and Mid parries now work correctly against DIE (Front Punch, Back Punch, Throw) and Last Breath (Towards+Front Kick, Back Kick, Throw)
• Hammer Poke (Jump Front Punch) & Final Strike (Jump Back Punch) now correctly gain additional damage when Dark Priest Buff is active


• When an opponent loses a round to Orb of Confusion, they will no longer continue to play out some animations
Erannorth Reborn - Raven

Hi folks,

Along with the addition of the new events, during June I'll be also working on the 3rd (and probably final for the EA) Actions Revision. This will include a couple of rule changes here and there, new Action Keywords, a few more new Actions for every class & race as well as boosting (or nerfing) existing actions.

The 'balance' I am aiming for isn't to make all the classes and races the same boring copy of each other. But instead retain their diversity and power level differences similar to the PnP RPG classes: A Vampire & a Human for example can never be equal or have the same survival chances against all odds. Each has each own merits and weaknesses. But we'd still pick one or the other because that's how we enjoy to play the game, and same goes with the classes. Also each has a different power level curve. Some start weak but become stronger, others starts strong but grow further at a slower pace, or simply appear to be weaker till you discover other potential merits or uses for them.

Having said that, I still want you to have all the necessary tactical options and means to survive with your archetype of choice, even when they are at their weakest. And also to eliminate any 'totally' useless cards (that is cards that are always useless under most circumstances) as much possible. Without of course turning every card into a swish army knife.

So if you have any actions in mind that you feel you never use, because they are way too weak, or way too specialized etc. Feel free to drop by the forum and let me know.

'Echo' Keyword Changes
  • When casting an Echo Action with the same name, instead of applying only the effects and leaving the original target & duration intact, the newest echo action will now replace the oldest's target and duration.
  • Updated the Echo Codex entry with the following Addentum: "If you use an Echo Action that shares a name with one already in effect, the newest Action replaces the oldest."

'AoE' Keyword is now deprecated
  • All actions that were using the AoE effect (deal x damage to all enemies), now use Multicast x or Multicast All
  • Some reminders on how the Multicast effect works:
    • Multicast creates x instances of the Action, and you use them in succession in the x first targets (or all) but in the order they appear in the battlefield
    • You can drag and drop enemies to change their order, and as result which enemies your multicast action targets
    • All and any effects in the card (both negative and positive) trigger once for each enemy.
    • i.e Healing +5 in a Multicast 3 Action can give you up to 15 HP back but the same is true for -5 Healing action
    • Even though you reap the benefits of a card multiple times, you only pay its action cost once
    • With the new Echo rules: Multicasted Echo actions will now anchor to the last target instead of the first (Echo dispels if the last enemy ends up dying)
    • Active Synergy will inject in all x copies.
    • If the Multicast action provides Synergy, the second copy will benefit from it, and provide its own synergy to the third copy etc.
    • If you still have any questions feel free to ask ;)
    • AoE effect is still working & will remain for backward compatibility with your mods, but it's recommended to switch your action set to instead use Multicast

  • Echo Actions (that shouldn't) dispel were dispeling along, with any actions following them that should dispel (i.e target destroy or otherwise expired) on their own
  • Fixed a typo in Animist's Wildshape effect text causing tooltip formatting issues in the card 'Wildshape'
  • Card Info button was still active even when the entire card was disabled ie. due to not having enough AP to use it.

Misc Changes
  • Classes & Races with Gender Restrictions will now state so in their codex entry
  • New Event

Modding Additions
  • Reward fields additions
  • [New] EncounterFaction:[Faction or Race], can be used to generate a random encounter of the chosen faction or race
    • i.e EncounterFaction:Ordo Tenebris, will generate a random encounter with enemies from the Ordo Tenebris faction
    • i.e EncounterFaction:Undead, will generate a random encounter with enemies from the Undead race
    • In both cases suitable enemies should exist in the Enemy DB, otherwise nothing will happen
  • [New] Hours:[x], Days:[x] will advance game time by x days or hours
Community Announcements - AmagSwagGames
In this discussion, you can talk with us. :)


P.S. Coming soon Adult-content

We love our players :3
