Jun 9, 2019
Action Entities - +R+
Jun 9, 2019
ClickRaid - emb3r
- fix token/saint spawning
Jun 9, 2019
Darkest Depths - Demsum
Fixed an issue preventing players on occasion from entering the Seething Heart's boss room.
Jun 9, 2019
Nevrosa: Spider Song - JukSteelfly
GexagonVR is happy to announce the Big June sale — all our products with significant discounts:

Nevrosa: Escape HD
For only $10.49 — 30% OFF!

Ultimate Booster Experience
The biggest discount EVER made — 50% off! — only $2.49!

Qbike: Cyberpunk Motorcycles
CYBERPUNK RIDERS WANTED with only $3.49 left from the starting price! New recruits, please, choose your bike and proceed to the arenas. 65% OFF for all newcomers.
The game is in Early Access and still in development!

Nevorsa: Prelude is free, but you can show your support for future Nevrosa games buying DLC's with the best discounts ever made:

Keep Nevrosa: Prelude forever in your library and in your heart for 70¢
Wallpaper Pack for your desktop — only $1.99
Precious Artefact can appear in our world but needs a special ritual. You need to pay $2.99 to a stranger for the blueprints...

You can get almost all of them in one bundle Classic GexagonVR Games collection with 67% discount! Click on the picture to sure we are not kidding:

Lost Region - Lisyarich
Hi All!

Today we launched website for ideas and suggestions regarding Lost Region.
Available Here
Here you can share your ideas, and vote for other ideas.
This is the first stage of preparation for release. Soon we will post:
  • Official Server List
  • Trello roadmap
  • More info about release version of the game


Farom Studio Team
Jun 9, 2019
Escort Commander - Balz161
Hi All,
I just pushed out a small patch to fix a bug that was found in one of the user reviews.

-Enemy Stationary Missile Turret distance calculation math adjusted.
Waves of the Atlantide - WotA Game
Hello Steam !

Today's update takes multiplayer to a whole new level.

Multiplayer clients use to suffer from several parts of the game not looking the way it should, and while the game was usuable it was indeed a disadvantage to be the client in a multiplayer game due to limited visual feedback.

Clients will now see everything in game just as anyone else, including planned army actions (even chained actions), every little bit of info you can see through clouds around your visible area. Replay map at the end of the game is now also complete for clients !

Usage of the lobby has also been improved, so you can see when people are playing even if they are in game already and also join back a game you've been disconnected from !

There's also a bunch of new graphics options, in case you'd like to change the scale of UI for example or standard things such as resolution, fullscreen etc.

There's more listed right here:

- Clients now receive the whole action chain after giving an order to their armies (i.e. when giving a colonize order, you see the colonizing areas before the army finishes moving and begins the actual colonize action)
- Now syncing replay data to clients when they finish the game
- It is now possible to join back a game after exiting it (in case of computer or internet reboot for example)
- Now showing already started public lobbies as unjoinable, showing "STARTED..." instead of the join button, except if able to late join due to being a member of the lobby before
- More fine grain area data syncing, less bandwidth wastage and fixes issues with late joining players not receiving some data properly
- Kicking player should now update lobby members correctly
- Players leaving lobby now warn others properly they left to update lobby members correctly
- Fixed rim of fog of war not showing the tiles underneath for clients

- Now flashing tiles that can be colonized to further emphasis those have to be targeted by the colonize action and not the nearby tiles

- All UI in the game can now be scaled with the new UI Scale graphics option

- Cities no longer provide an extra defense bonus (use to be x2 strength to the defending army)

- Added resolution, fullscreen, fullscreen mode, quality level and UI Scale graphics options

Bug Fixes
- Fixed some achievements not working properly
- Fixed max player option not getting set properly when creating a multiplayer lobby
- Fixed empire menu not displaying city gains including empire bonuses

- Optimized some of the materials used by city elements
- Slightly simplified some city buildings

More content that was close to ready but not quite yet had to be cut off for now as those fixes were deemed very important to put in your hands as soon as possible, feel free to expect cool stuff comming out next update !

Please let us know about your experiences in multiplayer, are your friends yelling badly when loosing land to the ocean like mine are ?

This version is not compatible with older ones for multiplayer games.

Waifu Fight Dango Style - superdragon9000
Meet Haruka

Cup Size
Fighting Style
Special Power
Fox Goddess
108 lbs
Hanami's Hot Springs
September 21st
Foxtail Fury

Haruka the immature Fox Goddess
Haruka is a cute and sexy fox goddess who possess all the maturity of a ten-year-old schoolgirl. Despite being a magical being, she lacks pretty much any basic common sense. It's quite the wonder she's able to run her famous Kitsune Hot Spring at all. Even with her clueless approach to life, Haruka is well loved by the entire town and is known for her upbeat and energetic personality. It seems the only times she can sit still are either while taking a dip in her hot spring or working in her herb garden. Haruka adores spending time with Iromi and the two share an almost sisterly bond. Haruka's wish is to be free from the curse that keeps her tied to Kasumi's shrine which sits next to her hot spring.

Haruka's Play Style

Haruka's play style is on the cunning side so you must play smart and unleash the power when you see lots of dangos heading your way. Haruka's power will consume each dango and plant fire fox bombs on the opponents sides. Once the bombs are planted you must start playing offensively trying to detonate the bombs by hitting them with dangos. If played right you can set off a chain of explosions that will quickly decimate your opponent.

Some images and gameplay are not finalized as the game is still in development so graphics may change in the future.

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Intralism - Ace of Hearts
12 HOURS - Second Reality
We hasten to remind you that we are completely open to your ideas and suggestions and are ready to discuss and implement it. In the near future, an update 1.1 is planned, which should improve and diversify the gameplay, as well as we are thinking about the network mode of the game, how do you like this idea?
