May 31, 2019
Prehistoric Kingdom - Shadow Raven Studios

Welcome to May’s development update!

Featuring new content and previews for what’s currently in the pipeline, the team has prepared a variety of goodies to sink your ravenous teeth into. There’s much to come in the next few months, so let’s get straight into the discussion.

May brought a new host of exciting opportunities and development obstacles to overcome. Due to asset limitations of the Unity engine, we had to delegate time to finding solutions before being able to create new development builds. This was unfortunately a large and unforeseen issue, so efforts had to go into figuring that out if we wanted to be able to play the game outside of the engine.

Apart from looking into our main issue above, the crew’s had their own oddities and life to attend to during the month which is to be expected. We’re set to begin working on something pretty cool that’ll come to fruition in a few months, so we hope you’re looking forward to seeing that. There’s a lot of big things coming up and the team couldn’t be more excited!

Level Design

Placed right in the middle of the temperature scale, the temperate continental island offers a generous amount of flat terrain around its centralized mountain range. With accents of color dotted around the map thanks to the native foliage of the climate – what better place to build your Prehistoric Kingdom?

Guest System

During May we got started on basic visitor implementation ahead of the Management schedule for reasons we’ll reveal at a later date (wow, secrets!).

As a way to bring diversity and life to a park’s guest population, the randomization system is working extremely well to produce various results from an assortment of age demographics, body weight, height, ethnicities, and clothing options. Since this is our first pass on guests in the game, please understand that they’re very much a work in progress and aren’t completely representative of how they’ll look further in development.

In a few months we’ll start the next step of giving visitors basic AI navigation before they inevitably get their own needs during Pre-Alpha 2.

Animal Shader

Big fidelity improvements were brought to animals this month with the development of a new animal shader. Scaly or feathered; this is the best the creatures of Prehistoric Kingdom have ever looked in-game.

Beyond the expected visual improvements, new support has been added for body wetness, reflective eyes, body translucency, and more.

Random skin colouring makes a return from the demo with individuals possessing variation in the darkness of their body when compared to other members of their species! This simple feature allows large herds of creatures to feel more individualised and helps to break up the monotony (in addition to random sizes between fully-grown creatures).

Over time we plan to add new features to the shader such as disease overlays, damage wounds, and battle scars.

Another month, another species spotlight! Showcasing the diversity of our climates, each animal has their own unique exhibit personality and requirements to meet.

Temperate Continental Foliage

Holding many familiar trees found all across the world, temperate continental includes common foliage such as bamboo, magnolias, oaks, and willow trees.

We can’t wait to see what parks and paddocks players create with these contemporary staples!

New Decorative Fences

Although not initially planned (what were we thinking?!), we’ve added hedges to the game with two variants: tall and short.

Along with the green trimmings above, Nathan built two more asset variants for creative players to make use of: the rope fence!


During May, we weren’t able to get the Ankylosaur rig finished in time for this blog post. To put it simply, we were unable to complete the animation reel due to the time we’ve spent trying to fix the Unity asset bundle problems and complete additional work on other parts of the game. Instead of delivering a rushed and unpolished rig preview, we’ll be revealing the animation reel featuring Sauropelta during June.

Until then, thank you for understanding and we hope you look forward to having two animation reels next month!


In addition to developing new sounds for the Sauropelta, Byron began work on a new ambient piece! You can listen to a short excerpt of the work in progress below:

Since our posts leave little room for surprises in the final game, we’ve decided to keep future music track reveals to previews only. There’s a lot of content going into Prehistoric Kingdom, so we’d like to at least keep some of it a surprise!

Animal Redux

Continuing the trend set by other feathered creatures like the Yutyrannus and Guanlong, Cindy revamped the textures for Thescelosaurus and Nothronychus! These herbivorous dinosaurs are appropriately fluffy and look far better than their original counterparts.

As a reward for providing proper care towards your prehistoric creatures, animals can be awarded with additional star ratings! More popular and attractive to guests, prestige is hard to attain but can be highly rewarding.

What is it?

Prestige is earned by successfully keeping a creature’s mood above 90% for an extended period of gameplay.

Acting as a passive background reward, each additional star will multiply an animal’s popularity with guests and in turn help contribute more to your overall park rating. By introducing prestige, it allows early game animals such as Dryosaurus and Psittacosaurus to not become totally redundant with time as long as they’re highly satisfied with their conditions.

Earning Prestige

To qualify for prestige stars, the player must ensure that the animal has a high exhibit satisfaction and that all needs have been met. If these two conditions are reached, the animal will begin the gradual process of earning an additional five stars over time.

Every animal has its own internal stats behind the scenes that we use to fine-tune its effectiveness in the park, so no, a five star Coelophysis will not have equal worth to a five star Tyrannosaurus.

Losing Prestige

On the flipside, prehistoric attractions can lose their star rating at the hands of poor management. In the event of… “visitor casualties,” the critter responsible for killing a guest will immediately accumulate negative prestige – reducing the number of guests that actively view the paddock containing the animal.

The longer an animal is left ill with disease or escaped from their exhibit, all additional stars will begin to disappear entirely. Some diseases and weather conditions are prone to freaking out dinosaurs and mammals alike, so be sure to research vaccines and check the weather forecast!



If you would like to check out our previous blogs, you can head to the official one here!
Cute Puzzle MAX - WhiteCuteDev
[Naked Story] information
A new game has been released!
English translation has been completed!
Market Tycoon - ProtectionGames
Hello everyone!

Thank you for your patience for this update, we understand that this took too long.

Let's get into it, this update is kinda small in terms of gameplay but it improved on core game code setting it up for the support of Steam Workshop.

We focused on fixing bugs for this one but the main thing is that we rewrote the entirety of the code that handled the placement of items which took a lot of time. You might notice that most items can now be placed on shelves that weren't allowed to be placed there while it should have been. Previously items had a predefined list of shelves that can go into but now it calculates if it physically fit and of course whether an item is getting placed in a shelf, fridge, or freezer.

Many small bugs were fixed and improvements have been made. One big improvement is that when you train a cashier employee you had to click on the cashier and open it manually after training is done, that confused a lot of players on thinking that the employee just never comes back. Now, with this update, the employee automatically returns once training is done.

For the next update, we are planning on developing the tool for Steam Workshop that will initially let the community make items and later all sort of stuff like cashiers, shelves, fridges, freezers, decorations, paint, and even the market itself.

Also, we want to optimize the game more especially with the UI so let us know what you want us to focus on more in our Discord server which you can join from here:

Thank you again for your patience for this update we have a lot of exciting ideas which will make this game much more fun.

19 Jun Update V. 1.4.4 P.1
•Fixed a bug that rendered cashiers unable to sell or assign new employees to.
• Fixed a that caused people to leave without paying.
•Fixed invisible people.
•Other minor bug fixes and small improvements.

21 Jun Update V. 1.4.4 P.2
•Minor bug fixes.

13 Jul Update V. 1.4.4 P.3
•More bug fixes.
Caves of Qud - AlphaBeard
  • Added new autoexplore options to ignore enemies based on their distance and your evaluation of their difficulty.
  • Autoexplore will no longer run into immobile friendlies and stop.
  • Autoexplore and pathfinding will now merely avoid campfires, torches, and sconces rather than considering them absolute no-go areas.
  • When you stop autoexploring or autowalking because you see a hostile creature, the message will now indicate in what direction you saw them.
  • You must now type ABANDON in a prompt to quit without saving
  • Ovens now appear on the alt display.
  • Charge's animation will now display the charging creature's tile rather than its text character, if it has a tile.
  • NPCs no longer waste time trying to charge through solid objects or hesitating when they mean to charge.
  • Defoliant gas now works properly on the plant matter created by seedsprout worms and sprouting orbs.
  • Being dismembered will now interrupt the player.
  • Blue jells now bleed convalessence, not slime.
  • Pouring from a vessel owned by somebody else into one of your own containers no longer confirms twice.
  • Examining or disassembling an artifact that is inside a container owned by somebody else now confirms before proceeding (disassembly previously proceeded without confirming and angered owners; examining in this circumstance didn't anger owners but now does if you break the artifact).
  • Grit Gate medical furniture is now properly considered owned by the Barathrumites.
  • Hologram bracelets now have a 'deactivate' command rather than using 'activate' again to deactivate them.
  • Jotun is back where he's supposed to be.
  • Fixed an issue causing multiple hostiles to spawn in a single cell (most noticeable with turrets)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented renaming of companions after you had already renamed them once.
  • The conversation UI now allows scrolling
  • [modding] Conversation UI has some new overridable methods on ConversationNode and ConversationChoice sub-classes.
  • [modding] Many conversation hooks have events now, see for more information
SimAirport - LVGameDev

Hope everyone had a great month and is as excited as we are for the summer to really be getting under way! We wanted to take a moment tonight to provide you with a few updates, and to let you know about an upcoming dev live-stream this weekend which you're all invited to attend! :)

Dev Live Stream: Sunday, June 2 @ 11AM Pacific
Join us here on Steam, over on YouTube, or on Twitch this coming Sunday for an afternoon of gameplay, chatter, and gameplay discussion! Hope to see you there!

The 2019 SimAirport Survey
The results are in and the response has been really impressive; we thank those of you who took the time to provide your thoughts, it was very helpful and the overall turnout surpassed our expectations by far. We'll be talking more about it during the live stream this coming weekend!

The Lifecycle of SimAirport
Don't worry -- we aren't finished quite yet!! The game has come a very long way already, and while we really aren't finished yet, we have started to plan for the transition to full release.

You don't have to worry though, that will not mean the end of Edge and it won't mean the end of patches -- there are still a number of things we want to get implemented, even if some of them are delivered via post-release patches. The roadmap breaks it out pretty well, and we'll be talking more about the transition on the live-stream, too!

    Summary - SimAirport Release Transition
  • SimAirport will transition to full release by end Q3 2019.
  • Expect the price to increase upon release.
  • Default & Edge patches will continue -- this will NOT be the end of patches!

The Current Dev-Cycle
It's deja-vu all over again. This one already feels like it's been a long one, and I have the seemingly omni-present feeling that we didn't get enough into it; but upon looking over the notes & roadmap, I'm pleasantly surprised & relieved.

Tonight marks the official 'feature complete' point for this cycle; we actually reached that point a little earlier, but as always there has been more that we really wanted to get into this cycle. I'll admit, there are still a few things really close that we may try to slide in but for the most part this one is a wrap. We've still got plenty of debugging to do, so tonight really marks the beginning of the bug bash for the cycle -- nonetheless it's a good milestone to reach each time around. :)

Curious what you have to look forward to? Here's a sampling of what's on Edge right now and that will be coming to Default in June!

  • Airline Relationships
    Nurture the relationship with rich negotiation mechanics, desire for leased offices, lounges and other facilities, new conference rooms & sales rep staff, and more.

  • Timelapse Video Capture
    Smooth capture features tailor-made for sharing your creations.

  • Old Passenger Sprites Re-Implemented!
    Ask nicely and thou shall receive! Switch between the new & the old sprites any time at the flip of a switch! They're both great, but the old sprites are awfully cute we admit! =D

  • Government Grants System
    If you need a little 'push' to help get your airport going in the right direction, these government grants are just what you were missing. Kicks the gameplay up a notch. Oh yeah, allows you to earn EAM Flights too!!

  • Steam Achievements
    If you think you've been there or done that -- then try these on for size! A total of 15 new Steam Achievements to earn, running the gamut from beginner to hardcore difficulty, there's something for everyone.

  • Janitor Area Patrols & Scheduling
    Tired of having your janitors roam the airport inefficiently when the trash leaves it proverbial calling card? This is the answer, and it'll save money on staff wages, too!

There's more of course, those are the key highlights. We've got more in the works, including: no-limits mod support, more performance, transit improvements, new aircraft, and more.

Thank you! Join us on Sunday @ 11AM!
Hope to see you during the live stream this Sunday @ 11AM Pacific -- if you're around definitely stop by and say hello, we'd love to have you!

Thank you everyone -- still more to come! :)
May 31, 2019
It Lurks Below - Graybeard Games
- I added a description to the Homestone Aura buff on mouse-over
- I've changed the draw order on the mini-map so that when it is in the lower-left corner most UI goes over top of it.
- I've increased the rate that Rainbow wands drop

- The coffee limit is 5... not 3 *faceplam* -- fixed the text
- The enchanter Mind of Clarity Ancient item was broken at the highest rank, but it is now fixed.
- When the mini-map is in the lower left corner, several UI windows (survival panel, level-up, etc) would close it when it wasn't necessary, but it has been fixed.
- I fixed a crash bug with sleeping, having an empty slot selected on the hotbar and picking up a 1 handed item.
May 31, 2019
HoCWar - HoCWar_community
Dear friends! We present you the leaders of May! 😊

May 31, 2019
HoCWar - HoCWar_community
May 31, 2019
Buoyancy - Bigzom25 {motc]
Hey Bouyanchies,
Our latest and maybe greatest devlog is out now.
We have some new art to show, and a quick recap of our iFest 2019 experience.

Check it out here:
Generals & Rulers - hamstersprod
Work on this game is very different from our other games. We were in the middle of developing another game when I came up with the idea of ​​Generals & Rulers. And the whole team felt that G&R is what we need to implement right now. Therefore, for the first time we interrupted the development of another project in the middle and began to actively engage in G&R) In this game, there is some kind of "magic" that engage. Even after hundreds of hours of working with the code, this “magic” makes us want to enter the game and play match.
The idea of ​​casual strategy has long been hanging in the air. Some turn-based strategy that allows you to play with friends on the network. And we think we did it.
The game is not like the others you have played. In fact, even testers with vast gaming experience cannot say what it is like.
So if you want to play an unusual strategy... in which you do not need to learn to play for hours... in which there is no grind... with small batches of 2-4 hours... Then this is game was made for you!)