Devil's Hunt - 1C_Dan

Hello everyone,

we have got some very exciting news especially for our polish fans! Devil's Hunt has been selected to participate in the Finals of the Indie Contest at Digital Dragons conference that takes place in Krakow, Poland. We will be present there so we are looking forward to meeting some of you there.

See you there!
Diesel Brothers: Truck Building Simulator - Korz

Hello Beardos!
Surprise, surprise - we've got another patch for you :)

  • Added Hill Encore & Saleen 77 hatch lights (available in Store in Rear Lights section).
  • Disabled delivery time in the Free Mode.
  • Added prompt, which informs what should be disassembled when moving the engine from the hoist to the part holder.
  • Fixed transmission - driving feeling should slightly change.
  • Updated localizations.

If you like the changes and enjoy playing the game, please drop us a review on Steam. They are extremely important to us and the game. Thank you!

Stay tuned. Stay diesel!
May 15, 2019
Eternal Card Game - dwd_admin
Why is this merchant lost in the woods with a frog? Another secret of the East Annex of the Praxis Arcanum.

East Annex Smuggler
Faeria - Atmaz
Cosmetic DLC bundles are available for purchase now on the Steam store!

In addition to the release of our Cosmetic DLC, Faeria and other associated DLC will be going on sale today!

  • Faeria base game - 40% off
  • Faeria Premium - 30% off
  • Fall of Everlife - 30% off
  • Resurgence - 30% off
  • Puzzle Pack: Elements - 30% off

These sales will last for one week, so get them while you can.

With this addition of Cosmetic DLC, we are also removing the ability to purchase gems. Read all about it here...
Revelation Online - Fayne

The Tranquil – Feng Qi
A man of a gentle temper, slender and feminine in appearance, Feng Qi was born of two different races in Nuanor. Because of this, he possessed powers of transformation, but never knew how to utilize it.

One day, he took it upon himself to leave his hometown and pursue his studies in his early life. On his quest for knowledge, he almost met his end in the most dangerous of situations. Much to his surprise, a passer-by by the name of Yue Zhang saved his life. Her noble beauty struck deep into his heart and he immediately fell in love with her. Much to his sadness, she could not see him as a man she could love, instead only someone she could care about.
Filled with sorrow and anger at rejection, he lost himself in these emotions. At this time, he found she was close to a much more masculine, burly male. This left his emotions in turmoil but gave him a sense of resolve and he was finally starting to become a man. The anger he felt, triggered his powers, and he finally learned how to transform himself. His first attempt failed, however, but instead transformed into something he desired; a towering man, muscular and strong. He sought out Yue Zhang time after time with this new power, but having learned he could change his form, she dismissed him each time.
Even having been rejected time and time again, he still enjoyed the pursuit of love with this woman. Suddenly, however, he learned that when he changes into the form of another person, his own existence will gradually fade from the minds of those who knew him.

After this realization, he received devastating news; Yue Zhang has gone to the west and sacrificed herself in battle. She took on a giant horned dragon that had threatened the land, taking it to the grave with her. Upon hearing this, he realized his shallowness, and was determined to dismiss such feelings. Deciding to return home, he was met with yet another tragedy. Because of his constant, arbitrary use of his power and the consequences it has, his parents had long since forgotten him. Even the concept of them having a son was erased from their minds.
Feng Qi, determined to convince them, repeatedly tried to explain that he is their son. Each time, they rejected the idea, not knowing who this man is. On one of his visits to persuade them, their lives were hanging in the balance as their home was attacked. Still a loyal son to parents who could not remember him, he gave his life to save them. As he drew his final breaths in the mortal world, he finally realised; no matter your appearance, you should try to live your own life, because what is worst than hating your existence, is not existing at all.

Judgement – Yue Zhang
Yue Zhang is both beautiful and powerful, instilling the aura of her noble nature in the hearts of the people. Despite her cold face, her heart is warm and her intentions pure. She is a kind-hearted, travelling hero of the land, boldly traveling alone, saving lives and lending a hand to those in need. Her actions alone earned her eternal respect from the people of Nuanor. Because of her actions, this led to the fateful day she saved Feng Qi’s life.

In her travels, she discovered that the Western Horned Dragon is about to take form, and its presence will bring disaster and destroy the world. Yue Zhang did not want to see the horror this would bring and took it upon herself to go to the West alone, resolved to kill this dragon and resolve the crisis before it got out of hand. The Western World belongs to the Illusion realm and can only be entered with the soul. The physical body cannot enter. If the soul has left the physical body for too long, the soul would be forced into the Spirit Realm. Although the dangers were heavy, Yue Zhang stood firm and had no hesitation to carry out her fateful task. Before going into the Spirit Realm, she left her physical body with a friend, who was also sheltered in the real world and left with confidence.

In the Western World, she overcame the Horned Dragon and despite her soul being wounded, she stood victorious. She left the West, seeking out her body, but could not find it. She quickly discovered that the “friends” she knew as the passer-by hero she was known to be, were quietly celebrating her death. It turns out, they were not courteous and respectful, but instead cared more about the reputation of vanity, and this was always held by Yue Zhang’s incomparable beauty.

She was greatly shocked, and because she could not find her physical body, she was forcibly thrown into the Spirit Realm. Her strife in combat against the Horned Dragon, on her initial entry into the Realm, has caught the Soul Queen’s attention. From here, the Queen reshaped her body and made her the Guardian of the Temple of the Twelve. Yue Zhang, forever grateful to the Queen for this rebirth, kept her cold and proud appearance, but underneath, harbors great loyalty to the Queen.
Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense - Ammapola

Charge at full throttle to this extraordinary space odyssey!

Armies of robots, crushed starships, gigantic monsters, unknown races, brave assaults, desperate rescues, audacious sabotages.

Lead your troops in campaign missions across alien worlds. Get ready to launch bold attacks, hold your ground, rescue civilians, hack supercomputers and all kind of heroic stuff. Each mission requires new tactics and actions to achieve victory.

14 Special Operations heroes with their own combat rules and no mercy at all. Each stage a challenge to remember, with scars to prove it.

GET IRON MARINES now and change the fate of the galaxy. We dare you!

Kingdom Rush Origins - Tower Defense - Ammapola

Charge at full throttle to this extraordinary space odyssey!

Armies of robots, crushed starships, gigantic monsters, unknown races, brave assaults, desperate rescues, audacious sabotages.

Lead your troops in campaign missions across alien worlds. Get ready to launch bold attacks, hold your ground, rescue civilians, hack supercomputers and all kind of heroic stuff. Each mission requires new tactics and actions to achieve victory.

14 Special Operations heroes with their own combat rules and no mercy at all. Each stage a challenge to remember, with scars to prove it.

GET IRON MARINES now and change the fate of the galaxy. We dare you!

Kingdom Rush - Tower Defense - Ammapola

Charge at full throttle to this extraordinary space odyssey!

Armies of robots, crushed starships, gigantic monsters, unknown races, brave assaults, desperate rescues, audacious sabotages.

Lead your troops in campaign missions across alien worlds. Get ready to launch bold attacks, hold your ground, rescue civilians, hack supercomputers and all kind of heroic stuff. Each mission requires new tactics and actions to achieve victory.

14 Special Operations heroes with their own combat rules and no mercy at all. Each stage a challenge to remember, with scars to prove it.

GET IRON MARINES now and change the fate of the galaxy. We dare you!

Iron Marines - Ammapola

Charge at full throttle to this extraordinary space odyssey!

Armies of robots, crushed starships, gigantic monsters, unknown races, brave assaults, desperate rescues, audacious sabotages.

Lead your troops in campaign missions across alien worlds. Get ready to launch bold attacks, hold your ground, rescue civilians, hack supercomputers and all kind of heroic stuff. Each mission requires new tactics and actions to achieve victory.

14 Special Operations heroes with their own combat rules and no mercy at all. Each stage a challenge to remember, with scars to prove it.

GET IRON MARINES now and change the fate of the galaxy. We dare you!

Castle Woodwarf 2 - nakayuma


Hi everyone! We are excited to share that the Castle Woodwarf 2 Steam page is now LIVE!!! Make sure to wishlist today!!


Castle Woodwarf 2 is a strategy game where you must keep the city of Woodwarf safe with the help of your dwarven army. You can upgrade your home and environment along with using dragon breath or special items to defeat enemies.

-17 cities (levels) out of which there are 15 campaign and 15 challenge modes of playing. Cities 16 is endless waves of enemies and city 17 is a sandbox without enemies incoming.
-3 distinctive economy type dwarves - gatherers, lumberjacks and fisherdwarves
-3 army unit types - tank, archer and a mage (fireball and heal)
-7 dragon upgrades
-25 different enemy types including ranged units, flying units and ghosts that destroy arrows and 5 different boss enemies
-7 different dwarf house types from tent to castle
-Gem shop for improving the trees, fish and vegetable or buying expendable special items: bombs, freeze bombs, extra gold, extra life, freeze all enemies, carpet bombing

We plan on releasing the game Mid-June. We'll keep you posted!

Along with wishlisting on steam you can also pre-register on Google Play for Android!

You can stay up to date with what we're up to by following us on social media. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.