Apr 19, 2019
Tanki Online - theFiringHand


As announced in the last week’s V-LOG, today we’ll be having a livestream with International Community Manager Cedric Debono.

The livestream kicks off at 17:00 UTC.

Expect lots of interesting news, fun facts and giveaways.

See you on the Tanki Online Official Youtube Channel!

More details on the homepage!
Just a quick announcement today. The 0.4.2 is finally out of the oven and is currently in testing. We do not expect any further delays, so it is safe to say that the update will land next week. As before, expect the full changelog with patch notes next Wednesday.

BeatShips - Zora
BeatShips is now Live!

We are excited to finally be able to share our game with the world, and we want the maximum amount of people playing this first days.

That is why we are launching with a 20% discount! This will last for a week, so if you like the game, please share it with your friends as soon as possible so they can benefit of this discount too.

Thank you very much for your support.
Apr 19, 2019
Fantasy General II - Alberto

The fiercest warriors of the Clansmen become berserkers, who can gain magical abilities and go into a frenzy, slaying even the largest of opponents with wild abandon.

Fantasy General II Social media:
- Discord
- Facebook

Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG - BartoldGV

Hello warriors!

This week’s patch notes are a summary of all changes which were applied today and over the last few days in several smaller updates. We focused on improving the first experience and quality of life in various systems. For instance, every guild province gives you access to the best crafting workshops now and you can build the recently introduced inns in your guild castles now!

Also, we have experienced a decent population boost over the last few days thanks to the Steam sale! We are happy to invite every new player in the Gloria Victis world. Unfortunately, we discovered that several players have been affected by technical issues, but they have decided to leave Gloria Victis a negative review rather than reach us to get help. If you’re a new or returning player and you would encounter any issue preventing you from playing – namely the bug related to missing VC Redistributable packages, which leads to the infinite characters loading – please read this topic, which contains the most common problems and solutions to them. If the listed solutions wouldn't help anyway, please send us the description of your problem attaching the output_log.txt file, which can be found at C:\Users\user_name\AppData\LocalLow\Black Eye Games Sp z o o_\Gloria Victis to support@gloriavictisgame.com and give us a chance to help you!

Once again – we’re happy to see new players in Gloria Victis, and we hope you’ll love playing it as much as we do love developing this unique project!

See you in battle!

Changelog v.

Quality of Life:

– Server-side optimization improvements
– Updated the player-built furnaces – from now on, you will receive character’s experience for using them, you can also gain extra products and more experience if you’re using high-temperature fuel
– Added a chance to obtain extra products when crafting Iron Lump, Steel Bar, Dziwer Bar, Quicklime, Quartz Glass, Chamotte and all kinds of roasted meat
– Added upgradable inns in 5 of 7 guild provinces: Leaktown, Twinfall, Order of Original Faith’s Keep, Castle Audunstede and Skergard Castle – forts Lublin and Norfolk will receive their inns soon
– Added possibility to upgrade workshops in all guild provinces to level +4, except the ones which are doubled in a given province – in this case, the inner workshops can be upgraded up to level +3
– Restored possibility to roast and reheat meat at Villager’s Workshop, as it contains a campfire – still, the more advanced cooking recipes can’t be done on it since they require more advanced tools
– Updated the animals' combat behaviors, allowing them to perform multiple attacks in a row with reduced damage – in effect, fighting animals will now be more dynamic
– Increased the chance to loot bandages and calcite from NPC enemies in the “Sea Wraiths” world event
– Added displaying the quest markers in different colors: black – new quest available, yellow – quest reward to obtain, white – active quest’s target
– Added new quest markers to the map’s legend
– Removed the remaining old quest markers from the minimap, replacing them fully with the new ones
– Added gaining the character experience for digging at the excavation spot
– Updated the look of NPC vendors, female NPCs and Ismirean townsmen
– Added displaying the system notifications when playing a dice game
– Added the offline notifications to the dice game
– Added displaying the dice game’s jackpot in the game’s window
– Added giving the dice game’s bet back to the player after a draw even if the player isn’t logged in
– Doubled the amount of Bark received from the Bark recipe
– Reduced the amount of Elite Flax Canvas obtained from Ragi and Brandon world events from 11 down to 7
– Added displaying “Too far away” text when aiming at NPC with dialog who is far from the player


– Fixed an issue causing that some of the tutorial videos weren’t displayed properly
– Fixed an issue causing that the State of War wouldn’t end at capturing a flag if it started when the flag was neutral
– Fixed an issue causing that after a server restart, a province would reappear in the guild’s slot when it left the province
– Fixed an issue causing that Glory Points could not be saved properly if they were gained right before the server’s restart
– Fixed an issue causing that the Logistician, Food Merchant and Glory Quartermaster didn’t spawn in the Dunfen Fort
– Fixed an issue causing stucking the player character after respawning in the “barn” building in the upgradable locations
– Fixed several minor issues with queuing different interactions, such as capturing a flag and changing equipment
– Fixed an edge-case issue causing that a player joining the siege event wouldn’t be added to the event party
– Fixed an issue causing that it was raining and snowing inside buildings
– Fixed an issue causing that the Legionary’s Boots recipe scroll contained the Styrsman’s Boots recipe
– Fixed an issue causing that Marauder’s Hood recipe didn’t get benefits from using the Tailor’s Workshop
– Fixed an issue causing that the quest markers weren’t displayed on minimap if they weren’t visible on the game’s screen
– Fixed an issue causing that hotkeys were active when typing in the amount of currency in the dice bets window
– Fixed an issue allowing to continue the dice game while being dead
Apr 19, 2019
Trysaria - oblitus games
We are happy to announce the #Trysaria Offical Wiki for Gamepedia has gone live today, we invite you all to go check it out and help make it the best place for Trysaria info.

ONE PIECE World Seeker - shoupinou
We’re pleased to finally reveal that players will be able to play as other characters in ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER – starting with Roronoa Zoro in the first DLC: Episode 1: The Void Mirror Prototype.
Available to download in early summer 2019, this standalone expansion brings 4 hours of new story, and will focus on Zoro’s side adventure in a brand new location. The story takes place parallel to Luffy’s main plot – and provides players with the opportunity to slash, slice and sever with Zoro’s unique sword-fighting style!
Watch the trailer:
Shrouded in Sanity: Freebirth - Pugware
Read the rules and comment your name HERE: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1029170/announcements/detail/1636405351612856552

Any names posted here will be disregarded entirely.

As for news regarding development on the 4th game, things are not going too well. While I feel like it will be my most polished and possibly best game yet currently I am barely making anything off my games following the algorithm change on Steam a few months back. I am trying my absolute best to finish at least this 4th game but if that fails to turn a bare minimum I will have to cancel the series early and retire from making games.


Join our Discord!

As always, we strongly recommend that you join our Discord server if you want to be completely up-to-date, or just want to hang out. We are extremely active on there, posting updates and screenshots most days. And if you're worried about spoilers, we have dedicated rooms for those, so they're easy to avoid. It's also super convenient for us to receive bug reports since you can post images, but it's also a direct way to give us suggestions and other comments.


Alternatively, if you don't use Discord, please consider joining our developer page here on Steam to get the latest news and updates, discuss any Pugware game, or report issues:

Pugware Steam Group

Or follow us on Twitter:

Or on Facebook:

Thank you all for continuing to support us, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Skautfold: Into the Fray - Pugware
Read the rules and comment your name HERE: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1029170/announcements/detail/1636405351612856552

Any names posted here will be disregarded entirely.

As for news regarding development on the 4th game, things are not going too well. While I feel like it will be my most polished and possibly best game yet currently I am barely making anything off my games following the algorithm change on Steam a few months back. I am trying my absolute best to finish at least this 4th game but if that fails to turn a bare minimum I will have to cancel the series early and retire from making games.


Join our Discord!

As always, we strongly recommend that you join our Discord server if you want to be completely up-to-date, or just want to hang out. We are extremely active on there, posting updates and screenshots most days. And if you're worried about spoilers, we have dedicated rooms for those, so they're easy to avoid. It's also super convenient for us to receive bug reports since you can post images, but it's also a direct way to give us suggestions and other comments.


Alternatively, if you don't use Discord, please consider joining our developer page here on Steam to get the latest news and updates, discuss any Pugware game, or report issues:

Pugware Steam Group

Or follow us on Twitter:

Or on Facebook:

Thank you all for continuing to support us, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Skautfold: Usurper - Pugware
Read the rules and comment your name HERE: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1029170/announcements/detail/1636405351612856552

Any names posted here will be disregarded entirely.

As for news regarding development on the 4th game, things are not going too well. While I feel like it will be my most polished and possibly best game yet currently I am barely making anything off my games following the algorithm change on Steam a few months back. I am trying my absolute best to finish at least this 4th game but if that fails to turn a bare minimum I will have to cancel the series early and retire from making games.


Join our Discord!

As always, we strongly recommend that you join our Discord server if you want to be completely up-to-date, or just want to hang out. We are extremely active on there, posting updates and screenshots most days. And if you're worried about spoilers, we have dedicated rooms for those, so they're easy to avoid. It's also super convenient for us to receive bug reports since you can post images, but it's also a direct way to give us suggestions and other comments.


Alternatively, if you don't use Discord, please consider joining our developer page here on Steam to get the latest news and updates, discuss any Pugware game, or report issues:

Pugware Steam Group

Or follow us on Twitter:

Or on Facebook:

Thank you all for continuing to support us, and we look forward to seeing you there!