Generation Zero® - Graham

It's been an action-packed 48hrs for us in the Generation Zero Team, now we'd like to give you all an update about where we go from here. Read more here:

//The Generation Zero Team
Mar 28, 2019
City Car Driving - Eugene Forward
It's time to update City Car Driving for the first time this spring! 🚘

Meet the March release - we've fixed small bugs and shortcomings:

➜ Our instructor was shocked and fell silent in some exercises, if you started engine with the first gear on - we explained him that this is normal for current youth, and now he reacts adequately.

➜ Checked road signs and removed unnecessary ones, which don't carry useful information.

➜ Improved the navigator, so now it's more clear - what exactly maneuver you need to perform.
Subsistence - ColdGames

Double Barrel Shotgun:
A new shotgun can now be crafted at the workbench. The Double Barrel is a powerful weapon and has a much tighter spread than the pump-action, making it suitable for mid-range combat as well as close.

It’s dual barrel allows for two shells to be fired in quick succession, however then requires a fairly lengthy reload, so be tactical with your timing on shots/reloads.

I know it seems strange that other weapons are still crafted in the player crafting menu. As new weapons are introduced, the higher power firearms will slowly move over to the workbench.

The flashlight can be attached as with the other firearms.

Players can now craft a Distiller (located in the BCU). This item must be placed within range of your base and allows you to distill your own Alcohol (“moonshine”) overtime.

Alcohol requires potatoes and sterilized water to be crafted in the Distiller. It takes time to craft, so be sure to queue it up and plan ahead.

The motivation behind this is to add greater purpose and benefit to potato farming, and to open up craftable flammable items for players to play with.

Molotov Cocktail:
Alcohol can be used to craft Molotov’s in the workbench. Molotovs are effective at damaging bases, and dealing with mobs during attacks.

When a molotov explodes near a player/animal/hunter the initial blast will catch them on fire. They will remain on fire for up to 10 seconds. Jumping into water will put the fire out. Hitting multiple targets with the initial blast is an effective way of dealing a lot of damage.

Molotov fires will burn for up to 20 seconds, dealing damage to all buildables/players/hunters/animals that touch their flames. The player who throws the molotov will get a distinctive sound and hitmarker display as the molotov fire inflicts damage.

Base items (such as storage chests, generators, etc) protected by a wall will not take fire damage if the flames originate from the opposing side of the wall (even if flames may sometimes appear to clip through).

Hunters Will Use Molotovs:
During attacks, hunters will now sometimes use molotovs instead of grenades. I think it adds to immersion to fire-fights to have flames illuminating the battle (and creating no-go zones in the flames).

New Tree-Chopping Animation:
I’ve added a subtle tree-shake animation and falling leaves while players chop trees. It’s a small tweak, but I feel this makes the process feel less static and more satisfying.

Big Networking Performance/Scaling Improvements:
A large part of this update was focused on continuing to improve network play. I was discovering that some long-term co-op profiles would suddenly start lagging and becoming unresponsive for clients. This would occur when extremely large bases were built on the map.

This was caused by having too many dynamic items in the world and exhausting the available network channels on each client connection (not bandwidth related). The main culprit was physical loot in the world (1000’s of items), with each item using its own network channel.

I’ve added a new system (which uses only a single channel) which reports to the client on harvestable items in their proximity.

This has big benefits for clients, servers and solo games:
  • Both client and server now only spawn dynamic items for loot in their immediate view (less rendering and tick cost).
  • Far greater stability and scaling for servers with huge bases.
  • Less demand on the server to determine if items are relevant to clients (much less stress on CPU).
Other than performance gain, players should notice no difference in gameplay. I’ve also set a building cap for co-op games (to ensure stability) which will display in the hud for all players if it gets near. The cap is high, but I’ll be working to increase this as I continue work.

Player Count Increased To 10:
With the recent improvements to server performance, I’ve increased the max count from 8 to 10. Please let me know if your experience problems.

Ore Nodes Not Showing For Clients:
This was being caused by the server deeming nodes “not relevant” to clients, so as a side-effect of the new system detailed above, this problem has finally been eliminated.

Zero Harvesting Lag For Clients:
Previously clients of co-op games had a noticeable lag on hits registering while harvesting trees and ores, and when picking plants in the world. I’m now using client-side predictive logic to eliminate this lag entirely, so clients will have a much more responsive experience while harvesting!

Shotgun Slugs:
Players can now craft high-powered, single-projectile slugs (currently only used with the double barrel):

Slugs do extreme damage but are expensive to craft. Press Left-Alt (rebindable) to switch ammo types while the weapon is equipped, or click on the ammo-type icon above the weapon on your toolbelt.

The male character model will now grow a beard if alive for a long time. Dying will reset this. It’s a simple feature without any transition states through growth, I just thought it added a bit of variance to character aesthetic.

Animal Housing Changes:
I’ve reduced the slots in the animal housing. The previous 8 slots was too much and encouraged early-game players to keep far more animals than they could afford. It now starts with a single slot and additional slots can be added via the upgrade menu.

New Hitmarkers:
Hitmarkers (that show when you hit an enemy) have been increased in size. They will also now flash red when the shot was a headshot, giving the player better feedback during combat.

Oxygen Meter:
Suggested many times by players; an oxygen meter will now show at top-center while diving.

Explosions Camera Shake:
If standing near an explosion, the camera will now shake based on the power of the blast. This should increase immersion during attacks. I may add a toggle for this in a future update.

Weapon Holding Position:
I’ve pulled in the first person weapon holding position for all firearms in attempt to give better body presence (also while aiming down sights). I think it feels better, but let me know your thoughts.

Co-op Hardcore Fail Message:
Co-op hardcore games end if one of the team dies (and there are no bed spawns). Previously other players would wonder why the server exited. Now all players will see a message indicating the name of the player who died.

Danish Language Support:
Credits for the translation (thank you for the support):
  • Morten sørensen
  • Jesper Christensen
  • Bartholomeo Rudolph
Other Notable Changes:
  • New sound for tools breaking.
  • Current ammo types now show above all toolbelt weapons while the inventory is open.
  • Chicken stew now gives +hydration.
  • Fixed bug that allowed items to be lost via shift-clicking into the fabricator.
  • Slightly increased speed at which loot will repopulate after harvesting a zone.
  • Fixed newly-posted co-op chat messages fading out while the player has the chat open.
  • Fixed glitch where animal house water meter would briefly fill to max when adding cooked foods.
  • Fixed bug where queued crafting meters would visually continue while game was paused.
  • New first person sprinting animation for the M9.
  • Selected ammo type for a weapon (such as premium/grenade arrows) now persist through a save/load.
  • Prevented hitmarker showing when player takes environmental damage.
  • Condition icons are now cleared when player dies.
  • Fixed oven not showing pans cooking when loading a save.
Thanks you so much to all the players who have been posting thoughts and discussions on the Steam forums/Discord server/FB page/etc. I try to read it all and see lots of great ideas and insight posted regularly. This all helps immensely while I continue moving forward with development. Hope everyone’s having a great week, please stay tuned for more updates!


Discord invite:

Twitter: @playSubsistence

Continued Translation Support Credits (in no particular order):
Spanish (David Lascasas)
Hungarian (Erb Ármin)
Portuguese BR (Thiago Schumacke)
German (LPCaiser)
Italian (Federico D. Ravagli)
French (Anthony Charrault)
Czech (Dílna U mnicha)
Danish (Morten Sørensen, Jesper Christensen, Bartholomeo Alexander)
Dutch (Damster_NL)
Russian (FRAME)
Turkish (Çağla Gurbet)
Polish (Daniel Łokietek)
DC Universe™ Online - Mepps


The whole world is celebrating Batman's birthday this week, and we are too. Lined up, we have a gift, a sale, and a special new reward, all to honor the Dark Knight. Read on!

DC is celebrating Batman with a special #1000 issue of Detective Comics, with a ton of variant covers. We hope you have some spare room in your bases, because your gift is these covers as base items, and they are many! Players must log in to claim the gift by April 11, 2019. 

PLUS, read the special edition Detective Comics #27 for FREE at this link, courtesy of DC: Detective Comics #27

What's a celebration without a sale? Batman-related items and more are all 80%, now through April 4, 2019. The sale includes:

  • Dark Specter Batsuit
  • Dark Knight Cowl Pack
  • Batcomputer & More Pack
  • Batcave Trophies & More Pack
  • Digital Weapon Style Pack
  • Daytrader Amenity Pack
  • All Escrow Tokens
  • All Toys
  • Bank, Inventory, Shared Bank, Auction, and Character Slots

80 years of Batman only comes around once. The celebration continues with a very special and classic Batman emblem reward. Earn this emblem in-game or grab it from the Marketplace. The emblem will be available on the Justice League Dark reward vendor for Daemohedrons (episode currency) and will also be added to the Episode 35 vendor for its currency when that episode is released. 

This most iconic and treasured of styles will only be available for a limited time. It will be removed from both episode vendors and from the Marketplace on September 30, 2019. Already-purchased and earned emblems will not be removed. 
Batman Anniversary Sale begins at 12PM PT on March 28, 2019, and ends at 11:59PM PT on April 4, 2019. Players must log in by April 11, 2019, to claim the Detective Comics #1000 gift. The Batman 80th Anniversary Emblem is only available until September 30, 2019.
Tales of a Spymaster - Valvagia
Hey All!

A new update is going live in the next few minutes for any of you currently testing the game.

So what's new with this update?

New and Updated Features
  • Added German translation
  • Added auto language detection of German, Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified
  • Updated Credits

Bug Fixes
  • Fix Start campaign click issues
  • Fix Back button click issues
  • Fix Chinese text not rendering issues
  • Fix giant Chinese text in some areas
  • Fix tiny Chinese text in some areas
  • Fix load preview issues with file encoding
  • Fix campaign introduction text width issues
  • Fixed Resume button being a different size to the rest of the options

Keep reporting those bugs and I hope you all like how it is coming together.
Gloria Victis: Medieval MMORPG - BartoldGV

Hello warriors!

A new update is live, bringing another iteration of the siege engines. How about smashing the enemy castle’s gates with a battering ram? Now you can do it! Also, from now on you can sit on benches and chairs – it’s a first step of expanding the roleplaying possibilities in Gloria Victis. Moreover, we updated the crafting recipes and part of the armor sets, adding new elements of medium and heavy armors – read for details below!

Moreover, we'd like to remind you that the Glory Season IX will start next Monday, April 1! Take these last few days of the current season to climb up the ladder, for - as always - the most active players will receive precious rewards and titles. And don't miss the beginning of a new season to set your position in the ranking!

We also invite everyone to join the PVP event this weekend! It will start at 10:00 PM GMT (Sunday, March 31). Join us in the arena on the [NorthAmerica] Aquilla server and fight for fame in 5v5 battles. The winners will be immortalized on the in-game monuments and every participant will be rewarded – to arms!

See you in battle!

Quality of Life:

– Added Battering Ram and Large Battering Ram – the former requires 2 players to gain full movement speed, while the latter has to be pushed by 4 players (please remember that the maximum speed is achieved when the maximum number of players is driving a ram, as it was introduced last week for the catapults: From now on catapults can be steered by 2 players at the same time basing on their movement input – only the first player can shoot and load the catapult, also if there’s only one player driving the catapult, its’ movement speed is reduced down to 50%); also, the large ram has a roof protecting players from being hurt by enemy archers and is more resistant to received damage
– Added the first iteration of interacting with the in-game objects aimed which will continuously expand the roleplaying possibilities – this update introduces sitting on benches and chairs
– Added spawners of the battering rams in siege camps at the nation-controlled castles – for now, the big ones can be found in the camps closer to the native nation’s capital city, while the standard ram spawns in both siege camps of each castle, you can also find some rams in the training arena
– Disabled collisions of the broken versions of catapults and battering rams because they were blocking pathways
– Doubled the number of points gathered for killing the enemy nation player and a member of the guild controlling a given province during the sieges preparations
– Updated rewards in the Brandon’s world event, making them equal to the Ragi’s world event rewards
– Updated the amount of experience earned for completing various world events
– Improved the visual indicator of the currently selected attack/block direction
– Updated models of the Legionary’s Longaxe and Praetorian’s Longaxe and renamed them to Legionary’s Glaive and Praetorian’s Glaive
– Improved the “no UI” mode (F6 key) – from now on, it allows to open the in-game windows with shortcuts and both chat windows by clicking on their toggle buttons in the bottom left corner of the screen
– Updated content of the “Misc Recipes” randombox
– Updated the list of recipes known by all new characters
– Improved interface of collecting rewards for events when there are several rewards to choose from
– Added tooltips to the sieges interface
– From now on, the Friendly Fire toggle isn’t bound to any key by default in order to prevent new players from turning it on by accident
– Added Large Bellows to the rewards of quests in which the player reaches level 10
– From now on, every owner of any package worth 40$ or more purchased on the official website will receive the same title as owners of the “Supporter Pack” which can be obtained in the Steam Store (the same applies to users who already own such packages)
– Added the very first complete skins set which fits to the Storm Guard’s Sallet – now we are working on skins for the remaining top-tier heavy armors; you can purchase all parts of the set separately or the whole set with a discount; it will also be the first armor which will have the cloth effect - possibly even in the the very next regular update
– Added new skins to the content of Lucky Box randombox

Crafting & armors balance:

This update introduces the first iteration of the planned update to the equipment sets and their crafting recipes. Originally, the equipment was balanced with 10 tiers in mind but since the Gloria Victis combat puts strong focus on the player’s own skill, the gap between starting and top-tier items can’t be to large, so balancing 10 tiers started causing many problems and reducing the feel of player’s progression. In order to solve this problem and fill the holes in different armor sets, we started moving towards the 5-tiers balance. This iteration affected about 50% of the medium and heavy armors, filling holes and grouping these items in sets.

– Added missing parts of the medium armor sets: shoulderguards, gauntlets and boots
– Added missing parts of the medium armor sets: shoulderguards, gauntlets, boots and legguards
– Added recipes of the new medium and heavy armor parts
– Updated statistics of the medium armors: shoulderguards, gauntlets and boots
– Updated statistics of the heavy armors: shoulderguards, gauntlets, boots and legguards


– Fixed an issue causing that in some cases the characters were floating about 0.5m above the ground on server-side, which led to several further issues with controller and synchronization
– Fixed an issue causing that some guild leaders couldn’t see the State of War time dropdown in the Guild window
– Fixed an issue causing that unstucking in the Valley of Death PVP Tournament could spawn a player at the enemy spawnpoint
– Fixed an issue causing that equipping character was bugged after attempting to equip character while trading with other player
– Fixed saving the time that has passed from the last usage of a player-built furnace
– Fixed an issue causing that some randomboxes were never dropping specific groups of items
– Fixed an issue causing that the siege engines could be thrown into the air
– Fixed an issue causing that the character’s head was invisible when using a ballista
– Fixed most of the cases where character would be detached from ballista while rotating it
– Fixed the language chat
– Fixed displaying the player’s money in the Market window after opening it for the first time in the session
– Fixed scrollbar in the upgrading materials window
– Fixed an issue causing that scrollbar in the Friends tab of the Community window didn’t always appear
– Fixed the Fast Travel mechanics in the Sangmarian starting quests
– Fixed assigning the “Mentor” title received after obtaining 350 Mentor Points
Dead Effect 2 VR - shigor
We're finally getting close for a final release of the update and two DLCs we've been working on for so long. Although we've been testing and bug-hunting relentlessly, it's possible that there are still some issues remaining and we'd be grateful if few of you would like to try the update before it goes officially out. 

If you want to access the beta, open properties for Dead Effect 2 VR in your Steam library, open BETA´S tab and in the combo box select Public Beta - "testing external". 

This will update your version to our latest beta. All your saves from the previous version will be automatically backed-up (to files profile0.sav.updatebackup) in case you would want to revert to the standard version before we'll update it. You might want to back up your data manually before you switch to beta. Then, you can find save files in AppData/LocalLow/Badfly Interactive/Dead Effect 2 VR/ folder on your computer.

Apart from the numerous old bug fixes and some small improvements, the update contains a lot of new content and some handy new features:

- New armor and implant sets and new upgrade modules for them with various unique boosts and bonuses, allowing you to customize your character even more.
- New weapon upgrades - you can now improve or modify your weapons with laser sights, penetrating ammo, scatter ammo and various new special boosts.
- New weapons, each in several variants. There are several small knives, 3 new big melee weapons, 3 secondary firearms including a small submachine gun, a new shotgun, and a new heavy rifle, all waiting to be added to your arsenal.
- A big pile of various unique weapons that can be unlocked by advancing in weapon training and finishing side tasks, bringing a total number of unique weapons to 25. New grenades, combo-weapons like a sniper-modified machine gun, shotgun revolver, powered melee weapon, shotgun modified to a powerful slug thrower...
- Several new side tasks
- Few improvements in the store screens (you can now mark weapons as favorite and filter available weapons based on their type)
- Sniper rifles now have night vision optics with a zoom that can be toggled in the weapon settings.
- Few small QOL improvements for VR that got requested before.

The update also contains necessary data for both upcoming DLCs. These are not yet available, but you can have a glimpse of some of the new stuff that will be available with DLCs.

Info about upcoming DLCs:

CyberMagic DLC unlocks a fourth playable character, Xandria aka Cyberwitch, who specializes in active ability uses. It also adds a lot of new combat abilities that can be used by other characters too, and new unique ability for each of the characters. You can also equip experimental psionic accelerator as a secondary weapon that can interface with your abilities and improve their efficiency. Psi-acc can hold two additional abilities, meaning that you can enter the mission with two combat abilities activated in your Psi-acc and two additional of your choice for support.

Escape from Meridian DLC is a story expansion adding a new story arc with 10 story missions filled with new enemies, new features and some surprises. It also adds new levels for other game modes, a new game mode, special setting for increased difficulty, and some other small goodies like an unlockable ability to summon an auto-turret to the missions to help you with those new zombies.
EmergeNYC - FlipSwitchGames

Good Morning everyone! We hope everyone is enjoying 0.7.6 so far, we know some issues and quirks still remain as well as some performance issues. These are all things we are actively addressing and putting all our effort into to make sure that 0.7.6 Public Release is a stable, and reliable build that runs as smoothly as we can make it. Our second staging branch patch for the update, 0.7.6F is now live on Staging Branch and internal!


/Fixed Fire Academy Glitch Issue
/Removed Cursor Lock Text
/Fixed remaining Manholes causing trucks to bounce
/Fixed Deck Guns on Most Engines
/Fixed side Supply Lines on all Engines
/Fixed EMS Bag Missing E32
/Removed Boundaries Near Pier so that you can access the pier
/Added Division 4 to Academy and Editor Map
/Fixed ticket for Fire 1st Floor saying E39
/Fixed Cant put out Big Fires at warehouse and auto body shop fires
/Removed Tiny Trash cans
/Fixed no collisions on 131st St Warehouse building
/Fixed 68 Getting stuck when turning out
/Fixed 68 Rear Compartments issue
/Lowered time needed to cut a roll down by 50 percent
/Lowered some buildings that were above the ground


/Fixed Rumbler Siren not working
/Fixed Multiversals
/Fix Stretcher Scale issues in Multiplayer
/Fix Stretcher duplicate Issues in Multiplayer
/Adjusted First Person View in Tow Truck
/Fixed Division 4 not being able to be deleted if 5th battalion was spawned in
/Moved Tiller Spawn Points to prevent spawning sideways
/Fixed Carmine St. EMS Beacon Missing
/Fixed Pitt St Fire Beacon Missing
/Fixed Removed Pizzeria Alarm Interior Missing
/Fixed E78 Streamed Objects not disappearing
/Fixed Engines Pumps not revving
/Fixed Playerview & Door Missing Icons
/Fixed EMS Bag Icons
/Fixed Roll down Icons

Remember you can view all previous changelogs as well as our active task list for the next patches here:
TrackMania² Stadium - Alinoa

Massa has been qualified and joins the league from the Step 6.
Will CarlJr, Pac and Kappa still be in the top 3?

Look at the whole ranking here:

Watch and cheer your champions on twitch:

Happy Watching!
Armored Warfare - Silentstalker

The April’s Fools day is near and it’s time to get crazy – but rest assured, the bonuses and offers are very serious indeed, so strap in for an insane ride!

Between March 28 and April 4, 2019, the following items will be available:
  • April’s Fools Bonuses
  • Two April’s Fools Gift with Decals and free Loot Crates
  • Skinless Marder 2 available to all Marder 2 Smash owners for free
  • Offer: Type 99A2-140 in Blueprint Loot Crate in Web Shop
  • Offer: Armata 152 in Blueprint Loot Crate in Web Shop
  • Offer: BM Oplot in Loot Crate in Web Shop
  • Offer: April’s Fools Marder 2 skin on MyLoot
Sounds like a handful, doesn’t it? Let’s break it down one by one, starting with...

April’s Fools Bonuses and Gift

For the duration of this event, the following bonuses will be available:
  • 300% Experience income bonus (x4) for the first victory of the day for the Global Operations mode
  • 50% Commander Experience income bonus for all modes
You can also pick up two April’s Fools gifts on MyLoot in the Chest section of the web page. The first of these gifts contains:
  • Crazy Clown decal
  • Insane Jester decal
The second of these gifts contains:
  • 3 Armata 152 Loot Crates
  • 3 Type 99A2-140 Loot Crates
  • 3 BM Oplot Loot Crates
Please scroll down below for more information about these crates. We hope that you’ll enjoy them.

But that’s not the only free thing that’s coming. We’re pleased to announce that, during this event, the owners of the Marder 2 Smash vehicle will receive a long-awaited skinless version of it for free with the Smash color scheme being available as a skin option. Additionally, we are introducing a special April’s Fools skin of the Marder. Let’s talk a bit about that.

Marder 2 April’s Fools

A special April’s Fools skin is now available, clad in the garish colors that all sorts of jesters and fools have been using since the dawn of time. But make no mistake – you’ll be the one to have the last laugh since the vehicle that carries it, the Tier 8 Marder 2 AFV, is amongst the deadliest on the battlefield. With its 44 tons, it’s one of the heaviest and toughest AFVs around. Unlike many other AFVs of its Tier, it is not armed with guided missiles, relying instead on its extremely powerful 50mm autocannon.

Type 99A2-140

You’ve asked for it to return and here it is – in a brand new Loot Crate with blueprints!

The Type 99A2-140 is an experimental version of the most advanced Chinese Main Battle Tank in existence – the Type 99A. Unlike its production counterpart, however, it is not armed with a 120mm smoothbore, but massive 140mm smoothbore cannon. This is a theoretical upgrade to the vehicle – while the People’s Republic of China was considering upgrading the firepower of its Main Battle Tanks to face latest western and Russian MBT models, a 140mm gun was never installed on this chassis and was only mentioned in passing by certain Chinese sources. Now, however, your enemies will have the opportunity to experience what such a vehicle with you in command would be like to face in battle!

In Armored Warfare, the Type 99A2-140 is a rather unique Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. It is essentially a version of the progression Type 99A2 Tier 10 MBT with one difference – the 140mm gun, trading its rate of fire for penetration and single shell damage. It is very fast and mobile (with its maximum speed being well over 90 km/h), protected by ERA and APS both and capable of using an acceleration-boosting active ability that pushes its engine far beyond the limits of common Main Battle Tanks. If used right, the vehicle is extremely deadly and one of the best Tier 10 MBTs on the battlefields of Armored Warfare. During this offer, the vehicle is available as a part of a new Loot Crate.

This Loot Crate contains mostly Type 99A2-140 blueprint pieces. You need to assemble one hundred of these pieces (that will appear in your Inventory upon the crate opening) to receive the Type 99A2-140. Each crate drops one of the following items:
  • Type 99A2-140 Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank (rare drop)
  • 1 to 99 blueprint pieces
  • Temporary 3-day version of a random Tier 6 or higher Premium vehicle
  • A part of a Special Type 99A2-140 Loot Crate (collect 10 to receive a Special Type 99A2-140 Loot Crate – Special Loot Crates are enhanced versions of the standard Loot Crates, offering more drops and higher chances to receive better items)
  • An extra Type 99A2-140 Loot Crate
If a player already has the same Premium vehicle the Loot Crate dropped a temporary version of in his or her inventory, he or she will receive 125 Gold instead. Parts of a Special Loot Crate can be sold for 85 Gold and a full Special Loot Crate can be sold for 850 Gold.

The Loot Crate is available by purchasing it in our Web Shop in the following bundles:
  • 2 Loot Crates (5% discount)
  • 5 Loot Crates (10% discount)
  • 11 Loot Crates (15% discount)
  • 23 Loot Crates (25% discount)
  • 50 Loot Crates (37% discount)

Armata 152

Another highly requested tank is the Armata 152 – it too makes an appearance today in a blueprint Loot Crate.

It is a version of the T-14 Armata, armed with larger cannon. One of the upgrades considered for the T-14 Armata was the increase of its caliber to 152mm in order to absolutely, positively destroy anything with the first shot. The 2A83 smoothbore is a behemoth of a gun, designed in the last days of the Soviet empire for the next generation of super-tanks. It’s massive, heavy and quite costly to produce, but, most importantly, it was never truly needed to deal with the western MBTs since the standard 125mm guns were (and still are) up to the task. That is why it never found its way on any Soviet MBT with even the standard T-14 Armata being armed with an improved 125mm cannon. You can, however, experience its awesome firepower in Armored Warfare! Learn more about it in a dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the T-14 Armata 152 is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. While not firing as fast as its 125mm counterpart, the 152mm rounds do enormous damage, often eliminating weaker opponents with a single shot. And then there’s the platform itself – the Armata, the most modern Main Battle Tank in the world. Earn it and use it to dominate!

This Loot Crate works in an identical way as the Type 99A2-140 one does and is available in our Web Shop in the following bundles:
  • 2 Loot Crates (5% discount)
  • 5 Loot Crates (10% discount)
  • 11 Loot Crates (15% discount)
  • 23 Loot Crates (25% discount)
  • 50 Loot Crates (37% discount)

BM Oplot

And last but not least, we have the BM Oplot Loot Crate with a random chance of dropping the vehicle itself.

The BM Oplot is a heavily upgraded T-84 Ukrainian Main Battle Tank, which is based on an older design called T-80UD. It is currently the best tank the Ukrainian military industry can offer. You can read more about its history in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the BM Oplot is a Tier 9 Premium Main Battle Tank with a playstyle similar to the T-80U. Power-wise, it’s roughly on par with the T-90MS of the same Tier, but it has a very unique ability. Its advanced Duplet armor consists of several ERA layers, making it able to negate more than one HEAT shell impact. It takes several precise hits aimed at the same location to break through it, making it a very resistant vehicle on the battlefield.

You can obtain the Oplot from the Oplot Loot Crate that we are introducing in our Web Shop.

This Loot Crate has a chance of dropping the BM Oplot as well as plenty of other goodies. Additionally, there is a rule in place – the more you open, the higher the higher the chance of an Oplot drop per crate, making it a virtual certainty at one point.

This Loot Crate has can be obtained in our Web Shop in the following bundles:
  • 2 Loot Crates
  • 5 Loot Crates (5% discount)
  • 11 Loot Crates (11% discount)
  • 23 Loot Crates (20% discount)
  • 50 Loot Crates (30% discount)
Apart from a chance to receive the ultimate rare drop – the BM Oplot Tier 9 Premium Main Battle Tank, each Loot Crate contains a number of goodies. In fact, you are guaranteed to receive items of at least the value of the Loot Crate!

Please note:
  • This offer starts on March 28 at 16:00 CET (8 AM PDT)
  • This offer ends on April 4 at 16:00 CEST (7 AM PDT)
  • The Loot Crate offers are not available to players located in the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium
Enjoy the offer and see you on the battlefield!