Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dave Irwin)

If you preordered The Division 2 or bought one of the special editions, chances are that you want your digital items right off the bat. However they’re not immediately granted to you, instead requiring you to find them in the menus. Don’t worry agent, help is at hand. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to obtain the preorder and special edition items in The Division 2.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Blizzard have stretched out their plans for World Of Warcraft Classic, now intending to roll out new raids and dungeons and other content updates for the vintage version of their MMORPG over six phases instead of four. They want it to better reflect the pace of original content updates, where additions slowly prepared players for the next to come rather than loads blasting out at once and upsetting the flow. WoW Classic is still expected to launch this summer, as far as we know, and will come included with standard WoW subscriptions.


Satisfactory - (Alec Meer)

Satisfactory, the Factorio-style automated building game from Coffee Stain, is going to be huge. It’s going to be huge because there are going to be so many videos of huge things built within it, and we’re all going to look at those and think “now I> want to make something huge.”

The overriding question here was always whether or not Satisfactory could successfully transpose the spaghetti junction of autonomous conveyor belts and heavy machinery traditionally beheld from a top-down, third-person perspective into shiny first-person 3D. How can one possibly manage these thumping, churning cat’s cradles when even a small fraction of one fills the screen entirely?


Exocraft - (Matt Cox)

Spaceship tinkering always gets me going. Captain Forever was one of the first games to shine a light into that void, filling it with eery bleeps and player-designed spaceships. Other games have followed, but never surpassed.

I’m still glad they’re trying. Enter Exocraft, a colourful, free-to-play Forever-like-lite that launches on Steam later today. It’s a relaxed, MMO-ified take on the genre, and you can actually start tinkering with the browser version right now. Perhaps you should.


The Culling - (Brendan Caldwell)

It’s pleasing to see gas traps appearing in Apex Legends, courtesy of token toxic male Caustic. But let us lower our heads and observe a moment of silence for the fallen progenitor of such useful and deadly battle royale flatulence. That’s right, The Culling.


Mar 11, 2019
Emily is Away - (Dominic Tarason)

Kyle Seeley’s Emily Is Away series feel like interactive time capsules. An all-too-vivid recollection of what social media felt like, and how it affected the lives of people back in the day. In the upcoming third instalment Emily Is Away <3, Players have to say goodbye to AOL Instant Messenger and begin their descent into the only slightly> invasive (at the time) vortex that is Facebook, circa 2008. Expect drama, multiple-choice dialogues and several possible endings once more when it launches. There’s no launch date yet, but you can see the debut trailer below.


Seven: Enhanced Edition - (Dominic Tarason)

Stealthy sci-fi action RPG Seven: The Days Long Gone was one of the more curious games of 2017. An unusual blend of genres and some slightly patchy design had our man Alec internally debating whether it was rubbish or brilliant, but skewing towards greatness. The folks at Fool’s Theory and IMGN.PRO have apparently been hammering away at the game ever since launch, getting it tuned up for a console release. On March 26th, we get to enjoy the fruits of their labour, as all owners of the game get a free upgrade to the Enhanced Edition, including the delayed Drowned Past expansion. See the re-release trailer below.


DOOM - (Dominic Tarason)

As chief Doom appreciator here on RPS, I feel it is my sad but solemn duty to inform you all that the new Doom movie Brock warned us about last year is still coming. This one is direct-to-video, coming from director Tony Giglio. Doom: Annihilation is due out this autumn, and for what it’s worth, they do talk (briefly) about a portal to hell in the trailer, giving it a small advantage over the confused theme of the original film. Still, the trailer doesn’t fill me with hope – goofy monster makeup, very plastic guns and odd coloured lighting give this one a distinctly cheap, bland look. Give it a peek for yourself below.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Holly Nielsen)

When you move to a new house, items you have long forgotten get shifted from the back of a drawer and into your hands. This is how Duck City ended up in front of me. A game from the earlier years of my childhood, Duck City was designed by children s author and illustrator Alan snow and released onto PC in 1996. It s a collection of six simple minigames where you play as a duck, ranging from styling a pig s hair in a salon, to becoming RoboDuck and sucking up slugs. Its cover features a wonky looking duck that looks like it s stepped out of MS Paint.

Playing Duck City again, I found myself transported back to a simpler time when my Tamagotchi repeatedly dying was my greatest concern, and I was pleased that my skill in the slug farming minigame had not lessened with age. But I found another emotion alongside the nostalgia — a strange but profound sense of dread.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Dominic Tarason)

There’s something adorable about how literally the Jack Move demo commits to its cyberpunk setting. Right off the bat, you’ve got yourself some punks of the ’80s green mohawked, chain-slinging variety, and you can do cyber things at them with electricity and computer viruses. I’m not entirely sure what the game’s own rationale for all of this working is, but I dig the synth soundtrack, and there’s some gentle combat depth even in this demo of So Romantic’s upcoming JRPG. Put on your best night-time sunglasses and grab the demo off Itch here, or see some more scenes in the video below.

