Arcadian Atlas - Tupelo Honey
Howdy from Texas again, ya'll!
We've got a smorgasbord of new goodies to show off this time around, from new maps, brand-new mapping features that show off the capabilities of the BITE Engine, a new challenger with distant relation to our dearest trash-panda, Poncho, and much more!
Let's dive right in:
A New Challenger Approaches
Seeing as we named our sweet lil' dude below after our favorite western-wear (and because it's a dang cute name), we wanted to flesh out his move-set with that western bravado we all love so much:

And we've been fleshing out Poncho's entire move-set, including making some modifications to his charge and casting cycles with tail swishes:
  But there's a classic western song Becca and I love by Willie & Merle, Pancho & Lefty, and we thought, you know... Poncho needs a buddy. Sooooo, without further ado, a new challenger approaches!
  Lefty is a Red Panda, and while hailing from a distant and mysterious land, he's come to have a classic western showdown with our pal Poncho. And watch out when he swings that big stick of his, cause bamboo doesn't bend or break easily.
   And with all this work on our furry friends, we haven't neglected some of those small touches that give our other characters life, with some custom animations like Fennic's below:

BITE Feature Expansion - Mapping
And with all this work on animations, Patrick's been hard at work expanding the Map Editor Features of BITE, like the new ability to customize key mappings for all the Editor's features. So whether you're more comfortable with the Arrow Keys or WASD, he's got you covered:

And building maps ain't easy, so he's added new brushes from a single-tile, four-tile and fill brush to quickly cover more ground!

But my favorite new feature is the simple Impasse System, which allows you to designate individual tiles that are impassable, leaving the control completely in the creators hands as to how maps are navigated. Plus, it looks beautiful:

We've already gone through and added these impasses to our existing maps, spreading the love as you can see below:

And we've worked up a few new places for you to cause havoc, like these alternate, fighting-enabled interiors:

Oh, and did we mention we're hard at work on a new biome: the desert! That perfect place for Poncho and Lefty to square off in, especially if a tumbleweed blows through:

BITE Feature Expansion - Cutscene Editor
And these improvements from BITE are already filtering into the Cutscene Editor, which Patrick is engineering to include streamlined event re-ordering, actor additions, and a whole slew of visual tweaks that we've got previews of below:

We're excited to show off the practical in-game implications of this next time!
Until Next Time, Yeeeehaaaaw
I guess the desert tiles are bringing out the country in me, but we've only just begun with these and another exciting biome we've got in the works:

Wait, is that snow?!
Guess we'll all just have to wait and find out :D. So until next time, holster those six shooters and go play some video games
Spacelair - Bodimi
- Level 2 & 3 graphics update
- Added 'Arcadia Greenhouse' on Mars (fix it and buy tomato plants)
- Added energy collecting feature on 'Unknown Planet'

Currently adding/updating:
- - Story and intro
Cateau - Business Casual Sauron
In an effort to garner more feedback during the future development of our current ptoject, we've decided to expand our social media presence to reddit. Before I continue, I'd like to make clear that this will not mean an end to updates here on Steam, there'll still be weekly posts here just as before!

The key differences are of course the very nature of the reddit community itself, and on reddit we will also be announcing future live FAQs and such, as such short-term posts are unlikely to be seen in time here on Steam. So if you'd like to catch those FAQs when they arrive or simply prefer to follow us through reddit, go check us out! There's also a convenient summary article that you can use to get up to speed if you missed the previous announcements.

Click Here to go to our reddit page.

Skeletal Dance Party - J3X

The knights of the Temple of Light are tired of loosing the battle thus they’ve opened up their armory and called in reinforcements! You will now face not only knights but also wizards and bard while exploring the dungeon. All armed with new equipment!

Each class of enemy now has a different model. In addition each level have a different skin. This gives a total of 15 different enemies to face in the dungeon.

New items
Some old items are replaced with new items with unique models. In addition all spell books have a new unique model and their stats balanced.

  • Fools Hat Really silly hat.
  • Magical Pole Arm Filled with magical energy.
  • Music Theory for Tone-deaf A book about how to make music. Not very good music.
  • Horn Honking results in a 350 gold coins penalty.
  • Magician’s Hat An entire rabbit family lives inside this fancy hat.
  • Red Wizard Hat Filled with magic.
  • Blue Wizard Hat For some reason more strong than the Red Wizard Hat.

  • Wooden Staff Powered by special effects from holy wood.
  • Circlet of Infinity Contains infinite knowledge about universe and rabbits.
  • Squire’s Helmet Made out of paper.
  • Viking Helmet Smells of mead.
  • Royal Knight’s Helmet Really fancy helmet only given to the most brave paladins.
  • Crusader Helmet Helmet dedicated to smiting evil. As long as you can see out.
  • Steel Shield Protects against everything except angry magnets.
  • Sacred Shield Blessed by the temple of light.
  • Sneaky Knife Small knife made for stabbing.
  • Knight’s Targe When offense is more important than protection.

  • Every party needs a place to dance. Thus dance floors are added to the dungeon.
  • More dynamic loot system allowing high level items to spawn at maps, giving more variety.
  • Add floor fences to some places in the world.
  • Updated Unity to 2018.3.7f1.
  • Fixed door frame collision.
  • Better door collision.

I hope you enjoy the update. If you find any bugs let me know in the forum.
Faeria - Atmaz
Tune in live to MetaGamingTV this Sunday, March 10th at 17:00 CET for a special team tournament and card reveal!

Read more in Faeria Friday.
On Target VR Darts - 5of5
On Target VR Darts is ready for purchase on Steam!

This Early Access Edition is a complete single player version of the game for Oculus Rift. We are currently working on getting the game over to Vive, along with adding multiplayer functionality, stats, achievements, leader-boards, a ton of new IAP and other updates.

Stay tuned for more, and let us know what you think of the game!

Shotgun Farmers - Megastorm Games

After 2 years of development and 1 year in Early Access, Shotgun Farmers has officially released on Steam today! This comes with a new update, including a new map, a new gun, and new cosmetics that you can only unlock during the Launch Week Event!

Check out the launch trailer:

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped Shotgun Farmers grow and shaped it into the game that it is today!

If you’re wondering, will there be more updates soon? The answer is YES of course! I’ve got more content planned so you can expect FREE updates coming to the full version of Shotgun Farmers!

Make sure you join the Discord to help me come up with new ideas to add to the game!

Keep up with the latest news:
Join the Shotgun Farmers Discord
Follow Shotgun Farmers on Twitter
Like Shotgun Farmers on Facebook
Follow Shotgun Farmers on Instagram

After the Collapse - Anarkis Gaming

Update 0.5.4 Summary

As we're gearing up for more content centric updates, this patch's main goal was to clear most of the remaining bugs and annoyances, improve usability and finish our sewer procedural generator.


The sewer generator is fully usable now. It's a slightly more dangerous area than the caverns (with default settings) as it's harder to find areas that are safe from roaming creatures. On the other hand, you'll find plenty of metal and stones inside. Note that the impassible water tiles can be covered by floor tiles.


After making a base dedicated to booze production, I noticed that large amount of booze production facilities would interfere with the cooking jobs (as it's the same activity), as such, I added the Brewing skill for everything booze related. Also, I added the ability to copy/paste queues from stations to other (similar) stations.

Additionally, I added a much needed keyboard shortcut (M by default, rebindable) to select all military ready units when you're in alert mode. Several menus and tool-tips also got minor tweaks, a right click when no menu is open will also trigger to content tool-tip (disassembling content and cargo info have been separated for player owned stuff as you can see in the screenshot).

Last but not least, unharmed settlers get a small passive healing buff while sleeping and power generators will send "do it now" jobs when they are about to run out of fuel.

Performances & Fixes

I increased performances during large mining and wall building/disassembling operations. This is especially noticeable on very large maps (and yes, more performance fixes will come for large maps).

And finally there's a bunch of bug fixes, most notably a rare & random crash when multithreading is enabled, several cases where creatures would get stuck into a wall when saving & loading a save-game, and the game not warning you when a trait morph into something else (like a laceration getting infected).

Notes about savegames

This is save compatible with the previous version, but some of the changes will only apply to newly built crafting stations. Additionally, and if and only if you're loading an old save-game, the brewing job is disabled by default on all of your settlers. Beside that, you should be good to go.

Full Changelog
+ AI: Power generators will send "high priority" resupply orders when critically low on fuel + Content: People who are neither ill or wounded get a (very slow) passive heal effect while sleeping + Content: Brewing job has been added for everything alcohol related (as a base dedicated to alcohol production/trading was difficult to maintain without it) + Content: Sewers' dark zones are now made of cavern-type walls instead of more concrete/cement walls + Content: Completed the sewer generator + Engine: Massively reduced CPU spikes during large mining or wall building operations + Engine: Made the multithreading system a bit more robust (should help prevent and, more importantly, catch rare crashes) + Engine: Reduced CPU cost of the user interface + UI: Right click on something when no menu is open also triggers the content tooltip (so you don't have to show the menu to quickly browse one of your containers) + UI: Separated cargo and disassembling info in the tooltip for player owned buildings + UI: Removed inventory tab from crafting stations' menu (as it's now handled by the tooltip and was rarely useful) + UI: Removed inventory tab from research station and increased the list's length + UI: You can copy/paste similar crafting stations' queued orders from one to the other + UI: Replaced generic "got trait" message by "is wounded" or "got sick" when survivors get sick/wounded + UI: Added "Select All Military Units" keyboard shortcut in military mode (M by default) + UI: Added settings for sewer generator and removed warning + UI: You no longer need to scroll in the exploration's planner dropdown to select the "find survivor" focus + Fixed: Settlers not picking up some of the stuff dropped on the ground + Fixed: Another case where a settler would get stuck into a wall or other construction + Fixed: Enabling Alert Mode could cause military units to attack the last targeted object (bed they are sleeping in, patients being fixed by doctors, that fun stuff) + Fixed: People would occasionally try to pickup items dropped in areas they don't have access to + Fixed: Animals & raiders could get stuck into terrain after saving/loading a game + Fixed: Cave digging improperly set as "disassembling" instead of "mining" + Fixed: Game doesn't warn when a wound or sickness morph into something else (laceration to infection for instance) + Fixed: Missing shroom recipe in electric kitchen + Fixed: The game was allowing multiple research and exploration stations + Fixed: Disassembling "smoke" animation always displayed in the current layer even when happening in the other one + Fixed: Loot setting in "new game" menu was inverted (regression bug 0.5.3) + Fixed: Another rare multithreading-related crash + Fixed: Sewer generator would always have the same layout + Fixed: More missing french translation strings
Mar 8, 2019
NBA 2K19 - NBA 2K

March is here, and tournament madness is right around the corner. Open brand new Madness MyTEAM theme packs to collect former college standouts like Pink Diamond Oscar Robertson, Carmelo Anthony & Jimmer Fredette!

Packs available in the Pack Market until March 15.
Cosmic Kites - Owlwood
So, I think that our inactivity here has been indication enough, but it's time to make it official: Fishmoose Interactive is shutting down.

We invested a lot of time and resources into making the release of Cosmic Kites as good as it could possible be, but it just didn't take off. This can probably be attributed to our inexperience, lack of community-building or simply the rapid changes of the industry. But it left us in a weird place, and we've been struggling to maintain momentum ever since. And over the last couple of months we've all but ceased operations and started heading in our own individual directions.

Calenture: The Card Game will most likely see a physical released later this year - but we're not making any promises. Aside from that, this is probably to consider the end of the road after 6-ish years; first as a group of friends making games during our time at uni, and later as a company.

There are plenty of half-finished games that we'd love to release somehow, and some additional work might still be made in the future.

Cosmic Kites will remain for sale for another couple of weeks here on Steam, but will then be taken down. The game will remain available via GameJolt for those potentially interested in the future!

Lastly, we'd like to sincerely thank everyone that has tagged along over the years; tried our games, met us at conventions, etc.

Tobias and Alex, signing off.
