Holdfast: Nations At War - AGS | Refleax

Holdfast: Nations At War has been updated. Make ready the guns as the all-new teamplay oriented artillery mechanics are here! Move artillery on the field of battle, carry ammunition, bring a quick end to nearby infantrymen with grapeshot and support the fight from the rear with the new Cannoneer class.

There’s plenty to look out for in this update. Better spot enemies at the distance with the improved spyglass, another map to continue adding to an already vast selection of game levels, user interface additions and more.

Before you have a read at the blog post, check out the trailer.


New Artillery Mechanics! Teamplay
Assemble the artillery crew and support the fight from the rear! Well trained crews will triumph over others as the new artillery mechanics have been designed from the ground up with teamplay at the forefront.

With plenty of mechanical changes centred around artillery, we’ve sectioned the blog post into several steps that one must go through to operate a moveable field gun. You’ll also find some of these mechanical changes present on various stationary guns.

Moving The Field Gun - Stage 0
Nearby the spawn locations for each faction, you’ll now find field guns that can be moved around on the battlefield. Look at either of the gun’s wheels, press the ‘E’ key and you’ll be able to move the gun around.

Moving an artillery piece isn’t restricted to a specific team. Want to go for the rather risky endeavour of stealing the opposing team’s cannon? You can very well do so with these new mechanics.

Assist Move The Field Gun - Stage 0
A secondary player can interact with the other wheel enabling the gun to move at a faster rate. Each and every class in the game is able to assist with moving the field gun so your chances of finding someone willing to help out is greater.

Selecting Your Shot - Stage 1
After you’ve moved the field gun to your desired position, you should look for an ammo box close to your vicinity to select a shot of your preference. Press the ‘E’ key once and select either the round or the new anti-personnel grapeshot.

You can also carry ammo boxes around the field of battle. As you can imagine, it’s going to be especially convenient not having to constantly run back to your spawn to pick up ammunition. Find a fellow Cannoneer willing to do the task and work together to operate the gun.

Ammo boxes can be carried around by pressing the ‘E’ key once and selecting the ‘Carry Ammo’ option. To drop the ammo box, scroll up or down with your mouse wheel or press one of the number keys to switch to another weapon.

Loading Your Shot - Stage 2
Go to the front of the gun and look directly at its barrel with ammunition in hand. Keep hold of the ‘E’ key until the round user interface indicator fills up to load your shot in the cannon.

Guns loaded with ammunition will cause an explosion if destroyed. Be sure to stay out of harm’s way! Moveable field guns will also respawn after two minutes if destroyed.

Ramming Your Shot - Stage 3
Now that you’ve loaded your cannon, you need to ram your shot down the barrel. Keep hold of the ‘E’ key until the round user interface indicator fills up to ram your shot. You’re now ready to fire the cannon.

Firing The Gun - Stage 4
Head to the back of the gun, look at the barrel then press the ‘E’ key once to aim the cannon. Pick your target well then fire away! It is highly recommended that you have another player assisting with ranging targets using a spyglass.

Upon firing, the field gun will recoil backwards. Moveable field guns are intended to function in this manner instead of being automatically pushed forward to promote teamplay.

A New Shot! Grapeshot
By now it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there’s a new shot that players can choose from. Swivel guns, field guns, carronades and various long guns can be loaded with Grapeshot which is especially effective against infantry.

A New Class! Cannoneer
The go to class for dedicated artillerymen! Cannoneers have a priority over the operation of field guns and indeed all of the other artillery pieces present in the game. These range from various long guns, carronades, mortars, as well as swivel guns.

They also come equipped with a spyglass which is especially useful to range targets at long distances. There’ll be more coming to this class in due time when development of the class system update begins.

French Empire

British Empire

Kingdom of Prussia

Spyglass! Enemies At The Distance
We’ve given the spyglass a well-deserved overhaul! First and foremost, we significantly increased the viewing distance when looking through a spyglass. It’ll come in especially handy for the artillery crewman in charge of ranging targets.

The underlying code-base that makes this system function has also been re-designed to prevent various instances which caused players to get stuck viewing the spyglass. We’ve also cleaned up most of the interface while using a spyglass and improved its looks.

A New Map! Fort Pierre
Bring out the guns and batter Fort Pierre’s walls! Make good use of moveable field guns to open multiple entry points for the assaulting infantrymen by pouring led into the wooden palisades.

It does indeed seem quite fitting to introduce a siege map along with this update. Join one of the official Army Front servers to check it out.

User Interface. Points of Interaction
As the number of objects that you can interact with on the map increases, we required an additional feature to help players better identify their location. Once a player gets close to an interactable object, they will be presented with an icon marking down its location.

For the scope of this update, we’ve placed interaction icons on all moveable and stationary artillery pieces as well as ammo boxes. We’re planning on expanding this system for various other points of interaction present on various maps including lanterns, pianos, sitting, climbing rigging and more.

We’ve also made sure to provide players with the option to disable interaction indicators. You can find this in the game options under all the other user interface settings.

What’s Next? Development Plans
After we iron out any issues that may have slipped through the cracks due to the latest introduction of the artillery update, we’ll be splitting our development efforts between quality of life additions and the next major update.

Let’s head off with the most exciting of announcements. Player built defences will be making an introduction into the game with the release of the next major update! Well placed defences will turn the tide of battle in your favour.

In the near future, we’re planning on providing players with the option to vote for their own maps after the round ends. Even though this is a relatively smaller addition compared to the gameplay-oriented features that’ll be coming in the next major update, it has been highly requested by the community so we’ve set our sights on doing just that.

There’ll also be other updates besides the ones we’ve mentioned coming to the game leading to the release of the next major update. As always, we’ll keep you up to date on our progress.

Community. Join The Discord!
Looking for a good bunch of fellows to play the game with? Do join our Discord! Linebattle events were players are encouraged to play in formations relevant to the Napoleonic era are hosted by the community through the week.

We look forward to seeing you there! Stay in touch.


There are plenty more additions to go through but the blog post is already getting rather lengthy. Have a look at the list below for the entire list of additional features, bug fixes, improvements and content that you’ll find in this update.

Changelog 24 - Game Version 0.22.6925.42022
    New Game Features
  • New Artillery Mechanics! Well trained crews will triumph over others as the new artillery mechanics have been designed from the ground up with team-play at the forefront.
    » Move field guns on the field of battle. Assist another player to move the gun at a faster pace.
    » Cannoneers are able to carry ammo boxes. It’s extremely convenient to have this present nearby a field gun to use at a moment’s notice.
    » You are now required to hold down your ‘E’ key to load a shot.
    » Guns must now be rammed after a shot is loaded.
    » Moveable field guns will recoil back once they are fired. You can no longer automatically push the cannon forward on the field guns to encourage team play.
    » You are now required to go through the same process of loading and ramming while operating a stationary artillery piece.
  • Artillery Respawn. Moveable field guns will respawn back to their initial spawn location after two minutes. They will also be repairable in a future update.
    » Server administrators can configure the time it takes for an artillery to respawn after it gets destroyed by inputting the following command in the server configuration file: artillery_fieldgun_respawn_timer 130
  • Grapeshot! A new artillery shot that is especially effective against infantry.
  • A New Class! Cannoneer. The go-to class for dedicated artillerymen. They have a priority over the operation of field guns and indeed all of the other artillery pieces present in the game.
    » Cannoneers also have their own chat channel to communicate in.
  • Spyglass Overhaul! You are now able to view players at a much greater distance while looking through the spyglass. This will come in especially useful for ranging targets.
  • A New Map! Fort Pierre. Make good use of moveable field guns to open multiple entry points for the assaulting infantrymen by pouring led into the wooden palisades.
    » Input the following parameter to play this map on your community server: map_name fortpierre.
  • Interaction Indicators. Once a player gets close to an interactable object, they will be presented with an icon marking down its location.
    » You can disable these indicators from the game options under all the other user interface settings. Look for Interaction Indicators.
  • Dutch Canals. This map has received quite the overhaul with bridges being added to create pathways over canals and additional houses and trees to serve as cover. We’ll be re-visiting other maps to improve their playability in future updates.
  • Most of the maps present in the game received various iterations to support moveable artillery. A hefty bunch of work!
  • We’ve made sure to include two moveable artillery pieces on every map specifically designed for organised play.
    » You’ll also find additional stationary artillery pieces present on some of the maps.

    Quality of Life
  • We implemented a system that ensures the order of classes in the spawn menu remains consistent with the exception of the Training Grounds map were classes from both the Navy, Army and Coastal branches are present.
  • Changed the font used for all interaction labels in the game so it becomes more readable and added a slight fade to all of the interaction labels.
  • Included additional sounds to all artillery pieces.
  • The list of official servers available to join in the ‘Join Other Server’ panel has been updated.
  • Changed the colour of the recruitment channel to make it more distinguishable from the rest.

    Game Balance
  • Implemented a system that restricts players from loading specific shots in certain artillery pieces. You are no longer able to load round shot in swivel guns. Instead, they can now be loaded with a smaller iteration of the grapeshot.
  • Upon firing an artillery piece, the gun’s barrel will slightly recoil. This is being done to further increase the skill gap.
  • You’ll now find more ammo boxes on the 8-Gun Schooner. These contain the smaller version of the grapeshot to load swivel guns with.

    Other Additions
  • Included additional spawns near the barn on Highlands when played on the Army Conquest game mode.
  • Change the spawn limits for the Garrison Arena map when played on the Army Conquest game mode.

  • Solved an instance which was causing a dip in framerate when an explosion was caused.
  • Optimised various particle effects in the game.

    Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug which caused the sound when pushing a cannon forward not to play.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented firearm trajectories from showing when a server administrator set the drawFirearmTrajectories to true.
  • Fixed a bug which caused players to get stuck in an animation after using a spyglass.
  • Fixed a bug which caused players to get stuck looking through a spyglass forcing them to respawn.
  • Fixed a bug with the wheels not animating correctly when a cannon is being pushed forward.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the particles produced when a shot from a firearm hits a snowy terrain to be not very visible.
  • Fixed a bug which caused players to get stuck behind the rowboat passage on King George.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented players from using any weapons while walking on one of the rowboats present on King George.
  • Fixed a bug on Fort Sallettes which prevented players from going in certain rooms.

We’re working on the next update. Once again, thank you very much for your support and until next time, may good health be yours.

- Anvil Game Studios
Ring of Elysium - RingofElysium_Official
Dear players,

Welcome to the latest official patch notes for Ring of Elysium’s Early Access phase. Here’s the full details:

  • Slightly decreased the horizontal recoil for all weapons

Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue where switching back to the game process takes too long after switching to the desktop after a period of time under Fullscreen mode

Thanks for playing,
Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare - Tina
Blazing Core - tenerfost

Christmas Party at Blazing Core!

There are just a few days left before Christmas and New Year, but the festivities are already under way. The city streets are glittering, people are hurrying to finish all preparations for the most important night of the year. And soon the winter holidays with their long cozy evenings will be upon us. We’d like to invite you to spend them with us - call your friends and take part in the Christmas Party!

  • Thanks to Christmas magic, our maps are now covered in snow and full of twinkling Christmas trees. Under their branches, on the roofs of the temples, and among the mines you may even find colorful presents. Each mech got a unique holiday skin. And the reason for all of this - from December 21 till January 11 you can take part in the Christmas Party at Blazing Core! Complete holiday quests and earn special temporary currency - tokens.
  • Tokens will let you buy unique Christmas items: mech and drone skins, banner decorations. You can collect and spend tokens till the end of the Christmas Party event. Don’t worry if you still have some left after. When the event is over, all unused tokens will be converted into more common coins.
  • You may start earning tokens and buying unique items right after the start of the Christmas Party on December 21. Stay tuned!
  • We’ve refined the animation for creeps’ movement and shooting.

Fixed bugs
  • Other players’ mechs shook when moving
  • While spectating allies, the mech’s status bars above them shook as well.
  • Alongside the last update we optimized the online aspects a little bit. But there’s always room for improvement. Our devs never stopped working on it and with this update the optimization quality is even higher.
  • Supremus didn’t always jump as directed when using Despot.
  • Kara’s hit effect glitched.
  • Supremus’ mines and jumps now properly interact with destroyable objects.

Warframe - Wintermaker

Return to the Vallis, Tenno: We're taking down our first Orb Mother. Wield your Archweapons to destroy the Profit-Taker -- then walk the path of least resistance as Baruuk, the pacifist Warframe.


Here’s the score, Tenno: Nef has the entire Vallis on lockdown. Supply lines are cut off, and we can't get anyone in or out of Fortuna. So we’re planning something big. Something dangerous.

We’re going to fight a massive, mechanical spider. An Orb Mother, to be precise.

The Profit-Taker is perched atop the Enrichment Labs on the outskirts of Fortuna. It's protected by Sentient overshield technology, making it invulnerable to weapons fire.

Before we can take on the Profit-Taker, we need to discover a weakness in its defenses. Work with Solaris United to get the intel and the tools you need to get the job done.

You’ll need serious firepower to take down the Profit-Taker. With the Gravimag, upgrade your Archweapons - previously only available to equip in space - for use in any mission!

The Business and his conservation team have three new Echo-Lures available. Use them to save three new species in the Vallis before the Corpus get to them first. New Floofs and a Conservation Emblem await your efforts!

This crimson-faced bird of prey stalks the cliffs and fungal groves of Venus, searching for rodent prey.

This hideous creature is terrible to behold but will not attack unless provoked. When it does, its roar will shake the bowels of even the most steadfast tracker.

The Stover is, in essence, a proto-Kubrow that resurrected when Venus thawed. When grouped in a pack, Stovers are relentless opponents.

A pacifist by nature, Baruuk’s calm manner erupts when he’s pushed to the edge.

Dodge all incoming projectiles, but only while not attacking. Use again to deactivate this ability.

A calming wave slows enemies until they fall into a slumber. Enemies woken by damage will be confused and disoriented. Short-term amnesia means all waking enemies forget anything that happened before the lull.

Summon a bevy of orbiting daggers to seek out enemy guns, destroying them with a small explosion. Combine with Elude to double the range.

With his Restraint eroded, Baruuk commands the Desert Wind to deliver powerful radial strikes with his fists and feet. Each moment commanding the storm restores his Restraint.

Because of her Quill connections, Little Duck has access to new Operator Weapons and Customizations. Pay her a visit in Fortuna.

Operator Amps + Arcanes
Little Duck has variety of new amp parts constructed from salvaged Corpus technology. Even better, you can mix and match these parts with the Plains Amps sold by Quill Onkko! Build your perfect Amp, then upgrade it with a selection of new Operator Amp Arcanes.

Operator Hairstyles
Give your Operator a fresh look with these new hairstyles.

Operator Ventkid Cosmetics
Dress up like your logical fam, the Ventkids. Chekchek?

Complete The Profit-Taker Sting and work with the Ventkids to earn brand-new Mods for your K-Drive, Archweapons and more.

K-Drive Stat Mods
Perfect Balance - +66% Chance to Resist Falls
Poppin’ Vert - +80% K-Drive Double Jump Height
Pop Top - -60% Jump Charge Time

Stats shown at Max Rank. Subject to change.

K-Drive Style Mods
Cold Arrival - Dismounting your K-Drive deals Cold Damage to nearby enemies.
Mad Stack - Increased the velocity when falling off your K-Drive.
Quick Escape - Gain invulnerability for a limited time when mounting a K-drive, but will expire early upon dismounting.

Stats shown at Max Rank. Subject to change.

Strain Mod Set
Set Bonus: Helminth Charger grows a cyst every 3 secs (up to 8 cysts) that burst every 25 secs to spawn a Maggot ally for 12 secs.
Strain Fever - Helminth: +40% Extra Damage and gain +5% increased size for each Cyst
Strain Eruption - Helminth: Maggots explode on death dealing 40 Poison Damage in 8m
Strain Consume - Warframe: Absorb dead Maggots within 5m to restore 100 health.
Strain Infection - Melee: +20% Critical Damage for each Cyst on Helminth Charger

Stats shown at Max Rank. Subject to change.

Expand your personal armory with these new Weapons and Customizations:

Baruuk's signature weapons: a sword for retribution, a shield for restraint. In Baruuk's hands, and his hands only, Cobra's first strike in a combo renders his foe unconscious.

Don your Kubrow with Baruuk's distinctive armor.

This Syandana of corded-knots wrapped in linen is used by Baruuk for meditation and contemplation.

A uniquely-styled alternate Helmet for Baruuk.

Feel the kick of this Corpus shotgun as it shatters a high-yield crystal into anyone and anything standing in your way.

Cultivate a meaningful relationship with this deceptively simple battery-powered pistol. The Plinx rewards attention and investment from the wise.

Shock and maim with this heavyweight retractable whip.

A uniquely-styled alternate Helmet for Nidus.

A uniquely-styled alternate Helmet for Titania.

⠂A new Fortuna Captura Scene is available from Smokefinger
⠂Discover brand-new lore collectibles in the Orb Vallis that shine a light on the people of Fortuna.
⠂Lift together with the new Motherwrench Hammer Weapon Skin
⠂“We All Lift Together” and the ambient music of the Vallis is now available to unlock through Somachord Fragments!
⠂Deck out your Personal Quarters with new Syndicate Wall Stencils, available as an Offering for each respective Syndicate.
When Wardens Fall - peernetgames


When Wardens Fall patch 1.2 is available now! This release was all about adding variety and realism to each dungeon run. Varity because of the addition of 3 new monsters: The Chosen, The Warden, and The Sister. Realism because of the addition of dynamic grip, new blood and damage effects, and new physics reactions for hits.

New Mechanics
  • New Monsters
    • The Warden – The Wardens were once the most elite among the Wardens ranks, but now they act as no more than glorified body guards to the demon lords that they once imprisoned. A towering mass of armor and flesh, the Warden are capable of holding their ground against most opponents. You will often encounter a Warden standing between you and other enemies, slowing down your progression through the dungeon.
    • The Sister – The Sisters used to be a proud order of religious mages, but they were corrupted like the rest of the dungeon and are now a disturbing husk of their previous self. As casters, the Sister will attempt to find a place away from the player, from which they can cast their spells.
    • The Chosen – The Chosen are extremely powerful disciples of the demon lords and have been blessed with untold strength and skill. Each Chosen is capable of performing complex combos and chargers, similar to the Disciples but much more formidable.

  • Forgotten Changes
    • The Forgotten are the most basic, and most common, enemy found in the dungeon of When Wardens Fall. There has been increased randomization introduced to the Forgotten with respect to the type of weapons they are carrying and the armor they are wearing. For example, you can now encounter Forgotten with and without a shield. Now can have a shield or no shield.

  • Impact Changes
    • New Blood Effect: Spurting blood effects have been added
    • New Damage Effects: Overall more gore has been added; there is now visible damage on the NPC where they are hit
    • New Physics Reactions for Hits – more realistic reactions from NPC when they are hit

  • New Grip Code
    • Dynamic Grip is now available for all weapons, including two-handed weapons, in the dungeon. Dynamic Grip means that players can hold a weapon at any point along the handle. When you go to pick up a weapon, you will now see a transparent cube on the handle which you can slide along the handle to determine where you will grip the weapon.

  • New Rooms
    • There are now unique start rooms and end rooms for each level of the dungeon. A start room is the room into which you originally spawn at the start of each level. An end room is the room in which you will find the gold door which will take you to the next level. These new start rooms and end rooms are all safe rooms and therefore you will not encounter any enemies within these rooms.

  • Holstering System
    • While a partial holstering system did exist in previous versions of the game, it was not fully realized and had many outstanding issues.
    • Players will now find that their holster has 7 available spots in which they can holster their weapons or alchemy potions. There are 3 small spots on the player’s front, 2 medium spots on the player’s sides, and 2 large spots on the player’s back.
    • The 3 spots on the front (2 on the belt and 1 on the chest) are denoted by green cubes when your hand is close enough to interact with them. These are small spots and only hold knives, axes and alchemy potions. When a spot is highlighted in green, it is a single click of the grip button to holster or unholster an item.
    • The 2 spots on the front are located on either hip. These are medium spots and hold anything except two-handed weapons or shields. As it is more difficult to see the green cube, there is an added vibration cue to tell the player when they can interact with the spot. A long vibrate means you can holster an item (single click grip button) and a short vibrate means you can unholster an item (single click grip button).
    • There are 2 spots on the back located just over both shoulders. These are large spots and hold any item. These spots use the same vibration cues to tell players when they can holster and unholster.

Temporary Fixes
  • Personal Lighting Source
    • At the moment, a “headlamp” has been added to the player to increase visibility in your immediate surrounds. This helps players see the enemy that they are actively fighting. It is also useful if you drop your sword for example.
    • The long term goal is to switch out the “headlamp” for a lantern which the player can store on their holster. The player could then unholster the lantern and hold it up when they require additional illumination.
    • How dark would you like to see the dungeon? Do you prefer some level of ambient lightning or would prefer to solely rely on your headlamp/lantern which is more authentic to a deserted dungeon?

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed navigation generation issues
  • Removed shield from Fiend and Clot which was incorrectly blocking attacked
  • Introduced minimum enemy spawn count so that rooms are never empty
  • Fixed level up explosion which was killing enemies in other rooms
  • Updated physics assets on starting weapons

  • Decreased Two-Handed Reduction from 50% to 30%
  • Adjusted spawn rates of all monsters to account for new monsters
60 Parsecs! - Robot Gentleman

Attention Astrocitizens!

☢️ We have a new face on board! Say hello to April Angelle... a bicycle mechanic from New Orleans! Well, that sounds like a perfect Astrocitizen captain material. Get ready to explore the universe, April. Glory and soup await!

☢️ Don't run off Astrocitizens! There is more! All of you have important missions to fulfill. We are counting on you. Mission mode activated!

☢️ For all aspiring captains - remember that when in space you will need to nominate yourself or others to handle special materials! Those minerals, chemicals and power are not going to generate on their own!

☢️ Should you have any doubts, please refer to the Astrocitizen Handbook, now also available in Polish and Korean!

Astrocitizens, see you 60 parsecs away!

+++ 18/12/2018 - Mission: April One - Update

- New playable character - April Angelle!
- New game mode - Missions!
- New gameplay feature - Universal Resource Generator!

- Polish language version!
- Korean language version!

- A brand new music track!
- Update to Emmet's captain trait!
- Not one, not two, but three new achievements!
- Souper fun with Soup-O-Matic in scavenge!

- Fix to Extreme Makeover achievements
- Minor bugfixes and tweaks
Dec 18, 2018
GameEllen - ugka81
The game is more stable and contains resolution and display settings.
RIDE 3 - Milestone Community Manager

Holidays are approaching and we at Milestone could not let you spend Christmas without a patch under the tree.
We have read many of your requests, increasing our awareness of RIDE 3.
Thanks to you we have created the basis for the important upgrades that we have decided to play. The process of change will take some time, but we are pretty confident.
Today we start with these:

-Improvements to game menu pages and overall navigation
-Livery editor: improvements to navigation and performance
-Career: each event now has a specific name
-Drag race: the opponent bikes may now also be picked automatically
-Removed duplicated parts for some bikes in the elaboration menu
-Improved shadows in Replay TV cameras
-Front wheel issue in replay mode fixed
-Improved AI tuning
-Improved quality in Photo Mode
-Polished and improved rider animations
-Graphical fixes and improvements on tracks
-Fixed crash when accessing the Career page with specific add-ons installed
-Fixed time penalty when cutting the corners

In addition to the improvements on the game, we also worked on the real stars of RIDE 3. Your and our beloved bikes finally got what was missing…

-Aprilia RSV4 RF 2015: exhaust fixed
-BMW S1000 R 2016: wheel rims updated
-Honda CBR 600 RR 2004: livery updated
-Honda CBR 300 R 2017: exhaust fixed
-Suzuki GSX-R1000R RC 2017: exhaust and heat effect fixed
-Ktm 990 Super Duke R 2014: exhaust fixed
-Ducati 1299 Superleggera 2017: backfire sound fixed
-Ducati Panigale 1299 S 2015: number removed. Exhaust backfire and sound backfire fixed
-Ducati 916 1994: tires fixed
-Ducati Streetfighter 848 2014: tires fixed
-Bimota DB8 2014: muffler fixed
-Honda CRF 450 Supermoto 2016: handlebar shape and riding animations fixed
-MV Agusta Brutale 800 RM 2016: exhaust backfire and 2D gauge fixed
-MV Agusta RVS 1 2018: homologation fixed
-MV Agusta F4 RR 2014 RC: stock mirrors removed
-Husqvarna FS 450 2015: barpads fixed
-Husqvarna 701 Supermoto 2018: rims fixed
-Triumph Thruxton 2016: custom mirrors removed
-Triumph Street Twin 2016: minor fixes
-Triumph Street Triple RX 2015: 2D gauge fixed
-Kawasaki ZX-6R RM 2014: 2D gauge fixed
-Norton V4 1200 SS 2017: tires and wheel rims fixed
-Yamaha YZF-R1 2007: engine sound and exhaust fixed
-Yamaha YZF-R6 2017: exhaust fixed
-Yamaha Team: Anvil Hire TGA Racing Yamaha 2017: taillight removed
-2D gauge fixed on electric bikes
Dungeon Defenders II - [CG] Lawlta

The Heroes of Etheria have arrived at Drakenfrost Keep and explored its grounds. Throughout their exploration they unlocked a hidden chamber shrouded in runes around a mage who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep an ancient evil at bay. The seal has been broken, and the Drakenlord lives again! Held at bay for many years, kept alive only by fables, this menacing evil seeks to take back his keep, raise a dragon army, and set out to conquer the lands of Etheria. It is up to you, Defender, to send this juggernaut back to the underworld.

Greeting Defenders,

We unleashed a beast in Patch 4.3, which is now out on ALL platforms! The Drakenlord has come to terrorize the citizens of Etheria, we took a pass at some additional Mod Reroll quality of life, bug fixes, and more. Let’s get into it!

The Drakenlord

Soaring through the skies of Etheria, the Drakenlord is trying to take back his domain, Drakenfrost Keep. He’s a new boss type that will require you to create unique strategies to take him down, unlike any other boss you’ve fought so far! With his arrival, he may appear in other maps as well. He is now ready to fight you in Expeditions!

Drakenfrost Keep is also now a map that appears in Onslaught. Starting at Floor 39, Drakenfrost Keep appears every 10 floors as a capstone floor (similar to The Lost Temple). This means at Floors 34, 44, 54, 64, etc., you have to defend the Lost Temple, and on Floors 39, 49, 59, 69, etc., you conquer Drakenfrost Keep.

The Drakenlord provides new rewards every week! There are a slew of new weapons AND Mods for you to obtain by slaying him and protecting Etheria.

A costume for the Squire is now available on the Emporium, where you can BECOME the Drakenlord. We’re excited to see how you handle what he has in store for you, and the great rewards that await you.

Mod Reroll
We’ve been all about adding Mod quality of life changes, and here’s another one. Previously we doubled 10/10 drop chances, then last week we ensured that you run into a 10/10 after actively playing for ~10 hours, AND we added a new Mod Reroll material (that can be stored in the Material Vault).

A lot of people have enjoyed these adds, but we thought we’d take it a step further. Mod Rerolls allow you to target specific Mods into becoming 10/10. Some players target farm lower tiers to try and get better luck on a 10/10 dropping for a specific lower Mod (*cough* Tenacity *cough*). We want you all playing content you find engaging, so now Mod Rerolls after a while will guarantee a 10/10 roll. The amount of time is greatly impacted by the ability to buy this material from other players. This change means you can keep climbing or playing content you want, and are guaranteed to eventually get a 10/10 of the Mod you want.

Diminishing Returns
There were a few issues with Diminishing Returns upon release. Most of these problems were related to towers/abilities that could apply a stun more than once a second (i.e. Weapon Manufacturer and Protons). These towers were causing a large spike in diminishing returns that was not intended. On top of that, because of the fast attack rate the drop off of diminishing returns was halted.

Three major issues caused this, Stuns reapplying themselves and adjusting their initial duration each time. This caused initial stuns to a lot last less than intended, which was fixed in today’s update. Second, all Crowd Controls (CC) were adding to the same tenacity pool instead of separated by type (for instance, stuns and slows). This was causing a much higher overall tenacity than expected, which was also fixed in today’s update. The final issue, which we are still working on, is related to how the tenacity fall off is calculated. This is causing some enemies that start at a higher base tenacity when playing with four players to have enemies be nearly immune to CC after their first stun. This is not intended and we are actively looking into a fix to allow players to use theirs stuns as intended.

This is a feature that we are testing on PC/Steam. There’s a lot of information that we’re going to be gathering with this specific feature, so we want to communicate that there may be times where it’s not working correctly, and it may require game restarts to get it functioning correctly, but will not affect your gameplay specifically.

Communities provide a way for you to gather with up to 30 like-minded Defenders and talk across games and lobbies, invite to party, and more! You can be in up to 5 communities at any time, and are able to create communities whenever you want. Here are some of the functionalities that Communities offer:
  • Give them a unique name (don’t worry, the name filter is working)
  • Give them a three or four letter acronym of your choice.
  • By using “/c1”, “/c2”, “/c3”, “/c4”, and “/c5” you can quickly chat in each of your communities. (You can also use /<insert acronym here> to chat with them as well).
  • Invite players to join your parties in the Town or Private Tavern.
  • Use different ranks (Owner, Officer, and then regular members).
  • Invite and recommend users to join a Community.
There’s a lot more functionality and we’re looking at ways to add more and improve the current setups. We’re looking forward to your constructive feedback and will be doing everything we can to make these Communities great.

Hero Changes
Abyss Lord
  • Towers
    • Skeletal Orc
      • The DU cost is now 30, was previously 35.
  • Towers
    • World Tree
      • The DU cost is now 20, was previously 25.
  • Towers
    • Fissure of Embermount
      • The overlap is now 35% of the max range, was previously 50% (for reference, flame aura overlap is 50%).
  • Towers
    • Training Dummy
      • The DU cost is now 20, was previously 25.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where a small group of player’s pets had invalid stats tied to them.
  • Fixed an issue where Boom chips were functioning incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue for PS4 users getting kicked to the main menu, and having to restart the game to continue.
  • Fixed an issue with inspecting items on the ground while playing splitscreen for PS4 and Xbox.
  • Fixed an issue when inspecting defenses, it showed the stats of other defenses.
  • Adjusted billboard focus size to make them easier to read.
  • Destructive Pylon and Destruction interaction match the Destructive Pylon tooltip and no longer stack.
  • Fixed an issue when going through incursions and getting put against Malthius.
  • Updated drenching strikes to be affected by electrocute for the correct duration
  • Fixed an issue with pathing in lanes that had translucent objects.
  • Fixed an issue where water chip was sometimes not drenching enemies.
  • Adjusted Vampiric Empowerment to show the correct stat boost on the individual tower inspect screen in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where restarting Drakenfrost Keep produced one less core alive.
  • The Haunting Shard now shoots ghosts on secondary attacks.
  • Fixed an issue with Ogres teleporting on the far east lane of The Lost Temple.
  • Fixed an issue with non-leader members of a party get a bad error message when matchmaking.
  • Changed the schedules on Drakenfrost Keep on Chaos VI and VII in Expeditions.
  • Boom mods should now work on everything they’re equipped to.
  • Fixed a framerate drop on Xbox when interacting with enemy schedule billboard.
  • Fixed an issue on PS4 where the menu level music played during the video intro.
  • Fixed an issue on comparing/inspecting items in the inventory if they are not equippable for the current selected hero.
  • Removed an Auto Sort checkbox on the Tinkering UI.
  • Tweaked the VFX for the Accumulator Servo to show the AoE effect.
  • Fixed an issue on Sacrificial Warden adventure when using a controller/gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue for a very small subset of users that caused an issue when coming back from a long break that had them temporarily stuck on Greystone Plaza.
  • Adjusted how Diminishing Return buffs were calculated with different types of debuffs.
  • Adjusted the difficulty of Forest Crossroads, Liferoot Forest, and Betsy during the campaign to be easier.
  • Added elemental effects to weapons dropped during the New User Experience.
  • Adjusted the pickup radius for Primary Reroll and Mod Reroll materials.
  • Fixed an issue on gamepads/controllers with focus while rerolling Mods/Primary stats.
Known Issues
  • Some sources of fire damage from Shards/Mods are not lighting torches correctly on Drakenfrost Keep.
  • If you are not able to use Communities, restart the game to get back into them.
  • Consecutive Win Bonus and Replay From Wave can fail, currently getting a fix ready.
  • Replaying from Wave on Drakenfrost Keep and winning can result in not receiving the special Frost weapons.
Social Defenders
To get reliable updates on what’s to come, be sure to check out our social platforms for the latest juiciest beans to be spilled:
The entire team has had a blast making this content, we cannot wait for all of you to get your hands on our next update. Stay tuned for more info soon!

For Etheria!

The Dungeon Defenders II Team