Tales of the Neon Sea - Zodiac Interactive
We’re delighted to announce that Tales of the Neon Sea picked up two awards during yesterday’s Casual Connect Asia event - Best Game Design and Most Innovative Game. This follows our recent success at Weplay 2018, and to celebrate we want to get our fans in on the action!
You can now download and try out a playable slice of the game for yourself. Look for the “Download Demo” option on the right side of the store page, and experience 3 small chunks of Tales of the Neon Sea today!
As always, thoughts and feedback are very much encouraged. Thanks again for all your support, and we hope you enjoy the demo!
Battle Brawlers - NO.51
Honorific Commanders,

Some new skin of heroes and new game events have come along with this update. Let us have a brief view of new content :D

1. New Skin - Cyber Hunter For Hero "Dark Shaman"
~ Killing is going on!

2. New Skin - Power of Soul For Hero Wild Heart
~ Courage will return!

3. Hero Discounting Event
~ Spend less to get powerful heroes.

4. Hero Optimization
  • (1) Duration of skill [Electrify] of hero "Commander / Imperator" increases from "4 sec / 5 sec" to "6 sec / 7 sec", and its damage increases from "170 / 260" to “185 / 280”.
  • (2) CoolDown time of skill [Forkblast] of heroine "Gorgon / Medusa" decreases from "30 sec / 20 sec" to "27 sec / 18 sec".
  • (3) Skill [Demonic] of hero "Pit Fiend / Pit Lord" changes from lowering attack of enemy for "10% / 15%" to "12% / 18%".
  • (4) Damage of skill [Relentless] of heroine "Fire Witch / Blaze Witch" increases from "20 / 24" to "25 / 30", and its CoolDown time decreases from "30 sec / 20 sec" to "25 sec / 18 sec".
  • (5) Attack of hero "Panda Monk / Panda Sensei" increases from "78-81 / 115-125" to "88-91 / 135-145".

5. Troops Adjustment
  • (1) Skill [Plunder] of troop "Marauder I / Marauder II" changes from grabbing "3 gold / 5 gold" to grabbing "4 gold / 7 gold".
  • (2) Attack of troop "Cybrog II" increases from "71-75" to "76-80", and its cost decreases from "365 gold" to "345 gold".
  • (3) Attack Speed of troop "Bionicbot" decreases from "1.3x/sec" to "1.2x/sec".
  • (4) Cost of troop "Frost Shredder / Blood Shredder" increases from "150 gold / 230 gold" to "170 gold / 240 gold".
  • (5) Attack Speed of troop "Fang Roar" decreases from “1.35x/sec” to “1.25x / sec”.

How do you think about it? Do you want to say something to us? Feel free to leave your message :)

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Nov 14, 2018
Go Outside Simulator - Darth Tragedus the wise
The game launches today! The graphics update that was planned to be a later update has been implimented and will instead be the launch build. More updates to come down the road.
SURV1V3 - Curs0
Hi guys,

while completing checkpoints and mission 4 implementation we're still focused on enhancing and tweaking what we released so far.

In order to better investigate crash problems, we're adding a centralized reporter that will help us analyze any crash users may report in future.

In case you have a crash Unreal Engine Crash Reporter window will show up:
1- note your LoginID (this will help us in searching your report)
2- just provide information about what you were doing when crash occurred
3- press "send and close" and contact us (steam forum / discord channel)

Nostos - Tazaki Tsukuru

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the Nostos community! We are so thrilled about bringing our game on Steam!

Nostos is NetEase's first self-developed VR multiplayer online game with an open world setting. Players, play as the role of explorers, could adventure, combat, build up, and even save the world with their partners. A variety of terrains, miraculous ecological communities, and meteorological system, special doomsday costumes, as well as realistic combat experience will offer players extraordinary immersive gaming experiences. This land of Nostos will open to you in the next year.

Check in with us to stay up to date on all things Dev and game related. We'll be bringing you a behind-the-scenes look at the game in the making and holding some Q&A sessions to answer your questions as well as gathering outstanding ideas about the game.

Stay on top of updates through the links below!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nostosgame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nostosgame
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdVw_H_MO-oax619ja-Rngw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nostos_vrgame/
Official Website: http://nostos.163.com/index.html

Nostos Devs Team
Nov 14, 2018
City Game Studio: Your Game Dev Adventure Begins - Nimugure

We started the beta on October 31st and everything is rolling smoothly ! We are constantly improving City Game Studio's stability, not even mentioning your manifold suggestions. Most of them are now on our to-do list.

In a word, during the past few weeks, the game has been completely transformed. UI, graphics, hints, animations, everything is better ! For example, if it used to take just a good game to be sustainable, you have now a whole lot of buttons and parameters to be able to market your game.

We are making great strides for the game's development, and we will already be able to release the game anytime soon ! If you want to contribute with suggestions for new features, feel free to pass by our official Discord ! For those wishing to do a bit more to help, talk about City Game Studio on social medias !

That's all for this month !

Artifact - BrandonR

I enjoyed helping design the shop in Artifact and I think it provides a lot to the game. We knew we wanted the heroes to get more powerful over the course of play – and in fact we experimented with some experience and leveling systems to accomplish that. We quickly came to the conclusion we could get a lot of the feeling of improvement from a shop which sold items that upgraded the heroes. Rather than collect experience, players would collect gold. The gold could be spent to flexibly upgrade your heroes in different ways during the course of the game.

The shop is composed of three panels, the rightmost selling a random consumable item. These items are effects that we wanted players to always have access to, we didn’t want them to be forced to put, for example, healing potions in their deck.

The middle panel is dedicated to equipment the player chooses to bring into the game. It is a minimum of 9 cards, and unlike the other two panels, when you purchase something from the center panel a new option is immediately revealed. This means that when you have multiple purchases buying from the center first is correct so you can see the new revealed option before committing to further purchases.

The leftmost panel is the most exciting panel – the Secret Shop, which has who-knows-what for sale. While I wanted to see players build their shop deck with equipment that made sense for their strategy – we wanted to have the possibility that anything might be available in the shop, that it was bigger than just your deck list. This is the sort of mechanic that is easy to do digitally, but hard to do with a physical product.

The additional choices had to occasionally be better than what a player has in their deck, or they will rarely find themselves buying from the secret shop – and its’ cool appeal would be at best a surface appeal. This might happen, for example that a player has much more gold than they usually do, and so their equipment deck list might not have some bigger pieces they could afford. Also, it gives an extra chance to get what a player needs in a pinch – you might really need a weapon and you don’t get the opportunity from your deck list – you might have one that can work from the secret shop.

Because of the secret shop, one type of equipment whose design I began really valuing was equipment that would be conditionally valuable – perhaps conditional enough that it wasn’t correct to put it in my equipment deck, but when the conditions arise it makes the offer at the secret shop an unexpected boon. An example of such a piece of equipment is the Demagicking Maul, which can destroy an opponent’s lane improvement. This is the sort of equipment I might not make room for in my deck – but can be really happy to see when playing particular decks, or when one of my opponent’s improvements is really just begging to be destroyed.

One of my favorite cards from the shop is the Shop Deed. It reduces all costs from the secret shop by the cost of the item, in other words – you can get whatever the secret shop is offering for free. The wording on that is a bit peculiar though, why doesn’t it just say the items are free? That stems from our desire to make as much as we could modular and unbounded. If a Shop Deed merely made items free – then what would a second Shop Deed do? The way we made it, a second shop deed actually reduces the cost to negative numbers, and just as we respect negative numbers for armor – we respect negative numbers for item costs. You can start making a lot of money from your second shop deed!

- Richard Garfield
Nov 14, 2018
Zero spring episode 1 English translation version - NS
Combat Arms: Reloaded - VALOFE

In celebration of Black Friday and Cyber Monday Combat Arms: Reloaded gives this GC Milestone Event.

For every players who will reach a certain amount of purchased Gcoins from November 14, 2018 to November 28, 2018, will received rewards.

All Rewards in this event will be given on the 29th of November.

EXP/GP Bonus

November 14 to November 21, 2018 (Until Maintenance)
-100% EXP and GP Boost

November 21 (After Maintenance) to November 28, 2018
-200% EXP and GP Boost
Nov 14, 2018
MageQuit - brettpennings
Hey everybody!

The famous MrBeast from YouTube had his milestone subscribers playing MageQuit as part of his 10-millionth subscriber video and he called it "literally the best game ever made" WHATTT :D
Also we were at Youmacon a couple weekends ago showing off MageQuit again. We had great time. Expect another patch coming soon and then a big announcement within the next few weeks!