I Am Overburdened - Spidi

Hello everyone,

I've been away from working on games for months, but thanks to some new opportunities it looks like the time has come for me to return to active development again ;)

Version 1.2.0 is live and the highlight of it is the save-game feature! Besides this one major addition, it is mostly a bug-fix and tweak build.

Save & Exit

Finally the game can be suspended in the dungeon and continued later. Since a full play-through is relatively short plus I Am Overburdened is primarily a rogue-like and save-scumming would undermine this core idea so only one save slot exists. Of course more could be added with slots only having a continue option if there are genuine requests for it, but I think the game works well this way.

This is more like a convenience feature to be able to stop playing at any point you wish and finish the run when you have the time to spare.

The pause menu had to be reorganized a bit, since it was already crammed. As you can see it's cleaner now and the last option saves and closes the game.

Immediate (Save &) Exit

The immediate exit hot-key was remapped from F10 to F9. Sorry about this change, it was a necessity (os/platform reasons), but as a bright side it also supports saving the game. So now if you hit F9 during play and the game could be continued (e.g.: the player is not dead :) ), the state will be saved just like when saving and exiting using the pause menu. This change is already reflected in the input guide.

Pesky bugs

I've been working on the game on and off in short bursts in the last months and alongside with the community I discovered some problems too. I fixed quite a few things so I'm simply going to list them:

  • Few items and their related skills could cause a crash under super specific circumstances. It's not likely many of you run into these issues, but if your play was interrupted by a crash I'm sorry.

  • Certain item skills with persisting effects (e.g.: Fear, Cripple) could get stuck or be triggered on freshly summoned/resurrected monsters in rare cases. These were not visible, but could affect how well you did, so my apologies for the occasional unfair (de-)buffs.

  • The positioning of hallucinations from toxicity effects (e.g.: Toad monsters, poison in potion) were not correctly randomized. These hallucinated monsters were always placed in the upper-left quarter of the map, breaking the illusion. Now this is fixed.

  • A while ago I added item-slot notifications to item pickups and chests when standing nearby. It did not occur to me though, that with this modification the treasury pickups and chests triggered unnecessary ones too. Oops, fixed!

In balance

With this update balance tweaks found their way into the game too. There were still some complaints regarding this aspect, so I made normal mode a tad bit harder and nightmare difficulty a tiny bit more forgiving. These are not substantial changes, only slightly affecting the pickup and chest spawn rates. Another extra is "near death" detection. Simply put if you end up in a really bad situation at some point, the game tries not to punish you even harder on the next dungeon level :D
These changes are subtle, so they keep the game challenging, but they were introduced to make it more fair at the same time.

Boss confusion

Some people found the boss level corpses confusing. I don't know if the new version will work out better (this is not the first time I change this :S ), but now the number of corpses (below the one serving as the story hint) are tied to the unlock progress of the boss entry in the monster book.

I know some other unlocks still need more and better hints too. I'm going to work on these problems in the near future...

Still alive?

Is the game still supported and under active development? Yes, pretty much. Due to personal and financial reasons I had to put game development on hold for a long while, but I'm back now and I will be working on it in the upcoming months. Before I vanished I teased possible ports, a bigger content update and more official translations for I Am Overburdened. These are not forgotten and progressing well ;) In a few weeks I will reveal more details about my plans.

Until then, have a fun-filled time.
Thanks for reading and take care!
Mad Farm VR - Shamballa !!!
Hello, hi, how you doin?

We've been silenced for a pretty long time creating promised Tower Defence mode.

Tower Defence offers unending waves of enemies coming from difirent pathes trying to get to the farmers wife. You shall teleport to different spots in order to protect her. In addition, we added a new weapon: double barell shotgun just for that occasion.

Here is a gameplay of the new mode


Update also comes with some bug fixes, if you encounter any errors, please contact us in a steam community or our Discord
Evolution of Ages: Settlements - Tormunda
I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween update, a Christmas update is currently in testing and plans have been drawn up for content update 2, which I will give information on at a later date.

  • Added: For those using the Launch=True testing mode, the Christmas update is available for test.
  • Added: Modding Support to update the many of the data files in the game. See the modding subforum for details.

  • Changed: The value of when the Anti-Venom skill gains XP to make getting XP easier.

  • Fixed: A fix for the adventure click issue.
  • Fixed: It was possible to build the sciencelab without the Soil Research triggering. Reloading the save will cure this issue.
  • Fixed: Monsters could crit even if they did no damage.
  • Fixed: World Skill: Trade was not advancing correctly since the merchant revamp.
  • Fixed: The merchant price bars were not displaying the correct sale values once they were updated from a sale, unless the qty bar was moved. - this was cosmetic only as the correct values were added/subtracted from your coin total.
Nov 14, 2018
The Wall - Dorathieh

Co-op mode has released with The Wall Alpha 1.1.0

This game mode doubles the content of the game and provides players a way to play by themselves or with a couple of friends. 5 co-op maps are included in this update along with some other things:

New compass for team callouts
New lag compensation - shots should land more
Variety of bug fixes, optimizations, and QoL improvements
Acucalypse - Mr. Z

Hello Hoomans!
We released a new tutorial video series.
Short videos about specific features of the game.
In the first chapter we show you the Construction System.
You can learn how to place rooms, build corridors or the delete and repair tools.

Soon, other chapters with other features like resources, defences, attack system and much more!

Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion or any kind of feedback!!

Pixel Game Maker MV - CloudSprite
Hi everyone,

We want to give all of you the chance to create your own games with Pixel Game Maker MV!

As a result, we are giving away 10 Steam keys to 10 lucky winners. Click HERE to enter!

Good luck to everyone! :)

Pixel Game Maker MV
Official Site
Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale - DefineHuman

Free to Play Weekend Incoming!
Join us on Thursday November 29th through December 2nd for Islands of Nyne’s first F2P weekend! Download and play the game for free all weekend and help us celebrate the launch of our first major patch and huge game discount! If you’re looking to see what new features and content we’ve got in store for you, head on over to our Live Trello Board which offers live development updates as well as our feature roadmap.

Prepare for Prizes!
With the inclusion of private servers during the next update, we’ll be hosting official Islands of Nyne tournaments with prize support during and after the F2P weekend! Stay tuned for more information regarding official and partner-run events in the coming days leading up to Nov 29th. We’re extremely excited to see the competitive IoN scene grow and we hope you’re just as excited to participate!

Developer Interview
Define Human Studios Co-Founder Rob Logan answers your questions about the current and future state of IoN and doesn’t hold back! Check out his interview with BigFry and learn a little more about some of the exciting features to come!


Stay tuned for event details as well as a video showcasing some of the features in next patch!

-Define Human
Nov 14, 2018
Medieval Battle: Europe - HexWar
Welcome to Medieval Battle: Europe

Any problems let us know at support@hexwar.com
Nov 14, 2018
寄居隅怪奇事件簿 Hermitage Strange Case Files - plusplus
My Free Farm 2 - Duffhead
Until November 20th (10h CET), the weekly guild event is replaced by the Winter Event. All guild members should stock up on wheat, egg and beet sugar to prepare little Christmas-tree cookies.

Guild then pool their Christmas cookies. Reaching 12,500 cookies every guild member will receive a wooden Gingerbread Man. The best and most productive guilds can even get either the golden, silver or bronze Gingerbread Man.

So don‘t let your oven go cold and bake like you never baked before

Anyone not in a guild wanting to have something special might want to look at the newest bonus gift: For every purchase of packs with 100+ Diamonds you may chose between the Fountain with Fish or the Pink Flamingo.