War of Rights - [CG]TrustyJam

- Added the 8th skirmish area to Harpers Ferry: School House Ridge. In the early morning hours of this first skirmish area of the Bolivar Heights location the Confederates are attacking the forward Union skirmish line based in the valley between Bolivar Heights and School House Ridge.

- Increased the play area of the Union camp at Bolivar Heights, Harpers Ferry to allow for marches down to the Potomac through the forested cliff sides.

- Updated the Piper Barn model.

- Added new gore system.

- When players, get hit in the legs, torso, or the head that specific piece of the character will become bloody. Other parts of the character may become bloody as well.

- When players are headshot, their player model will get massive headwounds.

- Added suppression animations on other players, making them duck their heads. It currently only works if the player is standing still while at shoulder arms.

- Added stamina animations on other players. When other players are low on stamina, hey will play breathing animations with an intensity correspending to the amount of stamina they have left. Breathing sounds on other players will come soon.

- Added a new and improved bayonet attack miss animation that plays if a player melee attacks with the bayonet into the air/misses.

- Improved the animation transition to right shoulder shift and improved the hand rotation while being in right shoulder shift.

- Slightly improved the performance of the long distance trees.

- Made the CSA spawn points on the Harpers Ferry River Crossing Skirmish Area randomly disable and enable every 3-6 minutes, making all players on their team always spawn together, resulting in a more massed force assaulting either the pontoon bridge or the rail road bridge.

- While using the worcam/spectator camera, reduced the risk of some of the keys stopping to work. If it does happen. Disabling the worcam and enabling it should now fix the issue.

- Fixed an issue with the player not returning to At The Ready after having started to aim just as the reload animation has finished.

- Possibly made the auto balance feature actually work. The auto balance feature now kicks in depending on the amount of players on the server. If 8 players are on the server. It allows a player difference between the teams of 1 player. If the server is full. It allows a difference of 9 players before it starts to autobalance.

- Possibly fixed a crash with the new nametags.

- Possibly fixed player nametags vanishing.

- Possibly fixed or bettered the HUD vanishing.

- Added the console variable Game.VoiceChat.Debug. When set to 1 by typing Game.VoiceChat.Debug=1 into the console which can be enabled by hitting tilde (the key to the left of one). It will output data of all players of the 3D voice chat into the console. This will most likely reduce your framerate to 1-5, so you should only enable this console variable if you suddenly find that you are unable to hear other players. When you have enabled it, you should let the game keep running for about a minute. Then close the game, and go ahead and use the error reporter on our website: www.warofrights.com/errorreporter
Zhmyshenko Valery Albertovich - Ghost_RUS
Hello all, Im updated game and now game have 3 new levels. You can play in this levels if you will click on title "DLC" in game.

Всем привет, я сделал обновление игры, которое включает в себя 3 новых уровня про пожилого человека. Для того, чтобы поиграть в эти уровни Вам нужно кликнуть на надпись "DLC" в игре.
Aug 24, 2018
Startup Company - jhovgaard

Hi everyone,

Beta 17 is now available! Restart Steam to get it right away!

60 days. That’s the number of days since the last major update, which is 14 days less than with the Beta 16 release!

Beta 17 adds some of the most complicated mechanics ever seen in the game. I’m both excited and nervous to get your feedback on this update as balancing the game has been hard. I wanted the game to increase in difficulty, but at the same time remain friendly to new players. I am really keen to get your feedback on this one so please let me know what you think.

As with any big update, it is guaranteed that there will still be a ton of bugs, we just haven’t found them all yet. If you come across any, please let me know in the Bugs forum (https://steamcommunity.com/app/606800/discussions/1/). I’m going to release hotfixes on a daily basis until everything is stable.

The Big Marketing Update
The marketing functionality has been completely rewritten. You will no longer have to constantly restart campaigns. Instead, I was inspired by the real world, where your campaign’s success will be based on your ability to correctly target the relevant audience.

Campaigns can run for much longer and the amount of hired marketers is much lower than before.

Product Satisfaction
Beta 17 also introduces a new variable to your products: Satisfaction. You’ll now have to improve features based on user feedback. The total satisfaction is based on the average of all features. Satisfaction will directly impact your conversion rate when running marketing campaigns. Running a product with just a landing page won’t be very interesting anymore.

New revenue-based features
This change is huge! Features are no longer just for increasing your “potential users”. They are now also for creating new revenue channels. You’ll be able to choose between Text Ads, Banner Ads, Video Ads and Subscriptions. Each one will take up one feature slot of your product. Until you create a revenue source, your product’s will generate $0 by default.

Revenue from subscriptions
If you choose to add a “Subscriptions” feature to your product, you can offer specific features as a “premium” offering to your users. This means that your users will have to pay a monthly subscription in order to access the feature. The higher the monthly fee and the more features affected, the less happy your users will be. However, it will also increase your revenue. Balancing this out is hard. You generally need a very good product to get away with subscriptions.

Revenue from selling ads
Another way of generating revenue is adding banner/ad spaces to your product. Adding a feature will take up one “feature slot”. Once added, your Sales Executives will be able to search for clients interested in running ads on your product.

Once a deal is accepted, you’ll have to schedule when the ad should be run. All “ad space deals” have a specific pay per 1000 impressions.

Other changes
  • Contract Work has been removed from the game.
  • New marketing components added: AB Testing, Analytics Research, Behavior Observation, Phone Interview, Survey and User Feedback.
  • New base features: Item Listing, Live Streaming and Offline Content.
  • Mods and “contract work” related Steam achievements have been removed.
  • New achievements added: “Sell Out”, “Addicted”, “Fireworks”, “The Zuck” and “The Overclocker”.
  • Organic growth activated again.
  • Balanced loss rate of product progression (caused by new satisfaction variable).
  • Various changes to feature’s level upgrade requirements.
  • New research point requirements for both features and frameworks.
  • DevOps renamed to SysAdmin.
  • “Delete All” and “Mark All As Read” buttons added to the inbox.
  • Fixed bug that allowed players to exceed the maximum number of virtual servers.
  • 28 other minor changes that didn’t make this list :-)

Quality of Chinese localization
Due to issues with my Chinese translator I have been forced to use Google Translate for this update. This is obviously unacceptable, so I'll work through the weekend to ensure a high quality translation will be provided as fast as possible.

So that’s Beta 17. To be honest, it has been one of the tougher releases and has required lots of complicated code to be written.

I expect the next two weeks to be all about hotfixing Beta 17, which is why there won’t be any devlogs until September 14. Once Beta 17 is stable, I’m moving straight on to Beta 18, which will introduce the new “event system” that I know a lot of you have been looking forward to. This will introduce random events to the game, that you’ll have to deal with in order to protect your beloved company :-)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy Beta 17.

All the best,

Beta 17.1 (hotfix)
  • Changed the way product satisfaction is calculated by using positive percentage instead of negative (Text Ads is now 30% instead of -30% for example). This greatly increases product satisfaction.
  • Temporary disabled userloss for existing savegames to make transition for Beta 16 players easier.
  • Updated Chinese translations to professional version.
  • Fix bug where Sales Executive would get stuck with "Awaiting instructions" message.
  • Show product name in negotiation view.
  • Fixed bug where negotiation view would throw error when auto-repeat wasn't enabled.
  • Fixed bug causing wrong reach to be calculated (NaN value) for marketing campaigns.
  • Added Downgrade button for features for easier balancing of features.
  • Added error stack to error dialog for easier recognizing of mods failing.
  • Increased number of decimals for CPM price in ad space deals view.
  • Fixed bug causing Linux version to fail loading the Sales Executive view.

Beta 17.2 (hotfix)
  • Fixed bug causing Sales Executive view to fail

Beta 17.3(hotfix)
  • Fixed bug causing revenue feature satisfaction decrease to work the opposite way.
  • Reduced revenue feature satisfaction decrease
  • Fixed error being thrown when booting up the game under specific scenarios.
  • Fixed bug causing that you sometimes couldn't upgrade framework when coming from Beta 16.
  • Changed "happy satisfaction" to start from 70% instead of 85%.
  • Fixed error being thrown shortly after renting the first hosting building.
  • Changed how satisfaction was calculated for subscriptions.

Beta 17.4 (hotfix)
  • Fixed bug causing product satisfaction to be incorrect (very low) in some savegames.
  • Updated Chinese translations.

Beta 17.5 (hotfix)
  • Re-active user loss for old savegames if product satisfaction is above 50% for more than 8 days.
  • Added marketing expenses to finance view.
  • Fixed bug causing feature downgrade button to return too many ressources.
  • Fixed issue where "tall rack" wasn't tall enough.
  • Fixed bug where Beta 15 savegames couldn't upgrade feature levels.
  • Updated hosting throughput "max level" color from white to green.
  • Fixed bug where subscription satisfaction wasn't shown correctly when added.
  • Fixed bug where "requred CU per user" on features view would show slightly wrong value.
  • Fixed bug causing overall satisfaction to be too low for ads based features.

Beta 17.6
  • Added ad feature time slots.
  • Updated Sales Executive to the new "Ad Contracts".
  • Added a money animation.

Beta 17.7 (hotfix)
  • Fixed bug causing older savegames to fail on startup.

Beta 17.8 (hotfix)
  • Accumulated nightly expenses into a single money animation.
  • Bug fix causing "CU per user" to be incorrect when disabling features.
  • Switched to new error tracking service for better tracking.

Beta 17.9 (hotfix)
  • Fixed error being thrown when timeslots window open.

Beta 17.10 (hotfix)
  • Fixed bug making it impossible to uninstall specific mods
  • Fixed bug where Sales Executive couldn't create new contracts if all competitors were merged.
  • Fixed bug causing game to crash when deleting a savegame while viewing a hosting building.

Beta 17.11 (hotfix)
  • Fixed bug causing the game to require internet connection. Everything now works offline again.
  • Fixed issue with older savegames containing references to previous contract work functionality.
  • Fixed issue with older savegames containing old-styled marketing campaigns.
  • Fixed issue where Ad Contract's completed days was shown incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug where game would crash when deleting a product and having the marketing tab open.
Aug 24, 2018
Blessed Surface - Corpse King
Reki here. Big update, so a little later in the week than usual. The first perk update! Introducing monster hearts. They drop from their corresponding monster and can be consumed to obtain abilities. They last for one day, but you can make them permanent with a soul. You can view and remove hearts at the red, green, and blue slots found around the world. Some are missing abilities, or have placeholder effects, but I hope this update turns out to be a lot of fun despite the lack of polish. There are some pretty ridiculous ones to find.

- Added 25 monster hearts.
- Added an unused monster to Belly of the Comet God.

- Added particles to damage sources. Red is regular damage, green is damage that cannot be blocked. It is unintentional that some of the player's attacks show these, and it will be adjusted in a future update.
- You can now ride monsters between area transitions.
- Damaging enemies by jumping into them is now more reliable.

- Fixed crash involving certain objects dropping into acid.
- Fixed rain lasting forever in areas with hotter climates.
- Slightly improved optimization of rain, water, and other effects.
- Added a safeguard to every area to ensure native creature populations cannot disappear.
- Shellbug Bludgeon no longer disappears when entering a different area.
- Fixed cases of the game freezing when certain objects would try to turn around.
Aug 24, 2018
Vilmonic - Bludgeonsoft

Finished the NEW TRAILER! It was a struggle to make it with my old failing computer (gfx card died) Let me know what you think!
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - jasonBethesda
Hey all,

Since our latest patch, some users have reported the following issue since updating to this week's game update for Wolfenstein II: “The video driver has run out of dedicated video memory. Your gameplay will be negatively affected.” We apologize for the inconvenience that this latest patch has caused.

This message is appearing when attempting to run the game at higher settings than the GPU can handle. We have put a potential hotfix candidate that fixes the messaging prompts into the Public Beta branch. This hotfix allows players to get past the message on load screens and continue playing the game. However, in order to get the message to stop appearing, you’ll need to lower the graphical settings to an appropriate level that the GPU can handle. You can view your VRAM by enabling “Show Performance Metrics” through the Advanced Video options.

If the heap usage exceeds the amount of VRAM available to the GPU, it won't result in an instant crash but hitching and stuttering in frame rate may be observed, and overtime that may cause crashes during gameplay.

How to fix:

  • The minimum requirements for the game is for the GPU to have least a 4GB of VRAM.
  • To restore default settings that are the most appropriate for the GPU, delete your configuration files located in 'C:\Users\[User.Name]\Saved Games\Wolfenstein II The New Colossus\base'.
  • Alternatively, changing the graphical preset to a lower value in the Video menu or reducing the 'Resolution' and 'Image Streaming Quality' settings in the Advanced Video options can help alleviate strain on the VRAM.
  • How to Access Public Beta Branch:
  • To access the Beta Branch, right click on Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus in your Steam Library and select 'Properties'. Navigate to the 'BETAS' tab, and select the Public Beta from the drop down list.
Aug 24, 2018
Signal Simulator - Blago
- Fix : In some cases the lights in the rooms are too bright
- Fix : Missing texture , or blinking textures
- Fix : Server temperatures are dropping below the 40 degrees, the min should be 40 degrees
- Fix : Text on the clock on the wall out of bounds
- Fix : Geometry of the observatory and the antennas causing lightmap artefacts

- Changes : Retextured generator model and improvements

- Add : New models outside the observatory, it is for the new features planed for the next big update
- Add : Animation for sit and stand on the desk
Aug 24, 2018
Rapture Rejects - Alex@tinybuild

Hello Rejects!

This weekend we're running a free open alpha.

Here's a preview:


To join, simply head over to our discord server - https://discord.gg/rapturerejects
Aug 24, 2018
VR Model Viewer - Mindrend
Added ability to change camera far clipping plane
Upgraded factory scene
Added new Outpost showroom
Added additional skyboxes
Skybox setting is now saved with layout file
Community Announcements - clickermaster
Hey community,

today we recieved the message that Steam wants to publish our game. They checked the Storepage and the game - now we can start!

Thank you all for your support so far!