Homebrew - Patent Unknown - Igniuss~
From the Team

We've got another patch out for everyone, with some new race tracks, and a ton of fixes!

  • New Hillclimb Track!
  • New Desert Hill Track!
  • More Default Vehicles/Projects
  • Added Default Assemblies
  • Added Teleporter Nodes to new tracks
  • Fixed multiple 'nullref exceptions' on numerous parts
  • Added 'Unweld' keybind
  • Fixed issue with ChatServer connection
  • Added 'FlipVertical' and 'FlipHorizontal' setting to CCTV Display
  • Fixed issue where Dragbox allowed for NaN values
  • Pontoons and Adjustable Pontoons are no longer selectable in builder
  • Huge speed-up in browser loading
  • Browser images now get cached during the loading screen
  • Fixed issue where global assemblies didn't show up in the inventory properly
  • Made 'HBU.SaveValue' overwrite if there was an error reading the previous value
  • Updated Mesh Decimation scripts (not in-use yet, but available in Lua)
  • Fixed issue with Colorscheme giving z-buffer issues
  • Fixed issue with browser only loading part of the paths available
  • Updated LuaInitials
  • Fixed Time command spamming extra text in chat
  • Fixed Wheels not ignoring the 'ignoreraycast' layer
  • Reworked /time and /date (in LuaInitials)
  • Added 'HBU.errorTexture' and 'HBU.errorSprite'

We're also on a 70% sale during the steam sales!

So if you want to buy or gift a copy to a friend, now is the time!

As always, we'll keep our eyes open on Steam, DISCORD and our other channels.

Copybugpaste Team

Version 15.0 - 636652044386048534
The Hardest Dungeon - Pippala Games
Hi everyone! Please kindly be informed that, new game update version 0.84 has just been released. Demo version has also been updated.

As stated before, this update is focused on the implementation of the minor arcana tarot cards.

Please kindly find below the detailed patch notes:


1. Minor Arcana Tarot Cards Has Been Implemented

2. There Are 56 Minor Arcana (4 Types: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, Wands)

3. Each Minor Arcana Type Governs:
-Cups: Food
-Pentacles: Coins
-Swords: Weapon Damage
-Wands: Torches

4. Minor Arcana Could Be Dropped By Elite Monsters and Mini Boss

5. Minor Arcana's Effect Provide Passive Bonus. No Manual Activation Required.

6. Minor Arcana Individual Effect:

Ace of Cuprs Passive: +1 Max Food Limit; Always Begins A Level With At Least 5 Food
Page of Cups Passive: Replenish 1 Hunger Every Monster Kill
Knight of Cups Passive: Every 1 Food Picked = 1 Weapon Upgrade Chance
Queen of Cups Passive: Every 1 Food Picked = 1 Accessory Upgrade Chance
King of Cups Passive: Every 1 Food Picked = 1 Armor Upgrade Chance
Two to Ten of Cups Passive: Increase Max Food Limit (2 to 10)

Ace of Pentacles Passive: +1 Max Coin Limit; Always Begins A Level With At Least 5 Coins
Page of Pentacles Passive: +1 Coin Every Monster Kill
Knight of Pentacles Passive: Every 3 Coins You Picked = 1 Weapon Upgrade Chance
Queen of Pentacles Passive: Every 3 Coins You Picked = 1 Accessory Upgrade Chance
King of Pentacles Passive: Every 3 Coins You Picked = 1 Armor Upgrade Chance
Two to Ten of Pentacles Passive: Increase Max Coin Limit (2 to 10)

Ace of Swords Passive: +1 Weapon Damage; Weapon Upgrade Limit +10
Page of Swords Passive: +1 Weapon Damage Every Monster Skill (Buff Wears Off When Stage Changes)
Knight of Swords Passive: Every 10 Monster Kills = 1 Weapon Upgrade Chance
Queen of Swords Passive: Every 10 Monster Kills = 1 Accessory Upgrade Chance
King of Swords Passive: Every 10 Monster Kills = 1 Armor Upgrade Chance
Two to Ten of Swords Passive: Increase Weapon Damage (2 to 10)

Ace of Wands Passive: +1 Max Wand Limit; Torch Brightness Stays At Max For First 10 Seconds After Entering A Dungeon
Page of Wands Passive: Replenish 1 Second of Torch Duration Every Monster Kill
Knight of Wands Passive: Every Wand Lit = 1 Weapon Upgrade Chance
Queen of Wands Passive: Every Wand Lit = 1 Accessory Upgrade Chance
King of Wands Passive: Every Wand Lit = 1 Armor Upgrade Chance
Two to Ten of Wands Passive: Increase Max Torch Limit (2 to 10)

Bug Fix:

-A bug that causes elite monster to grant less EXP has been fixed

Thank you very much for your attention!
Hope you like these new updates!

Hi! Here's a release date for you. Once the summer sale has passed, I'd like to release this game and call it finished for now.

I have a few ideas for content updates, but I think the game is in a really good spot for release so I'd rather do that first before breaking something.

I'm not expecting a huge rush of players, but it'd be certainly be cool to see one. I enjoyed making this game and I learned a lot, so whatever happens I'll be okay with it. I'm happy to just have 2 games on the market instead of just one, and it makes me feel a lot less like a one trick pony.

Thank you all who have all helped test the game. I'm sorry Early Access wasn't exciting but you were a great help in any case.

- S
Jun 21, 2018
Mulletman and the Molemen - Stevemata
Full recode with a lot of new and amazing content and features.
Jun 21, 2018
S.U.B. - Brametjuhh
Greetings fellow S.U.B. fans and newcomers,

We'd like to announce that S.U.B. will be 50% off for the entirety of the Steam Summer Sale, so if you are considering picking up a copy this is the time, it won't even cost you more than a buck!

"These prices are so low, you'd need a submarine to find them!"

Kind regards from everyone at team Spreadable Fruit!
PixARK - SG_Calculated
PixARK is on sale now, get it for 20% off!

Jun 21, 2018
Animallica - radulescu_robert
Our team is very excited to present you the new Animallica Official Trailer!

With the last updates, we completely changed the look of the game, so the old trailers did not match the actual state of the game.

We hope you will enjoy this new version.

AntVentor - LoopyMood
Good news for Linux lovers! Starting from today AntVentor is available on Linux.
Thank you for waiting!

Special thanks to:
Yevhen Martynenko - for technical support
Dmitry Ershov - for hardcore testing

Airport CEO - Apoapsis Studios

Introducing a New Era of being an Airport CEO

Hello airport CEO!

How's business? Your passengers doing OK? And how's that old user interface? Long-time no see, but finally the new UI has made its way to the default branch. Alpha 27.6 packs the largest update to Airport CEO yet and is filled with new content, naturally of course, centered around the user interface but also in terms of bug fixes, performance improvements and minor content additions such as new graphics and the occasional aircraft model and liveries. It also includes Steam Workshop support so that you can yourself pick and choose amongst hundreds of user created businesses and airlines to take place in your airport (you can also check out airports created by other airport CEOs!).

The full change log is available via the official Airport CEO webiste, but first, let us focus on some of the core features that the new UI update brings...

A New Style

The new user interface is sporting a new color scheme and a lot of new graphical assets. Gone are the days of buttons with black edges around them and we’ve instead implemented a set of new and sleek panels and buttons to better facilitate a minimalist style. Gone are long strings with text that don’t make sense or look nice, instead we’ve focused on including understandable and user friendly icons accompanied with tool-tips that pop-up when you need them. But the visual overhaul is not complete, we’re currently working together with a UI and UX specialist to give further life and polish to the new Airport CEO user interface and there is still a few visual and functional changes coming up ahead.

A New Layout

The old Airport CEO user interface was clunky to use and anything but intuitive. The new version has been redesigned with the intent of lowering mouse pointer travel as much as possible. We’ve centralized the information you need to the lower parts of the screen and have done a lot to make the user interface easier to navigate and understand. To the biggest extend possible we’ve reduced the number of levels you can go down in a menu to avoid getting lost and have strived for presenting data as easy as possible.

The Flight Process Monitor

We can now present the new Flight Process Monitor panel that will hopefully be of great assistance in monitoring and locating loopholes in your flight’s processes. Here’s a brief breakdown of how it works: The data panel will show you relevant information about your ongoing flights and give warnings if there are delays or issues. The blue area will show flight data such as the stand, flight status, number of passengers and flight times. This will help you see how long a flight has left until it should leave the gate for departure and as you can see in the example below, in this example we currency have two delayed flights (we will come back to this later). The yellow area will show your passenger statistics, for example how many passengers have arrived at the airport for each flight, how many are checked in and so forth. This will be useful for you to see if the passenger flow is adequate throughout the terminal and could for example help you decide if another security checkpoint is required or not. The red area to the right is for monitoring the turnaround process at the aircraft stand. It will tell you if bags have been unloaded or offloaded in time, the process of the service round and finally if refueling is completed or not. As you can see our two delayed flights have several problems, one of them is not 100% refueled yet and both are still waiting for bags to be delivered to the aircraft. So this is a clear indication that we might need to order an extra fuel truck and service trucks but also look into the baggage flow. This is the first draft of the panel, and it is planned to be expanded with, for example, the ability to prioritize a certain flight and more complex analyzing to give you hints on where your process might be flawed.

A New Notification System

The old user interface notifications were more or less worthless when it came to doing its core job: Notifying you of something. The new notification system is redesigned in its core and a lot more relevant than before. Notifications now pop up on your screen alerting you of something and if it’s relevant you can investigate notification origins to get a sense of what is not functioning as expected. You also have notification settings through which you can decide if you want to silence a particular notification type, or even group notifications based on criticality rather than time.

The Data Panel

Data, data, data! The data panel (which requires a CIO to see) at this stage features a few line graphs that feed you raw data from select sources. Want to see how many passengers that flow through your airport over time? How about seeing your income, outcome and balance next to each other and how they’re affected in real time by your current earnings and spendings? No problem, the graphs will show you that and more. As Airport CEO develops, more data sources and more graphs will be added to provide you with unbiased information on how your airport is performing.

The Incident Tracking Panel

The new UI update also brings a new incident tracker panel and a new incident system! While we’re preparing for major and serious incidents to be simulated in your airport, minor once are already happening. Sinks that break and persons that cannot reach certain areas can be inspected using this panel (accessed via a notification) to give you a better understanding of what is going on.

A Right-Click Interaction Panel

By right clicking an object you can now rename, recolor or view its current cleanliness or condition. You can also, if you so choose, manually order a janitor a service technician to commence repairs or cleaning. Soon we will continue to develop this panel and enable repositioning of objects.

An In-Game Bug Reporting Tool

We’re ever grateful for all the helpful and qualitative bug reports we’ve received over the past months and it’s time that we repay you. As of this new update there is now an in-game but report where you easily can summarize what has gone wrong or broken down, attach a screenshot of your choice and then easily send it off. As you press “send”, we’ll automate the process of collecting the game’s log file, a snap shot save of your current airport and your screenshot and send it off immediately to our bug platform. This will enable us to receive more qualitative reports that help us solve bugs faster while also making it a lot easier for you to send it.


The new UI features a lot of polish with performance improvements, fewer UI related bugs and better reliability as well as more smooth animations and game state transitions. This is thanks to the core focus groups that helped us test the new UI in its early stages and all the airport CEOs who’ve been playing on the experimental branch, continuously sending in new bug reports: Thank you!

So that’s for the UI… what else? Well, here are some of the core feature that the new update, in excess of the UI, bring:

Steam Workshop

You can now access the Airport CEO Steam Workshop via the community hub and when you subscribe to an item, it will appear in the Mods panel via the main menu. Here you can enable and disable mods you’ve downloaded as well as, at the push of a button, visit another airport CEOs airport save.

Improved Rendering Performance

We’ve implemented a new system for rendering large amounts of tiles in the game which should allow for larger airports to run at a better frame rate when zoomed out. In addition to this, and while the performance journey is not over, we’ve continued to overhaul different aspects of the game to improve script as well as rendering performance.

Polish and Bug Fixes

There’s a long, long list just below this text that’ll depict in greater detail on what we’ve been improving for the past two months but it’s fair to say that several bugs have been squashed, while there’s also been a few directed efforts of polish and improvements to existing systems.

What happens next?

This period, from the previous Alpha 26.2 to Alpha 27.6 marks the longest period in our development cycle where the default branch have not been updated. Moving forward, the default branch will be updated at least once per month and the experimental branch weekly, and sometimes daily. While the work on polishing the new UI continues we will from now direct out attention 100 percent to adding new content and new features, and the decision process of what we’ll work on next is already begin decided via the community voting feature. You can join in on the voting process until this Monday (25th of June 2018) via the official Airport CEO Forum. Simply register an account and get busy voting.

Enjoy the new update and we’ll see you around the community.

Best Regards,

Olof & Fredrik - Apoapsis Studios
Monster Prom - Pasho

To the attention of all monster dating enthusiasts,

It’s been nearly two months since we started this hot and heavy adventure, and to show you we mean business, we’re rolling out our first update, aptly titled “F*uckin’ Hot”. As the scowling scalding sun might have tipped you off, it’s a summer-themed update, filled to the brim with all sorts of surprises, perfect for a fleeting fling.

  • TEMPORARY SEASONAL OUTFITS - Sun hats, Hawaiian prints and sandals for days.
  • A NEW SECRET ENDING - As decided by the twitter Bae Ballot.
  • STEAM COLLECTIBLES - Trading cards, backgrounds pics, custom emoticons, the works.
  • PHOTO GALLERY - A place to kick back, relax and enjoy your past achievements.

We even made a trailer:
It also seems like all this romance practice is really paying off. From all the amazing art, to the adorable Fish-wife serenades, the love you've shown us has been incredible. Thanks for being awesome!

Yours truly,
- Team Monprom