Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Ian Boudreau)


Destiny 2 has had a rough time of late, what with players discovering that late-game grinding may very well be a gigantic waste of time, and the general hostility to microtransactions going around these days. Since its launch on PC in October, players have also groused about its strict communication rules: there s no in-game chat lobby, text or voice, in which to find fireteam members for that Nightfall strike or Leviathan raid. And no public matchmaking for these activities, which yield the game s most exclusive and powerful gear. Me, though? I love that about it.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

While we’re all curled up in our shared Christmas hibernation cocoon over the holidays, the site gets a little quieter. But fear not, for each day of the ho-ho-holidays there’s a Christmas cracker to pull! Oh, and of course, if you’re after more posts you might have missed, why not join our Supporter Program, and unlock dozens of new posts from the last year!

Meanwhile, you provide your own party hat, and we’ll provide the groaner of a gag.>

Q: Why did the orange hologram need medical treatment? (more…)

DOOM II - (Dominic Tarason)

Doom 2: The Revenant Problem

A classic Doom 2 combat scenario: A Revenant (its chaotic nature making it one of the most agitating skeletal foes in gaming history) runs headlong down a track. If it reaches its destination, it will inadvertently kill five Imps. If you choose to divert it, it will only kill one. What do you decide?

Okay, it’s not much of a question – more Imp-murder is always good – but this and several dozen increasingly complex philosophical conundrums (plus a few surprises) await a baffled Doomguy in The Revenant Problem, a very silly Doom mod to cap off the venerable FPS’s 24th year.


Cold Waters - (Tim Stone)

We asked a handful of our contributors to put together a list of their three favourite games from 2017. Their picks are running across the week while the rest of RPS slumbers.>

Having just re-read all 51 of this year’s Flare Paths carefully noting when and where words like ‘lovely’, ‘compelling’ and ‘clever’ were used, I now know for sure what my Favourite Games of 2017 are. It turns out that although Tank Warfare: Tunisia is 55% ‘lovelier’ than Steel Division: Normandy, Diesel Railcar Simulator is 113% ‘nicer’ than Train Sim World, and Venti Mesi is 33% ‘more memorable’ than Way of Defector, none of them have quite enough ‘magic’, ‘charm’ and ‘personality’ to displace the three evening-eaters described below. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

While we’re all curled up in our shared Christmas hibernation cocoon over the holidays, the site gets a little quieter. But fear not, for each day of the ho-ho-holidays there’s a Christmas cracker to pull! Oh, and of course, if you’re after more posts you might have missed, why not join our Supporter Program, and unlock dozens of new posts from the last year!

Meanwhile, you provide your own party hat, and we’ll provide the groaner of a gag.>

Q: How does Suspicious Developments know when their turkey’s cooked?


Dec 25, 2017
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy - (RPS)


The calendar’s doors have been opened and the games inside have been eaten. But fear not, latecomer – we’ve reconstructed the list in this single post for easy re-consumption. Click on to discover the best games of 2017. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

While we’re all curled up in our shared Christmas hibernation cocoon over the holidays, the site gets a little quieter. But fear not, for each day of the ho-ho-holidays there’s a Christmas cracker to pull! Oh, and of course, if you’re after more posts you might have missed, why not join our Supporter Program, and unlock dozens of new posts from the last year!

Meanwhile, you provide your own party hat, and we’ll provide the groaner of a gag.>

Q: Why are Double Fine the best at putting presents under the tree?


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)


The last door awaits. Before you enter, what will you take with you? Your choice could change everything…


Warframe - (Dominic Tarason)

Warframe Ghouls

Update: To clarify, there is an actual festive event running in-game at the moment – Tennobaum, as mentioned after the jump. It just seems to have been somewhat sidelined by the ghoul uprising.>

While every other online game worth mentioning is packing its world to the gills with seasonal cliches – snowball fights, gingerbread cookies, gaudily wrapped presents and the like – Warframe is bucking the trend and giving you a big ol’ mess of angry cyborg zombie mutant clones to murder across the increasingly toxic and inhospitable plains of Cetus.

Santa Claus may want to just tick off this whole region as Too Naughty To Bother, unless the Tenno can’t clean thing up over the next few weeks.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)


There’s a peep hole in door number 23. Look through it, what do you see?

