Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Family Edition - sailorbear510
As of 8/30/16, telephone support for Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: Powered by Ultrakey has ended. Customers who wish to obtain support for this product can use the following link below to obtain technical assistance:

Family Edition:
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Family Edition - ImALittleBear
As of 8/30/16, telephone support for Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: Powered by Ultrakey has ended. Customers who wish to obtain support for this product can use the following link below to obtain technical assistance:

Family Edition:
Aug 30, 2016
Iron Snout - SnoutUp

Hello, iron snouters!

new area (let's call it Wolf City) just went live to public! Thank you all for waiting and thanks to all, who helped to test it in beta.

* only in Windows version at the moment, Linux should go live this week and OS X update be delayed for a longer while

Here's a short version of the "what's new list":

  • City area is new
  • New wolves (skateboarder, footballer, Wolfie Cyrus, shielded wolf)
  • New outfits for basic wolves
  • Weapons will now break after one strike, but pierce multiple enemies
  • New leaderboards
  • 9 new achievements!
  • Your old scores can be seen in "HISTORY"
  • Bug fixes

Click "HISTORY" below the highscore table to see how you did previously:

Can't promise that everything works perfectly and I doubt that I'll manage to fix that "statistic glitch" which happened a lot, so if you'll discover any new/old bugs, contact me via Twitter or email:

I hope you'll like new content and features! If you do - recommend Iron Snout to your favorite youtuber or record video yourself! Super appreciate everyone helping out and sharing the game around!

Aug 30, 2016
Iron Snout - SnoutUp

Hello, iron snouters!

new area (let's call it Wolf City) just went live to public! Thank you all for waiting and thanks to all, who helped to test it in beta.

* only in Windows version at the moment, Linux should go live this week and OS X update be delayed for a longer while

Here's a short version of the "what's new list":

  • City area is new
  • New wolves (skateboarder, footballer, Wolfie Cyrus, shielded wolf)
  • New outfits for basic wolves
  • Weapons will now break after one strike, but pierce multiple enemies
  • New leaderboards
  • 9 new achievements!
  • Your old scores can be seen in "HISTORY"
  • Bug fixes

Click "HISTORY" below the highscore table to see how you did previously:

Can't promise that everything works perfectly and I doubt that I'll manage to fix that "statistic glitch" which happened a lot, so if you'll discover any new/old bugs, contact me via Twitter or email:

I hope you'll like new content and features! If you do - recommend Iron Snout to your favorite youtuber or record video yourself! Super appreciate everyone helping out and sharing the game around!

OESE - OrangeJuice
Hello everyone!

Thank you for all the continued support and feedback for OESE. If you fancy trying your hands on something a bit more intense then check out our new game Dead over on greenlight:

Every vote is appreciated and we are very excited to finally get this up and running!

Thank you for your time!

OESE - OrangeJuice
Hello everyone!

Thank you for all the continued support and feedback for OESE. If you fancy trying your hands on something a bit more intense then check out our new game Dead over on greenlight:

Every vote is appreciated and we are very excited to finally get this up and running!

Thank you for your time!

Riders of Icarus - CM CuddleWings
Greetings, Riders! My name is BK, the lead game designer for the Riders of Icarus development team at WeMade. As we continue to fine tune and improve PvP, we are simultaneously working hard on creating new and exciting PvE content! I wanted to share with you some information on the upcoming updates so you can see where Riders of Icarus is going in the near future.

Lair of Ienos

Very soon, the “Lair of Ienos” will appear in Parna’s Coast near Big Snow Camp. Grand Warlock Goraktus of the Fallen Legion sent Ienos on a mission to collect rare familiars in order to enhance and reinforce their army. Following trails of evil energy found in Parna’s Coast, the Arcanum discovered the source—the Lair of Ienos—and you must stop them. Starting at level 35, players can complete a daily quest to enter the lair and defeat Ienos for his Familiar Control Stone. Then, two familiars randomly selected from a pool of elite and heroic beasts will appear in his Lair. Players can then attempt to tame one of the two familiars. Whether you fail or succeed, there will be another opportunity the next day to slay Ienos and take your chance at two new random familiars.

Ienos is tuned so that many players of various levels in skill can defeat him and access his lair. This solo dungeon does not take much time to clear, so we think the lair will be very helpful to those players asking for wider access to familiars from all across Hakanas, including Parna’s Coast and Exarahn Badlands.

Tritael Rift

In another future update, Riders will be visiting an area known as the Tritael Rift. Once a flourishing place, Tritael Rift was torn apart by the battle between the goddess Ellora and the God of Ruin Zelnaris. Though that battle has long past, there’s still constant conflict in the area. The Fallen Legion and Tempest Dragons have a plan to upset the balance in the Rift and create an explosion that would render Hakanas asunder. Only you and the Pegasus Knights can stop them and secure the safety of the kingdom.

A sky of blue and pink, the area is rich with energy emanating from the rift and there is little solid ground of which to speak. With the blue sea below, here, you’ll truly test and hone your aerial skills. Though this a vast area, there are pockets of energy to be discovered where players can quickly recover their mount’s energy. Of course, will also be a wide variety of exciting and new familiars to capture and collect.

The Breach

Found high in the sky of the Tritael Rift, this dungeon is for high level Riders. Here, Supreme Commander Izhora is gathering souls to create an army. Izhora and Umax the Devourer will be a greater challenge than players have faced before with deeper and more engaging strategies required to defeat these bosses. Those who are victorious and vanquish Izhora will find the Supreme Commander weapon and armor sets.

Gusting Isles

Sealed away since the end of the War of Light, the titan Trauna was a weapon used by the God of Ruin. Now free, players must put an end to the dangers presented by this returning threat. This 10-player dungeon will push your skills to the limit with incredible gear awaiting those who are victorious.

Bug Fixes

As part of the development team for Riders of Icarus, we want to deliver new and fun content as quickly as we can. Since we’ve done this at a very fast pace since Open Beta began, we are very aware of the number of bugs that exist in the game and we are working diligently on fixing these bugs as well as introducing new content.

We are also reading the forums and listening to player feedback. Everything you post in the forums helps us a great deal in improving Riders of Icarus. For example, we saw that there were a great deal of players attempting to simultaneously tame familiars. Therefore, we increased the spawn rate with the “Like” event buff which will persist until the Lair of Ienos update, at which time players will be able to use the lair to alleviate the stress on acquiring certain rare familiars.

We also saw feedback on the power of Explosive Shot in PvP, which is why damage was reduced. We also saw players’ concerns regarding mounted Riders attacking unmounted Riders and adjusted the accuracy of mounted attacks which will reduce the number of fly-by kills. These are just a few examples of how we are continuing to make adjustments to the game during this Open Beta testing period.

The Future

The Lair if Ienos, Tritael Rift, and Gusting Isles are not the only new experiences coming with the content updates. There will be new systems, features, and fixes as we work towards the goal of continually improving Riders of Icarus for all players. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions in the forums.
Riders of Icarus - CM Cuddles
Greetings, Riders! My name is BK, the lead game designer for the Riders of Icarus development team at WeMade. As we continue to fine tune and improve PvP, we are simultaneously working hard on creating new and exciting PvE content! I wanted to share with you some information on the upcoming updates so you can see where Riders of Icarus is going in the near future.

Lair of Ienos

Very soon, the “Lair of Ienos” will appear in Parna’s Coast near Big Snow Camp. Grand Warlock Goraktus of the Fallen Legion sent Ienos on a mission to collect rare familiars in order to enhance and reinforce their army. Following trails of evil energy found in Parna’s Coast, the Arcanum discovered the source—the Lair of Ienos—and you must stop them. Starting at level 35, players can complete a daily quest to enter the lair and defeat Ienos for his Familiar Control Stone. Then, two familiars randomly selected from a pool of elite and heroic beasts will appear in his Lair. Players can then attempt to tame one of the two familiars. Whether you fail or succeed, there will be another opportunity the next day to slay Ienos and take your chance at two new random familiars.

Ienos is tuned so that many players of various levels in skill can defeat him and access his lair. This solo dungeon does not take much time to clear, so we think the lair will be very helpful to those players asking for wider access to familiars from all across Hakanas, including Parna’s Coast and Exarahn Badlands.

Tritael Rift

In another future update, Riders will be visiting an area known as the Tritael Rift. Once a flourishing place, Tritael Rift was torn apart by the battle between the goddess Ellora and the God of Ruin Zelnaris. Though that battle has long past, there’s still constant conflict in the area. The Fallen Legion and Tempest Dragons have a plan to upset the balance in the Rift and create an explosion that would render Hakanas asunder. Only you and the Pegasus Knights can stop them and secure the safety of the kingdom.

A sky of blue and pink, the area is rich with energy emanating from the rift and there is little solid ground of which to speak. With the blue sea below, here, you’ll truly test and hone your aerial skills. Though this a vast area, there are pockets of energy to be discovered where players can quickly recover their mount’s energy. Of course, will also be a wide variety of exciting and new familiars to capture and collect.

The Breach

Found high in the sky of the Tritael Rift, this dungeon is for high level Riders. Here, Supreme Commander Izhora is gathering souls to create an army. Izhora and Umax the Devourer will be a greater challenge than players have faced before with deeper and more engaging strategies required to defeat these bosses. Those who are victorious and vanquish Izhora will find the Supreme Commander weapon and armor sets.

Gusting Isles

Sealed away since the end of the War of Light, the titan Trauna was a weapon used by the God of Ruin. Now free, players must put an end to the dangers presented by this returning threat. This 10-player dungeon will push your skills to the limit with incredible gear awaiting those who are victorious.

Bug Fixes

As part of the development team for Riders of Icarus, we want to deliver new and fun content as quickly as we can. Since we’ve done this at a very fast pace since Open Beta began, we are very aware of the number of bugs that exist in the game and we are working diligently on fixing these bugs as well as introducing new content.

We are also reading the forums and listening to player feedback. Everything you post in the forums helps us a great deal in improving Riders of Icarus. For example, we saw that there were a great deal of players attempting to simultaneously tame familiars. Therefore, we increased the spawn rate with the “Like” event buff which will persist until the Lair of Ienos update, at which time players will be able to use the lair to alleviate the stress on acquiring certain rare familiars.

We also saw feedback on the power of Explosive Shot in PvP, which is why damage was reduced. We also saw players’ concerns regarding mounted Riders attacking unmounted Riders and adjusted the accuracy of mounted attacks which will reduce the number of fly-by kills. These are just a few examples of how we are continuing to make adjustments to the game during this Open Beta testing period.

The Future

The Lair if Ienos, Tritael Rift, and Gusting Isles are not the only new experiences coming with the content updates. There will be new systems, features, and fixes as we work towards the goal of continually improving Riders of Icarus for all players. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions in the forums.
Aug 30, 2016
Cosmic Trip - kalin
Hello friends, we're going to adjust the build timings again this week. After swapping to a one-week offset between dev-build and default branch, we realized that if there are bugs in the dev-build they'll still end up going into the default branch.

So now we'll be doing default branch updates every 2 weeks, and a dev-build update every week. The full patch notes and details will come on the default branch updates.

If you want to follow the dev-build branch progress, and try out some work in progress features, come join us on the discord chat.

So stay tuned for a larger update in next weeks build then!

Aug 30, 2016
Cosmic Trip - kalin
Hello friends, we're going to adjust the build timings again this week. After swapping to a one-week offset between dev-build and default branch, we realized that if there are bugs in the dev-build they'll still end up going into the default branch.

So now we'll be doing default branch updates every 2 weeks, and a dev-build update every week. The full patch notes and details will come on the default branch updates.

If you want to follow the dev-build branch progress, and try out some work in progress features, come join us on the discord chat.

So stay tuned for a larger update in next weeks build then!
