Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Updated Casual Mode
    • Fixed a problem where in-progress games with open slots would not receive new players
    • Fixed a case where players would sometimes not receive experience (when playing a match to completion)
    • Fixed not getting domination/revenge events
    • Added a feature to the game mode selection screen that allows players to play on specific maps
    • Added the Vote Kick option
      • Players that are kicked will receive partial experience after the match ends
    • Maps previously using the stopwatch timer will now play to completion, regardless of the first team's time
  • Added a "Create Server" button to the "Find a Game" menu
  • Fixed the party chat window sometimes not drawing
  • Fixed Australium weapons not drawing correctly in the character loadout screen
  • Updated the Dr's Dapper Topper to fix a material issue
  • Thanks to Justin G., aka sigsegv, for these reports:
    • Fixed sentry buster sounds not being cleaned up properly after detonating
    • Fixed a bug related to bot death detection
  • Updated Taunt: The Balloonibounce to end the taunt if the player is moved
  • Fixed a regression in the Pyro's flamethrower where flames could sometimes damage players behind obstacles and walls
  • PASS Time update
    • Updated several HUD materials to support mat_picmip
    • Fixed seeing the wrong cap limit in the win panel
Dota 2 - Valve

* Timbersaw strength gain reduced from 2.1 to 1.8
* Death Prophet base strength reduced by 1
* Spirit Siphon base health drain reduced from 16 to 14
* Metamorphosis manacost increased from 50 to 100
* Metamorphosis no longer lingers after reincarnation/death
* Time Dilation manacost increased from 50 to 75
* Astral Spirit vision reduced from 450 to 400
* Beastmaster Boar XP bounty increased from 59 to 60/70/80/90
* Riki's Blink Strike damage reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 55/70/85/100
* Lane Creeps now give 20% of XP when denied by neutrals rather than 0% (normal player denies give 50% XP)
* Astral Imprisonment damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325
* Arcane Orb intelligence duration increased from 60 to 80
* Bloodlust manacost reduced from 75 to 50
* Meepo agility growth increased from 1.9 to 2.2
* Stone Form cooldown reduced from 26 to 20
* Arcane Curse damage increased from 14/21/28/35 to 14/22/30/38
* Brewmaster Boulder damage increased from 50 to 50/100/150
* Brewmaster Dispel Magic damage to illusions and summoned units increased from 500 to 850
* Press the Attack's attack speed bonus increased from 60/80/100/120 to 65/90/115/140
* Sniper turn rate improved from 0.6 to 0.7
* Sniper night vision increased from 1000 to 1100
* Warlock Golems HP increased from 900/1350/1800 to 1000/1500/2000
* Thirst bonus rescaled from 10/20/30/40% to 16/24/32/40%
* Lightning Bolt ministun increased from 0.1 to 0.2
* Stampede slow duration increased from 1.5 to 1.8
* Shadow Fiend movement speed increased from 310 to 315
* Living Armor cooldown reduced from 32/26/20/14 to 30/24/18/12
* Dismember strength based damage increased from 30/40/50 to 30/45/60%
* Sand Storm cooldown reduced from 40/30/20/10 to 34/26/18/10
* Epicenter manacost reduced from 175/250/325 to 150/225/300
* Empower cleave AoE increased from 225 to 240
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed the Strange Filter: Competitive tool not describing itself properly after being applied to an item
  • Fixed the Jackpot! PASS Time achievement not tracking wins
  • Updated Mannpower Mode to use 7 captures per round on matchmaking servers (was 3)
  • Updated ConVar zoom_sensitivity_ratio so its value is saved across sessions and it can be adjusted in Competitive Mode
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Updated Casual Mode
    • Removed the abandonment penalty
    • Players are only required to have a single mode selected before queuing
  • Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by projectiles from the Pomson 6000 and the Righteous Bison
  • Fixed being able to damage yourself to gain Hype while using The Soda Popper
  • Changed how much metal destroyed objects drop and fixed destroyed teleporters dropping more metal than intended
  • Fixed the Bonesaw not working properly while using viewmodel minmode
  • Fixed the Spy and Engineer not being able to equip the Prinny Machete
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed an IME bug when binding keys in the settings panel.
- Fixed a bug where Hammer would crash when loading certain map files.
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed a bug where the Medic's run speed would not adjust when his heal target was killed
  • Fixed client crash related to custom HUDs
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

The Meet Your Match Update has arrived!
  • Added Casual and Competitive Matchmaking modes
    • Additional information available on the website (
    • Casual mode replaces Quickplay
  • Added the Heavy vs. Pyro war
    • Additional information available on the website ( )
  • 3 new community maps
    • Sunshine
    • Metalworks
    • Swiftwater
  • Added 3 new community taunts
    • The Balloonibouncer (Pyro only)
    • Disco Fever (Spy only)
    • The Fubar Fanfare (Soldier only)
  • Added 1 new official taunt
    • The Carlton (Scout only)
  • Added the Perfect Stranger crate
  • Reworked the main menu
    • All play-related buttons are now accessible by clicking the "Find a game" button
    • Moved the Workshop and Replay buttons down the bottom group of mini-buttons
  • Enemies killed by energy weapons now play a special sound as their body dissolves
  • Improved stopwatch UI to help better communicate game state
  • Added new sound vo files for Competitive Mode
  • Added sounds to all attacks where the target player resisted a part of the damage
  • Added Prinny promo items for purchasing Disgaea: Prinny Hat, Prinny Pouch, and Prinny Machete
  • Added AsiaFortress Cup Mercenaries Cup Season 7 medals
  • Added TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant medal
  • Added Random Acts of TF2 medals
  • Added check to prevent players with P-REC loaded from participating in matchmaking

    • Prevents P-REC crashing which results in players receiving abandon penalties
  • Updated the Demo Support feature
    • Added an option to only record matches that are played using Tournament mode (mp_tournament)
    • Added an option to auto-delete matches that don't have any events recorded
    • Fixed a bug where tickcount values were being noted incorrectly
    • Options can be set using the Adv. Options menu
  • Updated model/materials for the Bonk Boy, Dr's Dapper Topper, The Sole Saviors, and The Dark Falkirk Helm
  • Updated the localization files
  • PASS Time update
    • No longer in Beta!
    • New Items Available
      • An Early Participation Pin will be awarded to everyone who played PASS Time during beta
      • Two new achievements with item rewards
        • Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television
        • Jackpot!
    • Map Changes
      • All maps are tweaked, polished, and out of beta
      • Renamed pass_pinewood to pass_timberlodge
      • Renamed pass_warehouse to pass_brickyard
      • Added a new city-themed map, pass_district
      • An updated pass_template for level designers will be released on
    • Game Mode Changes
      • Changed the score limit from 3 to 5
      • Tweaked various JACK throwing parameters
      • Pack Running
        • The JACK no longer heals the player carrying it
        • A player carrying the JACK with no nearby teammates is marked for death
        • Teammates near a player holding the JACK will be slowly healed, and can run as fast as the fastest nearby teammate
      • JACK Power
        • Passing the JACK increases a power meter
        • The power meter will decay over time
        • Filling the power meter unlocks a special goal worth extra points
    • Art Changes
      • New view model animations
      • The HUD provides more information about goal type and status
      • Player pips for Spies will reflect cloak and disguise status
    • Misc Details
      • Added cvar tf_passtime_scores_per_round
      • Added tf_glow entity that can be used to enable the glow effect on any entity
      • Updated trigger_passtime_ball FGD entry to hide unimplemented features, temporarily
      • Spawnflag added to func_passtime_goal to indicate to the HUD that a goal is unlocked by JACK power
Bug fixes
  • Fixed being able to repeatedly activate taunts before the current one had ended while underwater
  • Fixed disguising with the Conniver's Kunai while spotted by a Sentry causing the Sentry to ignore the Spy
  • Fixed class change notifications appearing to the enemy team for a period of time after teams swap sides in Competitive Mode
  • Fixed a case where players would sometimes see other players carrying the wrong weapon(s)
  • Fixed a bug where the Engineer couldn't remove the Sapper from a linked teleporter if was building (not active)
  • Fixed a bug where the Engineer was able to heal a linked teleporter while it was building. This now matches the behavior for the other buildings.
  • Updated several hats to fix the Sniper not removing them while taunting
  • Fixed hiding the Pyro's head when using the second style of the Fear Monger
  • Fixed using the wrong ozfortress medals for divisions other than Premier
  • Fixed a few UGC tournament medals using the wrong names
  • Fixed the Engineer's missing pelvis hitbox
  • Thanks to Justin G., aka sigsegv, for these reports
    • Fixed airblasts sometimes sending reflected projectiles toward friendly players, buildings, and projectile shields
    • Fixed demo record/read stringtables not writing/reading past 512kb
    • Fixed inconsistency between items that use mini-crit buff (TF_COND_ENERGY_BUFF)
    • Fixed multiple Mann vs. Machine bugs caused by bot AI functions being executing after the bots have died
    • Fixed a bug related to lunchbox items, where the ammo bar can be drained in cases when it shouldn't be
    • Fixed Medics sometimes instantly reviving players in Mann vs. Machine
  • Fixed several cases of loading and rendering hitches that would cause abrupt changes in FPS
  • Improved Flamethrower flame performance in Mann vs. Machine on clients and servers by up to +500%
  • VGUI .res files are now cached after loading, reducing framerate hitches. Custom HUD authors can disable this by setting vgui_cache_res_files to 0.
  • Improved rendering performance of zombies
  • Improved VGUI font performance
Custom HUD Versioning
  • In order to reduce crashing and broken UI elements after updates, custom HUDs now must explicitly specify the version of the TF UI with which they are compatible.
  • Custom HUD files must now be installed as add-ons under the tf/custom/ folder. Loose .res files extracted to the game directory will not be loaded.
  • Custom HUDs must now contain a file named "info.vdf" in their root folder, with the key "ui_version" set to the TF UI version with which they are compatible.
  • The current TF UI version is 1.
  • Non-HUD add-ons under tf/custom/ will continue to work without an "info.vdf" file, but may not load .res files.
Mann Co. Store
  • Added the Competitive Matchmaking Pass
  • Added new class starter packs
  • Added new key-less cosmetic crates
  • Revamped main store pages
  • Added a spotlight item
  • Added ability to mouse over and preview items in a bundle/crate/collection
  • Adjusted some weapon prices for consistency
  • cp_granary
    • Added new ammo pack locations in final and yard areas
    • Clips and blockbullets added to stairs
  • cp_badlands
    • Final cap point capture time increased to 2 seconds (from 1 second)
    • Clips and blockbullets added to stairs
  • cp_foundry
    • Reduced ammo kit in final cap entry room (attackers' side) to medium
    • Slightly reduced attacking team's spawn time when working on final
  • pl_upward
    • Fixed an exploit where players could sometimes build sentries in the cliffside by capture point 3
  • pl_thundermountain
    • Fixed the first and second cap points of stage 3 each awarding 2 points to the capturing team instead of 1
  • Mannpower
    • All official maps now set Mannpower mode without requiring the use of the tf_powerup_mode convar
Game Balance
  • Scout
    • Crit-A-Cola
      • Added Marked-for-Death debuff for 2 seconds after the buff effect expires
    • The Soda Popper
      • Added "On hit: build Hype"
      • Removed "build hype by running around"
    • Shortstop
      • Added an Alt-fire attack -- reach out and shove someone!
      • Removed +healing bonus
      • Reduced pushback vuln to +20% (from +40%)
    • Sun on a stick
      • Take 25% less damage from fire while deployed
  • Soldier
    • The Righteous Bison
      • Fixed a bug causing players to be hit by the same projectile multiple times, causing the damage dealt to vary wildly
      • Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average
        • Point-blank deals 54 damage (previously 20-80)
        • Maximum range deals 24 damage (previously 14-56)
      • Slowed projectile by 30%
      • Projectile damage reduced by 25% for each enemy penetrated
      • Updated projectile impact sound
    • The Disciplinary Action
      • Reduced duration of speed bonus on teammates to 2 seconds (from 3)
    • The Rocket Jumper
      • Updated model/materials and sound
  • Sniper
    • Cozy Camper
      • Now requires a full charge to gain flinch resistance
    • The Sydney Sleeper
      • When fully charged, or when making a headshot, now applies Jarate in a radius
      • Scoped shots now extinguish teammates
    • The Cleaner's Carbine
      • Removed hidden +10% damage taken multiplier while under the effects
  • Heavy
    • Natascha and Brass Beast
      • 20% damage resistance now only applies when spun up and below 50% max health
    • Huo-Long Heater
      • Added -10% damage
      • Added +25% increased damage vs. burning players
      • Reduced ammo drain to -4/sec (from -6)
      • Reduced pulse damage from Ring of Fire to 12 (from 15) due to increased damage vs. burning
    • Buffalo Steak Sandvich
      • Fixed "damage taken" multiplier accidentally being +10%, instead of the listed +25%
  • Spy

    • Base
      • Max speed increased to 320 (from 300)
    • Enforcer
      • Attacks pierce resist and absorb effects from all sources
  • Pyro
    • All Flamethrowers
      • Added: Direct damage reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects by 25%
        • Medics hear a "healing interrupted" sound when this is happening to their heal target
    • The Manmelter
      • Removed (hidden) 20% fire rate penalty
  • Medic
    • Base
      • All Mediguns allow the Medic to match the speed of their heal target
        • Previously only available on The Quick Fix
    • Quick Fix
      • berCharge rate reduced to +15% (from +25%)
    • Overdose
      • Increased movement speed bonus to +20% (from +10%)
      • Increased damage penalty to -15% (from -10%)
    • Dropped Mediguns
      • Stored berCharge begins to decay over time after coming to rest
  • Demoman
    • Base
      • All boots now require a shield to activate any move speed bonus listed on the item
    • The Iron Bomber
      • Decreased the fuse time to 1.4 seconds (from 2.0)
    • The Quickiebomb Launcher
      • Increased charge time reduction to -70% (from -50%)
      • Increased damage bonus for (max) charged shots to +35% (from +25%)
      • Increased clip size penalty to -50% (from -25%)
      • Removed "Stickybombs fizzle 4 seconds after landing"
    • The Sticky Jumper
      • Updated model/materials and sound
  • Engineer
    • Base
      • Level 1 teleporters now cost 50 metal (previously 125)
    • Widowmaker
      • Damage increased +10% when attacking the same target as your sentry
    • Eureka Effect
      • Reduced "50% less metal from Dispensers and Pickups" to 20%
      • Added "Teleporters cost 50% less metal"
    • The Short Circuit
      • Base projectile attack is -10 metal (hit or miss) and then add -5 metal for each projectile destroyed (sometimes a buff, sometimes a nerf)
    • The Pomson
      • Fixed an exploit with shooting through your own buildings
      • Increased close-range damage to 72 (from 62)
      • Reduced long-range damage to 32 (from 42)
      • Updated projectile impact sound
Dota 2 - Valve
- DirectX 11 is now the default on 64-bit Windows systems.
- Fixed a visual bug with Earth Spirit's Stone Remnants failing to move during Boulder Smash.
Dota 2 - Valve
Fixed a bug with the auto-select summoned units option, when resummoning Lone Druid's Spirit Bear and Arc Warden's Tempest Double.
Fixed a bug with Rubick's Spell Steal and stealing abilities with multiple states (for example, Timbersaw's Chakram).
Fixed a bug with channeled abilities not ending correctly when Rubick's Spell Steal duration expires and when Arc Warden's Tempest Double is resummoned.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII - Valve
Save 17% on ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS 13 during this week's Midweek Madness*, now updated with English language support!

*Offer ends July 12th at 10AM Pacific Time