Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO v3 - Axis Game Factory, LLC
We are happy to announce that AGFPRO and PREMIUM 1.1 are LIVE with some great new updates!

  • AGFPRO basic users now have the ability to import their AGF scenes into Unity Free and Pro

  • Updated GUI interface

  • Additional asset packs included

There are many more features and DLC packs that we are currently working on, so stay tuned this month for more updates!!!

Many thanks,

Axis Game Factory Team

Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO v3 - Axis Game Factory, LLC
We are happy to announce that AGFPRO and PREMIUM 1.1 are LIVE with some great new updates!

  • AGFPRO basic users now have the ability to import their AGF scenes into Unity Free and Pro

  • Updated GUI interface

  • Additional asset packs included

There are many more features and DLC packs that we are currently working on, so stay tuned this month for more updates!!!

Many thanks,

Axis Game Factory Team

Mar 31, 2014
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition - Tribute Alx
  • DogeFX now affect the proper stats
  • Final boss becoming invulnerable in certain situation
  • Crash when destroying 2 monitor of the tinycom
  • Problem with tents when joining a game from a invitation
  • Performance problem when joining a game from a invitation
  • Crash when a biomod remove currently equipped ammo type
  • Matchmaking rules not applied properly
Mar 31, 2014
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition - Tribute Alx
  • DogeFX now affect the proper stats
  • Final boss becoming invulnerable in certain situation
  • Crash when destroying 2 monitor of the tinycom
  • Problem with tents when joining a game from a invitation
  • Performance problem when joining a game from a invitation
  • Crash when a biomod remove currently equipped ammo type
  • Matchmaking rules not applied properly
BattleBlock Theater® - The Behemoth Megan
The BattleBlock Theater Steam Beta begins today!

We’re excited to have so many people be a part of this journey to bring BBT onto PC. Our selected Beta Testers should receive their Beta keys in their inboxes (please be patient as there are thousands of emails that need to go out) and Testers will start off by doing free-play tonight. Then we’ll all work together to check different areas each day by playing a specific online section at suggested times. Our development team organized these group playthroughs with the Beta Testers so we could maximize the week-long Beta.

It’s an awesome opportunity to allow Steam users to play through our game first before it hits the store and this helps our team by giving us a more real-world test environment. We’re so grateful to all the Beta Testers for volunteering their time and hope that they enjoy this special early preview of the Steam version of BattleBlock Theater. Now, without further ado, BETA GO!
BattleBlock Theater® - TheBehemoth
The BattleBlock Theater Steam Beta begins today!

We’re excited to have so many people be a part of this journey to bring BBT onto PC. Our selected Beta Testers should receive their Beta keys in their inboxes (please be patient as there are thousands of emails that need to go out) and Testers will start off by doing free-play tonight. Then we’ll all work together to check different areas each day by playing a specific online section at suggested times. Our development team organized these group playthroughs with the Beta Testers so we could maximize the week-long Beta.

It’s an awesome opportunity to allow Steam users to play through our game first before it hits the store and this helps our team by giving us a more real-world test environment. We’re so grateful to all the Beta Testers for volunteering their time and hope that they enjoy this special early preview of the Steam version of BattleBlock Theater. Now, without further ado, BETA GO!
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) - Koobazaur

I have finally started integrating the main plot via in-game story, plot items, and a quest system that tries something new..

Click Here to read more and see new screenshots!
Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) - Koobazaur

I have finally started integrating the main plot via in-game story, plot items, and a quest system that tries something new..

Click Here to read more and see new screenshots!
Community Announcements - Right-Click
We've got the new Update out the door and ready for you to play with. This is more of a transitional update, we laid the foundation for a lot of things. We've shifted around the resource system and made it a lot more conducive to gameplay. We've also redone the forging terminal contextual menus for the items. You can read it here:

Other things that we've done are as follows:


- The Social System has been introduced! Add friends and manage your friends list,
determine security clearance and ownership. Press 'O' to engage.
- Breach charges have been added to the game! Blow walls to bits in a hurry with the
Blast, HEX and Plasma charges
- Doors have been added to the game but functionality has not been implemented yet,
the models serve as a placeholder.
- The paging system has been implemented, allowing for greater performance when
exploring Atlas


- Resources have been restructured and redistributed across Atlas
- We have changed the means with which you can forge items, clicking on an item
will display a new window on the right-hand side.
- There are now three versions of the drill and each speed up the gathering process
- The double barrel assault rifle has been removed
- Skills have been disabled and the hotkey has been removed
(the skill system is being phased out)
- The Flying Eyeball has been rebalanced for a better playing experience
- The Flying Eyeball now produces a corpse when shot out of the air
- The player now appears to be sleeping when is signed out of the game
- The player now produces a corpse upon death
- Chest spawning has been refactored and so have procedural weapons


- Bugs involving containers have been fixed up.
they also place and retrieve items effectively now.
- Fixed up biomes and resolved the spread of trees.
- Power Generators are now saving properly
- All holograms are displaying properly
- Miniguns play sound properly now
- Fixed issues after several minutes of play
- Vehicles should forge and appear as expected now
- Client should be much more stable, reducing the amount of random crashes
- Synchronicity between players during multiplayer has been dealt with
- All tilesets should render and place properly
- Vignetting setting should be functioning normally

Cook, Serve, Delicious! - chubigans
Hey everyone, hope you're ready for more CSD cause' that's what I got! This is such a large content patch that I've opted to have it available as a beta first before rolling it out for everyone.

As this is a beta, be aware that there can be bugs and such that will not be a part of the final patch. BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR SAVES, which will be detailed below. This beta is for Windows users only.

There is a long list of new additions and updates that I'll post once the patch is live for everyone, but here are some key areas that I want to focus on for this beta:

  • Controller support (DualShock 4, Xbox 360 PC Gamepad). Everything in the game has been reconfigured to support full controller functions. Unless marked, there should not be any instances where a controller doesn't allow you to progress or perform an action. The two exceptions to this are the options menu at the start of the game and the key binding menu. Rumble is also supported across all foods. Please let me know what you think of the controls, how you might improve them, and so on. They definitely take some getting used to, but have been fine tuned so that you can punch out orders as quickly as possible. It's my personally preferred control scheme at this point.

  • New Game+. As this is a new mode, it's always a bit dangerous to mess with code that can affect regular games as well, but I'm pretty sure everything turned out great. If you have a Platinum Star Restaurant, you can jump right into the NG+ mode. I'd love to get some feedback on difficulty and what you think about the new changes.

  • New code for buying/practicing foods. There was a bad glitch that has haunted this game since release that would gift players certain foods after trying them out...or worse, remove foods from their menu that they had previously bought. To kill this bug once and for all, I had to redo the entire code for buying and practicing foods. Please let me know if there's any kind of glitch when practicing, trying out, or buying foods. Everything should be good now.

  • The ability to replay the opening tutorial. This may not seem like much but originally I could not get this to work because of some old legacy code, so it wasn't available. Thanks to the new code for buying foods, I can finally add this feature. You can replay the opening tutorial via the Tutorials menu, and get a different version when using a gamepad. Again, let me know if anything doesn't look right after replaying the tutorial on a normal save.

  • Many assets re-rendered in 1080p. As a result of providing better assets for High Rendering/1080p, there could be a glitch that makes objects or text appear twice the size it should be, or seem abnormally large. This definitely shouldn't happen so let me know if you see anything like that.

  • New Quick Options menu in the title/save select screen. Pretty handy if you ask me! You can click the cog on the top right to access it in the opening menus only.

  • Garbage throwing sped up by 30%. Let me know if any glitches seem to occur when throwing trash.

Now I've personally played a bunch of this beta and feel like I've squashed all the possible bugs in this release, but there's always the chance I've missed one, hence the beta. Lots of bugs from older versions of the game have been fixed as well, which I'll post when the final patch goes live.

Note that this is not the performance patch that will fix the issues of progressive slowdown that some users have been experiencing. That is a bit more out of my control but I'm hoping that the new stable version of GM Studio will be out in the following month, which should solve the issue.

Please please give me feedback either in the comments below or in the community forums for the game. I really appreciate it! So, here's the three steps you need to take to opt into the beta:

  • STEP ONE: Backup your saves. It is vital you back up your saves manually as this beta has a number of game changing updates. To do so, first go to your C:/Users/(your username) folder. Then go to the AppData folder (if you do not see that folder, make sure the ability to see hidden files and folders is turned on). Now go to Local, then CSDSteamBuild, and finally copy all Ndata1file.ini thru 6 files to another location on your computer. You should also copy the BCKNdata1file.ini files as well.

  • STEP TWO: Make sure your email is confirmed with Steam. Steam occasionally prompts you to confirm your email address within the Steam client. You need to do this before opting into the beta, otherwise your cloud saves may become out of sync.

  • STEP THREE: Opt-in. Go to your Steam client, select Library, then right click on Cook, Serve, Delicious and select Properties. Click the Betas tab. In the code box, type in


    and then hit Check Code. You should be accepted! Now click the drop down menu for the "beta you would like to opt-in to" and select v2_5 beta- Controller, NG+ Beta (3/31/14). Your download should start soon after.

I hope you all enjoy the beta, and for those waiting for the final version to update, it's gonna be worth the wait. ːcsdsmileː