Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

Games have become a mainstream thing. Nearly everyone plays them, talks about them, and interacts with them in some way on a semi-regular basis. But here at RPS, we have this violence in games tag that occasionally gets use, and not usually for good reasons. While I’m a strong advocate for examination of how exactly we’re affected by cultures that glorify violence, I absolutely do not believe that throwing a singular “bad” blanket over a very nuanced issue helps anyone. And yet, despite gaming’s slow ascent out of the cultural gutters, people still blame it for all of society’s ills from time-to-time. John quite frequently holds people accountable for that fear-mongering mentality, and I personally think that’s important given what can happen when people let it warp their worldview.

Case in point: the US Government’s Republican party is suggesting a tax reform that would give sizable tax breaks to companies who create new technologies and practices in their respective fields. Unless they are creators of “violent videogames.”

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

We did it – we finally did it.

141 years! 20,001 posts! It’s all been leading up to this moment. You have no idea how long and how hard we’ve been planning for this, the 20,001st Rock, Paper, Shotgun post. You won’t believe what we’ve got in store for it – and for you.

This changes everything>. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

glad to see my nightmares are still getting work

I don’t really know what to make of Fearless Fantasy. It seems extremely goofy and weird, and I like both those things, but oh goodness what even is it? Let’s try breaking it down: the role-player is being published by No Time To Explain creator tinyBuild, and it’s turn-based in a very JRPG way. Except not at all, because you don’t just choose an option and watch your party play patty cake with swords until the next round. Each attack involves copious mouse gestures, which I initially took to mean you had to pretend to be a rodent in front of a camera but now realize we’re talking about computers because we’re always talking about computers. Silly me. Trailer below.

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BioShock Infinite - (Nathan Grayson)

how do you like my cosplay

Irrational has (mostly) sunk beneath the gaming industry’s ever-turbulent waves, but its spirit lives on. And by that, I mean the rather tumultuous work environment gave birth to one last piece of DLC before massive (and by many accounts, inevitable) layoffs struck. BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea Episode One was a mixed bag, but Episode Two has a shot at going out on a high note. There are plenty of solid ingredients in place: we’re back in Rapture, we get to play as Elizabeth, and apparently we can entirely> avoid killing anyone if we want to. 1998 mode is a bonus option with a heavy emphasis on stealth, and if some referential fake box art is to be believed, it’s rather heavily influenced by the original Thief.

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The Walking Dead - (Nathan Grayson)

Wait! Don't kill that zombie! Probably for reasons!

TOO MANY TWOS IN THAT HEADLINE. 2 Episode 2 Furious. Live Free (Walking) Die Epi2odic. I don’t know anymore. I’m having a strange day. But anyway, The Walking Dead Season Two Episode Two has been trailerfied, and it’s looking as brooding and dramatic as ever. I see potential for plot twists, revelations, and the very real possibility that the walkingest dead of all… is man. I am interested to see where this one goes, especially given that it seems to be addressing some of my concerns after season two’s slightly lukewarm first episode. Watch below, but beware of minor spoilers.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jeremy Laird)

Last week we caught an early glimpse of Nvidia’s latest and greatest GPU design, known as Maxwell. We’ll have to wait a while to see what impact it has on true gaming PCs, but the sheer power efficiency of the new architecture certainly looks promising. Anywho, the Maxwell launch event was a chance to hook up with Nvidia and quiz them on a subject that’s been vexing me of late, namely the rise of proprietary gaming tech – well, mainly graphics – for the PC. What with Mantle and HSA from AMD, G-Sync, 3D Vision and Shield-tethered game streaming from Nvidia, it feels like gaming hardware is becoming increasingly partisan. So what gives? Tom Petersen, Nvidia s Director of Technical Marketing for GeForce, gave me the low down. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect was Kickstarted in June two years ago, and supposed to be released in December 2012. That was always a touch hopeful. However, come December 2013 there was still no indication of a release date, and since then there’s been an ominous quiet. Fortunately that quiet is broken, with Tex “Chris Jones” Murphy releasing a new video to explain the gap. The game, he says, is now the length of two full Tex Murphy adventures.

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Shadowrun Returns - (Alec Meer)

Now that’s more like it. Choice! Side-missions! A hub! A strong supporting cast who are up for a bit of a chat! Little-to-no mandatory decking sequences! A mother-lovin’ save (almost) anywhere system! Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall being ‘just’ DLC for last year’s cyberpunk/fantasy mash-up RPG is bittersweet, because it may well be that only existing Shadowrun Returns owners give it a spin. Really, though, this is the point where new players are best off getting involved – a new, superior campaign with no ties to the last one, and quite a few of the major problems dealt with. Now’s the time to play Shadowrun Returns, basically, but please, start with this. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

I wish the inside of *my* brain looked like that

If you’ve forgotten – perhaps because some malevolent soul infiltrated your mind and mixed up all the wiring – Ether One is an extremely promising-looking first-person adventure about spelunking dreamy brain caves in hopes of unraveling a giant techno-countryside mystery. It looks gorgeous, and its thin film of cyberpunk static sizzles with intrigue. Think Myst meets To The Moon, and you’re basically there. It’s finally coming out next month! Announcement trailer below.

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Magicka - (Adam Smith)

Pride comes before a fall. Worse, actually. In this game, pride comes before a meteor shower to the face, an icy blast to the particulars and a death ray to the heart. Magicka: Wizard Wars continues to entertain me on a daily basis but it has been cruel to me these past weeks and I can’t help but feel that I brought some of the suffering on myself. The tale I have to tell is one of ice and fire, and of cruelty and claws. It is a tale of cat and mouse.>

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