Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

I was just eating some Hobnobs and thinking that I’d seen enough space games for one week, but I was wrong>. Not to eat delicious biscuits, of course, that’s always right>, but wrong to think that I’d seen enough of the flying, exploding stuff. I mean maybe they’re not spaceships as such, because it seems like atmospheric combat, but they’re certainly flying flipping things with weapons and zooming about in multiple dimensions. Yes, ignore my intro: Strike Vector looks shit hot, and if their Greenlight trailer (below) doesn’t set off a whirling green alarm in Steam HQ then there is something wrong with the way Valve installed their whirling green alarm system, and they should get that seen to.

Is it fair to say it looks like the Hawken of dogfighting games? Well, there, I said it. Wanna fight about it? (more…)

Arma 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

If, like me, you are a kind of cyborg, you might recall that one of Arma’s keenest community leaders, Andrew ‘Dslyecxi’ Gluck, has been overseeing some of the trailers for the alpha of Arma 3. That’s true now that the game has entered beta, too. His latest work is SITREP (pronounced as if you are giving orders over the noise of gunfire) which covers some ground we’ve already seen – the clever simulatory embellishments of Arma 3 – as well as explaining what that long alpha thing was all about. The idea of it all, I believe, is to entice you into the beta, via their store.

Yes. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Richard Cobbett)

Note to Americans - it's pronounced 'leisure'. Stop with this 'leeesure' silliness at once.

So, to recap… Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded is a 2013 remake of a 1991 game based on a 1987 game based on a text adventure from 1981 about a guy with his head in the 1970s. Yow. Ordinarily, that would lead to the question “Why?” This time though, the answer is simple: “14,081 Kickstarter backers donated over $650,000 to make it happen, so shut up.”

There’s no arguing with that, really. But are the final results worth the faith?>


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

Odds bodkins! The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is pretty and make no mistake (the last time screenshots came out they were pretty enough to make Jim swear, but I told my mum I was on RPS this week so I’m not allowed to). It’s blooming pretty as a picture, and my codlings are tingling. They’d better festinate this game out ASAP, I don’t want to be sat here rod-jockeying while I’m waiting for it to arrive. Say hello to my mum, everyone! (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

Two things to note in regards to this latest The Bureau: XCOM Declassified video. Actually, make that three things because it’s worth mentioning that the name becomes worse every time I have to type it. It’s not the worst use of a colon this side of an alien probing session, but it is a tad cumbersome. I’m also increasingly wary of the stop-start nature of the command system and, yes, I know that may seem a strange complaint coming from a man who loves all things turn-based. I guess I just want it to go the whole way and be> turn-based. My final objection, before dropping the video onto your screen, relates to the setting. The nifty period style doesn’t seem to extend beyond the hats – the rest comes across as more futuristic than actual XCOM.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

What's Dragon for 'Left a bit'?Hooray for the person who decided that dragons can have jetpacks. I get the impression that the from that moment on, Divinity: Dragon Commander was set on a path to Sillyville. Any further questions about lore were probably answered by the lead developer pointing to artwork of a dragon blasting jets out from his backpack and then a shrug. It’s a decision that ends at the inevitable cul-de-sac of an overly verbose and racist lizard man trying to get out of having a party with an imp, as is shown in this video. I’d imagined this offshoot of the Divinity series to be a lot less personable, but there’s plenty of of political maneuvering in 30 minute play through, as well as a pile of characters to talk to and make plans with before the Dragons are released. (more…)

Jun 27, 2013
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

I know how I will die. I am reminded of it constantly, and without sympathy. One shrinking white oblong, to the upper left of my vision, taunts me with the rapid decline of my oxygen; another, upper right, expressionlessly cackles at me with its ever-diminishing power supply, showing me the encroaching demise of the Capsule that keeps me alive. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

They look so happy.Jim is more pleased than usual. (I totally am! – Jim) Teleglitch, the top-down rogue-like shooter that he personally championed, has been picked up by Paradox. Not only that, but the harsh sci-fi horror game will be expanded upon in the Die More edition, which is a phrase I find rather sinister. Surely you can only die the one time? The rest is basically corpse mutilation. Anyway, the game that Jim loved, and that no-one on RPS else bothered with, will be out in the summer as a free expansion for current owners, and a full game for the rest of us. Trailer below. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

The first players invited to Survarium’s alpha have been playing for a while now but a tweet from the team suggests that they are almost ready to open the gateway to their apocalyptic doomscapes, in which it is currently possible to engage in a team-based PVP mode. If you’d like to shoot people in the remnants of civilisation, or would just like to see how much like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. this sort of thing can possibly be, this is the place to enter your details. The experience should certainly be more like a trip to the Zone than it was previously as recent updates have added those lovely reality-distoting, gut-bursting anomalies. Hurrah.


Rogue Legacy - (Adam Smith)

My Rogue Legacy ends in defeat. I’m close to discovering all of the castle’s secrets and I’ve slain fearsome bosses, each taking me one step closer to victory, but my much-pruned family tree has been reduced to kindling. As I peeled my eyes from the window in which so many generations had perished, I vowed to remember my last and most valiant relation – a giant lich queen with a vampiric sword and a fear of chickens.>

