Starpoint Gemini - Valve
Starpoint Gemni Timebreach DLC is Now Available on Steam.

The Timebreach expansion for Starpoint Gemini, follows the events immediate after the reopening of the Starpoint. Imperial forces are swarming the Gemini system, but not as fast or fiercely as everybody expected. That gives precious time to surviving groups that are now desperately trying to upgrade their technology or reinforce their units.

Nexus, together with dr. Ridley, is speeding up the work on another milestone technology based on stasis rift research. The player is invited to Nexus to help in the early testing of so the called stasis jump matrix.

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit - Valve
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is now available on Steam!

Hell Yeah! is a crazy action-adventure platformer... In Hell.

You are Ash, a devil rabbit and the prince of Hell. When some jerk finds it funny to post your secret intimate photos all over the Hell-ternet, you get VERY angry. Time to seek out the bastard and destroy him once and for all. While you’re at it, why not use this incredible journey to kill everybody else?

Source Filmmaker - Valve
Software is Now Available on Steam and all new software titles are 10% off!*

The Software titles now available via Steam are:

ArtRage Studio Pro
CameraBag 2
GameMaker: Studio
3DMark Vantage
3DMark 11
Source Filmmaker

Many of the launch titles will take advantage of popular Steamworks features, such as easy installation, automatic updating, and the ability to save your work to your personal Steam Cloud space so your files may travel with you.

GameMaker Studio, for example, features integration with Steam Workshop that allows GameMaker users to share their work via Steam.

For more information, please visit the store page.

*offer ends Tuesday October 9th at 10AM Pacific Time.

BIT.TRIP CORE is now available on Steam!

BIT.TRIP CORE takes the player into unfamiliar territory as they use NES-style controls to blast their way through the barrage of Beats in this rhythm-music adventure.

Plus, check out the Soundtrack featuring thumpin' chiptune-inspired tracks that will get your heart pounding as CommanderVideo learns what it means to have a CORE.

Nuclear Dawn - Valve
An update to Nuclear Dawn has been released.
- Added an option to disable automatic minimap rotation.
- Fixed flamethrower hurting self when friendly fire enabled since last update.
- Fixed http downloads on Mac not sending an HTTP referer.
- Fixed a common server crash.
- Various other stability fixes.

ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve

- Separated the visual affinity from the gameplay affinity. [G2G vote]
- For instance, you can now customize your own faction with the gameplay of the Cravers and the art of the Amoeba.
- Added the "System Population Balancing" in the Galaxy's advanced options. Ranges from "Random" to "Perfect". For "Perfect", constellations with homeworlds now possess the same number of systems (with a maximum difference of 1 system).
- Added a panel for the Empire wide factors in the Empire view.
- Added a disclaimer when entering the Mods section for the first time.
- Changed the faction colors to differentiate the shades of green.
- Added Polish language.
- Added the possibility to load custom 3D models and textures for planet and ship modding.
- Changed the compatibility system of the save files.
- Added the soundtrack directory for Mac users in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/ SteamApps/ common/Endless Space/

- Added the Automatons faction with a specific gameplay affinity and properties for specific buildings, according to Panzer, the winner of the faction contest.
- Automatons Affinity:
1. At the end of the turn, if there is an overproduction, it's stacked instead of being reported.
2. At the beginning of a turn, an interest is applied to the stacked industry, allowing it to increase a bit.
3. The stacked industry is capped at 5 * system's industry.
4. If the overproduction cannot be stacked, it's conserved for the next turn like the current mechanism.
5. When the automatons build improvements & ships, the industry is used in the following order:
a. system's industry
b. overproduction
c. stacked industry
6. When a system from the Automatons is invaded, the stacked industry is destroyed, reset to 0 even if the invader is an Automaton.
- Added Automatons unique tech icons.
- Added a gauge bar for the stacked industry of each system in the Empire view.
- Added the stacked industry value on tooltip of each system in the Galaxy view.
- Placed the Automatons' overproduction stack in the Development bar (in System view).
- Added the Automatons' portrait, diplomacy hologram and loading screen. Automatons will use Cravers' ships 3D models.

- Added a trade routes summary panel in the Empire view.
- Added the possibility to directly click on a trade route's origin system in the trade routes panel, to enter this system's view.
- Added a trade routes panel link on the System view.
- Added several tooltips for the trade routes panel.

- Added several AIPrerequisites from the community mod (by Ail, Grubsnik and Davea), globally improving AI when building star system improvements.
- Improved the tax rate management for the AI.
- Improved the formula that computes the response given by an AI to an alliance request.
- Changed the formula for trading a technology with the AI. Before, the price was related to the most wanted technology, now, it is related to the most expensive technology available.

- Added arrows to switch from a hero to another in the Inspection view.
- Added arrows to switch from a hero to another in the Academy.
- When recruiting a hero, he is now automatically selected in the active tab.
- Added an "Accept" button when assigning new abilities to a hero and the possibility to click on a selected ability to remove it before validating the final choice.
- Added empty slots to show how many heroes can still be recruited in the Academy.
- Added a tooltip to heroes' attributes to show what effect they have.
- Added a visual hero identifier in the Academy, to determine if a hero is in a system, a fleet or unassigned.

- Updated the alliance management system.
- When offering a treaty with someone outside of an alliance, a request is sent to allies. They can now either:
1. Accept the treaty
2. Decide to leave the alliance.
- Added a tendency panel for diplomatic negotiations. Shows how an ally AI will likely respond to a treaty you offer to someone outside the alliance. Human players will always respond "Undecided".

- Changed the upkeep formula (cost 1 per CP --> cost 0.4*CP max per CP).
- Reduced the deflectors' evolution in stats, they were too efficient in late game: (3,5,8,11,14,20,25,30,36,45 => 2,4,7,10,13,17,22,27,33,39)
- Increased the hulls' HP to increase the probability to reach the melee phase: (small:300, medium:600,large:1200 => small:450, medium:1200, large:3000)
- Increased the cost of tonnage and repair modules' industry cost as well as modules related to strategic resources (to reward abundance).
- Reduced the Hissho's Bushido (20% on FIDS => 15% on FID).
- Increased the length of the Bushido but without the reset after an invasion (15 turns WITH reset => 45 turns WITHOUT reset after an invasion).
- Changed the Revenge trait's condition of activation (activated whenever a lost system was re-invaded by the player => will only activate during invasion if the lost system was previously owned at 100%).
- Changed the length of the different Cooperation Agreement steps (0/15/30 => 0/10/15).
- Reduced the AI bonus on weapons, defense and buyout to balance the difficulty. AI has been heavily improved and therefore needs less powerful bonuses.
- Balanced armor and repair module regarding the new HP's of the ships.

- Fixed an issue where trying to display the “end of auto explore” alert message after destroying the corresponding fleet provoked a NullReferenceException.
- Fixed an issue where displaying the trade routes panel without trade routes provoked a NullReferenceException.
- Fixed an issue where global random events were not synchronized for all players.
- Fixed an issue where the AI was using obsolete ship template designs.
- Fixed an issue where the AI didn't use tonnage modules, resulting in partially empty ships.
- Fixed an issue where the number of turns, before a peace treaty was made available, was not saved. The peace treaty was then automatically available after loading a game.
- Fixed an issue where the interception module still intercepted attacks even when the defense module had 0 in interception.
- Fixed an issue where the game would hang when loading a game without available ship designs.

- Fixed an issue where Pilgrims' fleet errant wasn't concerned by faction traits that improve ships HP.
- Fixed an issue where the scroll bar would overlap with the resources in the diplomatic negotiations screen.
- Fixed application of approval bonus on improvement using percent.
- Fixed an issue where loading a saved game could remove contracts for many empires.
- Fixed an issue where creating an alliance did not spread the cease fire status across the allied factions.
- Fixed an issue where the beginning of a cease fire wasn't synchronized for all allies.
- Fixed an issue where infinite improvements in the queue could prevent using over production stacking.
- Fixed an issue where after invading a system with infinite improvement buildings, the modifier stayed active until the end of the game.
- Fixed an issue where diplomatic status resolution wasn't correctly done in an alliance vs alliance situation.
- Fixed an issue where the worst diplomatic status wasn't correctly spread when one of the 2 allies didn't know the third empire.
- Fixed an issue where the AI lost use of some of its fleets, leaving them unattended in a system.
- Fixed an issue with the AI parameters (for instance, the result of 3/2 was counted as 1,500 instead of 1.5).
- Fixed an issue related to the Sower's personnality.
- Fixed an issue which caused the AI building nothing in a system.
- Fixed an issue which forbade the AI to build food improvement when its food surplus was negative.
- Fixed several GUI issues.
- Fixed several localization issues.
- Fixed several text issues.

- Fixed an issue where random events were missing.

- Fixed an issue where the galaxy generation for a new game was significantly slower.
All the version notes since the alpha version can be found at:
Product Release - Valve
War of the Roses is now available on Steam!

War of the Roses is a team based third person action game set in 15th century England. Two rival branches of the Royal House of Plantagenet - the house of Lancaster (the reds) and the house of York (the whites) – fight over the throne, and the player is thrown into the fray. Players go toe-to-toe with their opponents using authentic and visceral weapons of the time period including broad swords, long bows and battle-axes.

Oct 2, 2012
F1 2012™ - Valve
This update addresses a number of issues, including:
• Fixed an issue with frame rates that was introduced in patch #2
• Fixed an issue where using a flashback could result in an engine blowout effect. This would also result in the player doing an unnecessary pit stop if they were trying to serve a drive through penalty.
• Fixed the achievement “The Equipment May Be The Same” to unlock in Career as per the description
• Reduced the amount of starting fuel that the user is given for races Austin as it was previously too high
• Fixed some issues in Co-op Qualifying when only one user progresses to the next session
• Fixed a number of camera and graphical issues
• Fixed several issues which would display the incorrect number of players in a lobby or a race
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition - Valve
Now until Thursday at 4PM Pacific Time, save big on the Elder Scrolls Collection as this week's Midweek Madness!

This collection includes the award-winning titles Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim along with the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim!

Choose from hundreds of weapons, spells, and abilities. The legendary freedom of choice, storytelling, and adventure of The Elder Scrolls is realized like never before!

Secret World Legends - Valve
Now until Thursday at 4PM Pacific Time, take 50% off The Secret World as this week's Midweek Madness!

Hidden within our own modern-day world is a secret world. A world where every myth, legend, and conspiracy theory is true. And now, dark forces are on the move and secrets that should have remained forever buried have finally been uncovered. The world is about to discover that the terrors that have plagued our nightmares are all very real.

You have been chosen. Welcome to The Secret World.
