Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

Do you see what you just did, World War II? Now go to your room. Go on, get!I will forever be baffled by the trend of game trailers that opt to keep, you know, games> almost entirely out of the spotlight. Next, I would like a film preview made up entirely of adorable puppy photos from this magical place and a book whose words are printed in alphabet soup instead of ink. Until then, though, I’ll have to make do with war>. World War II, specifically – a sequel in which we did, in fact, war harder. Right up until near the end, Company of Heroes 2′s first official trailer is stitched together from old photos, dramatic cuts, and (admittedly jaw-dropping) statistics. It’s nice and all, but perhaps we can see a bit more of Relic’s not-too-shabby-looking game next time?


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

“RIP Radical Entertainment 1991-2012,” tweeted audio designer Rob Bridgett earlier today. Moments later, the Internet was abuzz with reports that Activision had used its maniacal death tendrils to choke the life right out of Prototype 2 developer Radical Entertainment. That, however, isn’t entirely> true. But, while not a full-on closure, Activision explained in an official statement that “some employees will remain working for Radical Entertainment supporting other existing Activision Publishing projects, but the studio will cease development of its own games going forward.” Which is, of course, horrendously depressing. There is one infinitesimally small bright spot to all this, though: Prototype 2′s PC version is escaping unscathed.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Tsk, sex in games, etc.

Dishonored news keeps rumbling in, today’s in the form of 22 minutes worth of two new videos formerly for secrets at E3, including the information that your death toll during the game will directly affect the story, including the ending. Because murdering is naughty.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

Videos for Mechwarrior Online seem to arrive in batches and there are two more for you to stomp on this evening. To stomp on with your eyes. The first is a dev diary, which talks about “the four pillars of gameplay” for the multiplayer mech ‘em up. The most interesting claim is that mechs of different sizes and capabilities will all have their place, useful in different situations or as part of a group. The goal, then, isn’t to get the biggest, baddest mech of all, because, hey, that little one over there might be even badder>. The second video shows a new environment, the Frozen City. Perhaps this is one of the environments in which a lumbering turret of a mech would struggle.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

The Normandy escaping the arse of the internet.

You know what – let me apologise and make something clear. The phrasing wasn’t ideal, but my intent was only to call those who stamped around demanding the ending be changed for them, and behaving in really extremely unpleasant ways, farts. Not those who didn’t like the ending, and those who expressed their disappointment with the ending. Not liking things is clearly not worthy of fartdom. So I’m sorry for the offence caused to those whom I wasn’t trying to offend.

I liked the ending of Mass Effect 3. I’ve said so before. I acknowledge there were plot holes, perhaps even mistakes, but not being a self-entitled giant fart of a human, I find that I’m able to accept that the ending of something does not have to meet my preconceived expectations, nor wrap up everything I’ve encountered in a neat bow – heck, I can even hate it – without requiring it be changed. Human stories rarely end that way, and nor should all fiction have to. However, the farting was so loud and so smelly that BioWare felt a need to react. And so it is that new endings are available for the game. I’ve now seen all four>. Clearly this involves hefty spoilers for the original game. I only discuss one of the new endings in any detail, however, but still you might want to see them for yourself first.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

Thomas Was Alone and he was also a Flash game but now he’s grown up and it’s time for him to meet some new friends and set off on a journey that will change them all forever. It’s a tale of friendship, co-operation, sentience and rivalry, but is it possible to care about a gang of abstract shapes and the puzzling environments they traverse? Here’s wot I think.>


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

Yeah, yeah, Jim posted about this yesterday too. But he forgot to be rude to Activision. And what are you going to do about it? Fight us? You wouldn’t stand a chance.

So apparently Activision doesn’t want to sell any copies of The Amazing Spider-Man on PC. With the film coming out next Tuesday, it’s a timely release for the console versions this Friday. But in six weeks time when the game finally deigns to appear on Steam, we’ll all have moved on.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

We can only hope this won't derail the hopes of the hotly anticipated prequel, 'Back To The Future, Soldier'.

When some players report that keyboard and mouse> don’t work with their PC game, you know you’ve got a problem. And that’s only the beginning of a laundry list of issues leaving players feeling rather haunted by Tom Clancy’s Ghosts. While some players are reporting mostly functional experiences, others have found themselves plagued by unadjustable resolutions, framerate caps, chugging performance, crippling server connection problems, and show-stopping crashes. But, at the very least, Ubisoft is officially on the case>.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

I wonder if creatures with needles for legs ever get needle phobias.

Many moons ago, I got the chance to play WildStar. It was kind of a surreal experience for me. I mean, I wanted> to be delighted. There were gorgeous vistas and Han-Solo-esque gunmen and surprisingly dark references to the film Alien and brilliant tweaks to the traditional MMO formula. It was like a diligent student with purple hair and bunny ears for some reason that had trained under WoW – and then surpassed it. But, even with dodge-heavy multi-lane combat, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this cartoony sci-fi-fantasy galaxy far, far away was actually Azeroth’s next door neighbor. Group combat – tank-healer-DPS “holy trinity” and all – does look fairly exciting, though. Let it caress your giant, strangely out-of-character anime eyeballs after the break.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

It's essentially Brock Samson: The Game

The team of students at DigiPen who made spike-dodging, gravity-switching charmer A Flipping Good Time have another game on the way. Man VS The World places you in the muscular shoes of Man Lee Gunns, who then places himself into the metallic muscles of a fighter plane and shoots at everything else that exists. The world has declared war on him, you see, so he’s left with no choice. It looks like the sort of game that fills the screen with bullets and my stomach with knots of tension, but then Mr Gunns starts leaping from one plane to another even as they arrive on screen in formation, and then> he starts clambering about as if he’s in a platform game, in the sky, surrounded by bullets. Trailed below.

