INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat - Viper
DENVER, COLORADO | MAR 13, 2012 - For those of you who thought that the INSURGENCY franchise was dead - boy were you wrong! Many of the original creators of the mod have returned from years of industry experience to resurrect the once popular game and turn it into something people would be interested in purchasing at a low cost. A small studio was formed in Denver, Colorado where the New World Interactive development team has been hard at work turning this sequel into a reality. Six months later, our core team of 3 onsite and 8 offsite developers are ready to introduce something quite refreshing to the FPS scene - INSURGENCY 2.

INS2 takes place in the present and near past in insurgencies that have taken place all throughout the world - Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya and Chechnya. The game's controls, teamwork focus, and high powered weapons make it feel in many ways like the original Source Mod, but the re-designed levels, new game modes, increased pace, and expanded loadout options have made the game much more accessible.

This project has been top secret over the past 6 months, but we have decided to allow the world to see what we've been working on at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The feedback was overall very positive! A surprising amount of former INS fans emerged, all of whom were shocked and excited to see a sequel in the works.

We will be releasing some video footage from GDC shortly just to show you guys that we were there, and we really have a game in the works. It may not be the best representation of gameplay as we were too busy talking to people instead of taking more video, but you guys can surely expect more media to come over the course of the coming months as the game continues to be polished.

More info can be found at <a href="" target="_blank">Insurgency 2</a>.
INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat - Viper
DENVER, COLORADO | MAR 13, 2012 - For those of you who thought that the INSURGENCY franchise was dead - boy were you wrong! Many of the original creators of the mod have returned from years of industry experience to resurrect the once popular game and turn it into something people would be interested in purchasing at a low cost. A small studio was formed in Denver, Colorado where the New World Interactive development team has been hard at work turning this sequel into a reality. Six months later, our core team of 3 onsite and 8 offsite developers are ready to introduce something quite refreshing to the FPS scene - INSURGENCY 2.

INS2 takes place in the present and near past in insurgencies that have taken place all throughout the world - Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya and Chechnya. The game's controls, teamwork focus, and high powered weapons make it feel in many ways like the original Source Mod, but the re-designed levels, new game modes, increased pace, and expanded loadout options have made the game much more accessible.

This project has been top secret over the past 6 months, but we have decided to allow the world to see what we've been working on at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The feedback was overall very positive! A surprising amount of former INS fans emerged, all of whom were shocked and excited to see a sequel in the works.

We will be releasing some video footage from GDC shortly just to show you guys that we were there, and we really have a game in the works. It may not be the best representation of gameplay as we were too busy talking to people instead of taking more video, but you guys can surely expect more media to come over the course of the coming months as the game continues to be polished.

More info can be found at Insurgency 2.
Zombie Panic! Source - Tatsur0
Contagion Modular Zombie Timelapse Sculpt -
Zombie Panic! Source - Tatsur0
Contagion Modular Zombie Timelapse Sculpt -
Community Announcements - Berek
Mar 29, 2012
Bunch of Heroes - DarkElf
Hi everybody!

After spending some much needed time tracking all issues reported, we found a very plausible cause for the white screen on launch along with some performance issues and other minor bugs we could fix. Hopefully you won't be experiencing any problems launching the game from now on.
We would like to thank everybody who took their time helping us improve the game with their reports and comments on the forums and send a special thanks to "jsmucha" for his thorough report about bugged achievements.

[CHANGELOG 3/29/2012]

- Fixed multithreaded loading issues. This was the main cause for the white screen when launching the game many users reported.
- Fixed default resolution issue where the game would take Windows reported resolution instead of the real desktop resolution resulting in some impossible to render scenarios.
- Fixed FPS drops under certain circumstances.
- Fixed several achievements reported by the community.
- Fixed bullets not colliding while on a multiplayer game.
- Fixed map objects colliding after dying.
- Added security measures to game scripts.
Once again thanks again to everyone for helping out!
Mar 29, 2012
Bunch of Heroes - DarkElf
Hi everybody!

After spending some much needed time tracking all issues reported, we found a very plausible cause for the white screen on launch along with some performance issues and other minor bugs we could fix. Hopefully you won't be experiencing any problems launching the game from now on.
We would like to thank everybody who took their time helping us improve the game with their reports and comments on the forums and send a special thanks to "jsmucha" for his thorough report about bugged achievements.

[CHANGELOG 3/29/2012]

- Fixed multithreaded loading issues. This was the main cause for the white screen when launching the game many users reported.
- Fixed default resolution issue where the game would take Windows reported resolution instead of the real desktop resolution resulting in some impossible to render scenarios.
- Fixed FPS drops under certain circumstances.
- Fixed several achievements reported by the community.
- Fixed bullets not colliding while on a multiplayer game.
- Fixed map objects colliding after dying.
- Added security measures to game scripts.
Once again thanks again to everyone for helping out!
Left 4 Dead 2 - the gish
<b>Versus Survival</b>
The first Survivor team sets the time. The second team tries to beat it. Then the first team tries to beat the second team's time. Then the second team tries to beat the first team's time. And then the... you get the idea. Rounds keep switching until someone fails to beat the previous time.

This is a great way to try Versus. Rounds are only as long as you can keep beating each other’s times. There are no rushing Survivors. Infected spawns get quicker as the time increases. It is mayhem filled with all the weapon perks and items. What’s not to like? Give it a try.

<b>Next Mutation For the Loners?</b>
For the next mutation, do you prefer Lone Gunman or Last Man on Earth? Let us know.
Left 4 Dead 2 - the gish
Versus Survival
The first Survivor team sets the time. The second team tries to beat it. Then the first team tries to beat the second team's time. Then the second team tries to beat the first team's time. And then the... you get the idea. Rounds keep switching until someone fails to beat the previous time.

This is a great way to try Versus. Rounds are only as long as you can keep beating each other’s times. There are no rushing Survivors. Infected spawns get quicker as the time increases. It is mayhem filled with all the weapon perks and items. What’s not to like? Give it a try.

Next Mutation For the Loners?
For the next mutation, do you prefer Lone Gunman or Last Man on Earth? Let us know.
Community Announcements - Rockstar Games
<img height="250" width="444" alt="" src="" />

<a href="" target="_blank">As promised yesterday</a>, here's a barrage of hands-on previews of Max Payne 3's multiplayer that have hit the web today...

&quot;You're pinned behind a bus in a S&atilde;o Paulo transit depot, with a half-dozen mercenaries ready to wipe you from the face of the Earth the second you peek your head past the headlights. You keep still, planning your next move, when out of nowhere some lunatic flings himself from a second-story window and manages to shoot every single one of those armed thugs before he even hits the ground. Immediately upon impact, he pops up as if to say, &quot;I'm good!&quot; and then proceeds to loot each of his victims like a ravenous hobo. Right now that guy might look like the craziest man on the planet, but he's also your teammate. And he just saved your life. Welcome to the delightfully chaotic world of Max Payne 3 multiplayer.&quot; - GameSpot

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

&quot;I had gone into my multiplayer hands-on session expecting an amusing ancillary mode to Max Payne 3's single-player campaign, but what I found was something as robust as any other multiplayer shooter in the genre. If Max's return was a big deal before, it should now be a lot bigger.&quot; - Vox Games

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

&quot;The battles in Gang Wars are tied to key story moments, offering additional color to plot points in Max Payne 3's story, fleshing out what might have happened before or after Max Payne visited the favelas or docks in the game's version S&atilde;o Paulo. There's fiction and even voiceover woven into this multiplayer pillar of Max Payne 3, which may be enlightening to those who get sucked into the drama of the campaign.&quot; - GameTrailers

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

&quot;When it comes to Rockstar - kings of the story game - there's never any compromise. Red Dead Redemption, GTA IV - these were two of the biggest, best story games of a generation and they're both complemented by genuinely innovative, genuinely different multiplayer modes. So it is with Max Payne 3.&quot; - CVG

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

&quot;Rockstar is on to something truly interesting here... you&rsquo;ll almost certainly be shoot-dodging across your couch to get into a Payne Killer or Gang Wars match as quickly as possible.&quot; - Official Xbox Magazine

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Of course, we'll keep you updated on more previews as they hit.