Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Possibly roburky's best screenshot.CCP have announced that folks who quit over recently disgruntlings can now sign up again for 30 days at $4.95. If you are a recently-lapsed player then you should have received the offer by email. Not that this in itself is interesting or enticing as such, but this is. CCP are finally> talking about rebalancing capital ships to make them less overwhelming in fleet fights, less able to escape by logging off, and less versatile overall. If they’d done this a couple of years ago I might not have become a lapsed player myself. Let’s hope it has the necessary impact on the game and reduces capital ship use overall.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Demented, I tell ya!The Sun, yesterday:

COMPUTER games and Facebook can addle kids’ brains, a top scientist warned yesterday. Baroness Greenfield said they may lead to temporary “dementia”.

It’d be great to think this was just the tabloid rag taking Greenfield’s words out of context, but sadly she has a record of saying unfounded things about the “negative” impact of technology. Not that I deny that kids should be going out and playing in the fresh air, Baroness Greenfield, it’s just that they’re probably not> going to end up demented (temporarily or otherwise) if they stay in all the time. They’ll just be a bit sad.

Team Fortress 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

He's bursting out of a bear.Needless to say, they’re celebrating with a big old hat-infrastructure update to Team Fortress 2. The ability for people create and submit and submit items has apparently now earned the community creators $2m, and Valve obviously want that trend to continue, as the update is a big ‘un in that direction. They explain: “The Manniversary Update includes several new features, including Steam Workshop, an improved item submission system that allows community item-creators to test, share and track the status of their creations. The entire TF2 community will also be allowed to participate by browsing, rating and offering feedback on all submitted items. The Steam Workshop will be fully integrated with the Steam community. In addition to the Workshop, the Manniversary Update will also ship 30 new hats and cosmetic items, an item decal system, weeklong “try before you buy” item tryouts, loadout presets, multiple miscellaneous items slots, improved game performance, and a new taunt.”

Everything will be on sale until Monday, too. The details, they are here.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

Cech is wearing his Helmet of +4 Toughness

In an interview over at The Guardian, EA Sports’ Andrew Wilson has been talking about foot-to-ball game Fifa 12, which according to sales figures all of you own several hundred copies of. There’s an interesting curveball of a comment from the interviewer though when he compares Fifa to an RPG leading vice-president Wilson to respond thusly:

“I think it’s pretty perceptive to look at it as an RPG, and while we don’t use that terminology for the game externally, we certainly look at it that way internally. An RPG is made up of a number of things: you have to have a unique ID – or unique character – you need persistence and progression for that character, ever-changing content which keeps the world rich and it’s a good idea to wrap it up in a rich economy.”

To the Deciphertron!


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Purple: it's a colour that means business.UPDATE: THQ sent this statement to Massively:

It has come to THQ’s attention that some media are reporting that we’ve announced game details and a release date for our upcoming massively multiplayer online project, Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online. At this time THQ has not officially announced a release date and any reported features are pure speculation. THQ will announce confirmed game features and an official release date at a later time.

Strategy Informer have posted a big old list of information about forthcoming Warhammer 40,000 MMO, Dark Millennium Online. I’m not sure where it’s derived from, since they do not quote a source (presumably everything they know so far from the limited previews and stuff) but presuming> it’s genuine and accurate – and we are presuming – it contains a few interesting nuggets, which I’ve highlighted below. I think we were aware of a chunk of this stuff, but things like class details and so on have not previously been available to my brain. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)


Live action roleplay so rarely takes the form of point and click adventures. Yes! A gross oversight! And one taken care of by a German group called machina eX.

This is remarkable stuff. They’re not just mucking around here – it’s a combination of adventure gaming and live theatre, in which players interactive not only with actors, but also all the objects found in the room, in order to solve puzzles. There’s a great deal of footage of this below.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

I can't wait for Populous in first person.

Crikey, from being an unknown (and yet somehow inevitably always an FPS) project of rumour and vapour, there’s already footage of Syndicate to coo at/smash up your house in rage because of. Ten minutes of it! Which you can watch below.


Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer - (Adam Smith)

I well up a bit looking at this. So many memories.

Some of my earliest memories of gaming are not of the games themselves but of the things that came bundled in the box with them. Whether it was a hefty manual, full of lore and encyclopaedic listings, or a little extra something. Most of my games don’t even come in boxes anymore, although sites such as Steam Covers can help to keep the physical alive. Recently, I’ve been thinking about the shelves in the house where I grew up, full of big cardboard slabs with none of this DVD case finery. I’ve been remembering the excitement of opening the box on the bus, surreptitiously because my parents always thought I’d lose the manual or disks before we reached home. And I’ve been thinking about what else I sometimes found inside. >


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Jim Rossignol)

Illustrative image. Somehow.I suppose this question will largely be interpreted as “what game are you best at?” but I actually have a more specific motivation for asking. While I was probably best at Speedball 2 or Quake III in terms of raw twitchy gaminess, my best developed skill from a game was definitely fleet commanding in Eve Online. It was a skill within the overall mastery of the game. I wasn’t the best pilot, or the best trader, or the best diplomat or best at Eve in any general sense, I was just really good at fleet commanding and running gangs. I’m a little sad that this skill is now languishing after years of work.

Anyway, it made me wonder whether you lot had any specific talents you’d like to share? Perhaps, unlike John, you are a particularly good healer? Or are you a brilliant WoW auction house ninja? Or something else more exotic? The most interesting claims will win points in the subgame of RPS that I call “keeping Jim amused while this DLC downloads”.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (John Walker)

The All Blacks cheat by calling on the gods for help.

It seems reports of the delay of the PC version of Jonah Lomu’s Rugby Challenge were somewhat exaggerated. While it’s true that the retail PC version will come out on the 21st, a week later than the consoles on the 14th, this isn’t the case for the Steam version. That’s to be released alongside the cousins tomorrow. Why the delay? Developers Alternative Software explain to us the reason the boxed version comes later is because,

“We are just having to fly in the new PC retail box version from Australia.”

You can see a trailer for the game below.

