Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
Hello Generals!
This week was one of the largest events in the gaming industry Gamescom 2021. Did you check it out? What premiers caught your eye the most? We had a chance to showcase our games SM: Fight for Freedom & SM: Spirit of Liberty as part of the Gamescom 2021 show on Steam. We have also taken part in Devcom 2021 live stream where our Lead game designer Oleksandr presented SM: Fight for Freedom. We will tell you more about these events in a dedicated report next week, so stay tuned.

Today, we would like to share with you new community-made screenshots from the Strategic Mind series. We are really happy to see you playing our games and sharing your own artistic vision of the games with the other players!

To share great moments from your own playthrough with the community - add them to our community hubs or send them to our Twitter or Discord server. We will post regular news reports with the best ones.

🎖 Today's heroes 🎖

The Pacific

Fight for Freedom

Have a nice weekend!
Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
At the outbreak of the Winter War, Finland’s tank forces were all but nonexistent. To be precise, on paper they had around thirty-two obsolete Renault FT tanks, some Vickers-Carden-Lloyd Mk. IVs and Model 33s, which were equipped with machine guns, and 26 Vickers Armstrongs 6-ton tanks.

The Finns even had to rearm the British Vickers 6-tons with a Finnish made (licensed production in Finland) 37 mm Bofors AT-guns. Only 13 of these tanks managed to get to the front in time to participate in the battles. Vickers 6-ton tanks were also licenced to the USSR becoming T-26 Soviet tanks, and were the basis for the Polish 7TP tanks.

On 26 February 1940, the Finns employed their Vickers 6-ton tanks for the first – and only – time against Soviet armour. Out of thirteen Finnish Vickers 6-ton tanks available only six were in fighting condition and able to participate in the first assault on the Soviet lines – to make matters worse, one of the tanks was forced to stop, unable to cross a wide trench. The remaining five continued onwards a few hundred meters but ran into dozens of Soviet tanks in the village of Honkaniemi. The Finnish tanks managed to knock out three Soviet tanks but were soon themselves knocked-out.

This story clearly shows that tank battles were clearly not the Finnish army’s forte. If we look at the number of tanks both sides had in the Winter War the difference is unbelievably stark:

  • Finland - 32 tanks
  • Soviet Union - 6 541 tanks
It is truly a miracle (and a bit of rough terrain, ill suited for tank battles) that the Finnish troops managed to hold out against such odds. Only the heroic struggle of the Finnish Infantry troops made it possible.

In the game

In the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty we will have other tanks under the Finnish flag, mostly captured Soviet tanks and some German-supplied Pz IV ones.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Finnish units in the upcoming Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty and wishlist our free app Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty Prologue 1939 to be the first one to try out the mighty Vickers tanks.

👉 Support us — add the upcoming Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty to your wishlist:

✉ Subscribe to the newsletter and get a set of Strategic Mind series collector's wallpapers.

Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
Hello Generals! How was your week? We hope you all are doing well.

Here are some new stunning screenshots, created by the community. It feels like finding an Easter Egg every time when we see new screenshots from you, guys. Thank you so much for playing Strategic Mind and sharing your own artistic view of the game with the other players. It is one thing to see the dev screenshots carefully selected by the marketing team, and another thing entirely to see screenshots from all the different players, with their unique perceptions of the game.

To share great moments from your own playthrough with the community - add them to our community hubs or send them to our Twitter or Discord server. We will post regular news reports with the best ones.

🎖 Today's heroes 🎖

The Pacific

Fight for Freedom

Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
General! Here is the top news for this week.

Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom has passed an age review (rated 12+) in Korea and will soon become available in the Korean Stove digital store run by Smilegate Inc. Our team looks forward to it and hopes that it will allow more people to learn about the Strategic Mind series.

Saturday screenshots from the community #11

Last Saturday we got lots of cool new screenshots from the community. Make sure to check them out:
To share great moments from your own playthrough with the community - add them to our community hubs or send them to our Twitter or Discord server. We will post regular news reports with the best ones.

The NightPhoenix continues his Blitzkrieg!

NightPhoenix is back to his Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg full playthrough with an alternate history operation 11 Herkules - the capture of Malta:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
With best regards,
Starni Games Intelligence Service
Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
Hello, guys!

It's Saturday! It means — a screenshot day from you! Thank you all for helping us and sharing the content you create while playing our games.

To share great moments from your own playthrough with the community - add them to our community hubs or send them to our Twitter or Discord server. We will post regular news reports with the best ones.

🎖 Today's heroes 🎖

The Pacific


Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
General! Here is top news for this week.

The work on Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty continues. The cinematics scripts are already finalized and the operation dialogues are at 70% completion. Some operations are already implemented. Yet, this week we had a bad luck streak with Daniil Lapshin - one of our 3D artists falling ill with Covid-19. We hope he gets better soon and wish Daniil a quick recovery.

Stunning ocean views from the community

Last Saturday we got lots of cool new screenshots from the community. Make sure to check them out:
To share great moments from your own playthrough with the community - add them to our community hubs or send them to our Twitter or Discord server. We will post regular news reports with the best ones.

New Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom meme on YouTube

This time Edmon shared his British perspective on the epic battle of Monty vs Patton:

Do you think Edmon guessed Monty’s perception of Patton right? Let us know in the comments. Also, we would be happy to hear your thoughts on the Monty vs Patton storyline in general. Did you like the way these personalities are presented in Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom?

With best regards
Starni Games Intelligence Service
Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
Hello, guys!

It's Saturday! It means — a screenshot day from you! Thank you all for helping us and sharing the content you create while playing our games.

For this post, our players' community has prepared some screenshots with stunning ocean views and endless deserts. Looking at these screenshots one cannot help but think about a vacation on some tropical islands. Strategic Mind: The Pacific is one hell of a resort, and we are happy that WW2 has become a story long ago, and nowadays people can enjoy peaceful coasts in the Pacific ocean.

To share great moments from your own playthrough with the community - add them to our community hubs or send them to our Twitter or Discord server. We will post regular news reports with the best ones.

🎖 Today's heroes 🎖

The Pacific

Fight for Freedom


Spectre of Communism

Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels

Our ever-vigilant intelligence service has prepared a news update, for your eyes only!
Here are all of our spy’s key findings.

Strategic Mind series is now available
on PS4

On August 5th Strategic Mind: The Pacific and Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg became available on the PS store. The PS porting and publishing on consoles is done by our partners from Poland - Klabater. Here is a tweet by the Klabater CEO Michał Gembicki:

We hope that the release on PS will be successful. As far as we are concerned the XBOX release will follow at a later date.

Community Vote Results

Two weeks ago we announced the community vote for the historical tracks that would be created for the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty soundtrack. Now we are back with the results. We have carefully collected all the votes across Steam community hubs. We will list all the counted votes authors at the end of the post and we would like to give them a free copy of the Strategic Mind Franchise Soundtrack. Read more:

New episode of Developer’s Gameplay is out!

Did you watch our latest episode of the Developer's gameplay series? This time it is the Battle of Dunkirk - the 3rd operation of the UK campaign. This is an operation like none the other - since you have to defend against overwhelming German force and allow for the Allied troops' organized evacuation by sea. Watch the latest Dev gameplay episode:

New Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom gameplay on YouTube by Edmon

Not all playthroughs are successful on the first run. And our friend Edmon has failed his first attempt at the Battle of Dunkirk on Insurmountable difficulty. It is always better to learn from others' mistakes, so we highly recommend his playthrough. Here is the list of episodes:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
With best regards
Starni Games team
Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels

Hello guys!

Two weeks ago we announced the community vote for the historical tracks that would be created for the Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty soundtrack. You can find more details on the vote here:
Now we are back with the results. We have carefully collected all the votes across Steam community hubs. We will list all the counted votes authors at the end of this post.

Steam community vote results

  • Jääkärimarssi - 26 points (1 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5)
  • Finlandia - 25 points (3 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2)
  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu - 17 points (4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 5)
  • Njet, Molotoff! - 12 points (5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3)
  • Porilaisten marssi instrumental - 10 points (4 + 4 + 2)
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu - 9 points (2 + 4 + 3)
  • Säkkijärven polkka - 8 points (2 + 5 + 1)
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo - 8 points (3 + 1 + 4)
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu - 8 points (4 + 4)
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade - 6 points (3 + 3)
  • Muistoja Pohjolasta - 6 points (3 + 2 + 1)
  • Uraliin - 0 points
  • Kremlin uni - 0 points
Top 5 winners that will 100% be added to the game:
  • Jääkärimarssi - 26 points
  • Finlandia - 25 points
  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu - 17 points
  • Njet, Molotoff! - 12 points
  • Porilaisten marssi - 10 points
Runners up:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu - 9 points
  • Säkkijärven polkka - 8 points
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Intermezzo - 8 points
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu - 8 points
Reddit vote results

Additionally, we held the Reddit vote where all votes were gathered on Finnish (Suomi) subreddit with the following results:
  • Finlandia - 25 points (5+5+5+5+3+2)
  • Jääkärimarssi - 9 points (3+1+4+1)
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu - 9 points (3+4+2)
  • Porilaisten marssi - 9 points (4 + 4 + 1)
  • Säkkijärven polkka - 8 points (2 + 3 + 3)
Runners up:
  • Pioneerien taistelulaulu - 6 points
  • Jean Sibelius - Karelia - Ballade - 6 points
  • Uraliin - 4 points
  • Kremlin uni - 4 points
  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu - 3 points (Suggestion was to name it Kauan on Kärsity to avoid controversy - the it would have been better received)
The final results

So, based on both votes we decided to add Säkkijärven polkka and Sillanpään marssilaulu on top of the 5 winners, as the runners up. The final official community vote winners:
  • Jääkärimarssi - 26 points
  • Finlandia - 25 points
  • Vapaussoturin Valloituslaulu - 17 points
  • Njet, Molotoff! - 12 points
  • Porilaisten marssi instrumental - 10 points
Runners up that we decided to squeeze in over the initial number of tracks we have had planned:
  • Sillanpään marssilaulu - 9 points
  • Säkkijärven polkka - 8 points
Please, let us know whether you are happy with the results.

Special thanks to to everyone who voted

As a token of our appreciation of the community help in the development, we would like to give each of counted votes authors a free copy of the Strategic Mind Franchise Soundtrack through Steam private messages. If you already own it - you are free to use or transfer this copy as you see fit. We will reach out to you through the Steam private messages. If you do not receive the key within the next 7 days, please contact us via email at Special thanks for taking the time to vote and the keys goes to:
  • Eudgen
  • Hogthunder
  • redsimonDE
  • gameleirabh
  • brack coomba
  • Oiniane
  • cool
  • jean.lapin
  • [SF100] Eversti S. Zehender

We will keep everyone updated on our production progress.

With best regards,
Starni Games team

Strategic Mind: The Pacific - KateMels
🔴 Developer's Gameplay #14: Battle of Dunkirk | Fight for Freedom UK Campaign

Hello, guys!

Here comes the next episode of the Developer's gameplay series in which we hold the line in the Battle of Dunkirk - the 3rd operation of the UK campaign. This is an operation like none the other - since you have to defend against overwhelming German force and allow for the Allied troops' organized evacuation by sea. To see the Dev playthrough of it - jump in on our YouTube channel or on our Steam store page broadcast.

About the Developer’s gameplay series
This is a Developer’s gameplay series by Starni Games. In these episodes the Lead game designer of the Strategic Mind series Oleksandr plays our games with the commentary, explaining the game mechanics and telling you more about the game development process.

👉 Watch all the episodes on YouTube.