Community Announcements - BISB
Hey everyone,

We have locked in our dates for the next big Closed Beta Test. The next Beta Test will run from Thursday, February 6th to Saturday, February 8th! Stay tuned for more info on official server times.

If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late to get in. Head over to our signup page to take part. We’ve had a lot of signups but we’ll do our best to make sure everyone can participate.

There’s a ton of new stuff in the latest build, so I’ll go over the key changes below.

New Arena!
You may have seen previews for this arena back in one of our maps showcase blogs. The snow and ice arena is finally ready for primetime and has been added to the map rotation for the next test. Beware, hidden amongst the ice lies a dangerous and mythical creature…

More AI Improvements
Similar to matchmaking, our AI bots are ever evolving and going through continued development. AI should now behave more realistically and provide a better (and more fair) challenge to players.

Chat Improvements + Quickchat Added
Our chat window has been redesigned top to bottom, it is now much easier and simpler to use. Additionally, we have added a brand new quick chat feature to allow you to send quick messages to teammates or opponents in the heat of the action. The quick chat system will be familiar to those of you who have used one in other games. In short, you can use your numbered keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 to send up to 16 different pre-set messages in chat.

Party System
This was probably the most heavily requested feature from our last beta test. We have now added the ability to create and join parties, incite friends and matchmake together. The party system is still under development, but most core features are in. Team up with your friends and give it a shot!

Changes to Nets
This might be a controversial one, but we wanted to test it out and hear your opinions on it. We have removed the 2 point nets from the game. To compensate, we have made the 1 point nets larger. We wanted to introduce more skill in how players aim at the net and make goaltending feel more engaging. With bigger nets, goalies need to think more about their positioning relative to an opposing player. An attacker ready to shoot on net now has more options with where they can shoot or aim. With that said, please let us know your thoughts on these changes, we consider this a work in progress.

Replay Improvements
Replays are being improved, we are currently addressing a few core issues with them. In the past, replays have sometimes appears a bit jittery and have had trouble following the action. We are improving the way the replay camera works to allow it to have a better view of passes and goals being scored. We’ve added some slow motion to the replay as a goal is scored to add more visual flair and give players a great view of the action.

Charged Shots (One-Timers)
Players can now pre-charge their shot and perform a “slapshot” or one-timer once receiving a pass. This opens up a ton of new strategies. One-timers can be used while on offence, or alternatively, as a great way to quickly clear the ball out of your own end. A couple quick passes between teammates, followed by a one-timer can wreak havoc on your opponents!

Continued Matchmaking Improvements
We are constantly playtesting the game and adjusting our matchmaking system. Our key goals are: matchmaking accuracy and efficiency. In short, we want to make sure that matchmaking is always trying to place you in servers with players at a similar skill level to you, and in servers that are close to you. At the same time, we want to ensure that matchmaking happens as quickly and fluidly as possible. This is an ongoing process and something we’ll continue working on as we continue testing and move towards launch.

Host Your Own Games
We have added the ability to host and play private matches, either online or via LAN. You can navigate a server browser to find a match to join, or create your own game. Private match owners can select arenas, player counts and assign players to teams. Play with bots or other human players and setup teams however you like.

Streamer/Influencer Logos Added
Those of you who submitted your streamer logo or branding to us, be sure to check out your inventory page and check the Emblems there. Your logos have been added to the game for you or anyone else to equip on the back of your cape!

Player Name Tags
Name tags are now visible at all times during a match, regardless of how far away a player is. They will adjust their size accordingly so they do not clutter the screen. Now, you can tell if an opponent on the other side of the map is goaltending in front of their net before taking a shot.

Better Telegraphing to Passing
It is now more obvious to tell when you are targeting a teammate for a pass. We also added an incoming pass indicator so you know when a pass is on its way to you. Have a shot charged up and ready to go, or plan our a deke maneuver!

Player Rankings/MMR
A first pass MMR system has been added to the game. This system is pretty early and experimental, for now, we are just trying to test the system out. This system assigns an MMR score to each player at the end of each match. Win a game and your MMR increases, lose a game and it decreases. The amount your MMR score increases or decreases will be relative to the skill level of your opponent. Using this score, our matchmaking system will attempt to place players of similar skill levels in a server together. The system will likely take a few weeks to sort out players and properly ascertain skill levels so for now, don’t expect any significant changes to your gameplay.

Lots More
There’s been a lot more additions and changes made to the game in addition to everything mentioned above. Bug fixes, crash fixes, optimizations and much, much more. I won’t list it all here but rest assured, the game is constantly getting better.

That’s all for now. Once again, thanks for taking part and I hope you enjoy the game!

- Alex

P.S. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
Community Announcements - BISB
Hey everyone,

I am happy to announce that the next round of Broomstick League playtesting is happening this weekend! We will open the game servers on Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8 from 10AM to 7PM PST (UTC-8) each day.

There’s a ton of new stuff in this build, so I’ll go over the key changes below.

New Move - Dash
We wanted to add a new gameplay element and a lot of you gave us the same feedback - add the ability to deke out your opponents. In Broomstick League, we call this move the dash! The dash adds a whole new dimension to gameplay, allowing you to dodge around enemies, gain speed faster, or even retreat into defensive position. Check it out:

New UI
We have completely and totally revamped every single piece of UI in the game, from the main menu, to your inventory, to the in-game HUD. Everything has gotten an update and a refresh. Please keep in mind, this is not 100% complete and we still consider a work-in-progress. We’d love to hear your feedback on the new designs. Check out the before and after comparison:

Matchmaking Improvements
We have been hard at work improving the matchmaking system. Last test round, servers were not properly backfilling, which resulted in players being placed into empty servers, instead of looking for existing matches in progress that had a spot or two available. This issue is now fixed and matchmaking should provide a better experience. We will closely monitor the status of the matchmaking throughout this playtest and continue to make improvements wherever we can.

Tutorials & Practice Mode
For those of you brand new to the game, make sure to check out our newly added tutorials! The tutorial is a set of simple exercises designed to teach you the core moves in the game.

We also have a functioning practice mode for you to fly around an empty arena with no time restrictions. Practice your moves solo or add some AI bots into the arena with you to liven it up.

We’ve also put together a guide that covers some of the basics and tips on how to improve your game.

Lots More
There have been a ton of additional elements that have been implemented; such as another sound effects pass, a VFX pass and better gameplay telegraphing. We have made a lot of small gameplay tweaks to improve the overall play experience. Also, we’ve made some improvements to the AI. The AI is still in a very early state and we’ll be looking to improve the bots as we get closer to a release.

When Do Keys Go Out?
Keys will be distributed throughout the day, so you can preload the game on Steam. If you did not get an invite into this round of playtesting, fear not! We have more rounds of playtesting planned, and will invite larger waves of players into each round.

Can I Stream The Gameplay?
YES! Streaming the game is now allowed. We encourage you to stream your gameplay and share your experience with others.

That’s all for now folks. Once again, thanks for taking part and I hope you enjoy the game!

- Alex

P.S. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
Community Announcements - BISB
In Broomstick League, players will get to compete in a wide variety of imaginative arenas. Today, we are continuing our arena showcase with the Flying, Dungeon and Snow Arenas.

High Flying Competition
The Flying Arena takes the “road game” to a whole new level! Broomstick League takes to the skies on the backs of massive beasts, allowing teams to get some practice in while traveling to their next game. Fly through the clouds and play to the beating of massive wings in one of Broomstick League’s most fantastical locales. An impressive enough goal might even distract your ride!

Blasting through the Snow
Broomstick League has been a staple throughout the history of the world. In a bygone age, a similar game was played in celebration of conquest and triumph. Amidst the snowy reaches of the North, a mighty stadium was erected in celebration of the defeat of a mighty beast! Seek glory as your ancestors once did in the Snow Arena, a relic of the past overflowing with majesty and runic magic! Although, you can’t help but wonder what mysteries may lie beneath the enchanted ice...

Ogre’s Entertainment
In search of mystical materials for better wands and brooms; some bright young Broomstick League prospects find themselves in dangerous territory. Some are unlucky enough to find themselves captured and playing for the entertainment of Giant Ogres! Play your heart out in a caged arena within the surprisingly cozy confines of an Ogre’s home. It could mean the difference between life and death!

Playtest Signups
Want to checkout the game early? Make sure to signup for our playtests here!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
Community Announcements - BISB
In Broomstick League, players will get to compete in a wide variety of imaginative arenas. Today, we are showcasing the first two arenas in the game; the Kingdom Arena and Sand Arena.

Enter the Kingdom
Freshly manicured grass and titanic torches make for a magical stadium that sets the standard of the Broomstick League.

Taking place in the mystical capital, the Kingdom Arena has been the site of Broomstick League’s biggest championships for centuries. Crowds roar, knights cheer and the majesty of the Broomstick League can be seen in the golden decor that accents the arena.

Victory in the Kingdom Arena means fame and fortune! Defeat means ridicule and shame. Which will you achieve?

Survive the Sand
A hidden temple among the southern sands was home to an ancient game!

Broomstick League was not always the game we know it as now. Perhaps it was a ritual to appease the almighty Frog Gods, or a game to entertain ancient royalty? Many mysteries surround the origin of Broomstick League but perhaps the secrets lie in the sand and ancient symbols of the Sand Arena!

Playtest Signups
Want to checkout the game early? Make sure to signup for our playtests here!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
Oct 1, 2019
Community Announcements - BISB
TwitchCon 2019
After the amazing reception of our announcement trailer, we wanted to bring Broomstick League directly to the players. What better place for a first look than TwitchCon?

This was our first time at the event and we couldn't have asked for a better reception; the sounds of mana blasts and wooshing brooms drew bigger crowds than we ever could have hoped for. The air was electric with competitive spirit and fun. Veteran Citadel wizards and newcomers alike took to Broomstick League like a warlock to a wand and we were so happy to see a game we love bring so much joy to others.

Closed Beta
The interest in our upcoming closed beta has been incredible and the entire team is charged up to take the feedback we received from the show-floor and make Broomstick League better than ever! We're expecting some high intensity rematches with our fans in the best version of the game yet when our first closed-beta tests begin in the coming weeks.

If you haven’t signed up already, head over to our official website and join the thousands who were eager for more at TwitchCon!

Thank You
Lastly, we wanted to give our sincere thanks to everyone who has watched our trailer, wish-listed on Steam and came out to see us at TwitchCon.

The team at Blue Isle Studios is more motivated than ever and we can’t wait to work with you all to make Broomstick League the best game it can be. Until next time, be sure to keep up with everything we're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch. We'll have more to share soon!
PC Gamer

Rocket League is cool, but what if you're more into capes than cars? Do you prefer magic wands and broomsticks to footballs and shin guards? Broomstick League takes a page from Harry Potter and pits teams of wizards and witches against each other in an arena sport that looks as close to Quidditch and Rocket League as you can get without having to acquire a license for either property. Look into your scrying mirror (or the video above) to check out the announcement trailer.

Broomstick League, which is scheduled for release on Steam in early 2020, will feature multiplayer matches from 1v1 up to 4v4. There doesn't appear to be anything like Harry Potter's golden snitch, so the wizards will have to make do by flying around on broomsticks, capturing the ball, and putting it into the goal to score. Players will be able to cast spells that will let them teleport around the arena and blast the ball away from opponents. There will also be customization options to personalize your wizards.

Prior to launch, Broomstick League will undergo beta testing, which you can sign up for at the official site.

Community Announcements - BISB
We are incredibly excited to announce our latest game; Broomstick League, launching on Steam Early Access in early January 2020!

Growing up, many of us here had dreams about soaring through the air. Imagine being high up in the sky, pointing towards the ground and dive bombing down as you pick up incredible speed. Now, imagine doing that in a sports game - deking out your opponent as you head towards their net to score a spectacular goal. This is what Broomstick League is all about.

Join Our Playtests
Prior to our launch, we will be conducting a series of playtests to gather your feedback on the game, fix bugs and ensure the online experience is smooth and stable for launch. If you are interested in signing up, head right here and fill out the form!

Wishlist On Steam
Be sure to head add Broomstick League to your wishlist - don’t miss out!

Official Website
In addition to our Steam page, we’ve also launched our official Broomstick League website.

Feel free to browse around, learn more about the game, signup for playtests and more!

Long Term Goals
Our goal with Broomstick League is to craft a fast paced, fun, competitive multiplayer sports game. With the game we have today, we believe we have achieved that goal. Broomstick League represents the most pure fun content we have produced yet. With that said, we know that everything can be made better and we’d like to do this alongside you, the community. Having a clear line of communication with our players is a top priority and we plan to use Early Access as an opportunity to build and maintain a relationship of transparency and collaboration. Your feedback will be used to influence the implementation of everything from new gameplay features and content, to refining and balancing existing mechanics.

Social Media
Don't forget to follow our official social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch.