Dec 24, 2018
Wrench - missingdigitgames

This update adds a lot of new features, most of which revolve around enabling physics and gravity for parts in the game. It is strongly recommended that players read the full patch notes and heed warnings.

  • Added the ability to throw parts/drop parts with gravity in VR and desktop mode. In VR this works the same way as tool throwing. Parts hover unless throw hard enough. In Desktop mode we added F to drop with gravity and Shift + F throw.

  • Added new desktop hud help to reflect additional throw/drop buttons

  • Added the ability to rotate held parts in desktop mode with middle mouse drag

  • Added a switch that turns on persistent gravity in the level

  • Tweaked many parts and fixed miscellanies part bugs, torque specs, and part names.

  • Added a button to the level that players should not press. This is clearly labeled “Do not press”

  • Fixed a bug that caused fluids to erroneously not display service ownership

  • Fixed incorrect symptom text on the gear oil which caused it to report as engine oil.

  • Improved FX on existing easter egg.

  • Fixed a bug that cause the back of the car to be difficult to paint + split the bumper from the rear panel for more paint scheme control.

  • Added the ability to quit without saving.

  • Fixed bug where selecting a different car while another one was loaded wouldn't save the current car state.
Wrench - missingdigitgames
Patch Notes 12/21/18 Build 49
This build makes big improvements to functionality for both VR and desktop play and also fixes several bugs. We also moved the loading room menu into a new widget system that will be more flexible and allows us to more easily do things like confirm save overwrites.


  • New loading room with confirmation for overwriting saves
  • Fixed spawn pad teleporting and becoming hard to control
  • Part install rule fixes for engine bottom end parts
  • Fixed cam cap install diagrams
  • Torque wrench set point disabled in reverse mode. This fixes an audio bug.
  • Confirmation on quit. It was easy to accidentally quit in VR.
  • Added gold colored paint

Desktop mode:
  • Improved tool check for fasteners, this fixes the unreliable socket attach behavior sometimes seen in desktop mode.
  • Added help to new HUD for remaining tools. Each tool has keybinds visible in the bottom left of the screen.
  • Fixed many part install behaviors on the engine and elsewhere.

  • Allow trigger to operate touchpad on tablet when in touch range
  • Made changes to linear install track functionality that was causing issues elsewhere. This is a common cause of brakes not bleeding correctly.
  • Fixed part install behavior on the rear subframe.
Dec 20, 2018
Wrench - missingdigitgames
Build 47 is mostly tweaks to the desktop mode and bug fixes. This patch includes a first pass at a new HUD for desktop mode.

Patch Notes:

  • First pass at new desktop mode HUD
  • Fixed assembly issues on rotors, shock bodies, + misc part tweaks
  • Adding missing bolt torque information for lugnuts and eccentric bolts
  • Fixed dark thumbnails in catalog
  • Added prompt to confirm game quit prompt
  • Make sure car always automatically loads onto lift after loading a save
  • Fixed difficulty dropping oil catch pan and funnel in desktop mode
  • Adjusted art on brake fluid and gear oil bottles to help make functionality more obvious
  • Added bolt respawner to the level (it looks like a smaller version of the assembly spawn pad). Broken bolts appear here without needing reorder.
  • Removed items from the catalog that shouldn't have been present.
  • Removed collision from the part spawning pad<- this may have been the cause of erratic behavior in desktop mode.