Jun 13, 2020
Undungeon - Antishyr

Hello, Heralds!

Wanted to get your hands on Undungeon before the release and leave your mark on the creation process? Now you have the chance!

Playable demo is now available!




Featuring 2 hours of intense real-time combat, exploration, trading and looting!

Download here:


Check the trailer out:

More exciting news:

Undungeon Official Discord server is up! Join now to discuss the demo, give your feedback directly to the developers, communicate with other players, see exclusive concept arts, and more. Also, join the chat with the devs on Discord on June 18, 11:00 am PDT to meet the team and ask about the game creation process.

Before that, at 10:00 am PDT, be sure to tune in for the exclusive dev live stream on the Undungeon Steam page.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our NEWSLETTER to be updated with all Undungeon-related news.





Undungeon - Antishyr

Attention all heralds!

Join the creators of Undungeon at the command post for the developer chat:

You will be able to ask anything you need to know about the development process, enquire about future plans and communicate with other heralds in the only safe haven of the shattered Multiverse!

Also, feel free to join the UnDungeon community:





Undungeon - Antishyr

Attention all heralds!

Join the Undungeon creators as they broadcast the fresh Undungeon gameplay footage and ask questions about the game development:

Also, feel free to join the community:







May 14, 2020
Undungeon - Antishyr

— Greetings!
Procurus here.

As much as I hate violent solutions in our endeavours, I have to admit: we will not be able to complete such a challenging task as reconstructing the Multiverse from scratch without resorting to force. This unfortunate fact is the reason behind our frequent yet not by no means pleasant (at least not for me, Herald) discussions of ways of combat and tools of war. This time we will have to speak of warfare again—more specifically, of items that will let you have better odds in battles. Those items are called runes, and I have been gathering information about them since the last time we met. Now I wish to share it with you.


It appears that runes are some sort of fragments of the Multiverse source code that went loose after the Shift had merged several dimensions into one. Our H.U.B. engineers found out that runes could be used as multifunctional upgrades that improve characteristics of your body. These helpful pieces can be installed in your gear, be it equipment or even weapons.


Overall, there are two types of runes:
  1. Colorless (white) or common runes are straightforward: they give bonuses to certain stats like hit points or basic damage. Those bonuses may vary without levelling a rune up
  2. Colored runes can be fused up to level 3 to increase their effects, but with diminishing value. E.g.: 1st level rune increases your minimum damage by 10% while 2nd level rune (made of two 1st level runes) increases your minimum damage not by 20% (10+10) but by 15%. Why fuse them then, you ask? Well, runes are installed into slots, and slots are more valuable for the reason of being limited.
Let me elaborate further on types and subtypes.


Colorless (white) or common runes
  • FORCE: increases hit points (by value)
  • HEALTH: increases hit points (by value)
  • ARMOR: increases armor rating (by value)
  • PENETRATION: increases armor piercing (by value)
  • MOBILITY: increases speed (by value)

Colored runes

Offence: red group
  • CONSTANT FORCE: increases minimum damage (by percentage)
  • ULTIMATE FORCE: increases maximum damage (by percentage)
  • VULNERABILITY: chance to mark your enemy, making them more vulnerable to damage
  • INJURY: chance to weaken an enemy and apply bleeding effect
  • IGNITION: chance to set an enemy on fire, dealing damage based on their max HP
  • CRITICAL POWER: increases critical damage (by percentage)

Convergence: yellow group
  • GIFT: increases chance to get resources from destroying objects
  • BARGAIN: makes barter with traders more favorable for you

Algorithms: blue group
  • TOUGHNESS: increases hit points (by percentage)
  • NEGATE: decreases incoming damage (by percentage)
  • DISTORTION: chance to reflect damage back to an attacker
  • FORCE FIELD: chance to receive a shield that will protect you from one incoming attack after you take damage

Systems: green group
  • HARVEST: increases chance of fanguds sprouting, rare variations of fanguds and larger Pandoora fruits

Backdoor: purple group
  • OXIDATION: chance to decrease enemy armor rating and inflict damage; makes affected enemies more vulnerable to ignition
  • GERMS: chance to infect an enemy, increasing damage they take from each attack
  • BYPASS: chance to evade an enemy attack or completely ignore their protection
  • CONSUME: chance to absorb enemy life force, converting all inflicted damage into your HP


Are you still listening? Good, Herald. Learning is essential for you.

Now, let me demonstrate some status effects runes have that I managed to research. Just to remind you: some of them can harm you instead of your enemy if you use them the wrong way.

Rune status effect examples

Attacks on a marked enemy are guaranteed to become critical. Some abilities can mark enemies in range, making them easier to deal with. Critical damage bonus is multiplied by 2.5 by default, but can be boosted with CRITICAL POWER rune.

An affected enemy loses half of his armor and protection and then a half of what remains as well. Lasts for 3 seconds; while it does, your enemy loses 5% of their HP. Essence dropped from a dead oxidized enemy remains acidiс for a short amount of time and damages you instead of healing upon an attempt to collect it. Significantly increases damage dealt against robotic enemies.

While it lasts, a burning enemy loses an amount of their max HP. Relatively low chance to apply. Allows for extra damage if applied with the OXIDATION rune effect. Has a chance to spread to nearby enemies if they are too close. Cancelles the effect of GERMS status.

Your enemy receives a speed penalty and loses HP every second in proportion to an amount of damage that caused the bleeding effect.

Your enemy is infected with germs that increase any damage you deal. Germs have an ability to stack. If an enemy heals or receives OXIDATION or IGNITION incoming debuffs, GERMS rune effect is cancelled. This status doesn't deal damage by itself. When an infected enemy dies, germs can spill over to nearby targets.

Heals you by an amount of damage you've just dealt (percentage chance). You will heal more of your HP if you attack a bleeding foe. However, if triggered when you attack a burning, oxidized, or infected enemy, it will damage you instead.


I hope all this knowledge is not overwhelming for you, Herald. Either way, you will need to know all this once you are sent on a mission. And it is going to happen very soon.

Procurus out.

Undungeon - Antishyr

- Greetings!
Procurus here.

We have met sooner than expected. I am quite pleased with this fortunate turn of events, Herald, for I happen to have an important topic to discuss with you today.

In order to survive your perilous journeys through dimensions, you will have to take the most out of your body, make it operate at full capacity. And if its full capacity is not enough, you will have to make sure you know how to increase it. "So, how?", you ask. Let me answer that.


Every Herald, including yourself, possesses certain features. You will be able to inspect yours in the Character menu.

Let us take Void as our example. This menu will have all the information about his attributes: health, stamina, power, armor, etc. Hover the (i) icon to reveal detailed info on each attribute, e.g. damage calculation.


Your bodily functions naturally depend on your organs: the eyes are responsible for the quality of your eyesight, the stomach defines how much food (and of what sort) you can digest and so on. However, sometimes your native organs are not capable of... well, carrying out special functions. In these cases, Heralds must have recourse to replacement procedures.

You must have already guessed what I am getting at. Organ transplantation.

You will be able to replace almost every organ, limb or tissue of your body—from the brain to skin. The screen you see above will let you monitor your organs as well as templates which will be used to create new organs. We will get to that later, and now it is time for a brief anatomy lesson.


On the scheme above you can see various organs, limbs and tissues you will have to replace yours with, if needed. A newly implanted group of tissue will boost or alter certain abilities of your body. You can learn more about different groups of tissue here.


Let us get back to the organ creation now, shall we?

To create a new organ, you will have to discover a template. In the H.U.B, we also call it a recipe. Once you have found the template, start collecting ingredients. They can be obtained by defeating enemies, slaying hostile creatures and completing tasks you will be assigned with, Herald.


Herald, I sincerely hope you are not one of those faint of heart. Because you will have to perform a field autopsy quite often in order to obtain crucial organ ingredients. Try leaving bodies of your fallen foes intact: few ingredients can be extracted from mutilated remains whereas relatively undamaged corpses will occasionally offer more.


Besides the autopsy, new recipes can be acquired during dialogs with surgeons and shamans. You will receive a notification each time you discover the organ recipe.


This is merely an introduction to the upgrade system, Herald. You will have to learn the rest by yourself when your journey begins. But until then, we shall meet again. Sooner than later, I hope.
Procurus out.

Undungeon - Antishyr

- Greetings!
Procurus here.

Damn interference... For the love of...

Forgive my language, Herald. The frequency of our communication frustrates me greatly. Apparently, we will have to get used to all sorts of impediments. But enough of this—to the point.

You will be spending considerable amounts of time in the Wastelands—a home to the outlandish nomad tribes. I strongly believe you should have more data before encountering them. This encyclopedia excerpt I found in the H.U.B. archives will provide you with some basic knowledge about those tribesmen.


The Nomads are native inhabitants of the Wastelands. They constantly move from one area of that harsh sand rock desert to another, carrying their meagre belongings as well as their trades with them.


Since each of their settlements has to function as an independent unit, the tribesmen ought to have all kinds of specialists in their communities, ranging from a blacksmith and an alchemist to a gravedigger and a priest.


The Nomads, of course, have their leaders. The Elders share knowledge and wisdom with the tribe and influence major strategic decisions, while the Emperor is engaged in politics and represents his people in all sorts of foreign affairs.


I hope it helps, Herald. We know little of those tribesmen, and there are few things more dangerous than facing the unknown. I highly recommend studying this.

Procurus out.

Undungeon - Antishyr

- Greetings!
Procurus here.

Finally we are in touch again! My apologies for leaving you on your own for this long, Herald. The interference wouldn't let me reach you sooner. It has been over a month, I believe... Oh my...

Well, all that aside, let us get to the point, if you don't mind. I must brief you about the new interface you will be using during your journey.


Your heads up display will look different from now on, Herald. I have made some changes, lest you are distracted or confused in combat. Now let me delve into the details.


The bottom left corner of your display is occupied by the communicator. It is your number one assistant on your mission. As you can see above, I will be using it to reach out to you when needed. Also, the communicator will register useful information about places that you will visit and pick up various signals from fellow Heralds, traders, and other NPCs. You will be able to bring it up anytime by pressing C.


  • Your health is now displayed at the bottom of the screen for you to monitor it closely at all times. Right below it is your stamina that is used for regular attacks and other actions
  • Under the stamina gauge are your weapons and active abilities, with tips on how to use them properly, lest you forget
  • The number of available heavy attacks is shown to the right of the health bar. Can be refilled by killing enemies. Keep an eye on it as well—you do not want to run out of energy in the heat of a battle
  • Right above the health bar, to the left, are active effects, or buffs: shield, stun, etc.
  • The leftmost part of the HUD represents your usable items: medkits, grenades, lethal projectiles. Pause the game by pressing Q and cycle through them

Your inventory now looks different as well. Use it to manage your equipment, consumables, recources and gems. Assign gems to general or equipment sockets to gain various stat bonuses. Press I to access your inventory.


You will be able to see detailed information about items both before and after collecting them, when they are stored in your inventory.


Throughout your journey, you will be assigned multiple primary and secondary tasks, Herald. I made sure they are all kept in your journal for you to keep track of them. Purple color indicates that you need to travel to another dimension to complete a task. Press J to access the journal.


You will not be able to navigate a tough path of dealing with the consequences of the Shift without trading with the world inhabitants. I designed the new barter interface to assist you in this. By the way, you will be able to invite traders to the H.U.B., our home base, to make their services available at all times.


We have to cease our conversation, Herald. I hope you will benefit from this information and I certainly hope we shall speak soon. I wish you luck and success.

Procurus out.

Undungeon - Antishyr

Greetings, heralds!
Undungeon will be under intense development for several more months and we know you are craving for it. Therefore, we decided to ease the wait for you a little bit.

The new trailer is out, showing off some fresh gameplay features. Enjoy:

More great news incoming.

From February 27 until March 1, Boston, MA will host one of the biggest gaming festivals in the US—PAX East. We are excited to announce that we will be there, letting people get their hands on Undungeon! If you are also there, visit the orange and stunning as always tinyBuild booth to say "Hi" and check out how the game is shaping up.

Be well and see you soon!
Undungeon - Antishyr

- Greetings, Herald!
Procurus here. I hope you've been holding up well since the last time we met. But let's lay the chit-chat off for later: we have pressing matters on our hands.

When we spoke a few weeks ago, I mentioned The Shift. You may very well wonder what that is exactly, and I most certainly am willing to tell you in detail for this knowledge is crucial for your forthcoming mission.


The Multiverse that we exist in contains countless parallel worlds. It takes a lot of effort to keep them intact and, most importantly, separated one from another. That is what we were doing in Herald's Undercover Bay, or H.U.B., an organization located secretly between dimensions. Yes, Herald, we were doing exactly that—until the bay was attacked.

We were caught completely off guard. Whether it was sabotage or an act of war, we don't know for sure. I barely made it out of there alive, though it's not what matters. What does is that several worlds were ruined. Shattered to pieces.

A total of seven parallel worlds merged together after having been abruptly disengaged from the H.U.B.. You may ask me what it means for them, well... The flow of time was altered, the very geometry of space itself was completely broken. All that's now left from those worlds are shards. Shards of aeons and dust. It's a disaster, Herald. The Shift.

Your mission will be to reconnect those shards, to rebuild worlds from scratch. I want you to heed my warning: the dimensions you're about to visit are extremely dangerous. Their inhabitants are neither completely aware of the full scale and nature of this anomaly nor of your real intentions, Herald. They will protect their realms from anyone they recognize as an intruder whatever it takes.


We are done for today. Take your time to prepare before your mission starts.

Procurus out.

Undungeon - Antishyr

- Greetings, herald!
Procurus here. I am the keeper of Herald's Undercover Bay, or H.U.B. for short. I am aware that you have many questions and as your guide I am willing to answer them. Not all at once, however.

Ahead of you lies a perilous venture. Your will embark on a quest of liquidating the consequences of The Shift. You will have to fight to accomplish your goals, herald. Let's talk about the ways of combat and challenges you are going to face.


Melee weaponry is something you will have to rely on most of the time. Alternative attacks will take longer to execute but will deal greater damage. Besides melee, you will be able to wield all kinds of weapons, each of them will have powerful alternative attacks.

If an enemy wears armor, it will absorb over 40% of the damage you inflict. You will have to resort to high-powered strikes in order to penetrate such protection.

Some foes will wield power to protect themselves with shields. Your adversary will not take any damage whatsoever until their defences are fully dismantled.

You will be able to read your enemies’ intentions by indicators. If you see the skull, prepare to absorb a shot. If the skull is black, beware: next shot you take is lethal.

Whenever enemies hit you, they will consume a part of your power. Each subsequent hit will multiply their strength by 2. Avoiding attacks will be crucial. Enemies' damage buffs can be removed by using consumables.

If you are hurt in battle, Pandora's gifts will heal your wounds. Healing items have to be deployed before usage, so you will have to use them with care, otherwise your opponents will take advantage of it and gain some health instead of you.


That is it for today. I will tell you more next time. Be well, herald.

Procurus out.

