The new Rage trailer takes a trip to Jackal valley. Sadly, it's not actually inhabited by jackals. Bandits moved in, ate all the jackals and then build some impractical but awesome towers and linked them together with flimsy wooden bridges and zip lines. It is a very good place to be the only one wielding a sniper rifle. Or a crossbow that fires remote detonated mind-control rounds. Rage is out next Tuesday in the US, and Friday in Europe. Will you be picking up a copy?

If you pre-order Rage your copy will be upgraded to the Anarchy edition. This adds an extra barrel to your shotgun, adds some spiked gauntlets for messier punching and adds some new armour, which doesn't seem especially valuable in an FPS, but hey, it's red and shiny. You can see all of the pre-order items in action in the trailer above. Rage is out on October 4 in the US, October 7 in Europe, and is shaping up to be a meaty, no nonsense mutant shoot with some spectacular toys.
Since you're reading this site, we're going to assume you're, well, a PC gamer. As such, we imagine you frequently drift into fond flashbacks to the days when big developers treated your platform of choice like royalty. Even with PC once again on the rise, random delays and glitchy ports run rampant. Meanwhile, buzzwords like "accessibility" and "wider audiences" leave the hardest of the hardcore out in the cold. If you like games that melt your graphics card and your brain, these are dark times we live in.

id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead, however, would disagree with that notion. Consoles, he says, have definitely stolen some thunder from gaming's graphical side, but - in exchange - modern games are now better than ever. Here's why:

“For us, there are some things that we do with id Tech 5 that if we were just making the game for the PC, we might make some different technical decisions. For what exactly those are, that’s a question for Carmack because I’m not a programmer,” Hollenshead said in an interview with Ripten.

“We do obviously invest a significant amount of our engineering cycles working on 360 and PS3, so if those are all devoted to the PC, then obviously there’s a tradeoff that takes place there."

What games like RAGE lose in meticulously rendered eyebrow textures, though, they make up for with, well, more. More to see, more to do, more to experience. More of everything. Hollenshead, then, doesn't even hesitate to think it's a worthwhile trade-off.

“But at the same time, there’s a give back the other way too because everything we do in the game and the scope of the game has also been like, RAGE is the deepest game we’ve ever done. And part of that is that we want to make sure we’re not just appealing to a hardcore PC audience, but also to the console audience as well," he explained.

“So as much as the consoles may take away, I think they actually give back more in terms of what we’re able to do just to build out the game.”

Bold words. But what do you think? Is Hollenshead onto something here, or do you disagree with him entirely? You might want to be sort of quiet about it, though. Based on appearances, we imagine the man follows up his morning workout with a breakfast composed of raw eggs, nails, and the hearts of his enemies.

Rage won't be entirely playable in co-op, but there will be a series of missions running alongside the main story called "Legends of the Wasteland." When we spoke to id senior producer Jason Kim, he told us that "you’re doing the same mechanics you had in your first FPS combat experience, but you’re using a buddy to help you out, and the cooperative experience is telling you side-portions of the single-player campaign that you wouldn’t " Also, you get to revive your friends with some sort of electric defibrilator canister that looks scarier than some of the weapons. Rage is out in less than a month, on October 4 in the US, and October 7 in Europe.
Rage - mutant rage
Bethesda have sketched out the Rage system requirements on the Bethblog. How will your machine react to the powerful new id Tech 5 engine, with a sigh of relief, or tears of water-cooled sorrow? In fact, if your rig needs water cooling, it'll probably run Rage just fine. See the minimum and recommended requirements below.


OS: Win XP SP3, Vista, Win 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or Equivalent AMD
Memory: 2GB
Hard Disk Space: 25GB
Video Card: GeForce 8800, Radeon HD 4200


OS: Win XP SP3, Vista, Win 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad or Equivalent AMD
Memory: 4GB
Hard Disk Space: 25GB
Video Card: GeForce 9800 GTX, ATI Radeon HD 5550

Sep 5, 2011
Rage preview thumb
Get in the buggy, it’s not safe here.” Hold on a moment, pal. I’ve just emerged from a cryotube, blinking against the ultra-bright sunlight, into a cracked world a 106 years after I was plucked from it. Let me have a look around first.

Rage starts with a strangely poignant cinematic. A voiceover assures us Earth is about to be rendered uninhabitable by a giant cocking asteroid. But it’s all right for you: as one of humanity’s best and most muscled, you’re to be put in an ‘Ark’ to hang about all frozen until the planet’s sorted itself out. A century later, then, Rage begins.

Raised from the chiller cabinet by a robotic voice, I was allowed out into the wasteland. Stepping into the glare, I was treated to id Tech 5’s version of Oblivion’s sewer exit. The wasteland is combined brown, grey and beige, but it stretches forever – the developers’ new id Tech 5 technology using some magic to keep impressive visual fidelity over vast distances. A gaming diet of Fallouts and Oblivions made me set my target at some far off point, and I started down the bluff I was stood on.

Not five seconds into the walk, I was pinned to the ground by a screaming goon. I let him say his piece – mainly “waaaaah!” – before his head was removed at the neck by a well-placed bullet. As the game raised me back to my feet, I spotted my saviour in a buggy.

He wanted to head up the road to his makeshift house, but I’d been tempted by the lure of the horizon. He could wait. I pottered off past his vehicle, and was about to descend into a ravine when I heard the snap of a rifle. A millisecond later I was sprawled out on the floor, dead for not following orders.

Rage isn’t a true open world game. Creative director Tim Willits instead prefers the term “directed freedom”. I load my last checkpoint. This time when I’m told to get in the buggy, I do so right away

I’m taken up a dusty road to a settlement by the driver, who reveals himself as one Dan Hagar. Other Hagars and their hangers-on mill about his house’s dusty courtyard. They’re only there to add some ambience at first, but later they open up, offering jobs and items. For now, Dan’s the only man in town who needs my services. Ark survivors come pre-loaded with a set of lethal skills, so he hands me a revolver and asks me to go and clear out a nest of bandits.

The bandit nest is a quad-bike ride away from Dan’s homestead. Rage’s roads are short, but easy to navigate – perfect for using the bike’s generous boost. The trip should’ve taken me thirty seconds. Then I discovered that powering my bike fullpelt into a rock launched my screaming character 20 feet over the handlebars.

Five minutes later, I’m done giggling and I’m finally ready to invade the bandit pit – a smashed hotel. The first few rooms are eerily quiet, but soon I meet my first wave of enemies. They are – like the man gurning over my face earlier – freakish, with sticky-out ears and squashed-up heads. But their limited cranial capacity hasn’t reduced their combat skill. Those armed with melee weapons move cleverly: they duck and juke when you bring your gun to bear, moving diagonally to avoid easy headshots. Gun-toting bandits use cover well and seem conscious of their surroundings. They’ll vacate a room if you’ve murdered their buddies, falling back to fortify another section of the map. But I power through and head back to Dan with the news.

He sends me out again, this time with a bigger gun. Solutions in Rage are rarely conversational: the wasteland’s settlers, for their peaceful intentions, are a ruthless lot when it comes to bandits. In this bandit hive – a different group, covered in Union Jacks and speaking in mockney accents – I find myself freewheeling between weapon types. The shotgun and pistol are pure id Software: both kick and snap with every shot. But I have more fun with my newly acquired wingstick. A horrible, triplepointed razor boomerang, the wingstick will take a man’s head off at the neck, and when properly aimed, will return to your hand. In other shooters, I develop a favourite combat tactic and repeat it ad infinitum. In Rage’s semi-dungeons, I constantly flip between all my killy toys.

My adventures in Dan’s land culminated with me receiving the keys to my own buggy. From there, I was able to jet across wider sandy wastes to a township called Wellspring. It quickly became obvious that Rage’s opening two hours are little more than an elongated, enjoyable tutorial. Wellspring was larger, busier and dirtier than the Hagar camp, and its streets were lined with people who wanted me to do something for them, to buy something from them, to hear something from them.

As I pushed further into the game, I saw less of the direction in that ‘directed freedom’. I saw something more exciting, more promising: I saw the freedom

Another Rage trailer, another dozen or so mutants skewered, cooked and decapitated by Rage's devastating armoury. This latest video concentrates on the sound and art of Rage. We've heard plenty before now about id Tech 5's megatexture technology,but it's another thing to see artists poised in front of a glowing bank of screens painting foliage into the world with a pen like GODS. The developers also show off the sound of Rage's shotgun. Personally, I prefer the KA-CHOOM of the sniper rifle. What's your favourite gun sound in gaming?
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 - Quakecon
A post on the Team Fortress 2 blog from Robin Walker tells us how to get how to get hold of the new TF2 Skyrim, Brink, Rage and Fallout items we mentioned yesterday. If you buy or pre-order the relevant game from Steam during Quakecon, they'll unlock automatically in Team Fortress 2.

Pre-order Skyrim to get the Heavy Nord helmet, pre-order Rage to get the Wingstick for the Engineer and buy Quake IV to get the Quake launcher for the Soldier. Owners of Fallout: New Vegas will get a Pip Boy for the Engineer and owners of Brink will pick up a hood and mask for the Sniper.

The deal ends with Quakecon, so you'll be sure to buy or pre-order the games you want before 10:00 PDT / 18:00 BST on August 8

In the same blog post, Robin Walker also talks about Team Fortress' debt to id Software and Quake in particular. Team Fortress started out as a Quake mod in 1996.

"At the time it only had five playable classes, no maps, and--believe it or not--no hats, writes Robin. "There wasn't even a concept of teams yet."

"That's right, we didn't actually get teams into a game called Team Fortress until a couple of releases after the initial launch. (The next time someone says their game isn't ready to release yet because they're missing a core feature, you can helpfully point this out to them.)"

"When Quake celebrated its 15th birthday this past June 22nd, we realized just how damn many of us at Valve are here because of id software. Some of us were inspired by their games' technical prowess, and others by getting their first taste of game development thanks to Doom and Quake's revolutionary approach to user-generated content."

Quakecon is happening right now in Dallas, Texas. To celebrate, you can play Brink for free this weekend and loads of id's game are on sale on Steam where you can also download and play Team Fortress 2 for free.

The latest Rage trailer proves that there's more to Rage's wasteland than blasted desert. Giant robots, shock troopers and glowing labs all get added to Rage's "things to blow up with comedy weapons" list. The exploding boomerang, spider robots and balloon bombs we see make up just a fraction of Rage's mischievous arsenal. The crafting system will let you make much more.

We've seen so much of Rage recently, it feels as though it should be out tomorrow. In reality, we've got another whole two months to wait. It's out on October 4 in the US and October 7 in Europe.
Here's a question that occurred to me as I giggled at the man wearing antlers in the new batch of Rage screenshots, why is Rage called Rage? The only people who seem especially angry are the mutants, but that's because they're confined underground and must pass their time carving ornate blades, tattooing themselves and lying in wait for wandering intruders, as is written in the bible of NPC villainy.

Cast your eyes over the new images below, fresh from id's mega-textured wasteland, and feel free to cure my ignorance in the comments.
