Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
  • Save file too large (After loading the game, save the game immediately to reduce the file size.)
  • Set the base in farm area, causing landscape not load properly.
  • Added a loading screen after reviving to wait for landscape to finish loading.

  • Cut scene not display (Blank White screen)
  • Able to craft Molotov (No Quest required)

  • Some car part and item not spawn (New Game)
  • arrows was blocked by an invisible wall inside tunnel.
  • Tunnel wall collision
  • Missing 'Powder Detergent' icon for making Molotov
  • The bandits disappeared when the players died in their camp.

Hello Everyone!

Some farm areas are still under development. I'll add more props and stuff ASAP. I don't recommend building your base there for now. And at the end of the farm still has an FPS drop. I will make a quick fix soon.

For the short-term plan. i will add much contents as i can in 0.4.x. Then 0.5.0 will be Code Refactor, Optimization, Bug fix and Current systems improvement especially Combat System and Ai.

System, Gameplay
  • New Equipment Visual

  • Passive Gear System

  • Player Skill (There are only two skills at this time, will add more)
  • Shift click to store items
  • Compass (There will be levels for this item that you can upgrade to unlock more abilities. But 0.4.0 can only use for tracking your base location)

  • Cut scene

New items
  • Molotov (You will receive this quest from Scott and you have to see 'Sting' to unlock this quest)
  • Chainsaw
  • Chain
  • Lighter Fuel
  • High Quality Metal Scraps
  • Powder detergent
  • Old Compass (Quest item)

There are 2 new missions that you can receive from Scott and Rechel

  • Infected Tank (First Stage) : After defeating him, You will be able to travel to the farm area and defeating him will unlock 'Camp defense events' that are currently being developed (Should be ready in the next couple main patch)

  • Alien Parasite 'Sting'

  • Tunnel
  • Farm

The location of the tunnel is around here.
Jun 21, 2020
Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
Hello Everyone!

These are some part of the system that we are currently developing for upcoming 0.4.0 patch. And this patch will be released around mid-late July.

System, Gameplay
  • Add player full body model

  • Starter Gears System, I intend to add a small character progression to the game. Players will be able to upgrade various things to unlock their new abilities., such as upgrading compass to working with the map will allow players to mark various points in the game (This action required 1 pencil per time)

  • Some new Items

  • New Enemies

Map And Environment
in 0.4.0 there will be three important zone Farm, Village, and Tunnel

  • Farm

    And here're some farm props that we're working on to replace blocking models above (White 3D Models)

  • Tunnel

Mar 10, 2020
Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
Hello Everyone

These are some part of the system that we are currently developing for upcoming 0.4.0 patch.

Map And Environment
The new map added will have three landmarks. Farm, Village and Small Town. In the first 0.4.0 update, there will be only two locations "Village and Farm" we will add small town later.

  • New Kate Models

  • Alien Cocoon

  • Alien Parasite

Gameplay And System
  • Player Skill

  • Camp defense event, Infected behavior improvement (This climbing animation is for prototype only)

  • More Weather (Still working on performance and some 3D Assets materials, Should be added on 0.4.3~0.4.5)

Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment

- Scott can't cut down tree
- incorrect Quest items information
- Rachel guns position bug and Pistol not display
- Button press collide between "Trade" and "Talk" Function. When close the windows, players cannot walk.

New version update 0.3.10

Hello every one
This is the last Main patch for 0.3.x, Next main patch will be 0.4.0.

Bug Fixed
  • Infinite Spear Throw
  • Bandit sniper Immediately shoot back
  • Climbed down high ladder and injured
  • Old generator light will go out after loading the game.
  • infected spawn stack, Cleared after the player dies
  • wrong animation state after player respawns (Facing the wall and died while holding a gun)


New Items Added
  • Fuse
  • Copper Wire
  • Weapon part
  • Broken Shotgun
  • Broken Revolver
  • Broken Pistol
  • Broken M4 Carbine
  • Broken Hunting Rifle

Interacting with Objects
  • Elevator

  • Explosive Barrels

  • Fuse box puzzle

Dialogues And Quest System

There will be a few dialogue and only one quest for now. (Grammar will be corrected after adding real dialogue)
  • Dialogues
  • Quest : ( Quests will appear when you examine the fuse box )

  • NPCs can close the door by itself.
  • "Talk" function now available
  • New animations for Rachel (experiment)

Other systems
  • Reduce guns drop rate, and bandits have a chance to drop broken guns
  • Workbench upgrade maximum increase to level 3

Map And Location
    • New mine area
      There are still no new enemies in this area until 0.4.0

Nov 10, 2019
Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
Hello every one

There is no main patch update this month. main patch will be live before Christmas. For now we are working on NPC Improvement, more puzzle, more mine level. You can check some feature below.

Level design
More mining zone

There will be more puzzle such as this one below for activate elevator.

Explosive objects
*** You can also move them back to your camp.

Survivors NPC Improvement
We are improving their behavior, animations, and conversation system including mini quest. There will be a couple quests to do first, before adding real content.

Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
Hotfix patch
Bug Fixed
  • item drop from infected
  • Puzzle and keys item inventory not save
  • Can't save inside Old mine
  • Old Generator (old mine location) not save
  • Respawn lever (If missing)

New version update 0.3.9

Hello every one!
This version is about core system development (Quest and puzzle). For use in the next main Patch, there is not much content yet.

For the next patch development plan, i will focus on three parts which are
  • Ai Improvement : Behavior and animation
  • Quest and puzzle
  • New region : There will be a new Gameplay, New Important and rare items.
  • *** And still have the usual bug fixes ***

Bug Fixed
  • Some no collision props fixed
  • injured when climb down stair
  • Unlimited loot drops from infected bodies. (After game loaded)
  • Decay % On Drying Rack Incorrect :
  • save and quit then reload your save. The progress of your healing bar, is reset.
  • Terrain Mesh Unaligned, See Through World
  • Clipping Under Houses, Fallout Through World Map
  • Sledgehammer issue : The sledge hammer give one extra whack when you go to deselect it
  • Adjust the pickups glass to be clearer


Map and location
  • New location : Old mine (Level 1, there will be more level in the next patch)

Gameplay, System
  • Object Examine (Only puzzle items, keys item)
  • Mini puzzle system (Keypad, old generator repairing)
  • Puzzle and key items inventory

New Items
  • Firewood (model change)
  • Hard hat
  • Screwdriver
  • Lever (Puzzle Item)

  • Berserker location changed : Oldmine
Aug 25, 2019
Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
Hotfix :

Bug Fixed
  • Fire arrow consumed biofuel bug (When crafting)
  • Can't cook potato on grillstand
  • Water feeder not save
  • Tree and branch hitbox fixed
  • Infected sound still active even dead (This problem is caused by players. Sleeping near the infected dead body)
  • Save near infected body -> load game -> causing them to come back to life.
  • Survivors NPC : dont stop shooting at infected corpse
  • Survivors NPC : Sometime they are shooting at you.
  • Survivors NPC : No M4, pistol gun sound on shoot
  • Bandits dont stop shooting at infecetd corpse
Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment

Bug Fixed
  • Can't cook corn and tomato on GrillStand
  • Can't use pickaxe while look down
  • Can't use sledgehammer while look down
  • Can't take water from water barrel (using watering can)
  • Locker door collide with pickup truck (Physic issue)
  • Bandits didn't hear the spear impact (Throw only)
  • Can't grow plants in the same spot that has been harvested.
  • Set whitehouse as base bug, (Ai Disappear after loaded) (Game load logic changed)


System, Gameplay
  • Decrease shadow contrast (game too dark)
  • Livestock status] : Chickens now have status, you have to feed them, So they will lay eggs.
  • Livestock now can change the name.

Structure, Building
  • Wooden floor : Can be use as a way to connect to the wall. And also a basic structure for building watchtower
  • Small Stair : For connect a gap between the wall and wooden floor (Wooden floor required)
  • Watchtower : (Wooden floor required)

  • Water Feeder : For feeding chickens, chicks and other small animals.

  • Chickens feed
  • dog tag

Aug 14, 2019
Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment

Bug fixed
  • Can't watering plant near whit house
  • Freeze and low fps when Scott cut down trees
  • Can't craaft' upgraded shield' from workbench
  • Some ore node collision issue
  • Infected can't detect you when using shield in guard mode
  • Child bike can't destroy (White house location)
  • Bow and Arrows collision bug, (Can't shoot through ladder)
  • Glove graphic glitch
  • Wooden arrow collision bug
  • Water tower collision bug (Can't reach to the top)

Mist Survival - Dimension 32 Entertainment
Hello everyone,

Heres the latest updated roadmap (0.3.x - 0.4.x)

Basic System
  • Bug fix!
  • Save slot

Gameplay Mechanics
  • Character abilities : Players can unlock additional abilities such as
    • Hunting skill : unlock by collect survival book [Effect : player will able to harvest more hidden materials from animals body].
    • Strength : Frequently cutting wood or using melee weapons [Effect : Attack speed increase]
  • Farming and livestock improvement
  • Add FPS Legs
  • Gun Customize
  • Cars improvement
  • More vehicles
  • Garage and vehicles customize
  • Quick time event (Infected can catch you)
  • Fishing
  • Map and marker (not a real time mini map)

  • Re-Create infected stage 2, Both concept and 3D model
  • Survivors NPC Improvement : more interactive choice, behavior improvement, New Models and animations
  • Infected Tank

There will be side quest, mini quest that you can received from NPC or dynamic event. (few quest for experimentation)

There will be puzzle in the game, such as
  • Find the password to unlock the door,
  • Fuse box quest

World event
  • Bandits raid
  • Infected horde raid (experimental, actually this feature need some more defensive stuff first)
  • Dynamic loots point event, Such as car crash point (other survivors)

Map, level, and visual upgrade
  • New mine level design
  • Abandon school
  • New town level design, and building models
  • New house models
  • Secret lab
  • New Region : Actually, this is part of the main mission. you have to complete it before you can travel to this area. This will be added for test and experimentation first.