Reventure - Slantar

Hi adventurers!

We have get tons of feedback suggesting the russian translation, so you have it out now!

Changelog (v1.3.0)
  • Russian translation added, The game has the sum of 11 languages thanks to the Reventure community.
  • "Controls" tab options added explaining controller layout types.
  • Performance improvements such as loading times.
  • Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes...
  • A spoiler tag that you much love to click
Reventure - Pixelatto

  • A new "hero tool" to upload you own characters to Reventure's Steam Workshop. Unlocked by completing 100 endings.
  • New heroes are calling for help... Find the cages and set them free! (the map can help)
  • You can now choose your current hero from the adventure gallery.
  • Many small bugs have been fixed along with some translation typos
  • New language included: Turkish
  • If you want to upload a new character, check out these amazing guides by our community members at the bottom of this post.

We are now going to do some reworks to improve input support. We may have time to add some extra stuff before finishing our plans on the chalkboard...
Reventure - Pixelatto

Hello adventurers!

We've received a big bunch of feedback and bug reports from you, so we've been back to cruch hell for some days.

The launch totally surpassed all our expectations and we want to give you some love back, in the shape of...

A minor bugfixing patch!!!!!
Well, it's called "minor" but it has a lot of work into it.
Why are you peeking inside spoiler tags? They are here to protect you from spoiling the fun!

Changelog (v 1.0.3)
  • Added a couple of secrets here and there.
  • Added 4 languages thanks to the amazing support of our community. Now available: English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Portuguese, Korean, Polish.
  • Added a disclaimer screen for players who don't like amazing surprises that make them jump out of the chair.
  • [Discord community]( awesomeness level increased to 850.
  • Fixed some texts and many pretty bugs.

"Why are there so many spoiler tags?"

"Get out of my mind!"

"Now I'm even more curious..."

"Let's peek just one more..."

"Another one..."

"Another one..."

"Another one..."

"Another one..."

Maybe you should stop looking at spoilers and go and play the game.

Seriously, we need some privacy here...

Stop it.



There's nothing else to say.

That small list up there was like 2 weeks of work. What else do you want?

*Sigh* Ok, here's a secret: type "growls" anytime in the game to turn into some tiger pet.

No, it's not a pokemon.

If you walk past the stone on the third day, you'll trip over it. That's a spoiler. You can leave now.

You probably want a DLC with more endings.

Well, SPOILER ALERT: there'd be none.

The gate to another world will open soon...

And it's not *just* the discord server.

I'm being productive.

Oh, I see. You finished Reventure and got all 100 endings.

And now you want to find 100 spoilers.

You're one of those completionist guys, aren't you?

Go play the game.

It's more fun than clicking spoiler tags.

Ok, let's play here:

You find yourself in front of two doors.


Left door: I've just... Right door: ...opened both

How's that for your free will?

We play with your mind in the game also. Go ahead and play it.

Jun 4, 2019
Reventure - Pixelatto

The day has finally come!

It's been quite an adventure and we want to thank everyone who supported the game during early access: this game surpassed all expectation we had for it thanks to your feedback and comments.

We can just say: THANK YOU.

As you may've noticed, instead of increasing the price on launch, we finally decided to do the opposite: make a big 40% discount. At this point, we still need more visibility than income, and hence the decission.
If you purchased the game before the release, get in touch in our discord server and we'll give you an extra copy to make up for the price difference.

Changelog for v1.0 (check the spoilers only if you've finished all 100 endings):
  • Deutsch & Japanese languages now available
  • Improved some ending texts
  • Save slots can now be cleared by holding the "delete" key
  • Amazing bugfixes all around
  • Added new and secret post-game contents
  • Added map locations for the orbs
  • Added secret cheat codes to unlock special skins
  • Added secret cheat codes to unlock special skins

The Deutsch & Japanese translation were generously provided by members of the community. If you want to help translate the game into any other language, just get in touch via discord.
Reventure - Pixelatto

Hello adventurers!

We're happy to announce we finally have a date for the official release of the game: Reventure will leave Early Access on June 4th.

It's been a long way and we'd like to thank everyone who played the game during Early Access: the game has surpassed our wildest expectations.

The launch will feature a few more surprises, including:
  • Support for emojis on Twitch integration
  • A very special reward for those who have completed the 100 endings (you'll need to join us on discord). Remember that golden signpost.
  • More secrets.
  • And... even more bugfixes!!

Also, be sure to check the new release trailer on the store page.

Thank you all for sharing this journey with us.

May our adventure together never end!
Reventure - Pixelatto

Hi adventurers!

After giving it a lot of thought, we've decide to change the name of the game to "Reventure".

We received a lot of feedback about how the previous name was misguiding about the quality of the game and there was a possible brand conflict with some famous franchise from another green-clothed hero.

We are planning on leaving early access soon, so it's a good time to do this.

We hope you like the new name!
Apr 15, 2019
Reventure - Pixelatto
Just a few days after the 100th endings update, we are proud to introduce the streamers update, enabling a whole new way of interaction with your audience.

We've also fixed a couple of bugs related to minion damage that we introduced in the previous update.

Hope your like it!
Reventure - Pixelatto

Hello adventurers!

After a lots of hard work, every ending is now in place!
Which means... you can now get to THAT place.

Changelog (version 100.0)
  • +2 endings (100 now available)
  • +4 music tracks
  • +2 achievements
  • +2 playable characters
  • All your adventures come to a final conclusion, giving ultimate meaning to all your quests and turning yourself into a legend that will last for ages, inspiring young heroes all over the world and Twitter... and trascending space and time.

    No one in history will ever be able to repeat your path and reach the souls of so many.

    Stop reading this and go play the update, we've worked really hard on this one, you should totally go now

    Go ahead, I'm waiting

    Still here?

    You DO really want a spoiler, don't you??

    Ok, here it goes:

    The princess...

    ...true identity...


    (not really)
Feb 20, 2019
Reventure - Pixelatto
Hi adventurers!

We've just enabled a discord server so you can talk directly to us and other adventurers. This discord server will have special rooms only available to heroes that manage to acomplish some very specific tasks in the game...

You can join it here:
Reventure - Pixelatto

Hello adventurers!

It's been a month since the last update but we've got news... 98 endings are now in place!!

We're getting close to open that huge door... it's problably a good idea to pay it a visit to see how it goes.

Next update will include the 2 last endings... get ready for the grand finale by unlocking the 98 previous endings! Will this be the one true ending? Is there such a thing? Will it be worth all the effort?

Only one way to know...

Changelog (version 0.98.0)
  • 98 endings now available (>30 new or redesigned)
  • +30 improvements and changes to previous endings
  • +3 new unlockable, usable items
  • +20 new playable characters
  • Various aesthetic improvements & UI tweaks
  • Lots redesigned areas an new puzzles
  • New help system for late-game endings
  • Lots of boring bugfixes you don't care about or even notice but keep us developers from sleeping
  • Grass
  • Why would you want to spoil yourself? Go play this amazing update!