Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
fixed BUG
Oct 30, 2020
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
New Event

From today till the 19th of November, the new event – “The tide of the Autumn Moon” will be live, within this period of time we will be releasing 4 completely , unique incents. Within those incidents, a single Boss will join up for the fun

At the same time, players will receiver different type of reinforcements, in order to deal with the incidents!

Event Rewards:

1.During this event, all those who are playing Lunatic, and Nightmare difficulty , Co-op Incidents ,will have their basic coin reward increased by 50%

2.During this event, weekly free units will be increased from 14 to 24

Other:Video event
Upload any video that is related to the Incidents, to any video-media platform, and contact the moderator :雀之泪 or Email , to redeem your reward

Reward includes:Swimsuit Flandre, previous seasonal championship reward ,coins and more
Note: One guy per reward, and you cant just keep sending the same video for more reward, we watch them

Redemption method :

1.Join the QQ chat group “744465879” via the QR code, private message the video to the chat admin, and get your reward

2.For players outside China, contact雀之泪 on steam, add as friend, send him your video’s link, and get your reward

Balance change

Celestial Apparatus duration 2.5/3/3.5/4→3/3.4/3.8/4.2


HP 40→43

Attack Speed 0.6→0.57

”Nerf” retracements

HP 145→155

HP 113→117
Bat duration 1.65→1.85


Increased Seiran’s range when searching for flags
Fixed the bug with Reimu’s seal not locking down flying units
Added a some Incidents ,and skins at the back
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
New Skins
Fairytown The Carpenter and Pinocchio
Fairytown Little Match girl

Gameplay changes

Defense towers
Towers’ self destruction now causes different AOE, and damage
Towers’ self destruction deals only half damage to PC
The self destruction damage are now of such:
Tower tier 1 35
Tower tier 2 50
Tower tier 3 70
Tower tier 4 140

The old self destruction used to be the same for all tiers, and obviously, tier 3 and 4 ‘s self destruction would do almost scratch damage to tier A and S minions, and now, the self destruction could in theory be used to drag on the time for defensive players to hold the line

Balance changes

Aki sisters

Cost 10→11
Autumn「Heart of faith」 Faith cost 5→4

Recently, Aki sisters’ Win rate within Pick n Bans seems to be rather high, and with the changes to the towers, we have decided to balance things out a bit, so, here’s a bit of a nerf

Hp 42→40
Gap between each serving 5→4
Heals per serving 8→10

Damage 16→18
Recollection 「Hypnotic terror」Hypnosis chance 10%→7.5%
Brain Sign「Lie Detector」 Effect duration 1.25→2

Satori ‘s high pick rate is just high for the sake of high, so we’ve decided to nerf one spell while buffing the other to give her more flexibility

Damage 60→75
Exorcist Strike Damage 40→50

Sky sign「Buddha Palm」 Damage 16→20

Summoned rabbit’s HP 48→70
Riddle「How sticky are the mochi」Faith cost 6→4

Damage 17→21
Speed buff after switch teleport 300%→400%

HP 90→88
Cost 64→66

Added some additional text descriptions
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
New Skins

Fairytown Queen
Fairytown Snow White


Reworked Onozuka Komachi
Removed her extra damage debuff from her normal attack
Soul detonate damage
Soul detonate now has a maximum AOE of 3
Soul detonate now instantly kill any unit with only 20% of their max HP
Soul detonate now no longer reduces speed
Soul detonate now has a small knock back and extra damage debuff

Removed the extra damage debuff after the switch teleport
After switch teleport there would be a 300% attack speed buff for 2.5 seconds

Fixed the bug where Yoshika’s 2nd spell something would not form any toxic water
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪

Congratulation to player “nep” for netting the champion for the autumn championship ! He will be rewarded with700 RMB as well as special avatar and skin!
Player Saicis and player 待遇特殊 netted the 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
And a great thank you for all the players out there for your active participation, as well as wishing all those who didn’t manage to get onto the top to practice well and aim, work harder for the next championship !

New skin

French Chef Youmu

Balance change
*Due to the championship the amount of patch has been reduced to as little as possible, and thus, after the championship, we are landing a big one


Celestial Apparatus「Galaxy」Duration 4→2.5/3/3.5/4
Comet「Blazing star」changed to a charged skill, max charge changed to 2
Cooldown changes 24/18/12/6 → 12/10/8/6
Damage 6/10/14/18 →6/9/12/15

Marisa is the most outstanding PC during the championship, and based on the field data, we discovered that most players have been using her Celestial in the early game to demolish the towers, the E skill change is aimed in such a way that it promotes a more “interactive” approach with the enemies, and affects the early game battlefield, in a more head to head way

★Scarlet sign「Red the Nightless Castle」 Cooldown 80/65→70/70

★Blazing star「Nuclear landmine」 AOE 3→3.25

★Freeze sign「Perfect freeze」Lv1 freeze chance 20%→25%

Miracle 「Divine Wind of the Kouan Era」 Cooldown 20→17

We’d also buffed the PCs that have a low win rate


Star sign「Fall of Great Stars」Base damage 25→23

Preach「Danmaku spray 」Attack speed buff 35%→40%
Judgement「Cleansed Crystal Judgement」Cooldown 6→8.5

Due to her outstanding performance during the championship, we’d decided not to make her a too OP so we added some restrictions

HP 80→72

Passive burning duration 1.8→1.5

Recollection「Terrifying Hypnotism」Control chance 12.5%→10%

Koakuma normal attack range4.5→4.25
*Devil「Temptation」Range is not changed

Charging speed 6→6.5
HP 30→29

hp 25→23

Despite her overall pick rate, she seems to be one of the few must-have for the experts

Aki sisters
Attack speed 1→0.9

HP 40→41

Cold sign「Arthritis」 stagger duration 0.425→0.375
*Now she will no longer be able to stagger enemies’ skills under some extreme situation

Puppet attacking speed 1.96→1.85

HP 55→50
Envy 「Burning jealousy」extra damage 62%→70%

Dog sign「Rabis」Trigger chance 35%→28%

HP 65→60

Damage 14→12
Attack speed 1→0.9

Attack speed 0.5→0.6

Damage 12→13

This rebalancing is based on the performance of various championship’s player, it is possible that one of the main factor is during some of the PVP matches with high scores . Some players might complains about some changes being unfair, and of course we will change them in time to slowly balance and re-balance things


A reaper with her scythe , due to how low she appears, will have a bit of changes, we wants to buff her in such a way that it suits her title of the “grim reaper” and “harvester”

A beautiful fairytale is always lingers in ones memories, so if the characters from Touhou were to dress in some new threads from the fairy tales, what would happen ? Stay tuned !

An innocent looking but extremely cunning yokai rabbit is coming to the battlefield, what interesting way would she bring ~
Sep 28, 2020
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
Fixed the bug where some players could not login

If players are still stuck in the loading screen and could not log in, please contact the dev at QQ : 3035669375 , or by email

Or you may contact Touhou Big Big Battle’s moderator “雀之泪” to fix it
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪

With the recent sever error of constant disconnection, we are stepping in and fixing it


Fixed a bug with Sekibanki’s SFX

Fixed the bug that a Flandre with skin could be completed muted upon getting a crit

Fixed the bug in the minion UI that is causing a display problem

Fixed the bug with localization in the store (there might still be some stuff that’s not yet translated yet, we are working on it)

Medicine’s spell card now has a timing description
Touhou Big Big Battle - 雀之泪
Before the start of the autumn championship, we had to perform a bit of a balance change, and of course, it will be reverted back to how it was ,mostly

Balance change
Attack speed 1.51→1.4

Sunny’s ability made her to have a bit too much freedom during a pick and ban match, so we decided to reduce her attack speed to balance things out.

HP 15→16
Attack speed increased to 1.3(previously it was mistakenly input as 1.1)
Long range spell range 4→3.75
HP 24→25
HP 34→36
Both spell card faith cost-1

We also decided to buff some of the weaker spell cards

Cost 33→34
Hermit Arts「Wall-Phasing Wormhole」Stun 0.3→0.5

Her tactics seems to be a “bit” too much, so, more nerfs

Cost 50→52
Undying 「Fire bird」Direct damage 24→22
Divine Festiva「Grave of being」pillar damage 20→18

A little nerf here and there

Now after the PC selection’s countdown is over, the system will chose the PC that is the closest to the center, and will no longer be random
And we’d also acknowledge the fact that there’s some text error within the store , we will try our best to fix those bugs