The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™
Hello Polytopians,

Much like last week, we’d like to take a dive into one of the tribes! This week is the Imperius, the Square’s most regimented and organized tribe. Imperius citizens are always ready for battle, and rarely take off their helmets, as danger could strike at any moment! They ride the hardy Mado and eat juicy Lumaepeles, and are always ready for a challenge!

Starting the game with the Organization tech, the Imperius get a head start toward Defenders, Windmills, and farms. The Organization tech also allows the Imperius to harvest fruit from the start of the game, helping them grow speedily. Their terrain has no specializations, so you’ll find a generally equal amount of fruit, animals, forests, mountains, and etc. Because of these simple, yet powerful, bonuses, the Imperius are a good, all-around tribe for any playstyle, and benefit both new and veteran players alike!
If you like a jack-of-all-trades tribe, you’ll love the Imperius!


"The highly efficient society of the Imperius has inspired them to build grand libraries, write breathtaking stage plays, erect mighty monuments, mix delicious drinks, and maintain a multitude of beautiful gardens! You'll never find a more organized or more fun place on the Square!"

Jun 3, 2020
The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™
Hello, beta testers!

We've got a small patch with handful of bug fixes! Play around, and tell us what you think in the comments!

Patch Notes:
- Fixed an issue where game progress was lost if the device turned off mid game
- Fixed an issue where a won game would be considered as a loss and show the wrong ending screen
- Fixed an issue with the start screen on Mac
- Fixed an issue with scrolling on Mac track pads
- Fixed an issue that froze the map when clicking capture action using middle mouse button
- The circle menu for training units now scales with the amount of options to choose from
- Improved the animation when capturing cities
- OK button is now the default selection in popups again
- Minor UI improvements
The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™
Hello Polytopians,

With the Steam release right around the corner, we’d like to give some of our newer players a chance to meet the tribes ahead of time! So, today, we’d like to talk about our favorite sailors, the Kickoo! An adventurous bunch, the Kickoo love the water and everything there is to know about boats and overseas trade. Riding speedy Leeons and harvesting delicious banoos, the Kickoo are a force to be reckoned with.

Beginning with the Fishing tech, the Kickoo are best suited for playstyles that revolve around navies. Since no one else gets a head start into the Fishing branch of techs, Kickoo players are usually uncontested when trying to get out onto the water. Their terrain is designed to maximize water, so you’ll have plenty of space for ports, and subsequently, Custom Houses for maximum star production.
If you like water or sailing, you’ll love the Kickoo!


"When Kickoo sailors aren't sailing, they prefer to play sports! Footraces, wrestling, and canoeing are common, but the most popular sport is Hak'ilani, which is similar to tennis but played by 4 players on a specially-made floating platform. Don't fall off!"
May 28, 2020
The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™
Hello, beta testers!

This is a simple patch with a handful of important bug fixes! Test it out and tell us what you think in the comments! Remember, please report any bugs you find!


Beta Patch 2.0.8 notes:
- Improved line break handling, especially when using other languages
- Various UI improvements
- Various improvements to moving around the map
- Added the tribe ratings to the throne room and fixed the sorting
- Improved battle animations
- Added game settings information to the screen when joining a game
- Added a delay between clicking "Next Turn"
- News are now updating properly
- Fixed an issue with unit sprites showing in wrong position after replay
- Fixed an issue where villages were not considered as roads
- Fixed an issue with leaving pending games
- Fixed an issue locking the game when leaving it while AI is playing
- Fixed an issue with the sunrise easter egg
- Fixed an issue with action buttons multiplying
- Fixed an issue where double clicking on "resume game" froze the app
- Fixed an issue with the game crashing on when building an Ice Bank
- Fixed an issue where a unit could be moved after landing from a boat
- Fixed an issue where unit sprites could be moved in their tile
- Fixed an issue where Polytaurs couldn't capture a city
- Fixed an issue where the game crashed after starting a random match and leaving before anyone joined
- Fixed an issue with capitals in drylands still having water
- Fixed the missing popup on Genius Task
- Fixed the speed score calculation
- Fixed various issues causing game crashes
May 15, 2020
The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™
Hey, fellow Polytopians!

Just a simple update in the patch! Besides bugfixes, there's a new menu screen! Enjoy!


Patch Notes:
- Navalons can now capture cities
- Polaris can now place monuments on ice
- You can now send reminders for other players to play their turn
- Added a fullscreen toggle to settings
- Added loaders to visualize when the game is waiting for response from the server

- Fixed an issue with games getting stuck after replay of opponents' turn
- Fixed an issue where one could kick players that didn't time out
- Fixed an issue with the harvesting animation
- Fixed an issue where units remained highlighted despite no action left after breaking ice
- Fixed an issue with Polaris freezing on city capture

- Fixed various issues with scaling of some UI elements
- Fixed various issues with the matchmaking UX
- Fixes various causing the game to crash
The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™
Hey, just reporting a small update of bugfixes and small features to the beta!

The update includes:
- Added in-game notifications when it is your turn in a multiplayer game
- High score list now shows only one entry for each player
- We'll now inform you when you need to update your game to the newest version
- Added more information to the popup when viewing friends
- You can now set turn times and skip the player's turn when the timer runs out
- Added game info to the tribe picking screen in multiplayer games
- Various fixes to improve the AI
- Fixed various bugs with attack animations
- Fixed various graphics issues
- Fixed various bugs with sounds and music in menus
- Fixed various bugs with Polaris' freeze ability
- Fixed an issue with water routes
- Fixed an issue with camera centering
- Fixed an issue with removing friends
- Fixed an issue with player icons and names in Pass & Play
- Fixed an issue with the upgrade bubble getting stuck on a tile
- Fixed baby dragon stats
- Fixed "tribes destroyed" calculation in end game screens

The Battle of Polytopia - Zoythrus™


Every time we update the current beta, we're also going to talk about an upcoming feature in the Steam release! This current feature are known as "Mirror Matches," where multiple people can play as the same tribe. Want to have an 8 player Imperius match? Go right ahead! Want to see who is the better Luxidoor player? Now you can! As you can see on the picture, the mirror tribes are simply given the colors of any tribe not currently playing in this match. The first player will always get the tribe's default color, and everyone else will pick from the unused colors. Also, the bots can do it, too! Now you can find multiples of the same tribe in a single player game! (I once had 3 Oumaji.)

Now, onto the beta patch notes:
- Introduced a new pushing order for units
- Stars are now correctly awarded based on final score
- Long pressing on "next turn" now selects the next unit that has not been moved during this turn
- Zooming in on the map now zooms in at the cursor position
- Baby dragons are now melee units
- Esc no longer closes the upgrade choice pop-up during city upgrade
- Players are now ordered according their scores when owning the same number of capitols in Might mode
- Bots no longer keep playing after capturing the player's last city in a singleplayer game
- We now show double shield icons when defending walled cities
- Fixed issues causing incorrect damage calculation
- Fixed issues with scaling of in-game UI elements
- Fixed an issue where Dash did not work on units uncovered by the attack-move action
- Fixed an issue where promoting a unit during animation allowed double promotion
- Fixed an issue where Elyrion Sanctuary did not show level information for level 0
- Fixed an issue where Dragon Eggs never hatched on the boat
- Fixed an issue where turning sounds on only worked after restarting the game
- Fixed an issue where all score markers popped up at the same time when capturing a city
- Fixed an issue where the game played sounds for every population gained
- Fixed an issue where the friends search input lost focus
- Fixed an issue where units couldn't capture a city
- Fixed an issue where Mooni wasn't able to use the freeze ability
- Fixed an issue where AI was able to pick disabled tribes
- Fixed an issue where bots didn't choose the same tribe in a Mirror Match
- Fixed an issue where the meet popup sometimes showed up below the "your turn" notification
- Introduced new avatars
- Introduced configurable turn time limits
- Automatically skip player turns when time limit runs out
- Choose map type in multiplayer and matchmaking
- Improved map spawns

If you find any bugs with this release, please report them in the Discussions!
The Battle of Polytopia - christian
We have been getting many questions about when we will release the Steam version of The Battle of Polytopia, and some of you have probably even wondered if the Steam release will actually happen. The good news is that Steam will definitely happen, but we have decided to port the game to Unity first. This will give us the opportunity to release the game on even more platforms and plenty of other exciting stuff that we will announce later on.

The porting is currently going on at full speed and we are working hard to make sure that the game will be great on Windows & Mac OS X as well. This move to Unity is an important strategic decision that will enable us to grow The Battle of Polytopia at a much faster pace once the porting is complete. The Steam / Unity version is now scheduled for release during Spring 2020.

Meanwhile, to make sure you don’t miss out on any info about the Steam release, go to and select “Add to Your wishlist”.

May 15, 2019
The Battle of Polytopia - Midjiwan

Hi All!

I just realized that it is already spring 2019 and Polytopia is not yet released. The truth is that I also realized that I am still practically a one man game studio and adding a new platform for me to manage, support and develop might be a really bad idea since it would eat up all the time I want to spend on making new tribes and Polytopia features.

Although, the steam version of Polytopia is quite close to completion and it is being beta tested as we speak. It is also a really great game and deserves to be released to you guys as soon as possible.

Hence I am currently looking into ways to release on Steam while still being able to spend time and love on further development of the current game.

So keep your faith and good things will come your way. Time is just an illusion anyways.

Love you all.

The Battle of Polytopia - MidjitooDesktop

Bigger, better, customizable & cross-platform.

Midjiwan is announcing that they are closing in on releasing the game on PC & MAC OSX.

Some of the unique desktop features will be the custom game mode that lets You set the size of maps from tiny to massive as well as choose from a range of land configurations such as dryland, archipelago and water world. In addition, The desktop version will feature keyboard controls and shortcuts.

As for the multiplayer fans, they will be able to play online cross-platform with the mobile versions of the game. You will not be required to invest in a new computer to play Polytopia on Your desktop as the hardware requirements are very moderate.

The Steam version will cost $9.99 and include all the 12 human tribes. Additional “special Tribes” will be available as DLC components. The release is planned during spring 2019. The exact release date is not set yet. Players can now Wishlist the game to make sure they get updated on the release date.

If You are running a popular a site, blog, Youtube or Twitch channel and would like early access to the Steam version of The Battle of Polytopia, contact