Jun 4, 2020
EVE Online - EVE Online
Perceptive Capsuleers,

The Clear Vision update to EVE Online is now live, featuring big graphical improvements to a number of key elements across New Eden! These changes are part of the ongoing mission to continue pushing the boundaries of immersion and the stunning visuals of EVE.

Jita IV Station - The Next Phase

Eagle-eyed Capsuleers may have noticed gradual changes, improvements and additions to the main Jita IV station over the last few months as work began on its major redesign, celebrating the largest trade hub in New Eden. The Clear Vision update brings further steps in the redesign of nearby structures, with the completion of the Jita IV Communication/Science station and significant progress on the Mining Center.

So, next time you travel to Jita in order to carry out your trading activities, be sure to check out the continuing improvements!

Jump Tunnel Animation

Note: The new jump animation has been temporarily reverted. We will do more work on the feature to address concerns about the jump cloak timer starting before the animation has completed.

A further visual improvement that comes as part of the Clear Vision update is a new graphical effect for travel between certain types of location in New Eden. This new animation for jump tunnels applies to K-Space jumps through stargates, Abyssal Deadspace jumps, Cyno jumps, and Black Ops Cyno jumps.

It is worth noting that you will now see your ship moving through these tunnels, with an extremely smooth camera entry mechanic. The color of the tunnels will also vary depending on the security and type of destination.

Contrast Adaptive Sharpening

In addition, the Clear Vision update also introduces further visual enhancements to EVE Online with Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (CAS) from AMD, a process that considers the contrast of the pixels during the sharpening process. CAS will accurately sharpen visuals all across New Eden, including areas that have large contrast differences where normal sharpeners often struggle, bringing even further clarity and immersion to moon surfaces, ship hulls and more. Furthermore, CAS will be platform agnostic.

This feature will only be enabled when the ‘Post Processing’ setting within EVE is set to ‘High’ for the moment, but this will have almost zero impact on performance. You can check out the full details of this feature in the CAS dev blog [link to dev blog].

There will also be details coming up very soon about an exciting EVE Online screenshot competition with awesome prizes including AMD hardware, PLEX and EVE merchandise, so keep an eye on all EVE social and news channels for that info!

These visual improvements continue to push the boundaries of how computer games can look, and represent investment in the future of the EVE in order to set it up for a thriving third decade!
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Stellar Capsuleers,

Voting is now open for the 15th Council of Stellar Management (CSM15), so exercise your democratic right and cast your vote for the candidates you feel best represent your interests in New Eden! Make sure to check out the details on all of the candidates and cast your vote before 12:00 UTC on 8 June.

To celebrate the voting period, alongside voting for your chosen candidates in CSM15, you can also claim free gifts as part of the Rewards of Democracy daily login event running from 1 June to 8 June! Rewards include Skill Points, Boosters, Needlejack Filaments, and CSM-themed special edition shuttles.

Both Alpha and Omega Clone State Capsuleers can claim free gifts daily, with Omegas getting bigger and better rewards as well as being able to claim the Alpha rewards, too!

For those unfamiliar with how the voting works, please take a look at this video created for one of the previous elections.
EVE Online - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Natalie Clayton)

Since their introduction in 2016, citadels have defined the cut-throat politics of EVE Online. Wars are now centred on slugfests like the Battle for X47L-Q, as Keepstar citadels provide insurmountable defences against all but the most determined force. But developers CCP now reckon there are too many of these unassailable bastions floating about unguarded. With this week’s Forsaken Fortress update, it’s time to let these structures rot.


EVE Online - EVE Online
Dear Capsuleers,

From undocking in Jita to getting in your first Titan, beauty is found in all areas of New Eden. Today, you will be introduced to one of the new features coming in the upcoming Clear vision update: Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.

The process of image sharpening is important in most visual media. Film directors, photographers and game texture artists will use it daily to get the desired result. Using it correctly takes patience, practice, and skill, but the result can be a vastly improved image when used appropriately. When used incorrectly, over-sharpening an image will make the result look unnatural or introduce artifacts.

The main reason this happens is due to the way sharpening generally works; it adds contrast between pixels, which means it becomes particularly noticeable around edges. Quite simply, as one pixel gets brighter, the other gets darker.

The image on the left below is a normal, unedited screenshot from the existing renderer within EVE Online. On the right is the same image, adjusted by using the default ‘Sharpen’ filter twice within Adobe Photoshop, to illustrate the type of issue that can occur when sharpening is applied incorrectly. There is artifacting at the edge of the planet, the gradient has lost its smoothness and the surface of the planet is starting to look too pixelated.

While it is clear from these images that sharpening can hurt image quality if not done correctly on a 2D image, in a 3D rendered environment where the camera and ships regularly move, it looks even worse. As EVE has a significant number of areas that also have large contrast differences, such as planet surfaces, ships against space, hangars, stargates, and even weapons fire, it’s been a challenge to find a solution that fully satisfied. This means that sometimes objects look slightly blurred, out of focus, or the image looks soft.

This problem is not unique to EVE, and many other games encounter similar issues. AMD noticed this and provided a free-to-use, open-source, high-quality sharpening shader called "Contrast Adaptive Sharpening" as part of their GPUOpen FidelityFX toolkit. It is graphics card agnostic, so you will see a benefit no matter what GPU you have.

As the name suggests, Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (CAS) considers the contrast of the pixels during the sharpening process. Edges and gradients no longer suffer from the same artifact problems shown above, but it still allows for areas that have large contrast differences to be sharpened accurately.

A great example of this is moon surfaces. They have craters, surface rings, mountain ranges, and flat areas that have large contrast differences by design. CAS really shines in this situation, where it successfully allows for the subtle details created by the artists to become clearer in the final render, even with the existing post-processes turned on.

It looks equally as good on ships, where CAS brings out the subtle details of the hulls. You can see this particularly well on the Orca and Naga where paneling and decals are used:

The performance cost of this enhancement is negligible relative to pre-existing post-processing. However, it has been decided that this feature will only be enabled when the ‘Post Processing’ setting within EVE is set to ‘High’ for the moment.

Work is continuing on the DirectX 12 client which will open up even more avenues to explore in the future.

Fly safe!
EVE Online - EVE Online
Opportunistic Capsuleers,

There is currently a limited time 10% discount on PLEX purchases of 500 PLEX and higher! You'll need to act fast, though, as the offer is only available until 11:00 UTC on 2 June.

Remember, you can trade your PLEX for in-game ISK to spend on ships and skills, or spend your PLEX at EVE Online's New Eden Store on Omega Clone State time to unlock access to all of EVE's ships and skills, as well as double training speed. Your PLEX can also buy you Skill Extractors, HyperCores, stunning ship SKINs, character apparel and more at the New Eden Store!

The HyperNet Relay fee reduction is also now live! The fee has temporarily been reduced from 5% to 0%, but only until 11:00 UTC on 4 June! It’ll be cheaper to put your items up for sale on the HyperNet Relay during this time, so don’t miss the opportunity to save some ISK.
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Are you a Triglavian hunter or defender? Show your allegiance with the brand new Eden's Hunters and Kybernaut Clade SKINs for selected ships, available now in EVE Online's New Eden Store!

As Chapter 3 of the Triglavian Invasion is now underway, you can get either SKIN for the Nestor, Vindicator, Kikimora, Drekavac, Leshak, Guardian, Basilisk, Bifrost and Noctis.

For those eager to support and promote the efforts of Capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, the unique Eden's Hunters SKIN is perfect for anyone aggressively taking the fight to the enemy.

Radical Capsuleers who find something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow" can display their allegiance with the Kybernaut Clade SKIN, its name a reference to the Triglavian term for Capsuleers.

Declare your support for the invaders, or for the Empires as they fight for New Eden!
EVE Online - EVE Online
Decisive Capsuleers,

The start of Invasion Chapter 3, the third and final installment in the year-long Triglavian Invasion expansion, is now live!

As seismic events occur and continue to unfold over the coming weeks and months, Capsuleers will have important decisions to make as they choose between defending the Empires of New Eden or siding with the mysterious Triglavian Collective. These choices will have a direct impact on how the story develops, and will have lasting consequences in New Eden, ensuring that life in the cluster will never be the same again!

There will be open conflict between EDENCOM forces and the Triglavians across high and low security space, with Capsuleers no doubt being drawn into engagements with roaming fleets, as well as each other, depending on the side they choose to fight for! As a result, Capsuleers will attain standings for EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective.

New Eden will see new structures and defenses being created on all sides of the conflict as the situation develops, with the Triglavians establishing infrastructure focused on attack, and the Empires fortifying their star systems against invasion.

So will you, intrepid Capsuleers, remain allied to your chosen Empires or risk everything and side with their unknown and potentially dangerous enemy?

It's time to decide.
EVE Online - EVE Online
On 1 July 2020, there will be an update to the pricing of all products for players paying using the Russian Ruble. The increase in prices will encompass Omega subscription, PLEX, Multiple Character Training, Value Packs, and Daily Alpha Injectors.

The main reason for the update is that the change in currency conversion over the last few years has created an imbalance between the pricing in Rubles compared with the rest of the world. This has resulted in the abuse of current price differences, which has had a negative impact, both in and out of game.
EVE Online - EVE Online
New Eden has many historic and significant sites to visit and explore. To celebrate EVE Online's 17th birthday, here's a guide to 17 must-see locations in a universe boasting everything from ancient history to remarkable community achievements!

1. Scars of Caldari Prime

System: Luminaire

Caldari Prime, hotly contested during the Caldari - Gallente conflict, traded sides several times as each faction fought for control. During ‘Operation Highlander’, the Gallente Federation assaulted a Caldari fleet in orbit – destroying the Shiigeru, the Caldari’s Leviathan class Titan. The wreckage of the massive ship fell from orbit leveling mountain ranges and causing widespread damage to the planet. The scars left by this event can still be seen to this day.

Read more:
- Caldari Prime Fiction Portal
- EVE Travel Blog on Operation Highlander


2. Remains of Steve

System: C9N-CC

Back before Capsuleer alliances commanded the terrifying Supercapital forces we see today, there was but one – the first Titan ever constructed - an Avatar class Titan given the honorable name of “Steve”. Steve met a violent end in C9N-CC where its massive corpse has been left in honor of the momentous event.

Read more about Steve


3. Molea Cemetery

System: Molea II, Moon I

For the last 12 years this site has served as a cemetery for Capsuleers who have passed away. Capsuleers from across New Eden make the pilgrimage to this site to anchor a can with mementos for their fallen friends (and at times the corpse of the fallen player’s character). The site has endured several attacks through the history of EVE, but still stands to this day as a beacon of remembrance.

Read More:
Molea Image by Imperium News

4. Shattered Planets of Seyllin

Seyllin was the site of an unprecedented disaster wherein a devastating solar event killed millions living in colonies throughout the system. These solar flares were abnormally powerful – strong enough to shatter the inner planets - and the cause of the event is still not fully understood to this day, although speculation abounds.

Read more about Seyllin

World on Fire Chronicle

Seyllin Image by EVE Travel Blog

5. Amarrian Honor Guard

System: Amarr

These massive Avatar class Titans stand as an ever-vigilant honor guard in the Amarrian home system. This impressive honor guard first came to be when assembled for the Amarrian Imperial Succession Trials.

Read more about the honor guard in World News

Honor Guard Image by EVE Travel Blog

6. C-J6MT

The site of an epic battle wherein a small number of Russian Red alliance fighters stood their ground against incredible odds and emerged victorious. This monument stands in honor of their hard-won triumph on that day.

Video by Andrew Groen about the Battle of C-J6MT

7. Titanomachy (B-R5RB)

Location: B-R5RB

The site of what is still the bloodiest battle in New Eden’s history. In 21 hours of fighting, 7,548 Capsuleers from 55 alliances destroyed 75 Titans, 13 Supercarriers, 370 Dreadnaughts, 123 Carriers and many other ships with a total estimated value of over $300,000 worth of destruction (given PLEX value at that time). Titanomachy is a monument to this event, a graveyard of those ships which fell during this historic battle.

Read more about the battle

Titanomachy Image by EVE Travel Blog

8. Katia Sae Monument

System: Saisio

Katia Sae began her quest to explore all of New Eden starting from Saisio III on 1 December of YC111 and came full circle back to Saisio on 9 March of YC121 after having explored every known space and wormhole system that can be reached – all without a single ship loss. To honor this achievement, a monument has been erected in the Saisio system by the Achura Stargazers Society.

Read more about Katia Sae’s journey and the monument honoring it

9. EVE Gate

System: New Eden

The start of it all. Humanity first populated New Eden by passing through the EVE Gate, which was constructed around a massive wormhole. Though the wormhole has long collapsed, the structure continues to emit intense radiation and remains a subject of study for the Sisters of EVE.

Read more about the EVE gate

10. The Black Monolith

System: Dead End

Who created this strange structure and why? How long has it lain silent, adrift in space, only several jumps from the EVE Gate? Was it here before the first humans even arrived? Its smooth, dark surface yields no answers, but should you look long enough you may realize, “My god, it’s full of stars.”

11. Kyonoke Outbreak Containment Site

System: Postouvin

A terrifying disease was uncovered deep within an asteroid at the so-called Kyonoke pit. This small speck of biological matter was terrifyingly lethal, and so of deep interest to military researchers and terrorists alike. Massive resources were allocated to the containment of this disease, including involvement from Capsuleers during the Kyonoke Inquest.

Read the chronicle

Read more about the Kyonoke infection

Kyonoke Image by EVE Travel Blog

12. Site One

System: Eram

Site One was a research site built entirely from Capsuleer donations with the goal of furthering research into the mysteries of EVE’s history, including the nature of wormhole space, the Sleeper threat found there, and the history and purpose behind the ancient Talocan structures that had been discovered. Research was proceeding apace until the lead researcher suddenly vanished, leaving only cryptic messages behind. You can still visit Site One and approach the archive structures found there to receive copies of the research reports produced by the facility, and explore some of these mysteries yourself.

Read more about Site One

13. Wreck of the EF Seraph

Location: Safizon

The site of a momentous event in the recent history of EVE wherein the Amarrian Empress Jamyl Sarum’s Avatar class Titan was ambushed and destroyed in a sudden attack by overwhelming Drifter forces. What exactly were the Empress’ ties to these Drifters in order to draw such an attack?

Scope video about the event

Read more about Jamyl Sarum

EF Seraph Image by EVE Travel Blog

14. Assilot

System: PPG-XC

The site of a bloody and much-watched television broadcast across the Gallente Federation, The Legendary Trials – it exists outside of high security space because many of the competitors would otherwise be immediately arrested. If you have appropriate standing with the Gallente Federation, there are agents here from whom you may be able to find some work.

Read more about Assilot

15. The Solitaire

System: Ienakkamon

A ghost ship of enormous proportions, this Ragnarok class Titan should be at the core of a Minmatar strike force or planetary defense, yet here it floats in silence. Its hull is airtight, yet all useful technology has been meticulously stripped from it, including weapons systems, propulsion, and electronics. There is no trace of its crew, despite all escape pods being present. What terrible fate brought a Minmatar Titan to this final resting place deep in Caldari space?

Read more about the Solitaire

16. Project Discovery Phase 1 Monument

System: Lanngisi

This monument was erected in honor of contributions of Capsuleers to important scientific research during the first phase of Project Discovery. Aura may have some information for you when you approach the monument and perhaps there is even more to learn if you were to try interfacing with the monument with an Entosis…

Read more about the Project Discovery monument

17. Epicenter

Location: Thera

Numerous Sleeper and Talocan structures litter this site, alongside multiple violent wormholes which seem to be related to these structures in some way. These epicenters seem to be located in every ‘shattered’ system in wormhole space. Is whatever happened here responsible for the devastation? Is this related somehow to the Seyllin Incident? What was the goal of these structures? Perhaps answers can be found somewhere amongst the wreckage.

Read more about the Epicenter
EVE Online - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Sin Vega)

Space conniving sim Eve Online will round off celebrations for its 17th birthday by bringing an end to the Invasion update with a massive invasion.

Newbie void villains, the Triglavians, have been vaguely menacing players for almost a year, but they’re about to arrive in force, starting a war with regular space that players can join on either side. The outcome of all this will depend on players, and according to CCP, it’ll have lasting consequences on the game’s playable space.

