Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

1.116 (Realspace)
- Intermission stat sheet now displays your callsign too
- Space Teather defense sliders now continuously fire homing missiles when you remain between them too long
- Space Teather segment health increased
- Zero Friction Parts now decrease jet friction by far less
- Fixed player being able to take more heart damage even while jet is already dying
- Fixed some formating on intermission stat sheets
- Fixed some issues preventing Broken Heart from negating Love
- Fixed a bug causing enemy shield particles to be emitted at a slightly off angle when hitting enemy angular shields
- Fixed corvette jump markers not resetting their angle when marking the jump in point
- Corrected some tooltips
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

Slightly bigger patch this time. Thanks for all the feedback that came in since December.

I also started working on a wiki for the game, under construction here: http://hdog.wikia.com/wiki/Hyperspace_Dogfights_Wiki

1.115 (Realspace)
New Stuff:
- Hitting the reverse thrust key/button during an intermission now displays stat sheets for your jet, your current weapon and your current active
- Added some more late game weapon prefixes

- Enemy EMP shot speed increased
- Love now only grants an empty heart container, but heals you for up to 4 half-hearts (without you being able to know how much health you received)
- Nerfed Broken Heart a bit (now +3 max shield, was 4)
- Slightly nerfed shield regeneration bonuses from a couple passives
- Random Ammo damage sway bonus increased (now +3, was 2)
- Random Ammo now also affects explosive damage sway and base damage
- Flexlight Bow damage increased
- Increased crit chance on a couple heavy melee weapons
- Rocket Pod now properly profits from Sentient Battery, gaining about 25% more shots as additional charge
- Hyperspace Streamlining now also adds a small chance to evade kinetic attacks
- Heavy Chaingun screenshake decreased

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a problem preventing nuke base shield generator from deploying its shield
- Fixed a global variable bug making all enemies agro slightly slower
- Fixed a bug screwing up passive UI positioning when returning from pause
- Fixed boss jump zone markers permanently haunting your run if you manage to kill the bosses during a jump
- Mouse aim: Fixed intermission tooltips requiring pixel perfect collision with mouse to spawn
- Fixed Compassion tooltip not mentioning that it drops health pickups
- Fixed Love tooltip not mentioning that it also increases chance of chest content being unidentifiable
- Fixed SRM Replicator not being usable during intermission (?)
- Fixed a bug granting a very tiny Impact Heart-like regeneration chance to all jets
- Fixed melee charge attacks not being correctly affected by prefix damage bonuses
- Flechette Battery and Smart Dart Battery should now be correctly affected by Flak Ammo, with their child shots inheriting sticky payloads
- Fixed a bug where non-auto weapons would not advance timers for Payload Printer and Warhead Workflow correctly
- Fixed Payload Printer and Warhead Workflow being able to deploy even when player isn't currently attacking
- Fixed a potential problem preventing wave objective gunships from spawning
- Fixed some typos

- Attempted to fix glew library issue
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games
1.110 (Realspace)
- Fixed a bug preventing rebinding the next weapon key
- Fixed a bug causing store hearts to either be classified as unknowns passive or contained in malfunctioning chests
- Adjusted chest positioning during intermission to ensure all chest content is selectable in specific circumstances
- Fixed a positioning glitch for when opening tier 1 weapon chest
- Chest content now gets larger when selected
- Fixed some issues with chest content z-layering
- Slightly increased choice chests unlock cost
- Shock Shielding now grants immunity to EMP effects, but also lowers max shield by 0.5
- Extended some tooltips
- Added some splash screen tips

Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games
1.108 (Realspace)

- Fixed your rivals hp bar not reacting to boss taking damage (?)
- Fixed flare tooltips remaining on screen if picking up flares last during tutorial (?)
- Fixed a bug causing auto weapons to continuously fire when using the keyboard key
- Fixed no money warning using bad color for srm count text
- Fixed bad key reference in one tutorial message
- Clarified some tooltips
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games
Plus here's a sneak peek at some new game prototypes I have been working on.

Happy Hollidays!
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

1.107 (Realspace)
- Message texts are now typed out instead of being fully visible from the get go
- Fixed store heart chest being able to malfunction, hiding their content
- Fixed a bug causing collected passives to be displayed off center
- Fixed a theoretical position bug that could prevent the player from moving the pause selector to the right if certain items are position leftmost during intermission
- Fixed res apply button not resetting its clicked-on state correctly, potentially causing problems with resolution and fullscreen states
- Reworked some res and fullscreen changes when returning from pause menu/relaunching after death
- Added additional saveguards to ensure the game defaults to windowed after applying resolutions
- Fixed a bug where entering pause after launching in fullscreen on auto resolution would resize the game window to default resoltion (windows only)
- Fixed some typos
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

- Lowered attack cooldown penalty after finshing melee combos
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed unlock message icons not being removed correctly on player death
- Fixed a bug preventing Double Heart unlock from taking effect
- Fixed Hyperspace Streamlining being permanently locked
- Fixed a theoretical bug preventing Money Implies Poverty from unlocking
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

1.105 (Realspace)
- Attempting to pick up a full heart while missing only a half heart now heals and turns the full heart into a half heart
- Sniper choppers railguns and laser as well as boss beams telegraph their attacks more excessively now
- Fixed some weird weapon name word doubling due to certain prefixes
- Fixed high jump boost stat causing Furi Dash to move your craft backwards
- Fixes Random Ammo tooltip not mentioning base damage penalty
- Fixed bad title on Mirror Cannon weapon card
- Fixed A Ton Of Money not working if part of the Fur's starting loadout
- Fixed multiple bad text ID calls for corvette boss combat chatter
- Fixed a bug causing EMP Rail unlock trigger repeatedly (endlessly? :o)
- Fixed AA-Tanks using old sprites and points on Windows version
- Fixed a variable problem preventing Lost Mission Intel from taking effect
- Fixed some typos in combat chatter and loot tooltips
- Fixed another variable bug preventing player flock drones from spawning
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

Version 1.102 (Realspace)
- Orbital Support: Bomb Displace damage per enemy is more random now
- Orbital Support: Bomb Displace max payload per enemy decreased
- Fullscreen box changed to toggle
- Reverted to forcing fullscreen on entering main game scene, due to some isolated bugs related to not doing that

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug causing tooltips to spawn on locked chests
- Fixed picking up Swag Hull granting a stack of Glass Configuration on top
- Fixed Artifact Stack printer granting one stack too many
- Added some safeguard to ensure fullscreen is truly deactivated on toggle

1.103 (Realspace)
- Fixed an bug/exploit where selecting the Eye MK1 repeatedly would stack various damage bonuses
- Fixed a possible bug involving title narrator comments
Hyperspace Dogfights - Sleeper_Games

Version 1.101
- Chest quality range starts out slightly lower and scales slower with wave count
- Player coolness inpacts chest quality more now

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed game exiting and reentering fullscreen after death or after returning from pause while fullscreen is enabled (?)
- Fixed entering controll options screen showing wrong buttons/axis for some controller mappings
- Fixed some bugs related to changing from and to fullscreen if no new resolution was applied beforehand
- Fixed some problems with the fullscreen tick box animation not displaying correctly when entering the video options
- Fixed a bug preventing Fringe-Region Connections passive from unlocking