Aug 19, 2019
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

The game has many different resources. Ore, food, metals, gases, etc. You can find them on planets, in cache, buy on traders or mine it (ore mining is available).

Resources can be sold for credits, they will also be needed for crafting modules and ships (the system will be added in the future).

Each resource has its own cost and volume, which it take in the hold of the ship. Some resources, such as ore, require a lot of space, and it is quite low cost, so it’s better to take a large ship with a large capacity.

Some locations produce their own product, which can be bought at a low price and sold where this product is in de-mand at a higher price. For example, the trade route Alpha Centauri -> Proxima
Also, note that some merchants do not buy certain goods (for example, a farmer does not need ammunition, he needs water and fertilizers).
What are your ideas on the trading system?
Aug 16, 2019
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

The game has a way to control the situation in battle or when landing on the planet - "Tactical Mode". In it, we ending to be just a “Man with a gun” and become a commander, we can control the modules on the ship, manage our sol-diers, control a mining dron, inspect the battlefield, etc.

For activate "Tactical mode", we need to go to the bridge of the ship and activate the module - “Bridge”. After that, the entire battlefield will go into a holographic projection and we will be able to control everything as in RTS games.

For select a group of our soldiers, you need to hover over them cursor and click [Left Mouse Button], or select them with a frame by holding the left mouse button and dragging the frame, highlighting the soldiers. After that, without removing the selection, we can send them to a point or to a module by pressing [Right Mouse Button].

For give order to board of a group from several marines, select them, send them to the "Marines Module", then se-lect the module and press the "Launch Capsule" button (capsules can be of different capacities).

Further, when the capsule docked with the enemy, it would weld out the Airlock and drop off the marines. To observe and control the boarding process, you can switch to the enemy ship in Tactical Mode.

Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

You can mine resources on the planets using the "Mining Drone". In order for you to have a drone you need a special module - "Planetary Mining Module". It will contain a drone. To manage drone you need to go into Tactical Mode from the ship’s bridge, select Mining Module, launch drone and select drone.

The drone has several commands - “Return to the ship” and “Unload ore”.
In order for the drone to start mining, you need to send it to the ore mine from the Tactical Mode.

Then he will start digging and as soon as he fills his body with ore, he will go to the ship to unload. After that, he will be to repeat the mining process until it is stopped or the ship’s hold is full.

By the way, ore takes up a lot of space in the hold, and in order to efficiently mine and sell it, it is recommended to take a ship with a large hold.
In the future there will be many different drones for the extraction of various resources, as well as mining in space from an asteroid
Write your ideas!
Aug 10, 2019
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel
An update was downloaded, where was added 2 new locations:

Federation frigate (system "Proxima", planet "Rilotetu")

Primitive Village (system "Centauri A" , planet "Alpha Centauri ")

Also added a new ship of enemys - Pirate Scout.

And many small edits in the locations, for example, in "Alpha City" there is now a highway with flying cars and there are cookies at the "Military Outpost"!

Information: the game has several enemy factions - the pirates of the "Blood Claw" group and the aggressive AI "Exeecutor". Later, others will appear, the first faction of enemy that will appear later - the "Syndikat of Corporations" and their mercenaries.
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

The planet - is an important game object, which is separated into several types of locations: static (cities, villages, ba-ses, etc.) and dynamic (forests, mountains, swamps, etc.).
You can landing on any planet. Each planet is unique and has its own landscape and climatic conditions. For example, somewhere hellish cold, somewhere heat, and somewhere there is no oxygen. Remember that when the character leaves the ship on a dangerous surface, he will begin to take damage if he does not have resistance to this type of condition (f.e., a crew member without a helmet will not be able to walk on the airless moon).

Also remember that there are planets where it is safe, hostile, and disputed, where represented both the forces of the Earth Federation and for example, pirates.

Another important point: on the planets there may be resources that can be mined (for example, ore). You can also find a container with resources or a module somewhere in a location.

For fly from planet – press [J]
Explore these worlds!
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

Hi all!
In "Spaceship Commander" the galaxy consists of stellar sectors, such as Orion Setor. Sectors - this is groups of star systems between which there are hypergate routes.
Inside the star system, the player can travels through the System Map where he can work with interactive objects: planets, ships, containers, gates, etc. And then, depending on the object, choose an action, for example: landing on planet, start a dialogue, join a battle, etc.

Write your questions and suggestions!
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

Long awaited update! The game has expanded its horizons!
Join space travel! You have access to huge star systems with unique planets and events! Visit different locations, fight both in space and on the planets, extract resources, find treasures, trade and explore the unique environment of every region of the universe!
- Roguelike. You travel through star systems, you meet various game objects: planets, space patrols, merchants, pirates and containers. Each time the events will happens differently.
- A variety of opportunities. You can fight in space or on the planet, you can just travel the universe. Visit cities, enter buildings, mining resources, trade or speack with the people of the planets. Buy yourself a new ship, upgrade it and hire a whole army of the crew!
- Planets. The planet in the game is not just a decoration. This is an interactive huge object on which we can land. The planet is separated into regions, and regions into locations (for example, city, forest, military base, etc.). Planets can be of completely different types: terra, rocky, volcanic, gas, etc. Each planet has its own conditions - somewhere there is no oxygen, somewhere there is hellish heat or cold, and somewhere there is a toxic atmosphere. For each condition will have to pick up the crew and even the ship.
- Space. Travel among the stars and find something new. The galaxy is separated into sectors. Sectors include in himself star systems, between which we can move by means of hypergates. All the star systems in the game are not fiction, but taken from a real galactic map. For example, the first sector consists of real stars Proxima, Alpha and Beta Centauri, as well as the star Luman-16 and the star Barnard.
- Battles. You can meet various enemys and fight both in space and on the planet. Experience the combat power of your ship and crew! Large choice of modules, crew members and ship hulls.
Use different battle tactics - blow up the enemy with torpedoes, or take him to the boarding.
- Economy. You have a personal space station from which you will go on long journeys. Accumulate the property! You can both buy and find various items.
- Passion. be careful, during the trip you can lose the ship, the total crew and the resources obtained. The stakes are high. If you lose the ship, you can restore it for a part of the total cost.

What game will be in the future?
I plan to expand a lot the above basic features. One of the priorities is the cooperative. Just imagine how it will be cool to go on a dangerous journey with friends, fight side by side and get trophies.
There will also be a lot increase in content - new equipment, locations and planets as well as star systems. Such small joys will be introduced as mining of ore from asteroids in space, landing on space stations, crafting items and buying a personal base on the moon.

The journey has begun!
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

Hi all! On last time i am do many work on the upcoming update (info about this see here:
Currently in closed beta already next features:
- Core mechanics for roguelike game: generation events and enemy, 1 sector with several star system.
- Planet landing are is done! On this moment there are 1 biom, few later will be add more.
- Ship and equipment lost and their restore (10% cost)
- Resources mining on the planet (for this add ne module - planet mining module with mining drone)
- Trade system: many traiders in space and planets will be offer different goods with different price
On next time i am will be work on some content: planet building and new bioms.
In coming months this update will be realesed. Stay tuned!
Spaceship Commander - TechLevel

Hi all! I want to share what has been done now.
Let me remind you that I’m working on a huge promotion that should turn our game into a full-fledged bagel with a cooperative (see previous news)

During this month I managed to do:
- System map. This is important part of new update. In system map we with our friends will be fly on the space and investigate some object as planet, asteroid, space debries, space station etc.
- Planet landing. Yes, planet landing is done in test mode. Through procedural generation a number of planetary locations will be available. Each planet is inhabited by its own type of life (if she inhabited), has its own weather conditions and can be controlled by any faction. In this time already 1 planet with standart biom. To the planet i am have big plans.
- Data base. Many works will done with database, but it is unlikely you will be interested :).
- Fighting agains several enemy. We can figth versus 1-3 enemy ship in per time. In future may be can apperaed more.
- Procedural generation. Each system have own chance for appeared different enemies. Each planet have chance for spawn enemies, objects as building and treasures.
- Ship lost. We can lost our ship with all modules and crew. But we can restore ship for 10% cost.

Ok, next i am concentrate on add several new planet and starting city. Also i am want to add on this week cargo hold on ship, where we can transport resources and goods.The update will be ready approximately in 1-2 months.
I hope you like this! Be ready for tomorrow!

Spaceship Commander - TechLevel
So, design documentation is ready and I want to tell you about what the game will be in the future.
Let me remind you that it is planned to make a roguelike, in which it will be possible to play both alone and with friends (cooperative).

How will look the roguelike in "Spaceship Commander":

The game world is static and dynamic at the same time. That is, we will fly through sometimes familiar parts of space (for example, the Solar System), but events that may occur will always be new.
Many places to visit, unpredictable enemys, landing on the planets and various professions.
A player (or group of players) is constantly waiting for a new adventure.

- Structure of the game world
The game world consists of several levels (just like in life):
1) Main level - the Galaxy (Milky Way).
2) Sectors (Orion, Lyra, etc.) are large territorial zones with stars.
3) Star Systems Level. We can fly through the systems (alone or with friends) and meet many different objects: planets, enemy ships, fragments of ancient ships, unique stations, asteroid belts, etc.
4) Planets. There will be many types of planets (earth type, volcanic, desert, etc). Each planet will have its own regions, characterized by its resources and level of dangerous. In this way we can visit different parts of the planets.

- Landing on planets
One of the key features of the game will be to land on the planet.
It will be not just a symbolic action, but the most important game moment, comparable in importance to space battles. Each landing will be interactive and not just a click in the dialogue menu, we will see how our ship will land on the planet, we will run through mega-cities, forests and mountains and lead large-scale ground operations, covered from orbit.

There will be a lot of objects to visit on the planet: big cities where we can buy equipment and repair a ship.
Run through forests, fields and mountains, where you can deploy resource extraction activities (see below), find a treasure, or do a ground assault on a pirate base

You should also not forget that each planet has its own conditions: somewhere there is an acid atmosphere, somewhere there is a meteor shower and somewhere there is a magnetic storm or a snow storm, all these conditions will have to be taken into view and will selected corresponding crew and equipment before visiting such a place.

- Professions that are available to the player:
The game will have many action, many different professions diversify the life of the Commander and allow not only to fight the enemies of the Earth Federation

1) Extraction of resources:
A player can mine various types of resources (ore, ice, gasб etc). And mining can be both in space and on the planet. In the case of space mining, we will have a specialized ship on which there will be special modules for mining. Just like everywhere else in the game, the action will be interactive. That is, we do not just click in the "extract resources" dialog box, but in manual mode we control mining and control different mining devices.
In the case of planetary mining, we will deploy the whole production base (extractors, drilling machines, conveyors) and control the entire technological process. And we are fighting off the pirates, if we decide to diging in the dangerous sector.

Each type of resource will need its own equipment, for example, for the extraction of ore - drills and extractors, for oil production - mobile drilling rigs and production pumps, and in the case of gas extraction in space - special ships-traps.

2) Exploration of space and planets
The player can buy a special ship or modules designed to detect and scan some objects: black holes, stars, radiation anomalies, nebulae, etc. It will also be possible to land on the planets and research their phenomens as well as the flora and fauna. Or engage in the research of alien ruins.

3) Medical Expedition
The player will be able to take part in rescue or humanitarian missions. Bring food to the starving colonies or fly to the planet on a medical ship and help the wounded. This assistance requires specialist ships, equipment and crew but will be well rewarded by the Earth Federation.

4) Trading
One way to make money is to trade. For effective trade will require a large and wide ship. Battle ship for carry goods are possibly but not efficiently.
The recipe for profit is simple: buy cheaper, sell more expensive.
There will be many stations that, for example, extract ore and others will buy this ore and make solar panels, in turn, solar panels are used in the creation of satellites.

5) Repairer
Possessing a special ship for repairing ships and stations, we will be able to take over repair missions. The player will fly and repair various objects on his ship, interactively again, operating the maintenance equipment manually.

IMPORTANT: Lost of the ship
It's serious. You can lose your ship, crew and its equipment as well as the goods that was on this ship.
But do not panic! There is insurance! It will be possible to get a new ship with the same set of equipment for 10-15% of the cost. However, there are dangerous sectors in which the insurance does not work. It is need to think - to go there or not.

Perhaps you are tired of reading, but that's not all, there will be many small but important moments such as: simultaneous combat on the planet and orbit, craft items, events, research of abandoned ships and much more.
All of the above will be introduced gradually, please understand me =)

Join to this exciting space travel!
