Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
OMG! It's FRIDAY the 13th! But fear not my friends, for the awesomeness of the Levelhead community will ward off any bad juju!

This week GR-18 works on its trapeze skills along with sharpshooting and acing at BASKETBATTERY!

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!
Colorful Circus

In Dearg Doom's spectacular level Star Light Palace the stage is set for a magnificent act! GR-18, the star of the show, will perform the best trapeze act in the robot world!

GR-18 is training for the Robo-Olympics in Spekio's killer level Wily Machine Fortress. GR-18 will get to practice the Robo equivalent of shooting clay pigeons: FLAMING BLOPFUSH! Let's work on that accuracy!

GR-18 is trying for multiple sports in the upcoming Robo-Olympics. The practice continues in Cyro's gripping level Crush The Basket! GR-18 will work on dunking in the game of Basketbattery!
One at a time - kind of!

GR-18 gets to flex its muscles in Fitzcarin's intense level Tough Grotto Boss Tower. The good news is that it's just one boss at a time -- kind of!
Truck Delivery
GR-18 tries out a self-driving truck as a mode of delivery in Flippaloo Magirock's easy-breezy level Package Delivery Trouble. The jury is still out in the robot-world if it is a safe mode of transportation ;)
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Let's keep this brief!

HERE'S THE DEAL, Levelheads! I'm going to keep this quite short because we have some big news coming next week, and we're currently in FULL THROTTLE to make sure that big news actually lands.

Our next patch will drop on Wednesday, March 18. For now, the patch is chilling in the Beta channel of Discord for some extra testing, so if you want to get your hands on it, hop on over there! If you don't know how to get into the Beta channel, you can find the info in our Discord! This patch is a fairly lightweight one, but it does have some nice Editor control updates, control scheme changes, the new Multiplayer manager, and placeable Scrubbs and Oculas!

Oh, and... This is going to be the last patch of Early Access before 1.0 -- the launch. What's going to be in the 1.0 patch? GREAT QUESTION! You'll have to wait and see!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Life is especially good on a Friday talking about the Levelhead Community! This week GR-18 experiences strange dreams with hearts and flowers while being lit as a NIMBLE BRUTE!

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!
Hearts & Flowers

Spekio is on fire this week! He has painstakingly worked on this beautiful flower garden with all the love in Diabolical Flower Garden. GR-18 will have to figure out if the flower planted is a nice bright Sunflower or a VENUS FLY TRAP!

Also, check out his other spectacular level Subterranean Cavern Maze. GR-18 is handed a treasure map to find all the hidden secrets, fitted with a completion tracker! Sound the horn, let the games begin!

SleepyDoof has designed an unique world in the innovative level Fall Dream. To escape from this limbo use the package and call to the powers of Leonardo Di Caprio and find the kick to wake up!
Lighting Fire!

TalkGibberish has used a tested trick of motivation in his fiery level The Surprise Is Explosion. Check out the fast delivery by GR-18 when the fire is lit under its robot bottom.
Nimble Brute

WAIT -- You must stretch and pump yourself up before starting the balancing act of nimbleness and bruteness in SchuhBaum's multiplex level Waylay Dash Challenge!. THAT'S ALL!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Polish that stuff!

Another week, another dev blog! At least, I think it's been another week. The calendar says so, but my body says no.

We've been hard at work getting the game ready for launch, and we're happy to announce that we are closing in fast on a REAL, OFFICIAL LAUNCH DATE! Lots of work goes into a launch like this, ranging from various bug fixes, optimizations, and polish points, all the way to marketing, meetings, cutting trailers, and figuring out how to get the word out.

Aside from all that, this past week we've been building up prototypes of the full tutorial that we'll be adding for 1.0, and we have reworked some of the multiplayer controller UX issues. So let's talk about that!

Up until now, on desktop, we've had it set up so that pressing "Start" was the way you disconnect a controller. This meant that "Start" couldn't be used on most interfaces, and it also meant that Player 2-4 would sometimes disconnect themselves when trying to do other things, like pause the game. This also led to some other, even more esoteric problems, like us not having enough hotkeys available in the editor for all the tools.

And even worse, if you added or removed a controller during gameplay, the level would restart, since you'd changed the number of players! So this week, we've solved all these problems with a whole new Multiplayer manager popup.

You can use this popup to add or remove controllers at will, and the game won't auto-restart your level until you've finally settled on how many players you want. If the level is going to restart, you'll get a warning message.

Freeing up "Start" from being the "Disconnect Controller" button has made that button available in the Editor, which had a cascading effect and allowed us to revisit the control schema in there, getting hotkeys for all the tools.

This is one of those seemingly smallish things that can create a huge bunch of annoyances and cascading problems for lots of people, so we'll be happy to have this problem behind us!

Once this is done, we'll be going full blast into the BRAND NEW TUTORIAL, and then it will be on to some final scalability updates, optimization, bug fixes, and any final polish points before launch.

WE'RE ON THE HOME STRETCH! See you next week!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
There is only one place for the warm fuzzy feeling in my heart: Friday's with Levelhead Community! BUT GR-18 can't find a break this week as it kept barking up the wrong tree!

Give it some love by playing levels and spreading the word! As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!
Watch your step
In Spekio's gripping level Hold the Switch, GR-18 has walked into a booby-trap filled with fire and explosions. GR-18 will need to carefully get to the package to get its clippers. Which colored-wire to cut? TICK TOCK TICK
Glittery Trees
GR-18 has landed on an alien planet with firey trees and scorched ground in Sjosz fiery level Blaze Bramble Blossom. Don't be enamored by the sparkly trees, they can be dangerous! Hurry up and deliver the package but be warned: All that glitters is definitely not gold!

GR-18 has decided to take matters in its BOXING hands in Miuku's intense level Enemy Base. It is time to GET IN THERE... or maybe not!
Forbidden Tower
GR-18 has trapped itself in the tower of a mad scientist in Salmaster's puzzling level Mechanical Ascent. The only way out is rising above the challenges --- LITERALLY!
Underground Movement

GR-18 has been involved in some dangerous underground activities in Espurrator's well-timed level Devious Cave Of Danger! SHHHHHH - the Bureau of Shipping cannot know about this!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Happy Patch Day!

It's been three weeks since the last patch, and OH DANG have we got a whopper. This patch brings a huge pile of UI, UX, accessibility, and polish updates. Let's get in there!

Keybinds For DAYS!

Keybinds. We have them. We have A LOT of them. We have so many that it started to cause problems, so we rebuilt the entire keybinding interface and the underlying code infrastructure. You know what that means? It means you can now rebind just about anything you want.

And you can even rebind your CONTROLLER buttons! REJOICE!

We're going to be doing some more work on the default Controller keybinds to make things work better in the editor and in multiplayer, so stay tuned for that in a not-too-distant patch. But whatever happens, you'll generally be able to rebind stuff to whatever you want anyways!

Colorblind Accessibility!

Colors! Some of us can see all of them, but some of us can only see... some of them. Since color can be used to convey a bunch of things in Levelhead, especially in puzzle levels, our colorblind friends have had an increasingly difficult time as we've added more color-heavy features.

We wanted to remedy that, so we added a Colorblind Assistance setting. This setting attaches icons to the major colors in the game, so you can easily distinguish colored Rifts, Arrows, and Hardlights. And we've baked those icons into Keys and their associated items, too.

If you have colorblindness and are having issues with other aspects of the game, please let us know via the feedbag, and we'll try to come up with a solution!

UX Ensmoothening!

Time to UNBUCKLE YOUR SHOES, because this is going to be an incredibly smooth ride. We've updated several of the game's interfaces to be more obvious, intuitive, and take you where you need to go. OBSERVE!

Search Result Tips

If you did a search in Levelhead and there were no results, we used to just have an unhelpful message that said, "No results found." This applied even on lists like your own "Following" list, your Favorites, etc...

Now, if you have no results in one of these lists, we'll assume it's because you haven't engaged with that part of the game yet, so we provide you with a helpful link to show you where to go to get started on that thing. For example, if you aren't following anyone and you look at your "Following" list, we point you toward the Creator browser so you can find people to follow.

So smooth!

No More Manual Downloads!

Instead of needing to click "Download" on a level before you play it, you can now just... play it. As a result, all level cards will just have a "Play" button. WOW! But don't worry! If you do want to pre-download levels before you go on a long plane ride, for example, you can just turn on "Download Mode" in the settings!

Login Flow-verhaul!

Our previous login method was a bit too involved, and as a result, a significant proportion of our players never logged in. It's not because they didn't want to, it's just that we never really made it obvious how, where, or why to do it. So, to get more of our players involved in the community, we've rebuilt the game's login flow.

If you boot up the game and you haven't logged in, now you get the login page right away! We also updated the visuals of the Login page to be more "Levelhead-y" instead of Rumpus themed, because there was an extra layer of confusion. "What is Rumpus? Why am I logging into it?" So, overall, this new process should get far more people to log in, and those people should be a lot less confused.

Also, when you first log in, you now pick your alias and your avatar. Say goodbye to the swarms of new players stuck using the Generic Employee avatar!

Tower Improvements

We're continuing to tweak the Tower's algorithms to make sure there is a nice variety of content in the Featured list and not just a huge number of five-star levels. Right now, things are swinging around a bit while we work to find that "Sweet Spot," but it's getting closer all the time! The result is that the Tower's "Featured" list is starting to generate a decent amount of play. Since the Tower is increasingly being viewed as where you go for "Good Levels", We wanted to make sure it gets even more attention, so we've updated the Tower to just place you directly on the Featured page as soon as you enter.

From this page, you can go to the Tower Trial or play a Random playlist. Oh, and speaking of Random Playlists...

Play Whatever You Want... Randomly!

Our original thinking with the Random Playlist was to make it truly random, and only allow you to bracket levels by difficulty. But after some further iteration, we realized it would be more interesting if you could pick whatever filters you wanted, and generate a random playlist out of that!

Now, when you click the Random Playlist button, you'll get a random playlist that matches whatever your filters are in the Tower. Want a playlist of just "Short" levels tagged as "beginner-friendly"? Or perhaps a playlist of "Troll" levels? Now you've got it!

GR-18 Visual Updates!

We have four colors of GR-18 available for multiplayer, so we thought, why don't we let people just pick one of those colors as their main GR-18 color? In the game's settings, you can now make your GR-18's face Blue, Fuchsia, Gold, or Green!

Plus, GR-18 has some new animations for throwing things downward, and there's even a new flipping animation while sprinting!

Mobile Enslickening!

We're continuing to iterate on the mobile controls and features to make sure the game is ready for a solid beta test in the coming... time. Many of these features also require separate tutorial steps or mobile-specific instructions, so it has been a bit of an undertaking. But it's coming along!

We'll have more news about the mobile version soon, as well as information on how to get involved in being a beta tester for it!


I gotta get out of here! Want to know more? Read the full patch notes below, or just come into our community Discord and say hi!

See you next Wednesday!

0.76.21 Patchnotes (since 0.72.1)

See the full patchnotes.

Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Another week down and I don't even know what to say about this AMAZING Community! HMMMMMM.... JUSSTTTT ... LOOK BELOW!

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!

Incombustible GR-18
GR-18 descends into erupting volcano to rescue the package in SleepyDoof's fiery level Plunge Into Hot Inferno. GR-18: The Incombustible Robot (NOT REALLY, do not try this at home!)
Speed Climbing
Chalk your hands and get ready to scale walls in Steek Hutsy's soaring level Conventional Scenario. GR-18's hands, feet, and grappler coordination need to be on-point or you'll be STABBED BY A POINT. Check out Intuition's insane video of acing this climbing test.
By Hook or by Crook
In PureKnickers' ambitious level Welcome To Scrubb City!, GR-18 dawns its business suit. Profits and cost-savings are the only aim so get those Scrubbs workin' by any means necessary!
Diving Lesson 1

First-time diver GR-18 is learning important lessons in TalkGibberish's cavernous level GR-18, Use Adventure Gear!. Lesson 1: make sure you have all your gear. Lesson 2: ??? Lesson 3: PROFIT.
All the toppings

GR-18 gets to try all the flavors and toppings in GR-18, Jem, Zipper, Lizumi!? by levaXplay. Package delivery is just the cherry on the top!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
There is only one happiness in life: to spread the love of this community! Happy Valentines Day!

This week GR-18 goes down memory lane, brings out its inner child and feels fireworks all around!

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!
Love is in the air!

Take a stroll in the garden with the adorable GR-18 in SleepyDoof's well-paced level Toggle Garden. GR-18's magical powers will open the path to love & peace (after killing some scrubs)!

Also, CHECK OUT the awesome FAN ART that we are in love with created by SleepyDoof.
Memory Lane

GR-18 takes a path down memory lane, searching for long-lost package, in Spekio's wistful level Explore the Abandoned Home.
Love in the future

GR-18 exactly knows what the future holds in TalkGibberish's fiery level Flingo Mountain 3: Peak. All GR-18 needs to do is take the leap of faith and zip through to the love of its life: PACKAGE!

Msmiley has planned a great day for GR-18 in the E-rated level Spend That Jem, GR-18! GR-18's favorite part is the slide which brings joy to its inner ROBOT-BABY!
Fireworks all around

Watch the after-effects of a broken heart in Wailer's heated level Devious BUDD-E! Help GR-18 get over the fiery pain by reuniting it with its true love: PACKAGE!
  • Freact's Super Speed-Oh-Run! is an intense speedrun! GR-18 has its work cut out for it in this one!
  • PureKnickers' Jem Haunt Heights will keep GR-18 on its toes. Quick reflexes and sprints are the workout of the day!
  • Salmaster's Explore The Hot Forest will help GR-18 work on the long-distance running.
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Time for an overhaul!

As we approach launch, we have to take a critical eye toward all the things that might scare off new players or keep them from getting involved in the community. We've started ripping up old systems that were getting in the way of that goal, and we started building new ones to make the new player experience smooth as butter. Let's take a look at just a few of the things that we've been working on this past week!

Mobile Updates

We are getting closer to begin some larger-scale testing of the mobile version of Levelhead. But before we do that, we have to make sure it's working PRECISELY AS INTENDED! So we're in the midst of beefing up some of the mobile controls, adding some extra layers of tutorial elements to teach players how to do advanced moves using the touchscreen, and getting the editor up to speed. The mobile version is feeling really good, though.... Once you get a hang of the touch controls, anyway!

Input Overhaul

Levelhead has a lot of inputs. A LOT. And these inputs are spread out over tons of interfaces. With the way our input system was set up in the past, things were just way too tangled, which kept us from allowing players to rebind their controller hotkeys. So this past week, we did a POWERFUL DETANGLING, and rebuilt the input system from the ground up.

Because of this, in the next patch, you'll be able to rebind controller inputs! Plus, this allowed us to add some more hotkeys where we previously couldn't -- like the path editor! Oh, and the whole system is now way more optimized. Wins all around!

Colorblind Mode?

We have a few items in the game that can only be distinguished by color, such as Hardlights and Keys. After seeing someone on a Twitch stream become unable to pass a section of a level because they couldn't see the color difference between various keys, we realized we needed to add something extra to help people out.

Keys now have icons associated with their colors, and key-related items use those same icons as well! Now, if there are places where you can't see the colors, you can use the icons instead. Hopefully that helps! Please give us feedback on how these work out for you, once we get them in the game!

What's Next?

Login flow

One of the issues we're working on solving is the fact that we actually don't do a very good job of onboarding new players and getting them involved in what we believe to be the core of the game: building and sharing levels, and playing community levels. Because it's possible to play as a guest without logging in, and because we never actually point players toward the login process or explain the benefits, our login rate is a lot lower than it should be.

So we're updating the login flow as part of our New Player Experience Overhaul, and once it's finished, it should get a lot more players onboarded properly and brought into the community! This is a huge update, though, so it'll take some thorough work and testing to get finished. But it's coming!

Next patch?

We aren't sure if we'll have a patch out next week, but we'll continue blazing forward on all of these updates. And if we hit a spot where we're able to deploy them, then we'll get them into your hands next Wednesday! If we don't make it in time, we'll at least have a developer blog so you aren't left in the dark.


You just gotta get in there!

Want to stay tuned with updates in CLOSE TO REAL TIME? Check out our patch notes page to see changes to the game, even before they have hit Steam!

And if you want to get the changes a little earlier than the rest of the folks on Steam, hop into our Discord, where we've got information on getting into the Beta branch.
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
You can't stop me from spreading the awesomeness of this community, FRIYAY has arrived! This week we have spectacular fireworks, the feeling of being on cloud 9 and the GOAT FederGR-18.

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!
Hop Skip & Jump
TalkGibberish is at his creative best in the level Around Hardlight. Simple HOPS, SKIPS & JUMPS is all that is required to get through this one! A perfect example of simplicity being the ultimate sophistication!
Espurrator's creative level Watch Spike Chainer Swing! makes use of the Hawk-Eye system to keep the game fair! All GR-18 needs to do is put on its headband, grab the tennis racquet to replay the point and move the spike across the court!
The Amazing GR-18!

Call on your Spidey Powers in SchuhBaum's precarious level Tiptow Oasis. GR-18 will have to climb a lot of walls and jump through fire to survive this one!
Graveyard Shift

In Spekio's spooky music level Trouble From The Deep, GR-18 takes on the graveyard shift! Being alert in all directions (especially below) is the key to making this delivery.
Investigative Journalist GR-18

GR-18 is following up on a lead by Dearg Doom in the Scrubb facility Machine Gear GR-18. This will be the front page expose of the sweatshop in tomorrow's ROBOT TIMES!
  • SleepyDoof's Toasty Desert has spectacular fireworks. Sit back and enjoy the show!
  • CJ5Boss's Sky Zone has the feeling of being on cloud 9. Enjoy while the feeling lasts!
  • Dnin's Whizblade Mayhem is like doing 10 sets of 100-meter sprints, progressively gets harder!
  • DustierDolphin's Super Package Mastery: Climb has a gorgeous view at the top! Climbing this Everest is the hard part!