Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Hey, Levelheads! We are 3 weeks into our 4-week patch, and the PRESSURE IS MOUNTING! ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE, THAT IS.

New Item Preview: Weatherbox

Get out your barometer, because we just wrapped up production on a new item that will be coming on November 6th: The Weatherbox!

The Weatherbox can dynamically change the weather in your level, so you can really ramp up the intensity of certain sections, or reward your player's achievements by having the beautiful sun come out!

Optimizations Galore!

Last week I was able to cruise through tons of items in the game to do a bunch of cleanup. The goal was to look for optimizations, which usually amounts to finding things that don't need to be happening, and then making them not happen anymore. When you pull down the patch next week, you should feel it. Your levels will load faster, and you'll see higher frame rates throughout the game. This is especially important as we prep for Levelhead coming to other platforms!

Little Tweaks!

We're keeping an eye out for little high-leverage things we can do toward the tail-end of this patch as well. Things like having Key Gates send a signal when they open, so you can tie them to Jingleboxes. Or being able to easily create one-way Rifts by setting their ID (or their destination) to "none". Or even having hyphens in the name combobulator. We've got all KINDS of little things on the way!

What's Next?

We have one week left to get this patch wrapped up and put into your HANDS!

Last week we talked about how we're doing a bunch of work on the campaign to really take it to the next level. That's still going on, but OH BOY IT'S A BIG ONE. Rather than trickle out those campaign changes in tiny bits, we're going to sit tight on those and continue to build them up, and then dunk-slam them right into your faces all at once. So we probably won't have those coming next week, but... SIT TIGHT. SOON.

Two more features we're hoping to get wrapped up by the time the patch drops are reusable checkpoints and some additional properties for proximity switches -- toggling and exploding. These are somewhat more involved features than you might think, so NO GUARANTEES. But we're working on them!

You just gotta get in there!

Want to stay tuned with updates in CLOSE TO REAL TIME? Check out our patch notes page to see changes to the game, even before they have hit Steam!

And if you want to get the changes a little earlier than the rest of the folks on Steam, hop into our Discord, where we've got information on getting into the Beta branch.

Catch you next week!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Get ready to be spooked by the creepily good creators of our community. This week's report on GR-18's adventure includes scrubba diving, demon summoning & of course holiday shopping!

As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for play later on - LET'S GO.

Virtual Airport

Msmiley presents a TERRFIYING virtual airport experience in the level Fly Back Home, GR-18!. Be ready to park your car, go through security check, and experience some TSA drama to get through this one. Sometimes the horrors of the real world are the scariest of all.

Elevator explosions

Brace yourself before you leave the car in GJGuzzmo's level An Elevator Escapade. Entering elevators never felt this intense!

Scrubba diving

Aferalsheep throws you in the deep end in the level Scrubb Cave Escape. Be prepared to swim with your new frenemy to get to the shore!


GR-18 wears a savior's hat in Spekio's level Midnight Ritual Summon. Perform a demon summoning ritual and save Halloween!

Early Holiday Celebration

Sjosz has gotten in the spirit and decked out for holiday decorations early! Enjoy a clever puzzle to solve as you decorate your Holiday tree in Tree of Light!

Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Hey, Levelheads! It's another week, and another dev blog! We are still TWO weeks out from the next patch (November 6). We've made a lot of progress this week, but there's still more to go! Let's take a look!

FixFest 2019: Phase 2

If you take a peek at the patch notes, you might notice a pattern -- MORE FIXES! As we shift our eye toward quality, we've been hard at work patching all the hundreds of tiny little issues that we've let sit for far too long. We've got gameplay fixes, editor fixes, optimizations, web fixes -- you name it, we've got it! We're even fixing things that aren't yet broken, but will definitely be broken later on if we don't patch them up now.

Fixes are the unglamorous side of game development. But like many unglamorous jobs, if someone doesn't do them, you'll notice. Much like plowing the snow off a road, we have to get these things out of the way so we can go faster later.

Platform Streamlining

As we work on preparing Levelhead to go through Cert for Xbox and Switch, we've had to put quite a bit of time into lots of little interesting tweaks to make sure the game runs well on these platforms. These are things you might not even think of, and which often have positive effects on other platforms as well. The biggest of these are the optimizations, and improvements to our Rumpus systems. We have plenty more work to go, but we're making good headway in this department!

What's Next?

Now that we're out of the first two weeks of the patch cycle and have a big batch of fixes and improvements locked in, we can put a little more time into some new features before the patch drops on November 6th. Although most of our focus in this phase is on stability and not new features, we get just as excited as you all do about fun new toys added to the game, so of course we'll have a few of those.

We're continuing to beef up the campaign, and we have a couple of other item changes planned that should add some fun and interesting logic functionality to your levels, too, but they're still under way. What could they be? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

New Item Preview: Jinglebox

Before I leave you this week, I'd like to give a little teaser of the new item hinted at last week. We call it a "Jinglebox!"

Fat Bard has created some fun new "stingers" or "jingles" -- small bursts of musical flair. Jingleboxes play these Jingles when activated by a switch. Do you want to emphasize that a player did something good? Or perhaps amplify the surprise of a grand reveal? Jingleboxes have you covered!

We'll have more info about Jingleboxes in the full patch update on November 6th!

You just gotta get in there!

Want to stay tuned with updates in CLOSE TO REAL TIME? Check out our patch notes page to see changes to the game, even before they have hit Steam!

And if you want to get the changes a little earlier than the rest of the folks on Steam, hop into our Discord, where we've got information on getting into the Beta branch.

Catch you next week!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
STOPPPP, look to the LEFT, then to the RIGHT and NOW notice the awesomeness of this community! This week we've got a fireball dance, a new world to explore & so many good levels! As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later on. HERE WE GO!

Space Invaders, Anyone?

TheGlock521 has made Space Invaderesque level Blopfush Bop 6. Sip on a frosty mug of nostalgia and enjoy the old times with a Blopfushian twist!

Lost in the world!

PureKnickers has created a beautiful world in the level Crash On Spore Planet. Be careful though - you could get lost exploring this place!

Double the fun

Paragon Spekio is in great form this week. His well-paced puzzle-filled level Treasure of Balloog Castle will keep you wanting to come back for more. (And his homage to the balloog has been noted by ever-present eyes.) Speaking of watchful eyes, check out his Halloween community event entry Corridor of the Watcher.

Fireball Dance

Johnny0798 has you sliding and gliding in the level Spooky Fireball Dance. Be ready to dance to the tune of fire to win this one!


Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Hey, Levelheads!

Since we've flipped over to a longer patch cycle, we wanted to make sure we are keeping up communication with our players about what's going on in the studio. So during this phase of development, I'll be posting weekly developer blogs with little sneak peeks behind the scenes!


We spent Friday running through our Quarterly Review, which is always an enlightening time. It gives us a chance to step away from development and try to think about the big picture, so we can improve our processes and identify our blind spots and areas where we need to improve. We found a lot of good process improvements this time around that we'll be executing, and one of our big goals going forward is to put extra emphasis on stability and quality in Levelhead as it approaches launch.

FixFest 2019

On a faster patch schedule, we needed to always make sure we got content out in time, which often meant adding new features at the expense of fixing bugs and improving game systems. Although it's definitely possible to get away with this in the short run, we don't think it's a good idea in the long run, because over time, it means we'd be building features on top of increasingly unstable systems.

Over the past few days of development, this has meant working on getting the game finalized and approved for the full launch on consoles, shoring up some problems with our web systems, fixing Editor bugs, and even combing through the game to find optimizations and hitches that would end up being more pronounced on consoles.

We still have a LONG way to go to get through our known bug list, but our final vision is to have the game in such a stable state as we come up to launch that we can continue to easily expand the game without needing to put out any fires.


One of our goals for pre-launch prep is to get the campaign to a spot where it gets elevated from "A bunch of fun levels you can just go through if you want," to the status of being a truly memorable experience that has its own personality and backstory. Part of the work we'll be doing this patch will be developing more tooling on the back-end that will allow us to add more interesting features to the campaign. What are those? WELL YOU'LL SEE... IN TIME!

Chill Tunes!

We've been working with Fat Bard to get a little more musical FLAIR into your levels. For starters, this means some additional music tracks for the Jukebox, but it also means a WHOLE NEW ITEM that's meant to give you a little more control over amplifying the musical impact of moment-to-moment events in your level. What does that mean? STAY TUNED AND FIND OUT!

You just gotta get in there!

Want to stay tuned with updates in CLOSE TO REAL TIME? Check out our patch notes page to see changes to the game, even before they have hit Steam!

And if you want to get the changes a little earlier than the rest of the folks on Steam, hop into our Discord over at http://discord.gg/bscotch, where we've got information on getting into the Beta branch.

Catch you next week!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Another week down and another crazy round of CREATIVITY from our community! This week GR-18 has been through a haunted house, teleportation devices and fiery rain! As always, remember to click the level names to bookmark them for later. HERE WE GO!

Haunted House

In Critwolf's spooky level House Of 7 Haunted Lizumi, you need to grasp the souls of 7 Lizumis to bust out of the haunted house. Don't let them get you!


Draconic Captain's intricate level Ancient Discovery has us in awe. Manage your teleportation device to solve the mystery of the level and THE UNIVERSEEEE!?

Pumpkin Carving!

In the Big Gourd, Not that Kevin gives you a chance to practice your pumpkin carving skills. Halloween is on the way - what design will you choose?

The Package shall set you free!

TalkGibberish has changed the script in his level Destroy Package, Earn Goal. Sacrifice the package over and over and survive the wrath of fire gods!


  • ZiLyfe's Key Gate Puzzle will help you practice your lock picking skills! Don't be caught!
  • msmiley's Treat the Cannon lets you race a lizumi without worrying about it killing you. What a refreshing change of pace!
  • CJ5Boss's The Triple Trial 2 tests your patience and precision. Take your time to get through this one!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Patch Highlights

This one really came down to the wire, Levelheads! This patch we juuust managed to get in FIVE new editor items, campaign updates, bug fixes, FIRE, and some new community tools! Let's look under the hood!

New Enemies: Scrubb and Ocula!

Although all of Levelhead's enemies are unique from one another, and they all do something interesting, some would argue that the current slate of enemies is... too interesting. We've got teleporting sharks, drill birds, giant tongue-whip chameleons. Heck, even Vacrats, the simplest of enemies, have multiple states. And they chase after the player!

So we thought, maybe it's time we take this DOWN a notch. How about some dumb enemies that hardly do anything at all? So that's what we did! This patch, we're happy to introduce two new enemies: The Scrubb, and the Ocula!

These two bad robots are nearly identical in behavior, except the Ocula has no depth perception, so it runs off cliffs. When defeated, the Scrubb and Ocula become "squished," turning into a throwable disk that does all kinds of weird things. It can plow through other enemies, you can bounce off it, and it can even break brittle rocks and open prize blocks!

Perhaps even weirder, the Scrubb and Ocula are the game's first "Shrinking" enemies. When you damage a large one, it loses a size and keeps coming. Once it shrinks down all the way, it can be squished!

These enemies are simple but endlessly useful. We're pumped to see how you all use them in your levels!

Is fire... lit?

This patch brings TWO new updates to fire. First, we have a whole new type of fire: WILDFIRE! Wildfire is identifiable with its blazing green color. Wildfire unique is extra hot, so it will destroy enemies as well as GR-18. Plus, it looks cool!

In addition to Wildfire customization, we added a new Fireball hazard that you can put anywhere you like. It has many of the same properties as Whizblades, with the added bonus that Fireballs can be switched on and off using Levelhead's switch system, so you can turn them into some super-heated doors!

This is fine.

Behold! Treasure!

Keycards have always been in Levelhead, but until now, all you could do with them was open doors. Well, NOT ANYMORE! For starters, you can now use them to DELIVER GOODS to your players, with the power of the Key Chest!

Key Chests can have their colors changed as well, so you can give your players a special key that can only be used to get that special treasure you've hidden away!

Weird key puzzles?

Doors? Chests? Of course. But those are just regular key things, and this is Levelhead. So we just blew the lid off this whole thing, and integrated Keycards directly into the editor's switch system, with a whole new item: the Key Switch!

Key Switches are toggled every time you toss a Keycard into them. Not only does this let you use keys for the traditional approach -- unlocking stuff -- it also lets you create weird, limited-move puzzles or contraptions! For example, if you give someone five blue keys and a blue Key Switch, then they can only flip that switch five times.

Let's get that Wiki going!

This past week, the Levelhead Discord community started comparing notes about all the various documents, tricks, contraptions, and everything else they've created learned about Levelhead over the past months. And suddenly the discussion turned to, "WHY DON'T WE HAVE A WIKI?"

That's a good question. Why don't we? We've put in a request over at Gamepedia to get a Wiki off the ground, so we'll have more information about that soon. But in the meantime, we've added a button to the game's Settings page that lets you export some of the game's data, plus item icons, directly into the save directory.

That should be enough to get started on the Wiki, once we get the thing created!

Upcoming Patch Schedule Changes

We're gearing up to fully launch Levelhead early next year on multiple platforms, and we have to make sure we're ready for the big time! Much of our development time over the coming months will be going into various cross-platform compatibility things, certifications, localization, and lots of bug fixes and improvements. We'll also be working toward getting in some really big features that are going to take longer than the current 2-week timeline to design, implement, and test. We've had to put these big features on the backburner during our current phase of Early Access, so we could ensure we always had new content to deliver every 2 weeks.

Going forward, to give ourselves time to get those features into the game, and hit all our other targets, we're going to be spreading the patches out more. But we'll always make sure you know when the next patch is coming, so you won't be left in the dark! And as always, if you want to peek in on how things are going and see some sneak previews, pop into the Butterscotch Discord!

The next patch will arrive in four weeks: November 6th.

Would you like to know more about the current patch? Dig in to the detailed patch notes below!

v0.27.0 Patchnotes (since 0.19.1)

See the full patchnotes.

New Features


  • The settings page now features a button that you can press to export game data to the save folder. This data currently includes information about the Editor items, as well as icons for all of the items. This data is intended to serve as a starting point for community-created sites such as Wikis.
New Item

  • Introducing two new enemies: Scrubb and Ocula! These are "chump" style enemies, meaning they essentially do nothing at all in response to the player. They just walk around! The Ocula has no depth perception, so it walks off cliffs, while the Scrubb will turn around at cliff edges. Large Scrubbs and Oculas shrink down when damaged, and when defeated in their smallest form, they fall onto their back, turning into a throwable item that will pass through and damage enemies, bounce off walls, break blocks and open prize blocks, and can be repeatedly bounced upon. Spinning Scrubbs and Oculas will expire after five seconds of inactivity, or after five bounces against walls. Picking one up and re-throwing it will reset its expiration tracking.
  • Introducing the Key Switch! Key Switches are simple toggle-able switches that will change states when struck by a key of a matching color. This will now allow you to use Key Cards for many more things other than simply opening doors. You can even created some kind of limited move-set puzzle with these, by providing the player with a limited number of keys!
  • Introducing the Burny Ball! This is a placeable fireball that can behave much like a Whizblade. However, Burny Balls can also be attached to switches, and they destroy certain items like bombs or Rebound orbs. They can also be set to the new "Wildfire" mode, which will cause them to damage enemies.
  • Introducing the Key Chest! This is a large, 2x2 treasure chest that can only be opened with a key of a matching color. Key Chests are non-solid, and they require being placed on solid ground. Key chests can contain any of the kinds of items that would normally go inside other objects like prize blocks, and they can also contain enemies.

  • You can now change the fire style for Fire Chainers, Cannons, and Lookcannons. The new fire style options are Hot Fire (normal), Friendly Fire (which only harms enemies), and Wildfire (which harms both GR-18 and enemies). Wildfire is green, and Friendly Fire is blue.
  • You can now type words in the Name Combobulator, and it will jump to the closest word that you typed, instead of just the word that matches the first letter. If you stop typing for over a half-second, the word lookup resets.


  • Scrubb & Ocula, Meet GR-18! package has been effectively blocked so people don't get trapped with it. (thanks to misshapensmiley)
  • Scrubb & Ocula, Meet GR-18! extended spike jump slightly to force use of the diagonal surfing technique.
  • Scrubb & Ocula, Meet GR-18! is now a side-level rather than in the main campaign path.
  • Keyswitch Meditation's key ordering is more random.
  • The Swoopadoop in Swoopadoop Gulch should no longer attack players outside the arena.
  • Trouble at the Fort's package-get section has been clarified.
  • Fly, GR-18! has had it's other proximity switch updated, so players don't engage zoom before it's meant to be zoomed.
  • GR-18 the Comet has had its barrels more finely tuned so players with low-frame rates don't get shot into the abyss.
  • Quickfire has had a single background tile added, to prevent it from being literally unplayable.
  • Pressure Point now uses a music track and the horizontal cam boundary.
  • Hide and Sneak now uses a music track instead of ambient track.
  • Be Sneaky, GR-18! now uses a music track instead of ambient track.
  • Dune Doom Dream's aesthetics have been updated, and the puzzle block section tweaked.
  • Scrubb & Ocula, Meet GR-18! new level in the forest, before Temple Gauntlet.
  • Mad Vacrat Nest now has a chumps in it and has been updated for aesthetics.
  • Vacrat Country now has chumps in it, has been overhauled, and is now called Bop Jump.
  • Temple Gauntlet now has chumps in it.
  • Be Sneaky, GR-18! now has chumps in it.
  • Swoopadoop Gulch now has updated aesthetics, chumps, additional checkpoint, and wildfire.
  • The Heist now has a chump in it.
  • An Unusual Time now has chumps in it.
  • That's an Incredible GR-18 now has chumps in it.
  • Bound and Rebound now has a chump in it.
  • Fault Line Bingo has been updated, includes chumps and new aesthetics, and is now called Trouble at the Fort.
  • The Door Problem now has Chumps in it.
  • Temple of Karma's end now features an Ocula with a deathwish.
  • Ride and Roar now has chumps in it.
  • Grand Theft Grotto now has chumps in it.
  • Temple of Karma's timing has been changed to be playable after the versioning update.
  • New level "Key Switch Meditation" introduces Key Switches. It appears after Chamber of Magic. It's a simple puzzle level!
  • "Calculated Risk" has been revamped to include Wildfire and additional aesthetic changes, and is now called "Too Hot? Too Bad!"
  • Break Grumble and Grin now has a secret Chest.
  • Hide and Sneak now has a secret chest.
  • Loud Mountain Hop has been updated.
  • Sproing Time now has a chest.
  • Fault Line Bingo now has an armor plate.
  • Be Sneaky, GR-18! now has an armor plate.
  • Mad Vacrat Nest now has armor plates.
  • Hide and Sneak now has an armor plate.
  • Swoopadoop Gulch now has an armor plate.
  • GR-18 in the Comet now has a GR-17.
  • Fly, GR-18! Has had its proximity switch updated.
  • Sacrifice the Box's fire has been updated.
  • Thorn Cloud Delivery now includes instruction for how to drop items, instead of just kick 'em.
  • Whizblade Grotto is now Kick Jump Grotto, and it teaches you how to perform a successful kick jump.
  • Updated most UI references to "Campaign" to say "Training" instead, to bring it in line with the opening presentation and lore of the Bureau of Shipping.

  • Updated the tooltip description of the Keycard.
  • Added "Paradigm" to the Name Combobulator. (thanks to Jangoelbow Doopalank)
  • When using the Editor in Multiplayer mode, you cannot resize the level while other players are actively placing things or moving them around.
  • Added to the Name Combobulator: Spin, Report, Party
  • Added to the Name Combobulator: Bonus, Stage (thanks to JextheNBguy)
  • Added to the Name Combobulator: Blind, Misty, Barrel, Bramble, Mayhem, Frenzy, Madness, Lagoon, Chute, Web, Spider, Arctic, Toxic, Stronghold, Antics, Slime, Slimy, Corridor, Watcher, Festive, Festival (thanks to Spekio)
  • Added to the Name Combobulator: Beware (thanks to critwolf)
  • Changed the name of "Burny Ball" to "Fireball", because... you know.
  • Removed "Friendly Fire" as an option for fire style. Turns out, even if fire is blue, it still looks like it should harm you. WHOOPS!
  • Signs now show up as semi-transparent in the Editor when switched off, instead of retracted. This way, you can still see the icon on the sign while editing.
  • You can no longer resize Daily Build levels, since the whole point of Daily Builds is THE RESTRICTIONS! (thanks to Retro Banana Man NL)
  • Key Chests must now be placed on solid ground.
  • Added sign icons for the Ocula and the Scrubb.
  • Burny Whirlers can now use the "Swing" property, similar to Spike Chainers.
  • When you are draggng the edges of a level in the editor, the camera is no longer stuck to the edges of the level, so you can use a joystick or WASD to continue to scroll while dragging the level size larger.
  • When you confirm your level details, the level is no longer force-saved at that moment, because... It's not necessary!
  • Added to the name combobulator: Midnight, Dusk, Twilight, Ritual, Summon, Frightening, Creepy (thanks to Spekio)
  • Added to the name combobulator: Basic, Training, Start, Player, Monster, Lane, Street, Planet, Elevator, Action (thanks to Tim Conceivable)

  • Spinning Scrubbs/Oculas no longer break Hard Clay, but they do still break Brittle Rock.
  • Enemy drop throwables that normally deal damage to enemies now also destroy squished Scrubbs and Oculas.
  • When small Scrubbs or Oculas are punched or bombed, they now turn into their Spinning mode. This will allow you to punch them into other enemies to damage those enemies.
  • The package now destroys Squished Scrubbs and Oculas if thrown at them.
  • Squished Scrubbs and Oculas are now destroyed if they damage an enemy who survives the impact.
  • If a Spinning Scrubb/Ocula hits another spinning one, they will both be destroyed.
  • You can no longer bounce infinitely on Spinning Scrubbs or Oculas. It was... too overpowered. Now, they explode after the first bounce.
  • Updated the scaling of Burny Balls so you can't squeeze between them.
  • Fixed collision issues with Spinning Scrubbs and Spinning Oculas incorrectly killing the player under certain circumstances. Also updated the Scrubb and Ocula to both properly shrink when their larger versions are damaged.
  • Updated Key Chests and Key Switches (in development) to have all their visuals and all four colors, and to respond properly to keys.

  • Added new visuals to the ship's warp animation in the Training map.
  • Slightly reduced the camera speed in Lookaround mode in the world map when using a joystick or WASD, so you don't have to have ELITE GAMER REFLEXES just to highlight a level to warp to.

  • Found some optimizations for non-switched Lead Blocks, as well as Lead blocks generally, that should reduce their load on the CPU.

  • Renamed "Spinning Scrubb" and "Spinning Ocula" to "Squished Scrubb" and "Squished Ocula," since they aren't always spinning while squished.

  • Oculas now animate faster, making them look more angry.
  • Added some extra visual flair to the Ocula and Scrubb's shrinking effect and their spinning states.
  • Scrubbs and Oculas now have a "Standing" frame when in the editor.
  • Wildfire now has green fire particles when it bursts.
  • Updated the styling of particle effects for fire impacts to be... cooler.

  • Implemented sound effects for the Ocula, Scrubb, Key Chest, and Key Switch.

  • Your game will now use the minor version number (the second number) to determine whether a level is compatible and can be played. The "Patch" number (the third number) is now reserved for small bug fixes and other backwards-compatible tweaks.

  • Updated the "Create" button on the New Level page to be the same as the one on the Daily Build page.
  • When typing in the Name Combobulator, your current search string will be displayed in AQUA BLUE!
  • Burny Whirlers now display the proper UIcons when eyedropped based on their fire type.
  • The "Download" button on level cards will now adhere to the same rules as the "Play" button. If you haven't played the level before, the "Download" button will be hollow. If you have played it, it will be solid. If you have beaten it, it will be solid with a checkmark inside it. This way, you can know whether you've played or beaten a level in the past, without needing to download it.
  • Added a graduation cap icon to the progress bar in the Training map.
  • Updated color schema of the "Like" and "Favorite" buttons on expanded Level Cards, so they are more obvious when they are active.
  • Reordered the large "Like" and "Favorite" buttons on expanded level cards, so they match the order of the small "Like" and "Favorite" icon buttons on the non-expanded level card.
  • Updated the icons for the cursor when resizing a level.
  • When using an on-screen keyboard, now only Player 1 can input stuff with their controller.

  • Updated our platform management system to allow for testers to more easily and reliably test how game features are handled on different platforms without actually needing to run a build on those platforms.

  • Updated Asynchronous save throttling to always force-save your workshop level that you are working on.

  • Updated iOS Rumpus to now check for licensing.


  • Slightly tucked in the hitboxes of Fireballs, so 1x1 enemie can walk in the 1-tile gap beneath Wildfire Fireballs.
  • Fireballs on a Circular movement style but set to 0 movement were always facing to the right. Now the properly face down. (thanks to Spekio)
  • Spinning Scrubbs and Oculas no longer blow themselves up on impact with a Crombler. (thanks to Tim Conceivable)
  • Fixed an issue where Scrubbs and Oculas would respawn inside the ground after a checkpoint respawn.
  • Fixed the sizing of the Squished Ocula and Scrubb hitboxes to exactly match one another.
  • The Rebound projectile had an evenly-sized hitbox, which meant it had no central pixel. This caused slight variations in behavior depending on where in the level you fired it. This should now be fixed. (thanks to Wumpybami Rampygop)
  • Fixed issues with Scrubbs and Oculas emerging from Key Chests in the wrong size.
  • You can no longer grab a squished Scrubb or Ocula in the same frame that bounce on it, because it has been DESTROYED!
  • Fixed depth-sorting of Scrubbs and Oculas.
  • Fixed an issue with Scrubbs and Oculas not having their shrunken-ness restored at checkpoints.
  • Fixed issues with Scrubbs and Oculas vibrating super fast if they were stuck in a small area.
  • Fixed an issue where squished Scrubbs/Oculas had unusual horizontal speed changes on moving platforms and Toe Sliders.
  • If a downed Scrubb or Ocula is hit by a Bumper, it will start spinning.
  • Rebound orbs now destroy spinning Oculas/Scrubbs.
  • If an enemy got knocked back by a punch or a bomb, it would then, in most cases, begin ignoring ledges and just walk off of them. Now, the enemy will be knocked off of ledges within the first second of being impacted, but will resume its normal ledge-handling behavior after that.
  • Cromblers no longer cause Bumpers to trigger, since Cromblers are unaffected by Bumpers.
  • If you throw a Scrubb or Ocula at a Brittle Rock and an enemy emerges, the enemy won't be damaged by the thrown Scrubb/Ocula.
  • Enraged Cromblers now crush Spinning Scrubbs and Spinning Oculas.
  • When Scrubbs or Oculas are crushed by Enraged Cromblers, they do not convert to Spinning mode.
  • Scrubbs would get stuck in corners if that corner was both a cliff and a wall. This has been fixed.
  • Burny Whirlers now properly take enemy sizes into account when burning them with Wildfire.
  • Scrubb/Ocula spinners are now properly destroyed by Wildfire.
  • Wildfire no longer destroys Cromblers.
  • Fixed positioning issues with Fireballs -- they should now move in the pattern displayed in the Editor.
  • Fixed issues with Whizblades using rectangular hitboxes instead of circular ones.
  • Fixed an issue where GR-18 could be depth-sorted behind enclosures during the victory sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where Scrubbs and Oculas didn't always register as the correct enemy when they emerged from things.
  • If you restarted at a checkpoint, sometimes your active camera anchor wouldn't be properly remembered from when you touched the checkpoint. This has been fixed.
  • When a Burny Whirler is set to a swing amount of 0, its fireballs would still rotate as if they were swinging. Now they don't!

  • Fixed a spacing issue caused when you have no levels in the "My Levels" section of the Marketing Department.
  • Fixed some (developer-only) text on the confirmation window for resetting campaign progress, that referred to outdated systems.
  • When you go to delist a level in the Daily Build UI, the confirmation window was underneath stuff. Now it isn't.
  • Daily Build workshop cards were sometimes displaying the wrong versions of icons for items. This should now be fixed.
  • Fixed a problem with changing between controller and mouse while scrolling on the Name Combobulator.
  • Player 2 can no longer press buttons to engage with on-screen keyboards with a controller.
  • Toggling a favorite on a level will now display the correct icon in the popup text.
  • You can no longer click on buttons in the Random section of the Tower while you are already searching for random levels.

  • Fixed issues with Rifts not using the proper color of particles when sending things between them. Also, the particle lines now go from the center of the source Rift to the center of the destination Rift, instead of from the starting object to the destination Rift.
  • Fixed the highlighted version of the Download button on level cards to match its non-highlighted version.

  • If you placed an object that requires solids over an enclosure, the enclosure would visibly disappear and not appear to get replaced (although it definitely did). This should no longer be occurring.
  • When in "Circular" mode, fireballs would always display the "Hot Fire" sprite in the Editor even if they were Wildfire fireballs. This has been fixed.
  • Zoom level now resets when you enter a level.
  • Dragging a Toe Slider now draws the correct visuals, depending on its direction.
  • When you had a Key Chest selected, its eyes would be... just wrong. Now they are fine.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when adding new players to the game during Editor mode.
  • When a player begins rezising a level in the Editor, other players' actions are now cancelled.
  • Updated sensitivity of resizing levels, so if you rapidly click one of the edges of your level, it won't insta-resize it.
  • Fixed a case where the wrong edges of a level were sometimes being highlighted as you resized it.
  • Fixed a single-frame cursor flash when you released the cursor while resizing a level.

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when Tiptowing as a shrub through a squished Ocula or Scrubb.
  • Fixed an issue where if you immediately exited the Email login page after sending your login information, the game could crash.
  • If you attempt to load a level that has items that are unavailble in your version of the game and somehow we don't catch that case, the game will no longer crash -- the level will simply fail to load, and you will get a popup stating that the level failed to load.

  • Enemies destroyed by Wildfire should now properly play their "Destroyed" sound.
  • Fixed some issues with Lizumis making horrible repeated screeching noises when trapped.

  • Fixed some issues with caching of likes and favorites, and how those are displayed on level cards. Level cards should more accurately display your likes and favorites now.
  • The Daily Build page should no longer feature delisted levels.
  • Updated reliability of caching likes and favorites.
  • When playing a random level playlist, you should now properly see the names of the level creators, instead of their rumpus codes.

  • Fixed some issues with loading levels due to data types not being recognized in the YoYoCompiler.

  • Fixed an issue where some of your level's metadata (such as its name) wasn't being properly updated on the server if it was a cloud level. This would cause the level's name to change when you pulled it down on another machine.

  • Sacrifice the Box's jems are now all obtainable, and it should no longer be possible to sneak a rebound orb into the final portal.
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - Bscotch Shenani
We've entered the SPOOKIEST time of year! This week we've got new paragons, a community Halloween level event, & rings of doom. As always remember to click the level names to bookmark them for play later on - LET'S GO!

You shall rise as PARAGONS!

The thing that makes Levelhead special isn't just the game - it's the unique collection of people who play it. The Paragons of this community uplift the spirit of Levelhead through their in-game skills, creativity, and the creation of experiences that bolster the entire community.

Today we would like to cast a special spotlight on some select members of the Levelhead community, as we congratulate our third cohort of Levelhead Paragons.

+ PureKnickers - for organizing the community Trick or Treat Event, creating a horde of well-paced levels, and collecting all the platforming tech in one easy-to-read guide.
+ Intuition - for being one of the fastest players of Levelhead and contributing to everyone's understanding of the word *cheese*.
+ Clumsy Jeff - for tipping more than 500,000 exposure bucks to other Levelheads and being a steadfast, welcoming presence in the Discord.
+ Glock521 & CJ5Boss- for creating a fountain of levels with their unending creativity, and for reaching more than 100 shipped levels, each.

Thanks to all of you for helping make Levelhead what it is today! You've joined the rank of Paragon alongside Quantum Anomaly, 9joao6, RetrophileTV,Popdonk Baggycool, Trillionaire, Cprice, Gkar, Spekio, TalkGibberish, & Flan!

The Big 100

CJ5Boss ships his 100th level, *100 Here!* Get ready for an epic level filled with enemies, puzzles, powerups, and so much more. A fitting way to celebrate the Big 100!

Trick or Treat 1st Edition

PureKnickers kicked off the Halloween Community Event in the best way possible - a level called *Trick or Treat*. We were horrified by the spooky dining dungeon and its abominably clever chandelier!


TalkGibberish reminds us of playing in the schoolyard in his level *Around And Around* - yes, our schoolyard was covered in circular sawblades. It was a wild time.

Spike Maze

Steek Hutsy has created a single screen spike maze in the level *This Lock Switch?*. It's just one screen so it's gotta be simple, right? HOOHOOHOO NOOOOPE!

+ Beekie Boppaboop's Spike Block Safari is an excellent practice level to try out the spike block's mechanics.
+ Spartan Revenant's Hidden Forest Temple is full of adventures! Use your powers well to get through this hidden forest.
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Another week done and another round of thrilling creativity! This week GR-18 becomes a sprinter, mountaineer, and a philosopher! As always remember to click the level names to bookmark them for play later on - LET'S GO

Fiery Chase & Race

In ZiLyfe's panic-filled level Fiery Jem Rampage, you survive the wrath of the fire gods to win the race. Be ready with your sprinting shoes!

The frenemy!

Paragon Spekio, in his captivating level Blopfush Calculated Revenge, has pitted GR-18 against the notorious FRENEMY -- THE BLOPFUSH! Choose your level of intensity and remember... you reap what you sow!

Spice of Life

Alpaca Raider embraces variety in the level Peak Pendulum. Be ready for crazy permutations and combinations in this adventure!

Puzzling Descent

CJ5Boss has you descend a puzzling maze in the level Awakening Descent. Be aware of all the jems, switches and enemies to escape this descent and remember - FEAR IS NOT AN OPTION!

Unlock the mysteries of life

In Mysterious Lock Switch Nest, Silver Fox sets you up to unlock paths that lead to nirvana! Put on your zen face to get through this mystery called life!

  • PureKnickers has created a Halloween themed community event. Be part of the community to create 31 Halloween themed levels which will be showcased! Hurry up to confirm your spot!
  • Tim Conceivable's Toasty Flyblock Escalation reminds us of obstacle race on an escalator. Get ready to push past spikes and what not to reach the top as fast as possible.
  • TheGlock521's Rebound Tutorial: Move is a great learning level for the new Rebound powerup! Practice your mutant powers to get stronger.
  • Salmaster's Messy & Mountain Adventure lets you explore this giant mountain of level as you encounter enemies and treacherously steep falls!
  • Eleverion's Caverne De Piège À Pointes! tests your precision, timing, and patience. Stay calm and alert to win through this fun level!
Levelhead: Platformer Maker - BscotchSampy
Patch Highlights

Hey, Levelheads! We're pumped to bring you PATCH 0.19 this week, which finally brings out one of our long-awaited powerups! We also have some fun new utilities in the campaign and the editor, and a couple of new blocks to play with! Pair all that with the big bundle of bug fixes and small improvements, and we've got ourselves a whopper of a patch. Enjoy!

Introducing: the Rebound!

First and MOST IMPORTANTLY, patch 0.19 finally introduces the fifth powerup: the Rebound! This one is pretty weird, so we'll just let this gif explain it:

The Rebound has been in the idea phase for over a year, just kind of chilling on the backburner, as it's a fairly non-traditional powerup and needed a lot of tweaking and polish to get it to feel right.

With the Rebound, you shoot a face orb out of your head. You can shoot enemies with the orb, or you can try to bounce off of it to give yourself a super jump! Or you can just use the recoil to launch yourself over and around obstacles. And because it fires in two-shot bursts that regenerate all at once, you can even play with the shot timing to fire three shots back to back, once you figure the thing out.

We're really excited to see what our players come up with for the Rebound, because honestly, even we have no idea what this thing is capable of.

Control that Zipper!

Our level builders often comment that the Zipper powerup can be quite challenging to build levels around. Once you give the player a Zipper, you suddenly have to be very careful, because the player can get through ANY walls! Well, NOT ANYMORE! Now, with Lead Block technology, you can keep that player from zipping... anywhere!

Oh, but don't worry -- lead blocks can be tied to switches, too! So if you want to let the player zip through later, you've got the option!

To spike, or not to spike?

Sometimes you want a block. Sometimes you want a spike.

WELL NOW YOU'VE GOT BOTH! Introducing the SPIKE BLOCK! Spike Blocks behave like Hardlights -- they automatically turn on and off on their own, but you can override that behavior by attaching them to switches.

What's what I see on the horizon? Is it... Yes... It's a wave of troll levels, about to wash over us all.

On second thought... Let's go bigger.

Have you ever been building a level and then thought, "Crap... I picked the wrong size!"

Well you can throw those thoughts into the GARBAGE. Because now, you can expand or shrink your level to fit your mistakes! Er... plans. Your well-laid-out plans.

New campaign levels!

We packed three new levels onto the end of the campaign, which are meant to showcase both the Asteroid Tunnels biome and the Rebound. And Sam also went back through some of the older campaign levels and packed a few little extra toys into there, just to SPICE THINGS UP!

But once we got these campaign updates in, we realized... This campaign is getting REALLY BIG. Yeah, we want people to experience the new levels, but it sure is becoming a chore to navigate this giant campaign map. So we took care of that.


YEP, THAT'S RIGHT. When you are in the Inspect mode of the campaign, you can now warp to any campaign node that you have previously been to.

That should speed things up a bit! Oh, and you can also warp to the campaign node you are already sitting on. That was a bug, but we're leaving it in because it's hilarious.

New Pressure Plate Styles!

We wanted to expand the functionality of pressure plates, SO WE DID! You can now tell them to simply toggle when pressed (instead of needing to always be held), or you can even have them explode! You know, just in case... in case you needed to blow something up.

Updated Version System Incoming

Now you might be looking at this patch and thinking, "HEY WAIT A MINUTE. Did we just skip five version numbers?" YES. Yes we did. Sort of. Here's why!

Previously, the game's entire version number was used to determine the compatibility of levels. The rule was simply: If your game version is lower than the version of a level at all, then you cannot play that level.

But as Levelhead approaches the full launch, we're going to be on lots of different platforms, and those platforms will, at times, have their versions slightly out of sync with each other. We want to make sure that just because we deployed a small bug fix on one platform, doesn't mean that levels made on that platform are now totally unplayable on all platforms due to version mismatches.

So, this is where version management comes in! Starting two weeks from now, we will be updating our versioning system so that the last number (e.g. the "1" in 0.19.1) is simply used for small bug fixes, UI changes, and things that otherwise don't break compatibility of levels. Whenever the first or second number go up, those are major changes that would require an update to be able to play levels made in those versions.

This will give us the flexibility to deploy small bug fixes, interface tweaks, etc... across numerous platforms without worrying about getting everyone out of sync with each other. Then, we can try to sync up backwards-incompatible patches more reliably.



That's all we have for patch 0.19! Oh, except for all that other stuff in the notes below. But other than that, THAT'S IT!

We'll see you next time!

v0.19.1 Patchnotes (since 0.14.6)

See the full patchnotes.

New Features


  • You can now resize your levels by dragging the top or right sides, or the top-right corner. Levels can be rescaled up to 10,000 grid spaces, with an individual maximum width or height of 255, and a minimum of 30. If you want to downscale a level, you will first have to clear out any paths, backgrounds, and items that might be in the way.
  • Pressure plates have two new styles: Toggle and Explode! Toggle pressure plates will toggle their current state when they are newly pressed, and will not lose that state when they are released. Exploding pressure plates will change state and then explode, locking that state in.

  • When you are in Campaign Inspect mode, you can now Warp to the campaign node that is in the center of your viewport, provided that node is available for you to travel to normally. Warping takes a few seconds to warm up, so it may not be ideal for short travel, but once you are traveling more than a few nodes away, it becomes a fast alternative!
New Item

  • Introducing the LEAD BLOCK! The Lead Block is a static solid item that prevents GR-18 from Zipping through it. Lead Blocks can also be attached to switches. When powered via a switch, the Lead Block becomes passable via the Zipper, but still remains solid.
  • Introducing a new powerup: The REBOUND! Rebound turns GR-18 into a cannon that launches bouncing orbs. The orbs deal damage to enemies, trigger pressure plates, and can be jumped off of. Firing the rebound also has a considerable amount of recoil, which launches GR-18 backwards with high speed. Rebound orbs come in a double clip, so GR-18 can fire two of them rapidly back to back. The clip fully replenishes 2 seconds after the first orb is fired.
  • Introducing a new hazard: SPIKE BLOCKS. Spike Blocks can be toggled back and forth between being a walkable solid, and being a horrible, murderous spike ball. Spike Blocks can be attached to switches, or they can be left to their own devices to toggle like Hardlights.

  • Prototyped new "Lead Block" concept. Lead Blocks prevent the Zipper from going through them.


  • Improved reliability of Steam session checking on login, so users should not be incorrectly hit with "Invalid License" errors upon login if they do indeed have a valid license.

  • Added to the Name Combobulator: Daring, Diabolical.
  • Added word to the name combobulator: Treat (thanks to PureKnickers)
  • Added word to the name combobulator: Meteor, Asteroid, Mine, Harvest, Extract, Unit, Project (thanks to Icyglow Dangglow)
  • Added a Rebound icon to the Sign item.
  • Pressure Switches can now be muted.
  • Added words to the name combobulator: Abyss, Chasm, Fissure, Crevasse, Gorge, Alien, Facility, Base, Moon, Blaze, Into, Apocalypse. (thanks to Spekio)
  • Added words to the name combobulator: Drop, Shipment, Care, Ship.
  • Added "Single Screen" tag option. (thanks to Retro Banana Man NL)
  • Added to the name combobulator: Orb, Basket, Bucket, Net.
  • Lead blocks are now treated as static solid items, so they can be used to bracket doors.
  • Added the word "Bound" to the name combobulator.

  • Three new campaign levels are available, which introduce both the Rebound and the Asteroid Tunnels biome to the campaign track. The levels are: Bound and Rebound, Sacrifice the Box, and Quick Fire.
  • When in Campaign Inspect mode, you can now see the name of the node that is in the center of the screen.
  • Uh Oh now includes spikeblocks and a GR-17.
  • Clockswitch Tower now includes spikeblocks and a GR-17.
  • Switch Karma now includes spikeblocks.
  • Tempswitch Rush now includes spikeblocks.
  • Deliver the Package, GR-18! has some updated tiles.
  • Break Grumble and Grin has some updated tiles.
  • Temple of Karma has some updated tiles.
  • You can now skip the opening cutscene of the campaign, for some reason.
  • Added Rebound instruction cards to the campaign.
  • The campaign now has Asteroid Tunnels level orbs floating in the background.

  • You can no longer tip a delisted level. (thanks to Brainmop Wippabumble)
  • Updated the UIcon for the Lead Block to be more consistent with its actual visuals.
  • When a level has fewer than 10 players, its difficulty diamonds will be shown as "???" since we do not have enough data to reliably infer anything about the level. This will also prevent the first couple of players from skewing the difficulty rating in one direction or the other.
  • Added tooltips to the non-text buttons on the level cards and the pause menu / scoreboard.
  • When you quit a playlist from the pause menu, you are now hit with a confirmation window.
  • The "Diamonds" on a level now come from the server, and use a totally new formula. Previously, the diamonds were simply another way to look at the "Clear Rate" -- the proportion of attempts that resulted in a win. However, this metric unfairly displayed long levels as being "harder" than they are, since there are more opportunities to die. Now, the diamonds are intended to represent "Danger" -- how frequently the average player dies throughout the level. A green, one-star level means the average player dies extremely rarely, if at all, while a five-diamond, "Ludicrous" level means you will be dying pretty much constantly (every few seconds). Levels that have never been beaten will still be displayed as the five, hollow diamonds. Also, because the "Diamonds" rating now comes from the server, it can easily be adjusted on the fly.
  • Updated the Tip button's confirmation text and border to be a gold color, so you can more easily discern when you have entered CONFIRMATION MODE!

  • The Rebound Orb now once again triggers pressure plates.
  • The Rebound Orb is now affected by fans and springs.
  • The Rebound Orb now bounces off of item purge gates, not powerup purge gates.
  • When a Scrubb or Ocula (in development) are defeated by a spinning, thrown Scrubb or Ocula body, they don't turn into throwable objects. They are just DESTROYED.
  • When Scrubb or Ocula (in development) contain a prize (other than Jems), they no longer turn into a throwable item when jumped on. Instead, they just poof out of existence and the droppable item is in their place.
  • Scrubb and Ocula (in development) have had their animation speeds updated to differentiate them from one another.
  • Rebound Orbs no longer trigger pressure plates. It was... too weird.
  • Rebound Orbs can now be flung by explosions.
  • When a spinning Ocula or Scrubb slide along ground, they should no longer make a grinding sound (in development).
  • Updated the Rebound Orb to have a minimum bounce speed, so it doesn't end up making a series of extremely fast tiny bounces along the ground.
  • The Rebound no longer is a single-shot powerup. Instead, it has a 2-shot "clip", and the entire clip regenerates on a 2-second cooldown after your first shot is fired. So you will still get one shot per second as before, but you can "burst" them as needed.
  • The Rebound powerup's orbs no longer knock enemies back.
  • Updated the "Spike Block" object to behave the same way as Hardlights in terms of how it responds to switches, as well as timing.
  • The Rebound orb now gets destroyed by fireballs and fire chainers.
  • The Rebound orb now destroys non-fire projectiles.
  • The Rebound orb now goes through Rifts.
  • The Rebound orb now pushes pressure plates.
  • The Rebound orb now allows you to see into secret areas.
  • Firing the Rebound now gives you less vertical impulse if you are standing on the ground.
  • The Rebound orb now bounces off of Powerup-style purge gates, but not item-style purge gates.

  • Updated the level loader to load terrain tiles over a number of steps instead of all at once, to prevent the game from hanging.
  • Updated the way the game handles detecting context-aware tile visuals, to drastically reduce hitching. Previously, whenever the level was "Spawned" (like when you pressed "Play" in the editor), each context-aware tile would check the surrounding areas to determine its visuals. Now, these visuals are pre-calculated and cached, so the spawning should occur much faster. This should also reduce the likelihood that the game crashes when spawning into a level that has a huge number of enclosures.
File Handling

  • Updated Rumpus file handling to be asynchronous instead of synchronous, for better cross-platform compatibility. On PC, there should be no noticeable changes.

  • Updated the Daily Build rules.

  • The Home and Back on-screen buttons should now be inaccessible during gameplay on Android. They will become available when you pause.


  • Updated development-side testing to always use license checking on Steam.

  • You should no longer be able to summon the Cheese Mode Details button outside of Cheese Mode under any circumstances. (thanks to misshapensmiley)
  • The Daily Build menu should now properly draw items in their correct colors, such as keys or Hardlights.
  • If you try to delist or un-delist a level in your Downloads page, the confirmation window was showing up behind your levels. This should no longer be occurring.
  • When you changed your tip size, the tip size housing would not update its position instantly, causing it to jerk around for a frame.
  • Added hovertext to the sharecode button on the pause screen and scoreboard.
  • When you change the Zone under the Level Details page, the level icon would pop up to the top left corner of the page for one frame. This has been fixed.
  • The level names on the campaign scoreboard no longer go off the edges of the screen.
  • You should no longer see work-in-progress items under the Background variants tab of the editor while in the Daily Build.
  • When you quit a level from the pause menu, the level no longer temporarily resumes for a few frames.

  • Increased the sound priority of GR-18's death sequence, so the death sound doesn't get overridden by other sounds.
  • Throwable items that bounce vertically should no longer make their bounce sounds unless they bounce decently hard off the ground or ceiling, to avoid spamming sounds.

  • Fixed some issues with the Name Combobulator not detecting the cursor when scrolling.
  • Pressing non-valid keys in the Name Combobulator will no longer jump to the beginning of a list.
  • GR-18 now presses Pressure Switches in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue with surrounding tiles not updating properly when you deleted an enclosure that had an item sitting on top of it. (thanks to misshapensmiley)
  • Fixed an issue where placing an Environment Column on top of Enclosures would result in the Environment Column being invisible until level reload.
  • Pressing "Escape" to cancel a biome change in the Level Details page was leaving residual terrain tiles from other biomes. This has been fixed. (thanks to Wumpybami Rampygop)
  • You can no longer change item properties while saving a level.
  • When you place a static solid item (such as a Lead Block) on top of terrain, the terrain should now properly update.
  • When you drag to place an item next to another of the same item, if the two items don't have matching properties, they should no longer scalepop together.
  • Fixed some issues with enclosures and backdrops not updating the surrounding terrain properly if there was an item sitting on top of the enclosure/backdrop when it was changed.
  • If you drag an item into terrain, the surrounding terrain should now update properly.
  • You should no longer be able to "Undo" things while the level is saving.
  • Toggle pressure switches should now properly represent their state in the editor.
  • When you undo, one-way platforms should properly update their visuals.
  • Fixed an issue caused by the context-aware tile changes that would sometimes cause tiles to be invisible if you drag-placed context-aware tiles of one kind over context-aware tiles of a different kind.

  • The Asteroid Tunnels biome had a slightly incorrect color past its bottom edge. It is now fixed!
  • When you reloaded at a checkpoint, Spike Blocks would always show a Spiky frame before loading the correct frame. They should now always load on the proper frame.
  • Fixed vertical alignment issues with Fallthrough Kronkrete.
Nintendo Switch

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when trying to cancel logging in via email on the Nintendo Switch.
  • The shaders used on Rifts have been disabled on the Nintendo Switch, due to compatibility issues.
  • When using single Joy-Cons, the visuals for controller buttons should now be properly updated.

  • When you use the Zipper while being shot out of a blaster, it should now correctly zip you in the direction you are pressing with your controls. (thanks to Ononga Rampytrippee)
  • The Rebound Orb should now properly display its exploding visuals when destroyed by a fire chainer.
  • Exploding pressure switches will no longer explode before the level starts if something is pressing on them.
  • If you lined up a row of exploding pressure switches so they were all pressing against each other, then only every other switch would explode, since they were processed sequentially. This should no longer be the case--they should now all explode.
  • Rebound Orbs should no longer explode and make sounds if they are destroyed by a level restart or level end.
  • If are you are partially inside a spike block when it turns solid, you should be pushed out of it.
  • Fixed game physics so that large enemies no longer slide downwward through 1-grid-space pillars.
  • Updated Spike Blocks to be more immediately responsive when changing states.
  • Updated hitboxes of 2x2 and 3x3 Spiketrons and hazardous Spike Blocks to be rectangular instead of circular. This should make it quite difficult (if not impossible) to Zipper in between two giant spikes that are touching each other, or to squeeze diagonally through two giant spiketrons that are touching. This change only applies to the physics of levels build in this patch and later.
  • Switched Spike Blocks back to "On" being hazardous, to bring them in line with other hazard items (instead of Hardlights).
  • Updated the Rebound Orb to use both of its face frames.
  • The Rebound Orb should now be properly respected by Regret Gates.

  • Added a 20-second timeout to the Rumpus Item Syncer, so if the server hangs you won't be trapped on the main menu until the heat death of the universe while Rumpus tries to sync your profile.
File Management

  • Updated workshop cloud syncing to use asynchronous file operations for cross-platform use. PC users should see no difference in behavior when syncing or unsyncing cloud levels.

  • You can no longer click the daily build button while the workshop cloud downloader is doing its thing.