Team Sonic Racing™ - (Matt Cox)

I’m no Sonichead, but I still got a kick out of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Instead of making you turn into planes and boats, Sumo Digital’s new upcoming kart racer makes you turn to your friends. You race as a team of three, passing power-ups between you while boosting behind each other’s bottoms.

I sat down with Team Sonic Racing design director Derek Littlewood at EGX, and asked him about how racers might feel about being dependent on other people. And maybe also opened the door for a reappearance from the Football Manager manager.


Team Sonic Racing™

On Sonic the Hedgehog's 27th birthday (that big 3-0 is fast approaching!), Sega has detailed Team Rose for Team Sonic Racing.

The announcement was made during an event to celebrate Sonic's birthday (you can watch it in the video below).

Team Rose is made up of Amy Rose, Chao and Big the Cat. Yep, Big the Cat, the large, anthropomorphic purple cat who made his name in the Sonic Adventure series, is in Team Sonic Racing. As if there was any doubt.

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Team Sonic Racing™ - (Brock Wilbur)

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Mr. Sonic the Small Blue Animal Guy With Good Rings is back into the racing circuit. It’s certainly one of the lesser beloved game franchises, and I can’t help but think that’s because it would be ridiculous for a character whose super-power is being super-fast to trade that power for driving cars that are equally fast to all of his competitors. It just doesn’t make sense, right? I mean, Sonic and Mario facing off at the Olympics was also a game, so I guess maybe logic doesn’t matter here? Team Sonic Racing brings us back to the Sonic Racingverse, and I’m sure I’m in the minority, but this is that Game Content I crave. Check out the forthcoming Team Sonic Racing trailer with me.


Team Sonic Racing™

Sega has unleashed a brand-new trailer for its upcoming animals-in-some-cars extravaganza Team Sonic Racing, offering a brisk cinematic deluge, alongside a tease of the new theme song - as crafted by some old friends.

Team Sonic and Team Dark fight for pole position in Sega's latest video, with the action unfurling, at least in part, across Wisp Circuit - one of the tracks that appeared online in gameplay form last week following early Team Sonic Racing previews. The sky-high glass track that pops up midway through, however, looks to be something new.

That new theme tune, by the way, is the work of Crush 40, the band responsible for all manner of music from past Sonic games - including Sonic Adventure's opening ditty, Open Your Heart. Let's be honest though - it's no Super Sonic Racing.

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Team Sonic Racing™

Okay let's get the big one out of the way first, seeing as it comes up every time there's a Sonic racing game. Why is Sega's mascot, renowned for his breakneck speed, reduced to sitting behind the wheel of a car every time him and his crew get together for a racer? Well, if you'd been paying attention you'd know the answer already; it's because Sonic's so fast, if he was to go on foot it'd be plain unfair. So, there you have it in black and white. Let's move on swiftly, shall we?

Team Sonic Racing is Sumo Digital's third racing game built around Sega's characters, though it is a clean break from the previous two games. Unlike Sonic All-Stars Racing and its exquisite sequel Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed, Team Sonic Racing doesn't delve into the wider world of Sega characters. There's no Alex Kidd, no Ryo Hazuki, no Segata Sanshiro, no tracks culled from Skies of Arcadia, Burning Rangers or Billy Hatcher. The focus is firmly placed on the world of Sonic and friends.

It's a disappointing place to start, really, given how so much of the thrill of those games was the fan service, ladelled on in thick, sweet dollops. Maybe it's because Sumo realised they didn't have many more places to go, seeing how deep Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed ran (and it ran pretty close to perfection, too - for my money it's up there with Mario Kart 8 at the very pinnacle of the genre). Maybe it's because Sega needed a Sonic game this year, and doubled down on this particular enterprise.

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Team Sonic Racing™

James Marsden will star in Sega's yes-it's-really-happening Sonic the Hedgehog film, Variety reports.

Currently appearing in Westworld, you may also know Marsden as Cyclops in X-Men. And he once appeared in an episode of Saved by the Bell: The New Class.

Paramount has already dated the Sonic the Hedgehog film - it's coming 15th September 2019, mark your calendars - although we know nothing of the plot, or who might be playing the 'hog himself.

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Team Sonic Racing™

In my insignificant opinion, Sumo Digital's Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is the best modern kart racer, and Mario Kart 7 can get lost. So it's great news that the same studio is developing a brand new Sonic racer in the form of Team Sonic Racing. As the name suggests, players will race in teams, and these races will support up to 12 players. 

The game will also support online and local co-operative modes, ranging Grand Prix, Exhibition mode, Time-Trial and "Team Adventure".  According to the game's Steam description, teams will win by not only finishing first, but also demolishing the opposition with the use of on-track collectibles. It's a kart racer, you see. These collectibles will comprise 14 offensive and defensive items.

What else do we know? There are 15 playable characters, a story-driven Adventure Mode, and plenty of performance and skin customisation. It'll release this Winter, which is Summer in Australia.

Here's the reveal trailer:

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection - (Alice O'Connor)

Sonic is trading in his power sneakers for driving brogues again with a new kart racing game, Team Sonic Racing. Sega today announced the racer, which is coming this winter from Sumo Digital – the folks behind the unreasonably good Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Sadly, it seems Team Sonic Racing probably isn’t another big wacky Sega crossover but hey, it is more racing from Sumo. (more…)
