Community Announcements - CRONUS EMPLOYEE

Hello everyone! Players have been asking frequently about how and where you can recruit new Sin Slayers in the game. We decided it’s time to address this question.

At the beginning of your journey, you’ll have only four heroes: Priestess, Warrior, Defender and Huntress. The others you must locate yourself and persuade to join your cause.

Not all heroes arrived simultaneously in the world between worlds; some have wandered these lands for years in search of salvation. You may find such unfortunate souls taking their rest at the base of a tree, in abandoned taverns, in the warehouses of deserted castles... or maybe even as captives of a Sin Lord.

However, it’s not enough to simply find them, you’ll need to convince these heroes that you’re worthy. Some will ask for money or want a duel, others will require a far more difficult task.

We’re not going to tell you everything of course, but we promise it won’t be a simple feat to bring every available hero together under your banner.

Do you have more questions about this or any other mechanic? Don’t be shy, ask away! We promise to answer every one of them.

And please don’t forget to like, retweet, and tell your friends about our project. We have six days left, let’s go all out!
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

Hello everyone!

Today’s update is going to be brief, but informative.

First of all, let’s talk about approaching (like the Night King advancing on Winterfell) the end of the Kickstarter campaign. We have noticed, of course, that our goal is still far away, but we won’t give up. We’re continuing to create content for the game and for you, our players, just as we planned.

We’ve already reached 41% of our goal, thanks to 310 future Sin Slayers. We still have 7 days ahead of us, so we’re certain we’ll find even more like-minded people to support our cause.

By the way, so far over 20,000 players have tried out Sin Slayers: The First Sin! Thanks to your feedback on the demo, we were able to fix many problems and improve some in-game mechanics. Sin Slayers was also wishlisted more than 5,000 times after the demo launch.

If you haven’t tried Sin Slayers already, now is the perfect time. Don’t forget to show the game to your friends as well! :)

Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

Greetings! Today we’ll discuss the weapons and armor your squad will wield and wear. We remind you that a free Sin Slayers demo is already available on Steam. Trying the prologue yourself is the best way to learn more about the game.

Each hero has two equipment slots: one for weapon and one for armor or an accessory. Don’t forget: each character has access to different equipment types. For example, the Priestess can’t use swords, axes, or other heavy equipment, while the Huntress doesn’t use spell books or staffs.

Right now, the demo version is using a prototype of our team management and equipment system. By final release, you will be able to drastically change the composition of the team and equip yourself for any opponent, boss or location. For example, you’ll be able to add weapon attributes like fire, water, electricity and other elements. Is the enemy resistant to physical attacks, but afraid of electricity? Equip the Huntress with an electric bow to slay him. Is the next location overrun with undead? Use the Paladin to smite them. If the enemy is vulnerable to cold, the Defender with an ice spear will be a deadly surprise.

Want to know more about the game mechanics, monsters and heroes of Sin Slayers? Ask your questions in the comments below, and we’ll be sure to address them in future updates.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our accounts on your favorite social networks so that you’ll always be the first to hear the latest on Sin Slayers:

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Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

In the Valley of Fallen Sinners there is a place that beckons greedy souls. Rumors say it is littered with gems, gold and rare artifacts. Those who dared to investigate told tales of surreal monsters or haven’t returned at all.

Travelers describe a fathomless cave in a huge mountain, where every path is identical to the one before. The cave lures travelers deeper and deeper into a labyrinth where the bravest souls must face their deepest fears. The boundless darkness and frightening calls of the cave dwellers will tempt the unprepared adventurer to turn tail and flee.


As you’ve probably realized, today we will talk about one of seven sinful locations, the Caves of Greed.

The Caves will welcome players with intricate mazes and punishing traps in the best roguelike tradition. You’ll have to travel many corridors before you find the right way.

Your heroic squad will meet many unique enemies, each of them a tough opponent who lives to kill curious travelers. From mad miners to marauding minotaurs, everyone here is your enemy and they’re thirsty for your blood.

Bring powerful weapons, because every enemy in the Caves has a large HP pool and high attack skills. The fight won’t be easy, but even these horrors have weak points. You just need to find them...

To lift the Cave’s curse you’ll have to face it’s overlord, Greed, and his best fighter, the mighty Cyclops. What treasures have they gathered over thousand of years of rule?

By the way, we recently updated the Sin Slayers demo and made several changes. Return to the world between worlds to check out the new update and please leave your feedback and comments about the game!
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

In update #17 we told you about our crafting system and how you can spend your hard earned coin to create and upgrade useful items.

Today we’re going to talk about the Squad Skill System.

At the start of the game, your new characters will only have two combat skills and one global skill, to be used outside of combat. For example, the Huntress has a main attack, “Rapid Shot”, and the “Aim Shot” or “Arrows from Heaven” ability, depending on your choice.

Your heroes need to learn other abilities before using them in battle. Every new ability can be either passive or active, but what’s most important is that abilities open up new tactical possibilities for you. Devise new team compositions, builds and tactics to take advantage of powerful new abilities.

To unlock new ability sets, players will have to work hard to obtain special “knowledge stones” - small, medium and large for the respective skill categories.

During your travels you’ll find not only various resources, but “Ancient coins” as well.

An NPC at the Old Church will sell you stones to power up your squad if you have enough coins.

This is just the beginning! We plan to go even deeper, adding experience points and character leveling into the game to grant additional bonuses. Stay tuned for more interesting news.
Apr 24, 2019
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

The demo version of our game is already 2 weeks old. We’ve been very pleased with the great interest the community has taken in Sin Slayers: there are so many reviews, comments and suggestions. Some of them we’ve decided to discuss in depth. Today we’ll talk about the “Vanguard” mechanic.

In classic JRPG battles, every character can freely attack any enemy. Players often follow their intuition and place the highest defense heroes, the “tanks”, out in front. But is this the right strategy for Sin Slayers? Who needs the Vanguard buff the most? Let’s find out.

Vanguard protects the center character in a squad, granting bonus armor and offering the player additional tactical options. You should place the most valuable characters in the vanguard, or characters with a low health pool.

An interesting combination was uncovered by a player in his Steam review. If you put the Defender in the center and learn his “Provocation” ability, even strong enemies will find it difficult to pierce your defences. With this strategy, you’ll waste little to none of your resources.

We’ve heard many other hero combinations and tips as well. We’re waiting for your ideas and comments below. The best ones will be featured in one of our future updates.

Support us on Kickstarter:
Apr 23, 2019
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

The Sin Slayers soundtrack is inspired by your favorite 2000’s video game music, 1980’s film scores, funk and heavy metal. Our sound is a mix of different genres that depicts the specific concepts behind game places and characters. The complete soundtrack will include 14 tracks and we’re more than halfway through, so let’s talk about the process behind Sin Slayers’ music.

Guitars and Riffs

In a gothic horror fairytale like Sin Slayers, you cannot experience what it really feels like to be attacked by a tribe of man-eating pig people. But anyone who’s spent decades playing RPGs can easily imagine this as a real-life situation. So for us the path to follow was simple – we decided to visualize several game scenes in order to pick up the right tone for the music.

With a Gibson Les Paul Classic in the hands of our guitarist Ruslan Eldorado, we believe we’ve crafted tunes suitable both for a merciless rampage, and a mysterious discovery that has accompanied every roguelike since the genre’s inception.

Crazy Village

In many ways, this work is a tribute. As gamers with our own experience performing and composing, we’re actually retranslating what we loved about video game soundtracks and music more generally back in the 90’s, as well as what we love about them now. In some battle tracks you’ll hear the influence of Quake 2, while in others you’ll recognize the roots of Mastodon’s cult ‘Crack the Skye’ album. Some exploration themes will inevitably call to mind Matt Uelmen’s Diablo and Kirill Pokrovsky’s Divinity, while others will be familiar to every King Crimson fan.

Live Vocals

In a sense, everybody loves singing! We still remember an era when the use of live vocals in a game soundtrack was impossible because of technical limitations, and we’re happy to have this opportunity to enrich Sin Slayers’ music with the voices of the best guys and gals available.

At the frontline of the ‘Siren’ track stands the gorgeous Ekaterina Evdokimova, an extremely talented singer and very deep musician. While working on the female vocals, we frequently looked back at Eric Serra’s work on The Fifth Element. You may be cool, but you’ll never be as cool as Plavalaguna.


Male voice tracks ‘Anvil’, ‘Siren’, ‘Woods’ and ‘Cemetery Gates’ were recorded by Peter Salnikov, who’s also responsible for the rest of the work on this soundtrack. Composing, arranging, recording, mixing and singing – well, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.


Some vocal parts (except Ekaterina’s solo etudes) are accompanied by the Logic Pro X’s mellotron choir. ICYMI mellotrons were proto-synthesizers, with sounds of violins, flutes, choirs, or even whole ensemble loops recorded on tape. This technology had a lot of limitations, e.g. an 8 second maximum playback time for a single note and zero sustain, but the sound artefacts generated by aging tape are priceless.


‘Unusual, funky soundtrack’

I swear it was a Steam comment! Speaking of the overall vibe of the Sin Slayers soundtrack, our conversations on the topic of sins and sinners made us think about gospel singers, which is best depicted on the ‘Refuge’ theme. This one plays in the Church, the safehouse of your adventures in the Valley.


Electric organ and handclaps in the distance, the bass line built of 70’s synth, slap bass and electric piano samples have got you covered. Live cello was recorded by Alexey Mazin of the ‘Arcanum Vivum’ cover band to remind us all of the original blue Max Payne theme. Aside from that, the distant electric guitar that came here straight outta the Jagged Alliance 2 Laptop theme will put you in the right mood as you weave your vicious way through this cursed land. Lonely and grim but full of hope, and strong men ready to fight the darkness – that’s what the Refuge theme is all about.

The same principles stand behind every other musical theme in the game. Yes, we’re in the grim graveyard with undead knights and ghosts lurking nearby. But we’re happy to be here, and a fine battle, glory, treasure and fame are exactly what we came for!

Support us on Kickstarter:
Apr 22, 2019
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

Item crafting has become one of the most engaging gameplay mechanics of any RPG. It’s always interesting to gather resources and turn them into gear to boost your strength, agility or vitality.

Sin Slayers has a classic crafting system for the genre. Slay enemies, find hidden loot, and complete quests to earn rewards. Sometimes you’ll get a rare item, but more often you’ll discover valuable resources. The more you travel, fight and explore the world, the more equipment you’ll be able to craft. Every flower, piece of cloth or broken tool can be used to create elixirs, armor, weapons or enchanted trinkets.

In Sin Slayers, you’ll be able to not only craft items, but also improve existing gear. For example, at the beginning of your journey you’ll craft a Broken Sword. This weapon will help you defeat several small enemies, but a Sin Lord would clearly be out of your league. Using the Broken Sword as a foundation, you’ll create a more powerful sword to slay stronger opponents. Every item in the game (except consumables) can be upgraded this way.

If you’ve already played the Sin Slayers demo, you know that you’ll need to create other items besides armor and weapons. Traps and monster ambushes will force you to spend money on potions, food and disarming kits. You don’t want to lose half your squad on the way to defeat a Sin Lord because you were unprepared, do you?

We’d like to remind our backers and potential supporters that the Blacksmith tier includes a collaboration with our designer to create your own in-game item! You will come up with its story, describe its appearance, and name this artifact that will be available to any future player.
Apr 21, 2019
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

Rumors trail after this hooded man wherever he goes. Even his real name is a mystery. If you happen to meet him, know this — something valuable must be hidden nearby.

The Rogue is an elusive mercenary, a brutal and clever assassin. In his previous life, he abducted and killed people for money. In the Valley of Fallen Sinners almost nothing is known about him, but remember this: your life is more important than your wallet. You’d best stay on his good side if you can.

Those lucky enough to survive a fight with the Rogue describe him as an incredibly quick and agile acrobat, who is able to extricate himself unscathed from the most dire circumstances. The corpses he leaves behind lay like punctured like a pin cushion with dagger wounds, and bloated with some unknown poison. The Rogue’s greed knows no bounds. If there is something he desires, he will find an opportunity to steal it.

It is said that you can meet him anywhere, but only once.


The Rogue is a new hero for Sin Slayers. His role in the party is as a damage dealer.

The Rogue deals an average amount of damage, but a high critical chance makes him a great choice for players who like fast and memorable fights.

This hero’s main weapons are daggers and throwing knives (normal and poisoned). He can also steal from enemies during the fight, and duck out of the enemy's sight in order to deliver a sudden and very powerful blow.

To find out more about the Rogue, play the full version of Sin Slayers.
Community Announcements - Stormtrooper

«There is nothing worse, than a man without joy».

Today we’ll talk about our second location, the Graveyard of Despondency. Sin Lord of Sloth governs this place along with his minion — Ghost Reaper.

Location features

You’ll feel apathy, fear and sadness of the cemetery right away. Crypts, graves, bones and thick fog are everywhere, only the most courageous heroes will have what it takes to pass. Everything here is filled with evil and hopelessness, even the fountain will increase your sinfulness by 12 points every time you visit it. You’ll have a difficult choice to make: attack the enemy with your current health or to restore it, strengthening the enemy.

Graveyard of Despondency bestiary

Aside from the enemies you already know, like pigmans, slimes and other dwellers of the Forest of Gluttony, you’ll also meet new ones. Each of them will have its own unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Let’s examine each and every one:

Ghost is a common graveyard visitor. It’ll attack anyone who’ll get too close to it. It can not only slash with his dagger, but also curse its enemy, draining his life energy. It’s weak to holy and electric attacks.

Graves, crypts, bones and monsters behind every corner will drive anyone insane. Gravedigger was no different, now he’s under a full control of Sloth. He’ll attack anyone who dares to visit his lands. Watch out for his shovel!

Alive he was a noble protector of his kingdom and achieved many great feats, but then he betrayed his king. Because of that he now must wander endlessly in the World between worlds. He’s afraid of fire, use it against him.

Not all ghosts are the same, some materialized almost fully thanks to their achievements in life. They are called Fantoms, not dead, but not alive as well. In a battle with these skilled warriors any turn can become your last.

Probably the most interesting evil minion of the Graveyard. It doesn’t like to fight, but more than happy to summon other to its aid. Holy attack have no effect on him. Frost and poison damage won’t be of a great help as well.


The first serious obstacle on your way to the second seal. He protects the resting places of souls and able to summon ghosts on the battlefield. Beware of the scythe, the power of death itself is imbued in it.

The second Sin Lord does not leave his throne, but don’t expect an easy battle. Indifferent to everything, he gets mad if someone dares to interrupt his solitude. Sloth is strong and will easily dodge a critical attack, but due to Sin it is very slow. Cocky travellers will surely die in a fight with him. Relax by the fountain before the fight and recuperate or not… it’s for you to decide.