Mar 6, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. Firefighters are hot. If you are a firefighter yourself, you already know this. And since we like hot things here in Blush Blush, we figure this is the perfect time to add one of our own.

Say hello to Logan! He’s a bit more on the adorable side than your average firefighter, but we promise he’s got the abs you need to put out fires. (That’s how fires are put out, right? With smoking hot abs?)

Find Logan’s Phone Fling in your phone. Enjoy! And let us know what you think - we always enjoy your feedback.

Love you all so hard!
The Pandas
Feb 27, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

It’s time for a new Event Reward, and we’ve got something extra sweet for you this time. A little dessert that’s sure to go straight to your hips (though probably slowly, and with great shyness). The next LTE pinup stars your favorite soft boi - Nimh! And he hopes you brought an extra spoon (and a napkin too, probably. Dessert can get messy.)

Enjoy this doubly sweet gift, and let us know what you think!

Love you all so hard!
The Pandas
Feb 20, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

Got something a little dark, a little damaged, a little moody for you today. A new Phone Fling, but from an entirely different sort of boy.

Poe is here, and his feelings are special. He’s a mixture of pretentious and conscientious, so show him some love. Or don’t. The world is a dark place and we are but its pawns. Though hugs are pretty great.

We hope you enjoy! As always, let us know what you think and we hope you enjoy your conversation!

Love you all so hard!
Feb 13, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

So it’s time for new booty for the old Limited Time Event reward. And we really do mean “booty” because this next one feature’s some under garments for everyone’s favorite “soft boi”.

If you want to get Nimh some swanky boxers and basically crank his shyness up to maximum, just log in everyday and claim each event token. If you miss any, you can always grab ‘em for some diamonds. (And help us make MORE under garments for shy bois).

So don’t miss out, claim those tokens, and let us know what you think. What sort of rewards do you think you’d like to see in the LTE? We’d love to hear your ideas!

Love you all so hard!
The Pandas
Feb 6, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

Got a little treat for you all today! A Phone Fling with the most romantic story line possible - a disgruntled employee in an office setting.

We’re happy to introduce you to Ferris - who is really hoping to score a new office chair if he makes quota. Then he’ll have two chairs - with only one more to go.

But seriously - Ferris could use a little love. So jump into the Phone Flings, unlock the lovable office guy, and maybe help him get off early. (That’s what he said!)

Enjoy - and as always, send us any ideas or suggestions you’d love to see for future Phone Flings.

Love you all so hard!

The Pandas
Jan 30, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

We've got a special surprise for you today that's a little different than usual. Rather than a fanciful new boy to tickle your fancy, today's update is all about giving you the goods to do the tickling yourself!

Starting today you'll find a special icon in the game that will bring you to our Limited Time Events popup. This thing is cool, trust us.

Here's all the info about these mini-events you need to know. There are rewards to earn (if you have the extra Time Blocks to invest), including diamond rewards. There are also special login rewards to earn, including pin-ups and outfits for your fave boys.

To unlock the bigger reward, log in every day and claim one of the Event Tokens. Collect all the Tokens, and the reward is yours! If you miss a few Tokens (or if you're impatient and want stuff NAOW) you can buy Tokens for diamonds. Simple!

The first Limited Time reward is a special Valentine's Pinup. A sweet little surprise you can unlock just in time for Valentine's day.

So DO NOT miss a single Token, log in every day and get your cool stuff, and unlock all the things. It's your destiny! And a fine destiny it is.

As always - let us know what you think, and what you hope to see next.

Love you all so hard!
The Pandas
Jan 23, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

So - if you happen to be the type that tries to think of baseball to assist your… Shall we say “endurance”… Then this next update may not be for you.

Because a new Phone Fling has just been added - and it introduces ‘Ace'! A baseball loving athlete who loves animals and has a six-pack you can bounce a quarter off of.

Once you flirt with Ace, you might have a completely different relationship with baseball. A lot less ‘strike out’ and a lot more ‘get to third base and head home’. If you know what we mean.

So check out Ace, and let us know what you think! Play ball!

Love you so hard,

The Pandas
Jan 17, 2020
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

So we’re getting close to the top of the mountain. You’ve helped a chinchilla, a wolf boi, and a ginger. You probably think you’ve seen it all.

But have you seen a figure skating vampire boi transformed into a snake? Huh? Well now you have!

Give a warm welcome to “Stirling” - the latest Blush Blush guy, who’s ready to drift mysteriously into your heart.

Why is he a figure skating vampire? Because that’s what gets us excited. Don’t judge us. Just let us have this one.

Stirling is very much an “end game” character, so don’t despair if he’s a bit out of your league (your stats, I should say. You’re very much in his league, you tiger.) Keep working at him and let us know if how he feels difficulty-wise.

We’re hard at work at some really cool stuff for Blush Blush - so stay tuned. In the meantime - enjoy Stirling as he “snakes” his way into your life. Haha! Word play!

Love you all so hard,
The Pandas
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

How’s your New Year going so far? Have you settled in? Getting used to writing “2020” on various legal documents?

Well, whether or not things are off to a strong start, or if there’s a few too many edges on the year so far, we’ve got just the thing to give you those New Year fuzzy feelings.

Reece has just been added to the Phone Flings - and he’s just the ticket for anyone with an eye on what year it is. Because Reece is a Time Traveler. And he needs your help finding his way home (as well as his pants.)

Ring him up and fall in love. Or just flirt. Whatever. It’s your life. Do what 'chu want.

Love you all so hard!


The Pandas
Dec 13, 2019
Blush Blush - Sad Panda Studios

Hey Panda Peeps!

We’ve got something new and cool and smexy to share with you all today! Due to popularity and demand, we’ve been working behind the scenes on a new feature in Blush Blush to help keep you warm on those lonely nights you’re waiting for progress bars to finish…

Sad Panda is happy to announce that we’ve added Phone Flings to Blush Blush!

What’s a Phone Fling, you may ask? Well, they’re conversations you can have with characters outside of the main cast, where you text back and forth and things get flirty (and sometimes hilarious!)

These Phone Flings are free! (Though sometimes you gotta wait for conversations to continue, and can drop a couple diamonds to “speed things up”, if you know what I’m saying.) All you gotta do is tap on the Phone Icon that you see buzzing at the top of the screen.

Quick side note! A lot of you who played the “Endless Levels” feature on Beta have been wondering when it’s coming to the Main game. We’re just in the middle of a big overhaul (the original Endless Levels had some wonky balancing), and they’ll be coming early in the new year. The major reason for the delay is that they require extensive deep-game testing, to make sure they work properly for Players on Day 1-5, to Players on Day 100-150. The original ones didn’t do that. So we’re fixing them.

They’re coming though, so thank you for testing, and we’ll give you an update when we’re adding them to the Beta so you can take’em for a spin.

Lots more in store! So check out the Phone Flings, let us know what you think, and we hope you enjoy this and everything else December has in store for you.

Love you all so hard!
The Pandas