Sep 28, 2022
Kynseed - Sludgebridge

Hello there, dreaming ones,
Name is Pott, let’s have some fun.
I’m the Brounie of yer farm,
I keep it clean and cause no harm.

Just put offerings out each day,
And I’ll keep things right while yer away.
Forget though and I’ll be mad,
With varied jinxes to be had.

One day that you’ve forgotten.
And I will turn yer apples rotten.

Two days is another hurdle,
I’ll make all yer cow’s milk curdle!

Three days missed then yer mistaken,
No more honey can be taken.

Forget for four days in a row,
Yer farm’s fish won’t bite yer know.

Five days makes family life harder,
Cos I’ll steal stuff from yer larder!

Lastly, six days and the jinx ye earn,
Will make yer own kids never learn.

So keep me happy with daily treats,
And jinxes ye shall never meet.
Make Pott a happy and gentle soul.
Now b’gger off and fill my bowl!

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    'Two days is another hurdle, I’ll make all yer cow’s milk curdle!'

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   'Three days missed then yer mistaken, No more honey can be taken'

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  'Five days makes family life harder, Cos I’ll steal stuff from yer larder!'

Pott doesn't only clean up and watch the house while you are away; he can also advise on things to do and help guide you. He also acts as a middleman between yourself and Mr Fairweather.

His temper and tongue may be quick and he is a master of sarcasm, but he only has your interests at heart.

At the end of the day, your home is his home and he only wants what is best for the family that lives there.

Sep 23, 2022
Kynseed - Sludgebridge
Hello, Seedlings,

We are a little offset in our timings this week due to events earlier this week in the UK. However, we are here now with our weekly update, delivered as always by the finest racing pigs from our castle stock.

This week we present to you our updated roadmap, which you can also find here.

Our roadmap hopefully informs you of our plans going forwards for the foreseeable future. We want Kynseed to have a long tail, a bit like our castle mouse, so there may very well be updates beyond what is planned.

That’s all for now. Don’t forget to post your questions in our QnA#4 comments or in the Kynseed General Discussion forum.

Until next week, friends,


Sep 20, 2022
Kynseed - xRaenboe
Hello Seedlings!

Our fourth QnA is here, bubbling out of our news cauldron as an excited froth.
We need to fill our buckets and barrels with it and send it out forthwith for you to drink from!


Q: Will you ever add more animal colour varieties or new animal types?
A: We added the ability to dye sheep and are considering the others. New pet types will come with post-release content.

Q: Will 1.0 include everything on the current forum's roadmap?
A: We recently updated the roadmap on our official website, and what you see there is correct. View it here.

Q: Will the soundtrack or artbook be purchasable, either at 1.0 or after?
A: There are no plans to sell the soundtrack or artbook separately at this current time.

Q: Do children inherit physical attributes from their parents e.g. hair colour or style?
A: Skin colour is taken from a range between their parents. Hair is a little more random as we have some cool colours, but will mostly look at what the parents' base colours are. This is subject to tweaking.

Q: Will you be able to run a tavern with 1.0?
A: The tavern has been slightly pushed back to be our first post-release content download, planned for a few weeks after the launch of 1.0.

Q: How many sprites are in 1.0?
A: It's a very tricky one to fully number. We have 78,500 or so sprites combined into the texture pack sheets, with 9,099 hand-selected sprites in the editor. There are 57,767 generated sprites apparently, but it is all very complicated stuff due to the various system setups!

Q: Will we ever be able to repeat any of the tutorials?
A: We are considering adding a combat training area in Jogon's barrow. Additional help will be on help pages, the Bubble Help system, a How to Play guide we added to the Options menu and links to our official Wiki.

Q: What will accessibility be like in 1.0?
A: We are hoping to add as many options as possible, with more coming in post-release. We will cater for everything from text to flashing to controls to difficulty and visibility, so that as many people as possible can enjoy the game.


And with that, the barrel is empty. See you next Monday, friends!


P.s. You can also join us on Discord!
Sep 14, 2022
Kynseed - xRaenboe
Hello, Seedlings!

As the fog recedes in damp old Woemarsh, we take a little stroll with our fishing rod, in the hopes of catching a nice Gasbelly for supper.

After we have cooked and eaten it, we will read the news scroll, freshly delivered by pigeons from the Castle.

What delights does it tell us about development this week?

A New Angle

We have overhauled the fishing system to look slicker and give some added gameplay whilst retaining the old system's speed. In addition, the animations are improved, and the aiming system is now a cinch on a gamepad. No more struggling with power selection and diagonals!

The fish have had their AI tweaked too, with fast, medium and slow fish, as well as deep and shallow fish. Our fishy friends may also be scared away by badly timed ripples.

A plethora of skills are also available from Master Twig, including a handy ‘Fish Eye’ skill that will show you hard-to-see fish (perhaps hidden under bridges or behind foliage).

There are still a few things we need to polish off, such as a nice reeling sound and a more satisfactory catch sequence. We can’t wait for you to get hands-on with it, in 1.0.

Until next week, friends,



P.s. You can also join us on Discord!
Sep 12, 2022
Kynseed - xRaenboe
Hello Seedlings!

Our third QnA is here, rising like a big spongey cake in the Castle kilns.
But what topping shall it have? Let's look at the questions and see!


Q: Will content after 1.0 be free or paid DLC?
A: There are three big content drops, post 1.0, in the development schedule right now which will all be free.

Q: Are they any sales planned for the game before release?
A: None are planned, but we will update you if that changes.

Q: Will the experimental Steam Deck branch be final by 1.0?
A: We hope so! It should be ready, Castle gremlins permitting.

Q: Does the game have a consistent main story? How long will it take?
A: It's actually pretty hard to put a timer on it right now, as we haven't balanced the game fully. There is a main story thread to follow, with objectives to meet to unlock more of it. There are also side stories and what we call 'NPC Stories' to complete too, to keep you busy!

Q: How do different metals affect tools and weapons?
A: Each material can affect loot tables; for example, an iron shovel can sometimes find things more readily than a copper shovel, but the copper shovel can find some things easier than iron. Monsters have weaknesses against certain sword types too, so think of this when prepping for the different combat zones.

Q: Will ultra-wide monitors be supported at 1.0?
A: It is highly unlikely that we have support for 1.0, but we do have someone in the company, who is insisting we do it. He has a widescreen, naturally.

Q: Where is the best place to share suggestions?
A: On our Discord or on our Steam General Discussion.

Q: When will the roadmap be updated?
A: We will tweak the current one soon, but the next big update to the roadmap will be when we announce the street date.


That's a wrap!

Keep sending us your questions and we'll be back again next week.


P.s. You can also join us on Discord!
Kynseed - Sludgebridge
Hello Seedlings!

Welcome to our wonderful weekly Wednesday washroom warblings.

This week we are giving you a sneak peek of a new combat Skill you can unlock from Master Jogon. This Skill unlocks the use of Effigies as an extra tool for your combat runs.

What are Effigies, we hear you shout?

Effigies are small wooden carvings of the 6 Goddesses that you can buy, win, find and be gifted.
One of each type can be taken into combat and used when you inflict 250HP of damage onto your enemies.

A bar at the top of the screen fills, after which you can trigger some incredible Goddess Power!
Below is an exclusive look at the power of Druida, Goddess of Orchards.

A hail of giant fruit rains down, giving your foes a deadly dose of vitamin C.

Once used, the Effigy burns up, so it will need to be replenished out of combat.

It can be a costly aid but can certainly get you out of a tight squeeze!

Each Goddess has a power appropriate to their speciality, so learn what each one does and the best situation in which to use them.

We hope you enjoyed this little look at a very enjoyable mechanic. We shall be back next week with more goodness, and don’t forget Monday’s QnA!

Until next time, friends.


Sep 5, 2022
Kynseed - xRaenboe
Hello Seedlings!

We are opening the portcullis again for another QnA. Thanks so much to everyone who asked us questions over our various platforms during the past week!

We hope you enjoyed our sneak peek at the Achievement system too.

Let's dive into it! The QnA, not the castle moat.


Q: Are Kickstarter rewards still coming?
A: Yes they are! Some of these rewards will be ready for 1.0, but some will be completed in the following months.

Q: Are there plans to expand the world map?
A: Absolutely. We have plans to expand the northern part of Quill in exciting post-release content.

Q: Are there any systems in place for breeding animals? If so, will the parents traits affect the offspring?
A: We initially wanted to have some kind of breeding, but time is against us. However, we will be looking to get something more developed in this area post-release, with perhaps something basic for 1.0.

Q: Are there any plans after 1.0?
A: We are working on ideas which will build on the features and story of 1.0. We are committed to adding fresh content to keep the world of Kynseed alive well into the future.

Q: Will there be a wiki or do I have to write everything on paper to remember?
A: Good news! We are creating our own official Wiki, led by our new experienced Community Manager, which will be a one-stop shop for all your knowledge needs.

Q: How can I submit bug reports after 1.0?
A: A system will be in place at the time of release, so more information will be given at that time.

Q: Is the price going to change when the game leaves Early Access?
A:Yes. The game will be raising in price on 1.0 launch day.

Q: Am I allowed to stream or make videos of Kynseed before it leaves Early Access?
A: You most certainly are! Many wonderful people have already streamed and made videos.


And that's all folks.

Keep those questions coming and we'll see you again next week!


P.s. You can also join us on Discord!
Aug 31, 2022
Kynseed - Sludgebridge
Hello Seedlings!

We've heard your cries from our Castle turrets and we are ready to catapult out some tidings with a tease of the Achievement system! As it stands, Kynseed has a total of 70 possible Achievements to unlock. That should keep the village quiet for a good while!

Whilst we are still ironing out the creases of the final achievement UI, we wanted to show you a little taste of what's to come. So take a look below at the 6 we have plucked fresh from the game!

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀        Absolute Beginners: Learn a skill from a master.
Skills are something you gain from the various Goddess-blessed Masters dotted around Quill. Fulfil each Master's requirements to gain valuable techniques for Cooking, Fishing, Melee and Ranged Combat, Gardening and more!

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   In Good Graces: Make an offering to the Goddesses.
Each Goddess Day (days 7 and 14 of each season) you can make offerings at any Goddess Statue to gain handy boons, but also jinxes from the other jealous Goddesses! Work out what would benefit you that week and strategically plan ahead.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Allergy Season: Discover a Flower Bloom!
Events can be random or on the calendar, so keep an eye out as you wander the land. Events such as the Flower Bloom can be a great way to gather resources, if you can discover when and where they occur.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀      You're Special: Specialise your shop.
After levelling up your shop Rep a bit, you will eventually unlock Specialisations from the Gnome Tinker of Tir Na Nog. With these, you can change how your shop looks and stock certain items, gaining more Rep while also unlocking new Perks to enhance your businesses.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   It was Fete: Win a village competition.
Each haven has an annual competition you can take part in. You will receive an invite in your mailbox, and the day is marked in your calendar. On the competition date, go see the Events Master and bring your best produce for great prizes and Rep gains.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Tough Get Going: Clear Toughwood after travelling as deep as you can.
Toughwood is the nastiest place in southern Quill. Once your are fully prepped, enter this dark forest and head deeper until the 10th level. The monsters are much tougher but the rewards are far greater!

And that's it for this weeks showcase. Short, but sweet. A bit like the villagers of Mellowfields.

Check back next Wednesday for another sneak peak into the development cauldron. Don't forget we have another QnA post on Monday too. We'll see you then, friends!


P.s. You can also join us on Discord!

Aug 29, 2022
Kynseed - PixelCount_CM
Hello Seedlings!

Welcome to the first of several Question and Answer panels. This is something we plan to be doing every Monday, so make sure to submit your questions in the comments below and we'll do our best to answer them in next week's QnA post!

Today's QnA isn't on a specific topic but gathers questions that you, the players, have asked us across various platforms, in regards to the game as well as the 1.0 update.

Without ado, here we go!


Q: When is 1.0 coming out?
A: We are currently entering our polish and final testing phase for the game, and will have more news on 1.0 soon. If the game hits our quality target, which we expect it to, it will be out well before the end of the year.

Q: Will there be any updates between now and 1.0?
A: This is under discussion, but there are no main updates planned. However, we are considering an Experimental Branch update before launch, but will see how things go.

Q: Will Kynseed be coming to consoles?
A: We are absolutely planning to release Kynseed on consoles (it was born for the Switch). However, these things take time and resource so no official news as yet.

Q: Can I use a controller to play?
A: Absolutely! Kynseed was designed with controller in mind, but keyboard/mouse players have a wealth of options too to customise their experience.

Q: Can I play Kynseed on Steamdeck?
A: We currently have a Steam Deck Beta you can try. The aim is to be fully working on Steam Deck for 1.0. It looks and plays fabulously!

Q: Will Kynseed be available to play in x language?
A: We want as many of our international friends as possible to experience the game. Localisation takes time and money, so while we aim for a couple of languages initially, over time we will add more as resource allows. There are a lot of words and a ton of puns and wordplays to decipher!

Q: Is multiplayer something that will ever happen?
A: It will really depend on success and demand. A local co-op mode could be considered but there are no plans for online multiplayer.

Q: Can I continue from my current save when 1.0 launches?
A: Sadly we will be wiping all saves for 1.0. However, we are planning to keep an Early Access branch open for those who want to keep their current games. We will not accept or fix bugs from that branch though.

Q: Are all of the assets/artwork original?
A:Everything in-game was created by our amazing art team (and some other pieces done by ex-Lions in the earlier days). It's always a pleasure to see what they come up with each day.

Q: What engine did you use to build this game?
A: Kynseed is built using our own engine on a Monogame framework. Some technical people will know what that means. The rest of us just politely nod.


Remember to submit your questions for us to answer next week! Thanks for reading.

Until next time,


P.s. You can also join us on Discord!
Kynseed - Sludgebridge
Hello, Seedlings!

Welcome to our weekly update, brought fresh from the scribes in the Castle.

The ink had barely dried on the parchment before our delivery pigs raced out into the village. So, what tidings?

Well, things are incredibly busy with all manner of polish, fixes and tweaks flying into our internal dev build.

One thing we love to do while playing is to spot the wildlife we have begun populating the world with. You can see elegant deer milling around in the deep woods. Squirrels scamper for nearby bushes.

Hedgehogs waddle around looking very cute, and rabbits hop around looking for some lovely fresh dandelion leaves to nibble on. More creatures are being added, and they will be seasonal too, so expect to see springtime fawns, a lack of hedgehogs in winter and so on.

This is part of our ongoing polish to bring the world to life. Combined with the dynamic weather systems, other ambient life, NPCs, flowing water and floating objects, little animations and more, it makes the world a delight to run around.

We defy you not to chase nearby birds!

In other news, on Monday, we will be starting a new Q&A post where you can get some of your questions answered, so look out for that!

Until next time, friends,


