Kynseed - Sludgebridge
Welcome Seedlings to another weekly update from our Gnomish scribes in the castle.

This week the team is beavering away on work for our own internal dev build on Friday, with a promise that ALL the UI will finally be in!

It has been a mammoth task (not actually done by a mammoth), but the effort was certainly worth it.
Along with the last remnants of that, we are also doing some changes to how the diagnosis side of the apothecary works to make it slicker and faster, and making it much clearer for players to select recipes and use the correct stations for their concoctions.

What else?

Well, our amazing Key Art is having its last tweaks for our big reveal.

Code are working on getting the traits fully in and functioning, as well as the remaining skills.

Everyone is cheerily piling away at making the game as good as it can be.

So, what can we show you this week as we have a little nosey in the development drawer?

The Wheel of Delight

Want to make babies in the game?

Well, we already know that the Stork delivers them…but how are they made?

Enter, the Wheel of Delight.

By gifting a corndoll to your loved one, you can engage in a delightful little bit of fun that may lead to an increase in happiness or an increase in family size!

You can help change the size of segments by boosting your Virility stat. I hear Lovers Truffles are a good thing to find with the help of your pet pig.

Please don’t take our word for it; have a peek at our little video showing this wonderfully tactile carousel in action!

Until next week, friends.



Aug 10, 2022
Kynseed - Sludgebridge
Hello Seedlings!

Welcome to a little update about where we are at, and what is happening in the Castle.

We are hurtling towards Feature Complete, as we aim steadfastly at that most precious and important of stages…the polish phase!

We plan to update you much more often with smaller but still very tasty information pies, baked in the best stoves Quill has to offer.

We shall be making more Twitter posts, and doing some fun things on our updated Discord, thanks to our sparkly new Community Manager.

Expect reveals and showings of some really fun features, such as this lovely little video we recently put out on Twitter. You can spot the Family Ledger, where you can give your loved ones a schedule and send them gathering; plus the arrival of a bouncy little baby via our old friend, the Stork.

Until next time!


You can follow us on Twitter and Discord for more updates using these links:

Apr 14, 2022
Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Welcome to another parchment of Quillian news, delivered by the news Chaffinches, as the Ravens and Pigeons are on holiday. We have been ferociously working on the game to hammer it into its final shape.

One feature we have always been keen on getting in is the idea of ‘NPC Stories’. What are they, you ask in whispered tones?

Each named NPC will say some flavour dialogue at each level gained on friendship, culminating in a bespoke task that you must complete before they 'love' you.

The new dialogue adds a bit of much needed depth and personality to the existing NPCs. Combined with an updated chat system and favours that are tied to their traits, the whole system really helps fill out the characters more.

You can find redemption in some NPC stories

Speaking of story, we are putting in more of the main story that you all so eagerly want, along with the player's main objective. Just what is your motivation to do the things you need to do? What’s that mysterious noise from the deep woods? What is behind that strange door? Who let the pugs out?

You'll need to get a handle on that door

One other area of the game which we have been putting a lot of code and art effort into is the User Interface, or UI to those who know their gaming acronyms.

The new UI system is now being implemented for remaining areas, such as the family ledger, shop ledgers and chat systems.

Using your lovely new ledgers, you will be able to assign shifts, send your family gathering or give them specific orders that will raise their stats via learning...from gardening to studying books.

Things are looking a bit shifty in the ledger

We have also been working on combat for Midwood, and Gary has done an absolutely magnificent job with the monsters and their varying anims.

Midwood’s creatures have a very different style to those of Simplewood, and are a bit faster and more aggressive. Get your dodging shoes on!

Our combat isn't a drag to play

There are lots of other treats being prepared, including the creation of new hubs, a new haven, generations, shop specialisations and more. So keep an eye out (not literally) for more developer updates in the coming weeks.

A big thanks from the team for your continued patience and support.

Happy chocolate egg eating time!
Mar 18, 2022
Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
A comprehensive overhaul of the existing music and sound effects has been done with this update. New audio tracks and sound effects have been added to replace all of those by a previous composer.

With such a change, we will undoubtedly have further modifications based on spending many more hours immersed in the game ourselves and player feedback. So let us know your thoughts on any of the new sounds in the comments section as usual.

If you are getting any issues please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing

A big thanks to all of your support whether by sending in bugs, leaving a review letting us know what you think, hanging out in the community, or even by simply playing the game.

🔷 All music and sfx by a previous composer replaced
🔶 Ambient sfx are now dynamic based on nearby game objects
🔶 Ambient sfx are now positioned in stereo on screen
🔶 Footstep sounds expanded on
🔶 Music now packaged and streams in earlier, this should fix stuttering on loading levels and going into and out of shops
🔶 Music now has a pause between repeating
🔶 Music is more controlled not to start during more of the night time hours
🔶 Sickle/Mining gamefeel adjusted
❌ Fix for Poppyhill house wall being out of place
❌ Fix for some npcs where footsteps weren't playing when they moved left and right
❌ Fix for mouse showing in gamepad mode if you exit from the calendar into the journal
❌ Fix for some music persisting if you exit to the title
❌ Fix for crash on calendar


P.S. For those lucky enough to have a Steam Deck, we've been working on compatibility and currently have a opt in beta branch named steamdeck that should work.
Mar 2, 2022
Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Spring is upon us and the dandelions are out in bloom in Quill.
Picking one, we can see it is time for a little update on what is going on inside the game.
Our industrious team of ten gnomes are tinkering away so here are a couple of things being forged inside their little houses.


One of the final elements of the game to get up to launch quality is the User Interface. As such, UI has been a big focus lately, with all of us playing some part in making the menus more consistent, intuitive, and responsive. They also look and feel lovely, like the ferns of Pinehaven.

In addition, we've been making significant progress on many of the remaining screens. This includes the interaction system, which has had an overhaul, with chatting streamlined like one of our finest racing pigs.

Work is also underway on the shop ledgers. When you are sat up late at night, the candle flickering, you need a reliable and informative book to do your accounts and stock. It also helps that it looks great too.

New look for blacksmith orders in the ledger


What is that over there, glinting on the horizon? Why it’s the exciting new title screen based on our brand new Key Art! We can't wait to show you - it is pretty amazing, even if we say so ourselves. Which we just did.


The second central area of the game we are getting launch-ready is the story and task system, including the main narrative thread and the unique adventures you will embark upon based on the numerous NPCs.

So, to start filling out the game with all the delicious content we need, we created an 'Event and AI behaviour Editor' or ‘EAABE’ for short. We may need to change that acronym.
This drag and drop game design tool allows us to easily create new events and the sim behaviours to support them. We've been replacing events that had previously been 'hard-coded' to now run using the new system, and the benefits to time and bug fixing have been more marvellous than Herbert’s beard.

This screen shows a few different parts of the tree for a cooking competition event

Each node is a small bit of code with settable properties making it easy to add new ones


We'll be posting more development updates in the near future, so keep an eye on the news raven to see what fresh produce Quill has to offer!
Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Hello there seedlings!

Hotfix Update is now live! Today's update rounds up quite a few fixes from reported issues that should make the experience better.

If you are getting any issues please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing

A big thanks to all of your support whether by sending in bugs, leaving a review letting us know what you think, hanging out in the community, or even by simply playing the game.

🔶 Meeting a character allows you to see their traits as well as stats
🔶 Pig poop is now effective as fertiliser to speed all grown seeds by one day
🔶 Sheep poop is now effective as fertiliser to raise the rating of certain growables
🔶 Traits visible for recipe results once the player has made the recipe once
🔶 Adjusted player speedup to happen from becoming adult in the game
🔶 Switch a character introduction to cutscene to hopefully fix issues with it getting stuck
❌ Fixed lost item tasks using legacy items by switching them to new ones (this will reset progress of these tasks in existing saves)
❌ Fix for shop book not displaying when you buy a shop
❌ Fix for shoppers continuing to spawn in while certain UI menus are onscreen
❌ Fix for gift mails giving duplicate recipes/proverbs of existing unread gift mails
❌ Fix for some mails going to archive automatically
❌ Fixed accidental gifting when clicking up/down arrows in the inventory box
❌ Fix visual appearance of hotbar for buckets/jars not changing when swapping in a different one
❌ Fixed Retirement Home curse not affecting spouse when loading save
❌ Fix for sword not levelling up in combat
❌ Fix for fishing rod not enabling skills menu
❌ Correct spouse age in save portrait
❌ Fixed issue with Fae shops not getting restocked during a play session
❌ Fixed issue with npcs not resetting their info limit each season
❌ Fixed item names not showing on skills screen
❌ Fixed night ambient carrying over when quitting to title screen
❌ Collection tasks don't count items dropped from the inventory that are picked up again
❌ NPCs in alphabetical order on the relationship screen
❌ Inventory proverbs listed alphabetically
❌ Multipart task steps in order with previously completed steps at the top
❌ Clicking on the hotbar area while it was invisible no longer makes sound
❌ Fixes for the player movement on various level exits/entrances
❌ Each market stall is guaranteed to sell unique seeds based on those available for that haven

Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Hello there seedlings!

Just a small hotfix today while work continues apace on improvements and adding more content.

If you are getting any issues please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing

A big thanks to all of your support whether by sending in bugs, leaving a review letting us know what you think, hanging out in the community, or even by simply playing the game.

❌ Fix for not receiving items from gifts in the mail

Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Hello there seedlings!

Just squeezing into 2021 here's a small hotfix update.

If you are getting any issues please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing

A big thanks to all of your support whether by sending in bugs, leaving a review letting us know what you think, hanging out in the community, or even by simply playing the game.

❌ Fix for issue starting new game after going to load a save
❌ Fix for chat boxes having the dpad options accessible leading to not get the fishing rod
❌ Fix to make fishing rod available after the first season in the game if it wasn't acquired (including existing saves)
❌ Fix to prevent crash when selling certain items to the Fae from the blacksmith with a certain perk
❌ Fix for crash loading into Briar with a follower

Dec 21, 2021
Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Hello there seedlings!

Just in time for the winter holidays here's another update bringing further UI improvements and fixes along with new water visuals!

If you are getting any issues please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing

A big thanks to all of your support whether by sending in bugs, leaving a review letting us know what you think, hanging out in the community, or even by simply playing the game.

🔷 Further UI switched to the new system
🔷 Skill screen
🔷 Mailbox
🔷 Intro choice
🔷 Gamepad Radial
🔷 Monument stone
🔷 Pet whistle
🔷 Noticeboard
🔷 Overhead text and more onscreen messages
🔷 Water and lighting has been visually enhanced with shaders (for lower spec PCs there are settings in the options to adjust the quality of the effects which may improve framerate)
🔷 Bubble help (currently on F3 key), this pauses the game and gives some context sensitive help for a variety of onscreen objects and certain npcs
🔶 Can toggle to view the descriptions of goddess effects on the results screen after offering
❌ Fix where mosses would not grow out of level
❌ Throwing minigame is ended on leaving the level and the npc now returns if you do go back that same day
❌ Elderberry bushes preset in Evergreen
❌ Salad Days blessing works with using the sickle
❌ Fixed cases where melee and ranged tutorials could get reactivated as tasks and stuck because they were already completed
❌ Fixed item ratings text and conditions where it was mismatched
❌ Correct blacksmith prices when selling from the shelf from balance data

Kynseed - PixelCount Studios
Hello there seedlings!

Here's another small hotfix following the latest update! If you are still getting any issues please send them in for us to look at (via discord or mailing

A big thanks to all of your support whether by sending in bugs, leaving a review letting us know what you think, hanging out in the community, or even by simply playing the game.

🔷 Setup moss growing on certain tree stumps
🔶 Switched Spade in shops to be the Tin Shovel
❌ Fix for hotbar disappearing after completing combat
❌ Prevented exiting the lemonade stand via dpad menu options that could lead to crashes
❌ Goddess Offerings no longer partially save placed offerings to avoid issues
❌ If multiple tasks expect the same item it correctly gifts towards ones where progress can be made
❌ Fixed an assert for Truffles when loading certain save games
❌ Correctly display calendar cooking event in Summer season only
