Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone! As you know, we've been hard at work on chapter 3 for some time now and while the dungeon isn't quite ready for the public yet, the first zone of the chapter is. If you've got a save file with chapter 2 completed, you can now continue your adventure in the newest area behind the Serafin Castle.

Also in the test build are some tweaks to Kinesis. We're still ironing out the feel of it, but with the new changes you can incorporate your second hand when controlling an object. One handed Kinesis still functions the same as you're used to, but locking on with your second hand will give you a much finer level of control over the object's orientation.

If you'd like to help us out by jumping into the new zone and finding bugs and other issues, please do so by going to the game's properties in your Steam library and selecting "test" in the betas tab. You can also join us in our discord to report bugs and help us shape development going forward. Enjoy the new area and happy adventuring, everyone!
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone. Today's patch is chock full of small improvements and bug fixes. Thanks to everyone in the community for telling us about a lot of these. If you find anything irksome or discover a bug, we appreciate you letting us know about it--the best place to do so is in our discord, where you can also keep up with development and help shape the game with the rest of the community. On to the patch notes!

    Additions and Improvements
  • The game now has Steam Cloud support, so your save files will be automatically backed up every time you close the game. If you uninstall or delete your save files (not from within the game), they'll be automatically restored the next time you launch it.
  • Scepters now bestow their bonuses even while sheathed. If you have two scepters for some reason(I mean why would you do that?), the free cast chance of the better scepter will be applied.
  • Gave the burnable brambles a new effect when hit with fireballs to hint that fire can destroy them.
  • Added a sparkle effect on dropped arrows to make them more visible.
  • Improved the AI pathfinding a bit so they can detect if they're blocking each other and reroute.
  • Your magic selection wheel will now only affect the hand you opened it with.
  • Increased the likelihood that goblin mages will teleport at least once when you get close to them.
  • Reduced the thickness of the fog in the Stormy Swamp.
  • Enemies will no longer take reduced damage if your weapon crossed theirs on the way to hitting them.
  • Shortened the knockdown duration of enemies by 1 second. This may be reduced further as we continue to balance things.
  • Re-positioned the unstable mana crystal before the final boss of chapter 1 to better allude to its interaction with the crystal wall.
  • The magic selection wheel no longer turns to face you continually while out, it will maintain it's initial orientation once spawned.
  • Reduced the brightness of the Illusory Armor effect to be less severe.
  • Made life fruits immune to your Kinetic Thrust so you can't send them somewhere out of reach.
  • Incorporated a new shader into the game that better identifies climbable surfaces by placing a detail texture along the top of them.
  • Re-positioned some of the goblins in the Misty Mine to provide more opportunities to be stealthy.
  • Changed the textures of some of the enemies and/or their armor.
  • Removed the last bit of jank with the ballistae of chapter 2. They were functional but their various pivot points could sometimes become awkwardly oriented when manipulated.

    Corrections and Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that would continually respawn a collectible meteor shard in chapter 2 after you had already collected it.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow you to brute force your way into using the archery ultimate without first unlocking it.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs that might prevent you from opening your magic selection wheel under various circumstances.
  • Goblin mage health bars will no longer remain visible when the mage has disappeared.
  • Fixed a bug preventing enemy arrows from being destroyed if they struck something shortly after coming under your control.
  • Fixed a bug that would occasionally prevent enemies from playing their death animations.
  • Fixed a bug where you could technically kill the final boss of chapter 1 and have him continue fighting until you reloaded the scene.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause your sheathed weapon to not be grabbable if you had a quickslot highlighted on your belt when you sheathed it.
  • Fixed some collision issues around chapter 1 that could allow you to skip over varying amounts of content.
  • Fixed some missing collision in the tunnels before the vampire boss in chapter 2.
  • Corrected some improperly configured normal maps for some of the bows/materials in the game.

That's it for today. Happy adventuring, everyone!
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone! Today is the day that we begin to show some of what we've been working on with chapter 3! New enemies, a new meteor shard and a new friend make their debut in our latest devlog. Check it out below to get some insight into what's coming your way as the adventure continues. Keep in mind, this does contain some spoilers for chapter 3, so if you'd like to go in blind, you may want to skip this one.

In other news, the game is currently on sale with a 20% discount both here and on the Oculus Store. There's never been a better time to jump in and start your adventure!

Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone! We're extremely excited today to announce our collaboration with The Pixel Mine in bringing you the Master Swordsman VR Bundle! If you're a fan of Vengeful Rites, you'll love the Morrigan, and now you can get both in this great bundle with a 20% savings! Already own one of these great games? Complete the set and save 20% on the other! Everybody wins!

The Morrigan, like Vengeful Rites, is committed to bringing its players a great experience from a very dedicated developer. With physics based combat, beautiful visuals and a myriad of weapons to discover and collect, there's plenty to love with The Morrigan! If you haven't checked out the game yet, what are you waiting for? There's never been a better time to pick it up if you already own Vengeful Rites. If you haven't played either, yet, now's your chance to pick up both for a great price!

We couldn't be happier with this collaboration. Not only do we developers get to support each other and spread the love for VR RPGs but we can bring a great deal to our current and future players. The Pixel Mine Ltd. is a great studio and The Morrigan is a worthy addition to any VR library. Go check out the trailer below!

Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone! It's been a while since our last update, about 6 weeks, and we don't like to go that long without keeping you all updated. We're firm believers in the idea of developers staying transparent and we've seen people constantly say with other games that even something as small as a "we're still working" goes a long way, so with that in mind: We're still working. :P

Obviously our current focus is on chapter 3 and getting that out to you all and we're hard at work on that, but we're still improving the rest of the game as we go with balance and optimization tweaks and other quality of life stuff, so we figured now was as good a time as any to patch some of that stuff in. Most of today's patch is focused on bug fixes and minor cosmetic things, with the most notable being a new water shader that we've integrated into the game. We think it looks much much better than the one we were using and really helps to solidify the toony visuals we've got going. It has a real Wind Waker vibe to it and we're very happy with how it's improved the look of the game. You can check out the full patch notes below to see everything included with today's patch.

Full Patch Notes
    Additions and Improvements
  • Changed the water shader used everywhere in the game over to a new and improved one that's more in line with the art direction of the game.
  • Tweaked your inventory holster to be better aligned with your equipment.
  • Striking enemy armor will no longer result in blood spray, but instead will send sparks flying.
  • Increased the visibility of the Goblin Mage's AoE attack so it's more apparent when they're casting it under you.
  • Improved the navigation pathfinding in the tutorial scene so that enemies could follow you into your house.

    Corrections and Bug Fixes
  • Added a fix to the pressure plates puzzle for anyone who might have lost some of the objects in the room. If any of them are out of bounds, they'll respawn at their original locations within the room.
  • Fixed a bug where the pressure plates puzzle would be considered correctly solved even with multiple objects on the plates so long as the first object placed on each was the correct one for that plate. It will now only be properly solved if only the correct object is on the correct plate.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause your stats to persist if you returned to the main menu from a saved game and started a new save.
  • Corrected an issue causing the center playspace marker to go invisible when walking over certain materials.
  • Fixed a bug that would keep spell orbs in Seraf's hand after he completed casting the spell.
  • Made it so the 7th elixir would be spawned immediately upon completing the required task to make it accessible where it previously would only happen if you reloaded the scene/returned to checkpoint.
  • Fixed some faulty collision that could force you through some walls in the Serafin Castle area.
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue with the Kinetic Thrust spell altar that occurred when the scene was reloaded.

That's it for today, everyone! Our next planned announcement will be in regards to chapter 3 as we begin showing some of the stuff you can expect to encounter there. In the meantime we'd like to invite you all to join our discord to keep up to date on development and have a direct means of sharing your feedback with us. We've made a lot of improvements to the game thanks to our great community and we really appreciate everyone who takes the time to share their thoughts and help us make the game better!

Happy adventuring, everyone!
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, adventurers! Today's patch is another sizable one. Ultimate perks can now be unlocked should you find yourself with a 7th point to spend, enemies have undergone some training and are now much harder to exploit, and a difficulty setting has been added to the game that can be changed at any time to make things more manageable or more challenging. Read on for all the details or check out the latest devlog below!

Ultimate Perks!
After maxing out both perks of a given combat discipline, you can now unlock a 7th ultimate perk for that discipline which will significantly increase your effectiveness in combat. These are:

Melee: Specialists in melee can unlock the ability to dual wield as their ultimate perk! This one is pretty straight forward. You effectively double your damage output and your ability to parry. Rock two enchanted blades for maximum killing power or maybe combine a scepter and sword for more flexibility with your spell casting. However you decide to take advantage of this skill, you'll notice a significant increase in your combat ability.

Magic: Those who choose to focus on their mastery of Serafin Magic will unlock new spells that require both hands to cast and can turn the tide in battle at a moment's notice! Casting these spells requires one free hand, but your other hand can have a different spell school selected, be holding a weapon or doing anything else at all. The 2 handed spells you'll unlock are as follows:
  • Flame Nova(Destruction) - An eruption of destructive power that emanates outward from you in all directions dealing huge amounts of burning damage to all nearby enemies and igniting them for additional burning damage over time if possible.
  • Kinetic Pulse(Kinesis) - An explosion of pure kinetic energy that emanates outward from you in all directions impacting enemies and the environment. Enemies in close proximity are put off-balance and have a high chance of being knocked down.
  • Lifeleach(Restoration) - Unleash a wave of life stealing energy that directly steals health from all nearby enemies!
  • Illusory Armor(Protection) - Conjure a bubble of protective magic around yourself that deflects incoming projectiles and absorbs incoming damage. The bubble will disappear after 30 seconds or upon absorbing 200 damage, whichever comes first.

Archery: For the archers out there, you'll unlock the ability to imbue your bow with Serafin Magic! Firing arrows from your imbued bow will impart certain properties to your arrows for no mana cost. The properties you'll be able to imbue your arrows with are as follows:
  • Fiery Arrows(Destruction) - Fiery arrows will ignite enemies they hit, dealing a fraction of their damage every second for 5 seconds. If the arrow strikes something other than an enemy, it will explode, dealing a small amount of damage to and possibly igniting nearby enemies.
  • Homing Arrows(Kinesis) - Homing arrows will seek out the heads of the nearest enemies along their paths, altering their trajectories slightly to improve accuracy.
  • Lifesteal Arrows(Restoration) - Lifesteal arrows return a small amount of the damage dealt to enemies back to the archer as healing energy, restoring missing health.
  • Anti-Defense Arrows(Protection) - Anti-Defense arrows reduce natural protections of enemies hit, increasing the damage they take from all incoming attacks for a short duration.

Difficulty Settings!
One of the other improvements introduced in this patch is a bump in the AI of the enemies you'll face. With this improved AI, the game becomes considerably more difficult by default, so to offset this increase in difficulty, we're finally introducing a difficulty setting for those who find the current level of challenge to be too much or who want to make things even less forgiving! You'll now be able to choose between three different difficulty levels from the options menu (your chosen difficulty will be saved with your progress and can be changed at any time).

The game will default to "Apprentice" difficulty which is more or less what it's been up to this point, although a bit harder as it includes the newly added AI improvements like melee enemies detecting if they're being kited and performing jumping attacks to compensate, as well as knowing if you're stepping in and out of their attacks and behaving accordingly. Archers will also no longer switch to their melee stance once an arrow is nocked to their bow. They'll now always fire an arrow before switching to a melee stance, so you can no longer step in and out and trick them into never actually attacking.

Novice difficulty is the easiest option. With the game set to novice, melee enemies will behave less ferociously. They'll never lunge or continue chasing while mid attack and parrying their attacks are more likely to result in them losing balance. Beyond that, you take 25% less and deal 25% more damage. Additionally, melee enemies will spawn wearing fewer pieces of armor.

Master difficulty is for those seeking a true challenge. All melee enemies will always continue chasing at full speed while attacking, so dodging is much more difficult and parries/blocking with a shield become much more necessary. Additionally, enemies are more likely to chain attacks following a parry, making their offense practically relentless. Even more dangerous though is that all sources of incoming damage are doubled. If you've struggled on the standard difficulty up until now, you may want to hold off on this mode until you're very comfortable with the combat of the game and the tools you have at your disposal.

Full Patch Notes
    Additions and Improvements
  • Ultimate Perks can now be unlocked in the Isle of the Divines once you've earned your 7th perk point!
  • A new difficulty setting has been added to the options menu for those looking to enjoy a more casual adventure or beef up the challenges they face!
  • Enemy AI has been improved to make melee enemies and archers much harder to exploit, especially when playing on Apprentice and Master difficulty.
  • Melee enemies now make sounds when attacking, both making them more lifelike and easier to detect when they get the jump on you from behind.
  • Changed the look of the enemy health bar and removed the decreasing health animation as some people were mistaking it for regeneration.
  • Added a new type of barrier before the giant golem fight at the end of chapter one to introduce players to the mechanic required to defeat the boss before they're actually in the fight.
  • Added an attention grabbing particle effect to the Stealth Gem reveal after defeating the Spider Queen in chapter one to make it harder to miss.
  • Added a couple of additional frames to the horizontal melee attack of enemies to increase the window for a successful parry slightly.
  • Tweaked the priority of some of the sound effects when placing objects into holsters on your body or interacting with your inventory, making it less likely that you won't hear them in certain situations.
  • Walking into a portal will now fade the screen to black before loading into the next area to make the transition less harsh while loading.
  • Changed the skybox in the Forbidden Mine dungeon.
  • Changed the wording above the magic and archery ultimate perks for clarity.

    Corrections and Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where your teleport distance was being calculated from the center of your playspace and not from where you were standing (affecting whether or not you were considered to be moving stealthily).
  • Corrected some floating props in the Stormy Swamp and in the graveyard of the Serafin Castle.
  • Fixed some invisible wall issues around the water wheels in the Forbidden Mine.
  • Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause the screen to stay black and not reload the level on death.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the magic beanstalk in the Stormy Swamp from being fully grown if you loaded into the scene after having activated it.
  • Fixed a bug that was triggering the free cast for casting spells if you had points in the perk even if you didn't have a scepter in hand.

See a lot of this stuff in action in our latest devlog!

That's it for today, everyone! As always, we invite you to join our discord to share your feedback on the game and help us shape development going forward. Let us know what you'd like to see as the game continues moving toward chapter 3 and beyond!

Happy adventuring, everyone!
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, adventurers! Today's patch brings with it a couple of new things that we think greatly improve the smoothness of the gameplay and make boss encounters more rewarding. Of course, there's also a handful of other polish and bug fixes included, as well. Read on for more details!

Arguably the least satisfying element of the game so far, in our opinion, has been that defeating bosses only unlocked progression without giving you a proper reward for your heroism. Rings are how we remedy that. Now, bosses not only guard the path you're on, but also precious gems! When combined with a ring band, these gems can be used to create rings that grant passive buffs when worn.

Each gem has a particular facet of the game that it can augment. One gem might affect how stealth works, another what your luck is like when mining or opening chests, while another might determine how your arrows behave and so on. Depending on whether you combine the gem with a gold or iron ring band (both of which can be purchased from the shop), the ring will grant you a different buff related to that facet of the game. So basically, these rings give you another option in how you want to play the game by allowing you to choose an upgrade that suits your playstyle best.

You can wear up to 4 rings at a time--2 per hand. By the end of the game you'll have more than you can wear at once, so you'll be able to either sell the ones you find least useful, or swap them out on the fly where beneficial.

Quick Slot Belt!
Something we've been meaning to get added to the game for quite a while is a quick slot belt. While consumables such as potions don't really play a major role in the game at the moment, nor are they intended to, we still feel like it's necessary to allow you access to a couple of things without having to pull out your backpack each time. We imagine most people will use the new belt, which provides you with 2 storage slots that are always accessible, to store their pickaxes, but you can keep whatever you like in there. Additionally, the belt has a status medallion on it so your health/mana is never more than a quick glance away.

To see these new additions in action, you can check out our latest devlog below!

Full Patch Notes
    Additions and Improvements
  • Added rings to the game--a new type of craftable equipment that provides a buff when equipped.
  • Added a quick slot belt for easy access to pickaxes and consumables.
  • Changed the lighting in the Spider Queen fight to create a more menacing atmosphere.
  • Cleaned up some of the navigation in the Spider Queen boss arena.
  • Added some gold ore around those Shrines of the Eternal Flame that require backtracking to provide a greater reward for your time.
  • Added a haptic effect when activating Shrines of the Eternal Flame.
  • Tweaked the haptics when interacting with your inventory to be a bit cleaner/more predictable.
  • Better optimized the Serafin Palace area.
  • Better optimized the final boss arena of chapter 1.
  • Increased the time window for casting Kinetic Thrust/Sanctuary slightly to give you just a little more time to release the trigger.
  • You can no longer "quick store" swords/scepters while in combat as too many people were doing it by mistake midswing, and there's really never going to be a time where you would conceivably want to do that in the middle of a fight.

    Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that could cause tiles placed in the main gate guarding the Serafin Palace to disappear if you backtracked to the swamp without first saving your progress. Additionally, if this already happened to you, the game will now correct itself when you load into the scene by placing those missing tiles in your backpack.
  • Updated the Spider Queen so that she can't be made to remain perched on her platform.
  • Fixed a bug that would load you in at the entrance of the Stormy Swamp when returning from the Serafin Castle, rather than at the exit as expected.
  • Fixed a bug where you could force your way into the Shrine of the Eternal Flame in the maze in the depths without having first learned flame wave, effectively trapping yourself there.
  • Corrected the sizing of the particle effect that would spawn on the Reaper of Souls when an enemy is slain.
  • Removed an unintended behavior from the Seraf fight that would allow you to bypass a section of the encounter much more safely than intended.
  • Fixed an issue in the tutorial map that would allow you to teleport through an invisible wall into an area of the map meant to be off limits.

That's all for today, everyone! As always, we invite and encourage you to join the game's discord to share your feedback on the game and help us shape development going forward. We appreciate all the community feedback we've received so far as it's really made a difference in how the game plays and feels. You guys are awesome!

Until the next one--happy adventuring, everyone!
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone! Today's patch is a very exciting one for me as it addresses some things that we've felt were missing from the game for quite some time but weren't considered high enough importance to prioritize them over the release of chapter 2. It also brings with it some balance changes and other quality of life improvements.

One of the main drawbacks of the game in our eyes has been the one and done nature of the areas as you travel through them and we've recently decided on a way to address this:

Introducing Shrines of the Eternal Flame!

Constructed by the Order of the Eternal Flame, these shrines are located throughout the world as places where the most devout could come to worship. Lighting the candles at these shrines will grant you a permanent bonus to the potency of your destruction spells!

You'll encounter these shrines throughout your journey, but they won't always be accessible when you first find them. From time to time, you'll need to learn a new ability in order to traverse the path that leads to them. This isn't meant to be something overly tedious, so don't expect to have to make hour long treks returning to them, but do keep your eyes peeled for some that you may want to return to later. These shrines will provide you with a very worthwhile incentive to backtrack and an opportunity to discover hidden treasures you may have missed your first time through. In a future patch we'll also be changing up the enemies that you encounter when backtracking--after all, the world is being invaded...there should be invaders!

The second major improvement to the game is an overhaul of the options menu. Up until now the main menu has been relegated to a means of adjusting settings(if you could find them all) with no means of tracking your progress. That changes today! This update adds 3 new pages to the menu book. You can now keep track of your stats and perk bonuses on the main character sheet, see recent developments in your adventure on the journey summary page, and perhaps most useful, you can now reference a list of the Serafin spells you've learned to learn more about them and find casting instructions for those you may have forgotten. Beyond that, we've also added tabs to the sides of the book to make navigating between these different pages a bit easier and more noticeable.

Full patch notes:
    Additions and Improvements
  • Added Shrines of the Eternal Flame to the game as a means of increasing the potency of your destructive magic and encouraging exploration.
  • Added a character sheet to the menu book where you can view your current stats and perk bonuses.
  • Added a journey summary page to the menu book where you can view recent developments pertaining to your adventure.
  • Added a spell sheet to the menu book where you can view information regarding the spells you've learned on your adventure and how to cast them.
  • Improved the means of navigating the menu book with tabs.
  • Remade the burning effect on enemies to both look better and be more performant.
  • Arrows are now properly armor piercing, so no more damage mitigation from enemy helmets and the like.
  • Tweaked the way your body collides with the environment to make it less likely that you'll be able to push your face into meshes and see through them in some areas.
  • Tweaked the way mined ore spawns so that it should never spawn inside a mesh where you might not see it.

    Bug Fixes
  • Corrected an issue that would cause the projectile at the Sanctuary altar to sometimes disappear if it hit your hand.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented torches from glowing properly when targeted with kinesis.
  • Corrected a potential exploit that would allow you to bypass the main gate in the Serafin Castle courtyard.

See this stuff in more detail in our latest devlog!

That's all for this patch! As always, we invite everyone who'd like to share their feedback and help us improve the game to our discord. The next update will be just as exciting, and we can't wait to show you guys what we have planned! And, of course, chapter 3 is being worked on alongside these improvements. Until next time, happy adventuring!
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin
Hello, everyone! Today's patch brings some long needed upgrades to the save management system and the Kinetic Thrust spell in particular, but also some other quality of life improvements and bug fixes that help improve the game overall. Full notes below!
    Improvements and Changes
  • Reworked the save management UI to require confirmation when deleting save files as well as show a screenshot of your current checkpoint to better distinguish your different save files from each other. Current saves will show general screenshots for the scene you're in, but any from this patch onward will be appropriate to your current checkpoint.
  • If an enemy is not immediately knocked down by a Kinetic Thrust, they will now be put into an off-balance state for a short duration. While off-balance, enemies take double damage and have a chance to be knocked down by incoming damage (critical incoming damage has a much higher chance to knock them down, as well).
  • Similarly to off-balance enemies, enemies attacked from behind or while not alerted to the player's presence have the same chance to be knocked down by incoming damage.
  • Reworked the ballistae throughout the Serafin Castle. Making minor adjustments to their aim is now much more responsive.
  • Both the Vampire boss and King Seraf can now be ignited by sources of fire damage for additional damage over time.
  • Gave a facelift to the Life Fruit tree area outside the Serafin Castle.
  • Added a sign post to the entrance of the Forbidden Mine that better directs players as to where to go once the water has been drained, as well as clues the player in a bit more to the lore of the environment.
  • Changed the wording on the Firewave altar plaque to be clearer in regards to the player's need to collect quest items to solve it.
  • Additional optimization throughout the game, most notably on the left side of the Serafin Castle Courtyard.
  • Improved some of the enemy pathfinding in the Serafin Palace.

    Bug Fixes and Corrections
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes allow you to overlap cogs when placing them onto the pegs of the water wheel device after the troll boss.
  • Corrected an issue with the ballistae in the Serafin Castle occasionally shooting through solid objects, and in the case of one of them, resetting the placement of the permanent bolts prematurely.
  • Corrected some particle and audio effects in the Vampire fight that were ending prematurely.
  • Added missing collision to the banisters in the Serafin Palace Library.
  • Fixed some missing or flawed collision throughout the first two chapters.
  • Cleaned up some incorrectly configured normal maps.

That's it for this patch. More coming soon as we continue to work through our current roadmap and develop chapter 3. As always, we invite you to join us in the game's discord to share your thoughts and feedback in helping us make the game the best it can be. Happy adventuring, everyone!
Oct 4, 2019
Vengeful Rites - ForceKin

Hello, adventurers! As you know, we recently released chapter 2 of the game as a major free content update and we've been getting great feedback from you guys, for which we're super appreciative. There's still plenty more to come, though, with 2 more chapters before the game is considered content complete. While we're currently in the planning stages of Chapter 3 (and REALLY excited about what we've got planned) there are a few other things we've been holding off on implementing as chapter 2 was considered the priority. Rather than just work in silence, we wanted to let you all know what we've got planned moving forward and what you can expect as your adventures continue. Below you'll find a list of improvements and additions that we're working on to improve the game and add more variety and meaningful gameplay. Bug fixes and polish are still priority, though, so if you find anything that seems out of sorts or game breaking, please let us know on the forums or in our discord. Thanks!
    Planned Improvements
  • A rework of the save management interface. This is pretty long overdue and will include such changes as screenshots for each save profile that will indicate where in the game you last saved as well as a much needed confirmation prompt when deleting saves.
  • An improved menu book that will not only allow access to settings, but provide detailed character information like current health and mana values, as well as what perks you have unlocked and references to the different spells you have available and their gestures.

    Planned Additions
  • A belt with item/consumable quick slots that doubles as a health/mana gauge. (Finally, a way to grab your pickaxe without having to go into your bag every time!)
  • Adding drops to bosses that can be used to craft special items. (This is the thing we're most excited about!)
  • Unlocking Ultimate Perks!
  • New consumables.
  • Chapter 3 Content (New areas, enemies, puzzles, etc.)

We'll be going into much more detail about each of these things with devlogs in the near future. Chapter 3 will of course get the most coverage, but that's much further out than most of the things on this list which are more likely to be delivered within weeks rather than months.

We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's purchased the game, told their friends about it and provided us with feedback. We know that early access can often seem like a gamble, and we appreciate you coming on this journey with us. We want you to know how committed we are to making Vengeful Rites the best game it can be and delivering an experience that we're proud of and you can all enjoy and remember. As always, we invite everyone to join our discord to share your thoughts and feedback. Happy adventuring!