OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab
Today (December 3rd), we will be launching the beta test for the new Citadel Raid, with the full launch coming Tuesday, December 15th.


The Markos of 20 years ago was a hero to Patreayl, instrumental in freeing the nation from the tyrannical rule of the Order. But ask any citizen of Highsteppe today, and they’ll tell you Lord Markos is no different than those he defeated. Most hold Markos and his sorcerer Sephotep responsible for the destruction of the nation and the monsters freely roaming the land—all a result of the great darkness inside the Citadel that was summoned from another dimension.

Not all see it that way though… Helga believes Lord Markos is still a good man and is trapped by Sephotep. And after talking with Sicilus, Marlowe and Whisper, you’re not so sure they’re wrong about Sephotep…

It’s hard to get straight answers though when both parties are locked inside the Citadel at all times—surrounded by the ruins of Guild City, which all have been banned from entering—but it’s answers that this nation needs. And the time has come to breach the walls of the Citadel and find out what’s really going on.

Using intel from Marlowe and Sicilus, Helga’s ragtag team of explorers have carved a tunnel from Highsteppe under Guild City right into the antechamber of the Citadel. As a former Knight of Patreayl, they've tasked you with gathering up what allies you can and storming the Citadel. But be warned: if the rumors of Sephotep are true, great peril likely awaits you..

Details & Mechanics

When the full raid launches on the 15th, you will enter it through a secret tunnel from the dragon shop in Highsteppe. For the beta, however, you can only access the raid from the Social tab in your Player Menu. (Select the three-headed icon, then Activities queue, Raid, Enter Raid.)

Strange magick is at work inside the Citadel, which now serves as a gateway between dimensions. You’ll meet your first obstacle in the hall off the entrance chamber, but if you want to catch Sephotep, you'll have to wind through the wreckage of the Citadel and portal hop between dimensions where you'll encounter an assortment of foes.

In total you'll encounter four different bosses, each with their own mix of unique mechanics that require strategy and an immense amount of teamwork. You'll encounter many new mechanics that we're excited for the community to test out in these fights, and twists on familiar ones that you might not expect!

Please note that for this Beta period, the Citadel will not feature any "trash" mobs, will not drop any loot, and any change to the inventory when inside will not be reflected upon exiting. This means you can use up any consumables you want and they will be returned to you when you leave the area.

For more information on the Beta test, along with an avenue to provide feedback to the developers on boss mechanics, balancing, etc., check our the Community Forums.

So long Fall Festival, hello Winter Fest!

Along with the finalized Citadel Raid, we'll also be launching Winter Fest on December 15th, which means you have until then to complete the Harvest Festival mission and quests and earn all your rewards.

We will have more information on Winter Fest very soon, but you can look definitely forward to seeing the "Strangers" return to the hills of Patreyal.
OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab

It’s officially spooky season! Next Tuesday, October 27th, Harvest Festival returns and with it all the autumn hues, spooky baddies, and all-around good fun of last year’s festival.
Quests and Rewards

Just in time for Halloween, your favorite pumpkin-headed spirits are back! Legend holds that during the harvest period in Patreayl, the spirits of the dead awaken and roam the hills looking for wayward travelers to lure to an untimely end. The spirits are starting to wake up, and seeing how every nook of the overworld is already infested with Necros, it looks like you're in for plenty of undead mischief this season!

We’re bringing back last year’s questline but adding a couple extra quests to extend the fun (or at least the grind). Visit the Festival Glodgoren in the usual spot outside the gates of Highsteppe (near Randel) to pick up the first quest and start earning your way toward some fun Halloween-themed rewards.

Last year’s Skjelhod head and Glodgoren glove transmogs will be making a return for any player who wasn’t able to participate in last year’s festival – but don’t worry! There will still be some new rewards as well.

This “Turnip Teleporter” pays homage to the history of the jack-o’-lantern. There’s also a coffin mount up for grabs. May it improve your speed as you run from the demons that hunt you – or at the very least provide a comfortable resting place should they get the best of you!

The coffin mount can be earned by completing a quest for the Festival Farmer outside the Critter Capture shop – and while you’re over there, be sure to pick up a mission from Pierre to capture the loathsome Brezurple Snatchers, because those pesky little rodents are making their return as well! Capture enough snatchers and you’ll earn your very own as a pet – this year, dressed in a skeleton costume! Capture 500 of these pests and you’ll also earn yourself the title of Fall Herald, as well as a special cape.

If you earned this achievement last year, you can also pick up a 2019 cape from the Achievement vendor.

The start of Harvest Festival marks the end of the Summer Festival, so if you haven't completed that quest line and still want the rewards, be sure to turn in your quests by Monday! Otherwise we wish you happy hunting!

We'll see you in game!
OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab

After months of hard work by the community, the server-wide Explore the Realm goal has finally been reached, which means the new island zone has been unlocked and will launch next Tuesday, September 29th!

Since the Dev team made the decision to move to larger-but-fewer patches to maximize our time, it's been a few months since our last major patch. As such, when the patch goes out, you can expect to see A LOT of new content. We've been previewing new features on the blog over the summer, but today we wanted to round up every single new feature coming out with the patch so you know what to expect.

As trade has flourished, progress on the specially designed "island transport" boat moves further along. The ship's captain is eager to take his first load of adventurers to the island. Rumor is, there are riches to be had on the island, and the captain is eager to claim his share of the profit. For safe passage to the island, the captain will charge 500 dram—but this isn't exactly a round-trip ticket. Since he's collecting his share of the profit up front, the captain is less concerned what happens to adventurers after they've reached the island...

Once you're on the island, there is no NPC to pay to take you back home, so make sure you have a home teleportation device in your inventory or a runemage in your group. The island will feature one NPC though, an apprentice smith so you can repair your gear without having to leave the island.
The island is designed as endgame content for groups of 3-10 players. Enemies range from lone trash to packs of aberrations empowered by elite enemies, with levels ranging from 33 on the "easy" end up to the island "boss" at 37.

The risk is great, but so are the rewards! The level 3 bracers of health, wisdom, and stamina that we previewed last month drop off of the elites—though if you want all three, you'll have to make your way around the island, as different elites drop different bracers, and each elite has marked out its territory in a different section of the island. In the middle of the island lies a cave, and deep in the cave lives the Shadow Keeper. Slay the Keeper and you'll have a chance to earn an island cape: the cloth of true victor.

Bone Spur Fishing Rod

The aberration packs will also drop a special “Bone Spur” fishing rod—crafted from the limbs of one of their victims?—as well as a special Aberration major dye in a vibrant red. There have also been rumors of a strange wolf with red markings running free on the island. Slay the right monster, and you may have a chance to make one of these wolves your own.

The island will also feature some harvestables, as well as ample fishing spots.

Long-Term Mission Vendor

Another major feature debuting with the island patch is the introduction of long-term missions. Inside the Highsteppe tavern you'll find a new NPC who will give out five long-term missions: critter capture, harvesting, kill monsters, public events, and fishing. Each mission will have its own special reward for completing. Kill enough Scavs on your kill quest to earn your own Scav chest armor. Harvesting and fishing both have practical rewards: for the harvesting mission you can earn the Khopesh scythe harvester, and for fishing the Abstract fishing rod.

Perhaps our favorite long-term mission reward though is this adorable pocket squirrel teleporter, which you can earn by completing the long-term critter capture mission.

Check out the original [Long-Term Mission post](https://blog.orbusvr.com/upcoming-content-long-term-mission-vendor/) for a pic of the public event reward: a jet pack mount.

Other New Rewards
We’ll also be adding new rewards to a number of other avenues. With the patch, you'll now have a chance at a windup miniature version of each world boss when you kill their enraged versions, giving new incentive to world boss events.

Windup miniature pet version of Bjorn Stafrute aka "Treesus"

The G.R.I.N.D.I.N.G. device is also getting some love with the addition of two new rare rewards, a Sword teleporter and a Skater mount.

Overworld Treasure Hunt

With the island patch, the overworld is about to get another rewards avenue, too: the Treasure Hunt! If you’ve played the DLC “Secrets of Mugwood” (available through the in-game cash shop), you’ll already be familiar with the concept of the Treasure Hunt.

The short version is: every time you kill an enemy in the overworld, you’ll have a chance for a crated treasure map to drop. In their crated state, these maps are tradeable, but once broken down and opened, the map becomes soulbound to your character. Equip the map to one of the tool slots on your belt, then pick up the map to view an aerial shot of a small section of one of the overworld’s zones. With the map equipped to your belt, the treasure chest should pop up if you are within range of its hidden location. In order to open the chest, however, you’ll have to actually hold the map in your hand. But be careful! These chests have been known to be haunted by treasure-loving mimics, and in order to gather your bounty, you’ll have to defeat the mimic first.

Mimic chest armor and shoulder pads

Once opened, you’ll have a chance at potions, dyes, resources, and dram—or one of the finds unique to the Treasure Hunt chests, such as a Mimic Chest piece, Mimic Shoulder pads, or Mimic Cape. (Participate in Treasure Hunt in the DLC for a chance at the Mimic Helm and Pet to complete the ensemble!) Overworld treasure chests can also drop level 2 bracers of health, wisdom, and stamina. You can also land a hang glider mount or a whimsical hot air balloon "pet" in the overworld treasure hunt.

Hang glider mount and hot air balloon "pet"

You can only receive one crated treasure map drop per 24 hours. Treasure maps expire after 4 days. For more particulars on treasure hunt mechanics, check out the second half of this Mini Story Pack mechanics post where we first debuted the concept.


Bracers will also be coming out with this patch. If you missed the original post on bracers, these are a new piece of gear that provide short-term stat boosts. There will be three types of bracers:

  • Bracer of Health: increases out-of-combat health regen
  • Bracer of Wisdom: increases super regen
  • Bracer of Stamina: increases maximum stamina

Bracers come in three levels, with the higher numbers equating to a stronger effect. As mentioned above, the level 3 bracers will drop off elites on the new island, and the level 2 bracers will be available only through overworld treasure chests. Level 1 bracers are a Tinkerer item. You can buy blueprints for them in the Tinkerer shop, then make them on the Tinkering table in your Player House.

Bracers begin to downgrade as soon as they are acquired and will eventually expire, with higher-level bracers downgrading to lower levels as time passes.

Along with all these other new items coming to the game, we’ll also be launching a new over-the-head Storm Mount in the in-game cash shop.

Overleveling Perks

In addition to new rewards, we’re also launching new overleveling perks with this island patch. New perks include:

  • Dram cap increase: From 5 to 6 million (available in tiers of 200K increments)
  • Fishing boost: Up to 15% chance to catch double fish (available in tiers of 3% increments)
  • Cauldron speed boost: The cauldron cycles between colors 30% faster (available in tiers of 5% increments)

Other Changes

One other small thing we’re rolling out with the island patch is that moving forward, Tinkering blueprints will operate on mechanics similar to transmogs. Instead of taking up space in your Tinkering chest, you can now breakdown blueprints, and they’ll automatically be added to the list of available items from the wall next to the Tinkering table.

Finally, in case you mentioned the announcement elsewhere, we also recently installed a new VOIP system in game.

Although the server-wide goal has been reached and the island has been unlocked, the Explore the Realm event will continue through its original end date of October 20th to allow those who haven't yet accrued all the personal rewards to earn them.

OrbusVR: Reborn - smelgren
Starting Tuesday, August 18th, for one week only the dev team is offering to match all Explore the Realm points the community earns toward unlocking the new island!

Since event points became uncapped two weeks ago, the community has moved that progress bar up significantly—but with a little incentive, how much farther can you take it? The points match will start on Tuesday, August 18th when the new weekly list releases, and will run through the following Tuesday, August 25th when the list resets.

Want a closer look at what you’ll be playing for?

Island Sneak Peek

Sailors have long known of a deserted isle of the coast of Patreayl. While the island was inhabited generations ago, the island’s rocky shallows led to a string of shipwrecks, cutting off communication with the mainland and plunging the fate of the island's inhabitants into mystery. But with the recent increase in trade centered at Port Leisa in Hulthine’s Basin, a group of merchant sailors have contrived to construct a special boat capable of navigating the treacherous waters and "recover" the long-lost island. But once they reach the island, they'll need a pack of brave adventurers to scout the area...

When the island finally unlocks and the community is free to explore, you’ll find everything to fulfill your wildest dreams: sandy beaches, shady groves—and a whole host of undead creatures hellbent on destroying any living creature that crosses their path. It’s truly paradise! Did we mention the beachside graveyard with views so stunning you won’t mind reawakening there over and over again?

On the new island, you’ll find some familiar-looking foes, including aberration packs of Necro and Undead monsters similar to those that recently have started infesting Patreayl, commanded by a group of brand new elite monsters. The aberrations will each have their own ability featuring some new mechanics not seen elsewhere in Reborn, that work together with the elites to create challenging end-game group content for players that want to fight in the overworld.

The island will also feature some new rewards, including the bracers announced recently.

As of yet, the island is nameless—but there's still time to weigh in on that decision! Visit the Survey NPC at the docks at Port Leisa in Hulthine's Basin to vote for your favorite name for the island.
OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab

We're six weeks into the Explore the Realm event, and while the progress bar toward unlocking the island is slowly but surely ticking up, we have decided to give the community a boost by uncapping the weekly points max. Starting August 4th, you can now turn in endless amounts of resources and kill as many monsters as possible (as long as they're featured on the weekly list, of course), and every point will count toward unlocking both personal progress rewards and the new island. We are excited and curious to see how quickly the community can rack up points toward unlocking the island—more details of which are to come in future blog posts!

Today we wanted to cover a couple of other items that will be releasing in the next patch along with the island, including the long-awaited answer to an often-asked question...


If you’ve ever wondered what the blank slot below the gloves on the character screen is for, we finally have an answer for you. With the next patch we’ll be introducing bracers—a new piece of gear that provide short-term stat boosts when equipped—to fill that slot.

There will be three different kinds of bracers:

  • Bracer of Health: increases out-of-combat health regen
  • Bracer of Wisdom: increases super regen
  • Bracer of Stamina: increases maximum stamina

Each bracer will be available in three levels. The higher the level, the stronger the effect will be.

Level 1 bracers can be created through Tinkering. Blueprints will be available for sale in the Tinkerer shop in the underground market of Highsteppe.

Level 2 bracers will only be available through overworld treasure chests—a feature currently only available in the DLC, but coming to the main game in the next patch.

Level 3 bracers, the highest available, will drop exclusively from elite monsters on the new island.

Each level of bracer will have either no border (Level 1), a silver border (Level 2) or a gold border (Level 3) on the icon displayed in the inventory. When equipped, the bracers will appear as regular buffs on your weapon and above the heads of other players. As there is only one bracer slot available, only one bracer can be equipped at a time. Note that while there is a 3D model of the bracers for the Tinkering table, there will be no 3D representation on avatars when the bracers are equipped.

As mentioned above, bracers will only provide short-term stat boosts. Bracers begin to downgrade as soon as they are acquired and will eventually expire, with higher-level bracers downgrading to lower levels as time passes. Downgrading will happen in real time, not game time. A Level 3 bracer will downgrade to Level 2 in five days of real time, and from Level 2 to Level 1 in 10 days of real time. Level 1 bracers will expire after another 10 days of real time. If you hover over the item in your inventory, you should be able to see how much time is remaining on the bracer before it downgrades or expires.

Bracers will be tradeable, however, and there’s no limit to how many you can get each day. Meaning you could, for example, farm the island to get a Level 3 bracer for running a Raid, then sell it on the auction house once it downgrades to a Level 2—or farm multiple Level 3 bracers in a day and sell the surplus on the auction house to players who aren’t quite end-game ready.

Overleveling Perks
Another thing we’ll be releasing with the next content patch is new overleveling perks. After reviewing ideas from the community on what they'd like to see, we decided to add the following three perks:

  • Dram cap increase: From 5 to 6 million (available in tiers of 200K increments)
  • Fishing boost: Up to 15% chance to catch double fish (available in tiers of 3% increments)
  • Cauldron speed boost: The cauldron cycles between colors 30% faster (available in tiers of 5% increments)

We'll have details on a few more things coming out in the next patch in upcoming blogs over the following weeks.
OrbusVR: Reborn - smelgren
Don't go it alone! This week's list for Explore the Realm features two enemies from the Crypt dungeon: the Lich King and his Undead minions. Players looking to form pick-up groups to tackle the Crypt dungeon should meet in-game on the plaza outside the Critter Capture shop and Player House.

Note: This will be a community-led event.
OrbusVR: Reborn - smelgren
Don't go it alone! This week's list for Explore the Realm features two dungeon bosses: the Minotaur and Gorgon. Players looking to form pick-up groups to tackle the Broken Halls dungeon (home to both these monsters) should meet in-game at the Highsteppe Tavern from 2-4 PM Central Standard Time.

Note: This will be a community-led event.
OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab

Today around 12 PM CST (Noon), we will release the patch that starts the Explore the Realm and the Summer Festival. This will be a client and server side patch that requires a download.

Once the patch is live and you have updated the game you can speak with the Festival NPC to start the festival quest line, along with opening you player journal to see the Explore the Realm monsters and resources for the first week. If you want to learn more about the mechanics of the ETR you can check out this blog post HERE where we outlined how it will all work, and HERE where we go over the personal rewards (will update once our blog post goes live), and check how far the community has come towards the server wide goal of unlocking the new island HERE.

If you still have existing Spring Festival quests inside your journal you can speak with the Festival Farmer outside Pierre Cenn’s shop to clear those quests.

We are excited to see the community band together and accomplish this goal!

Patch Notes:

  • Updated terrain textures and some models for the start of Summer Festival
  • Added Summer Festival props around the overworld
  • Updated the way mobs reset when activating a shard dungeon

  • Updated price of repairing gear
  • You can see more in depth information HERE

  • Added new Odds N Ends Mounts, Teleportation Devices for sale
  • Added a new Mount and Teleportation Device to the in game cash shop
  • Added Player purchased Server wide Boost bombs to the Odds N Ends shop for purchase with Dram

  • Added 2 new slots that can be purchased in the Player Chest (main vault) inside the player house (these will be the 3rd and 4th slot that can be purchased) to help with maxed out inventory space
  • 250,000 for 3rd slot
  • 500,000 for 4th slot

  • Added in new achievements for the ETR and Summer Festival
  • Added in the rewards for the ETR, Summer Festival
  • Added in 4 new monsters to the overworld (Necro monsters), which re-use existing abilities of other monsters
  • Updated the rank positioning of the Scoundrel to on top of the Scoundrel gun to make it easier to see at longer distances
  • Updated the Mount Speed server boost to to 12% from 5%
OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab

We're kicking off summer at OrbusVR in a big way! Next Tuesday, June 23rd, we're launching two in-game events that will run for the entire summer, as well as introducing several economy updates. With so many updates, there's a lot to unpack! See below for high-level details, or check out the full-length blog post for more in-depth information.

Summer Fest

As previously mentioned, Summer Fest will be fishing themed. Visit the Festival NPC at the usual spot outside the gates of Highsteppe to pick up the first quest. For those who haven't played the Mini Story Pack, Summer Fest will provide your first chance to experience an escort quest in the overworld!

Fishing can be a relaxing learn-as-you-go activity, but if you want some pointers to be prepared for the festival, be sure to check out our Fishing Tutorial video ahead of the launch date.

Explore the Realm

On June 23rd we’ll also be launching Explore the Realm, a collaborative community event to unlock both individual and server-wide rewards that will run through October.

Each week during the event you'll receive a new list of resources to harvest and monsters to kill, with each resource or monster worth varying point levels. You can earn up to 2,000 points per week per character to count toward unlocking cool rewards.

Personal rewards will operate on a tiered system so that even players who join the event during the last few weeks will still qualify for a reward of some kind.

In addition to personal goals and rewards, we're also offering one big server-wide reward for the community to collaboratively unlock: a new zone! The new zone will be an island filled with elites and aberration packs that together should create challenging end-game group content for players in the overworld.

There will be no extended waiting period for personal or server-wide rewards, meaning the sooner the community gathers those points, the sooner the aberration island will unlock. For more detailed info on how the event will work, check out our Summer Fest & Explore the Realm blog post.

Economy Updates

Finally, we'll also be rolling out some economy tweaks with the June 23rd patch. The biggest change we'll be making is adjusting the cost of gear repairs to be scaled to not only the level of the gear, but also the additional level of the gear. Starting at level 20 there will be an additional price increase, which caps out at level 30.

We'll also be introducing several new items for sale through the Odds N Ends dram shop, including the server-wide XP, Luck, and Mount Speed boosts, as well as a few new additional mounts and tool belt item skins—including an awesome dragon head mount!

Again, for more in-depth information on economy tweaks or either of the events, check out the full blog post. We hope you are as excited as we are about the upcoming events!

We'll see you in game!
OrbusVR: Reborn - Daynab

The Travellers Hall fellowship will be hosting a World Boss event this Sunday, June 14th. You will be killing the Scav Giant in Hulthine's Basin and the closest teleport pillar to it is Flying High.

Times: 3pm CST | 4pm EST | 9pm GMT-UK to 5pm CST | 6pm EST | 11pm GMT-UK

Everyone is welcome, and there is also a fellowship Discord you can participate in for the event: https://discord.gg/svhzYUu