Temtem - YaW
First of all, sorry for the lack of news during this past month, most of the Crema team has been enjoying some vacations, so work has slowed a bit during this time.

We're now back and filled with energy. While we keep working on Kisiwa's plains and mountains we want to keep moving forward with our pending naming contests and today we will start with the Choose-a-Temtem #3 runner-up:

#129 is a Toxic/Mental Temtem and is a single form Temtem (doesn't evolve to or from any other Temtem).

This time, we're making the contest a bit different. Up until now, we requested the community to propose new names for the Temtem and when we had enough we (Crema) internally selected our 10 favorite names and then make a public poll with those names.

Now we're going to get away from the process and we will relay everything in our community. The naming contest will have three phases:
  •  Proposals: Every user in our Discord server will be able to propose new names using our custom TemtemBot. You can propose all the names you want.
  •  Slaughter: During this phase, users will be able to vote on proposed names with a like or a dislike. When you vote one name, a new one will appear!
  •  Final Vote: When the likes are tailored, the final top 10 choices will be revealed and used in the final poll.
And all phases will be done in private, so there won't be any direct influences on the votes!

The only requisite for participating is to be part of our awesome Discord server, so if you still haven't joined, do so and check the #129 channel for more info.
Temtem - YaW
Whenever we're developing a new Alpha version, there's always some stuff that needs to be cut from the final build because we don't have enough time to implement it properly. It happened back with Alpha 0.1 (which was missing the Aguamarina Caves and the houses interiors) and it has happened too with Alpha 0.2 which we released a few weeks ago. 

Instead of leaving that content to the next Alpha version, we usually like to release a big update in between bigger releases so players don't have to wait for that much for those features.

So, today, we're bringing you this update for the Alpha 0.2, including a bunch of new features and improvements!


The first new feature and the most important one: Breeding!

We're not going to talk much about it this time, because we already dedicated a Kickstarter update to it. If you haven't read it yet, make sure to go ahead and do it now.

We've changed a few things since that update, so if you want to know every single detail about it, you should check the full patch notes.

FreeTem! Initiative

We're very excited about this!

The FreeTem! Initiative is our first approach to having methods of earning infinite Pansuns and to keep all players entertained after the campaign is over. Take into consideration that this is just one of the methods that will be available in the final game.

They promote the idea that all Temtem should be free and back in nature, so they will reward players for every Temtem released.  Also, each week they will have a special reward, which will be granted upon reaching a certain number of freed Temtem. The rewards will be different every week so players are encouraged to check them frequently to not miss anything.

Emotes & Quest Tracker

Another couple of shiny new features in this patch.

Temtem is filled with sidequests and sometimes even the main quest can be a bit daunting due to all the different areas the Archipelago has. This is why we're introducing a quest tracker!

The quest tracker will allow players to... you guessed, track quests!

It will show the most recent quests with instructions on how to proceed next. In the future we will expand this quest tracker with a full quest log which will allow you to check every single quest.

And... the last highlighted feature is the emotes! Emotes will allow players to express themselves much better! Currently there's four emotes available and we will be adding new ones in the future.

And more!

As usual, there's a lot of stuff under the hood. New technique animations, new Luma species, new music, UI improvements, old animations reworked, small quality of life improvements, some balance changes and a million of bugs are waiting for you in this patch.

The full patch notes for the curious ones can be read here:  https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/0-2-5.1664/ 
Temtem - YaW
Making a game is an incredibly hard and huge task. There are so many things involved in the process and a team our size can hardly manage to achieve every single of them correctly.

We love developing games, we love to think about and implement new mechanics, we love listening to the community and shaping the game how you want. But there’s so much more involved in the process that is not really developing the game: marketing, contacting distributors, merchandising, reaching out to streamers and sites, talking to platform holders…

That’s why we’ve decided to partner with Humble to publish Temtem.

Partnering with Humble allows us to focus on Temtem’s development while they handle all the other task in which they excel: bring the game to even more platforms, secure more merchandising opportunities or even get physical editions of the game, while also reaching a bigger audience which will benefit the game in the long run.

They’re also fully committed to giving us creative freedom so Temtem will be exactly how we want it to be.
Temtem - YaW
Back on our campaign, we talked a bit about Temtem breeding. Since then, there's been a lot of doubts around this topic (especially with the genetic degradation we talked about) so we want to talk in-depth about it in this update.

Have in mind that everything specified here can be changed at any time. As with every feature, we introduce we'll be looking at player feedback to improve it.

Our main goal with Breeding in Temtem is to make the process more streamlined and more obvious for the players giving you the full information about what's going to happen and what are the possibilities. Also, we're trying to keep it challenging enough to avoid getting the market filled with infinite perfectly breed Temtem.

What is breeding

Breeding is the process used to create new Temtem from Eggs.

If two Temtem are compatible, putting them together in the Breeding Center will create a new Egg. Eggs will eventually hatch into a new Temtem and they will be able to inherit some characteristics from their parents.

As you know, each Temtem has a defined gender (male/female). In order for breeding to work, both Temtem must have different gender.

Compatible Temtem

Instead of having egg groups, Temtem species will be able to breed as long as they share its typing (Fire, Nature, Electric, Crystal...). Breeding won't be possible between species that don't share any types.

If a Temtem has two types, it will be compatible with other species from any of those two types. E.g., a Fire/Earth Temtem will be able to breed with any Fire Temtem or any Earth Temtem.


Previously known as genetic degradation.

Breeding Temtem in captivity will generate stress for the participants during the process. This stress is reflected in the fertility value of each Temtem.

The fertility value is used to avoid over-exploitation of perfectly breed Temtem. Each captured Temtem will begin with a fertility value predetermined by how good (genetically speaking - each SV over 40 will reduce the fertility) they are.

The current in-game graphic supports fertility values up to 26 but the current maximum fertility is 7. We will update the graphic with the new max when we're happy with the number.

Each time a Temtem is used to breed an egg, they will permanently lose a fertility point. Additionally, the produced egg will inherit the fertility value from their parents (the lower value between the father fertility and the mother fertility). This way, fertility degradation will be pyramidal.

E.g., male Temtem with fertility value 14 breeds with a female Temtem with fertility value 20. The male will end up with fertility value 13, the female with fertility value 19 and the generated egg will have a fertility value of 13.

Once a Temtem reaches zero points in its fertility marker they can no longer be able to breed. Fertility will not be regained naturally in any way.

Getting eggs

Once both Temtem are deposited on the Breeding Center, the process of generating the egg will begin. The Breeding Center will be able to hold two different couples per player at the same time.

A new egg will be generated in 40 (real-time) minutes after the couple is deposited. If both deposited Temtem are part of the same evolutionary line, the time will be reduced to 25 minutes.

When the time is up, players will be able to get back a couple of Temtem and the generated egg. The egg will hold a level 1 Temtem and the species will be the first form of the mother's evolutionary line.

Hatching eggs

The time required to hatch an egg can range between 5 to 40 minutes, it will be related to the capture rate of that Temtem species. Time will only pass as long as the Temtem is equipped in the player Squad but player's don't need to move in order for the egg to hatch.

Inheriting techniques

The newborn Temtem can inherit some techniques from its parents. Each Temtem species have configured a set of egg techniques, if any of the parents have any of these egg techniques, the techniques will be learned by the newborn Temtem.

This will allow Temtem to learn techniques they aren't able to learn under regular circumstances and even access to techniques from types they aren't part of.

Inheriting stats

The child can also inherit the SV values from their parents. For each different stat, the child has a 50% chance of getting the average value from their parents SV value for that stat, 25% chance of getting the value from the father and 25% chance of getting the value from the mother.

There will be several gear items that will further help players with the process, forcing a certain stat from a certain parent to be inherited.

Inheriting traits

Traits will not be inherited, and will be randomly selected for the new Temtem. But there will be a certain gear item that will allow to ensure inheriting a trait from one of the fathers.

Inheriting Luma coloring

Every new breed Temtem can be born with Luma coloring using the same chances as when finding an untamed one.

As an added bonus if one of the parents is also Luma, the child will have ten times more chances to be Luma. If both parents are Luma, the child will have a hundred times more chances to be Luma.
Temtem - YaW
We will be hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit later today.

Time: 7AM PT / 10AM ET / 4PM CEST

Make sure to join it if you have any questions about the game.

The AMA will be on r/MMORPG: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/
Temtem - YaW
After lots of hard work during these past months, the first huge content update for the Alpha is finally here.

A new Archipelago Island open its doors: Omninesia.

Omninesian legends tell of a great volcanic eruption that shook the great Paninsula of old, breaking the mammoth island into smaller chunks and flinging them away. While Tucma and Kisiwa were the bigger ones, a scattering of smaller fragments drifted together. Their settlers called them the Myrisles, and during the foundation years, they connected them with ingeniously built bridges, creating a whole new culture. The Omninesians, as they call themselves nowadays, are a reflection of that original spirit, endlessly resourceful and interested in communication and trade, always ready to make the most of their tiny but lush islands.

What's new?

We don't want to spoil much of what Omninesia and its areas has to offer. But, besides a whole new area and more progress in the main quest, this patch is also filled with new features and improvements over our Alpha.

For starters, the fully fledged character customization experience is complete. On Alpha 0.1 we launched the character creation and now players will also be able to customize its appearance at any time.

The Boutiques from both Deniz and Omninesia are open now, selling all kind of cosmetics and dyes. Every piece of cosmetic is tintable so the customization options are almost endless.

We will be expanding this feature with more cosmetics and dyes along with the development of the game.

Another big thing in this patch is the addition of Traits & Gears, two new mechanics that will fundamentally change how battles work in Temtem.

Traits are innate abilities determined by the Temtem species. Traits can be triggered at any time during battles and can affect used techniques, received damage, Temtem stats...

Similar to traits, gear are abilities triggered during the battle. Instead of being determined by the Temtem species, Gear are items that can be equipped to any Temtem.

Trading is also now part of the game. We've spent a lot of time thinking and doing this feature so we're very eager to see its reception.

Trading will allow players to trade anything, anywhere, anytime and with anyone near you. There are no limits on what you can trade!

There's also a new feature that was already showcased in our Kickstarter original trailer: dialogs with main characters will now portray them bigger on screen and they will also have custom expressions based on what they're talking about.

This adds a lot of richness to the characters and make them more iconic and unique. We hope you like it!

More stuff

But that's not all! The patch is PACKED with features and improvements: 22 new Temtem, 34 new techniques, new Lumas, re-learn old techniques anytime, inspect players, minimap...

As always, if you want to read the full patch notes you can find them in our forum: https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/0-2.1206/

Reporting Bugs

If you encounter a bug, please help us and report it in our forum: https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/forums/bug-reports.11/

Make sure to read the sticky post in order to report a bug correctly.
Temtem - YaW
Omninesia is almost ready to host new visitors. In just a week our backers will be walking along Nanga, buying goods and preparing their travel through the Canopath, discovering new Temtem species and, even more importantly, making new friends along the way.

Alpha 0.2 will launch next Thursday, June 13th.

This new content update for our on-going Alpha is huge: a whole new Island, new set of Temtem, new battle mechanics (Gears & Traits), several unannounced new features, lots of quality of life improvements and a million bug fixes.

We've poured our souls making it and we're very eager to see your reactions and opinions about it.

Temtem - YaW
This update is written by Damian Sanchez, our composer.

Today, we’re talking about Temtem’s music!

This is not going to be an update talking about divine inspirations, musical notes, scales or chords. Instead, we will focus on the process of making music as part of a really busy development schedule.

I hope this text will bring some light on what’s the production process behind any of the music tracks.

Don’t start a long trip without proper baggage preparation.

So far Temtem has around 55 minutes of in-game music. And that is not counting alternate melodies (we’ll come back to that later) and night versions, which could easily add double the length. And remember we are still in Omninesia (which is the second island of the six planned). The final soundtrack, considering only main tracks, will probably end up having over 2 hours of music, so I had to create a fluid workflow and prepare the tools to meet the deadlines without compromising quality.

Even before the first note was written, I ensured to create a solid template project that could produce final results from day one. I spent several weeks picking the proper instrument libraries and doing sound and mix tests to make sure once I’m done writing a track, it could be directly exported to the audio engine and create the soundtrack file version without major adjustments needed.

Hands on the music.

In general terms, the music in Temtem is divided between:

  • Cities. A song per city.
  • Routes. A ‘main route’ per isle plus some extra music for parts that visually differ a lot from the main path. (like the Sillaro River in Deniz)
  • Landmarks. A song per place.
  • Special buildings (Home, Temporium, Dojo). A song per type.
  • Combats. A song per type of enemy.

The average time to produce a track from scratch to fully working in-game is 2 weeks. Going into details:

  • Cities are usually 2 minutes length - an average of 5 workdays.
  • Route and Landmarks are 2 to 4 minutes length - an average of 10 workdays.
  • Combats are 3 to 4 minutes length - an average of 15 workdays.

The first day is the most critical one. I start trying to come up with that cool melody which gives the perfect mood for the situation. At that time, I honestly spend more time discarding bad ideas than creating good ones, but when I'm happy, I export the first concept mockup ready for Crema's Wise Lord Evaluation Committee (aka Guillermo, Dani, Alex, Enrique, and Adri).

'Briçal de Mar' - First Concept Mockup - https://soundcloud.com/damiansanchezmusic/brical-de-mar-first-concept-mockup/s-XvJZb

In several cases I've spent up to 3 days to be 100% happy with something before being evaluated by the team, literally deleting every single note I've written. In a few other cases, the guys weren't happy with the proposal and I started the whole process again.

Team rejection is not so common (thankfully), but we take this evaluation very seriously and even if just one of the members is not happy with the proposal, it is tinkered and reviewed again until we are all comfortable with it.

Once the track reaches this point, I keep improving it and building the desired length with several additional evaluations until we come up with a complete structure, and then the fun comes!

That’s a picture of all the instruments I've performed and recorded live at my studio to add details that bring life to each track. In addition to that, I did some external recordings with professional musicians to give an extra punch to the song quality. Then a little bit of final mix and mastering and there it goes!


At this point, we could sell CD's but we aren’t ready to hear the music in-game

There are some extra materials I must create for each track before it can be implemented in FMOD (the audio middleware we are using to program the audio behaviors).

The intro: There is a special intro section in each track that serves as a presentation of the area and its music. This will be played only the first time you visit a new zone (yes pay attention because it’s sounding just once) and encourages the player’s sense of discovery, but won't play again each time to avoid annoyance.

Random intro points: Once you have already visited a place, the music entry point will randomly change each further time you visit it. We designed a system of several intro points with their respective 'mini-intros’ that will hopefully help you avoid the repetition feeling happening when you hear a track starting once and again at the same point.


Alternate melodies: Probably the part of the integration I'm most proud. Almost every track has, at least, one part in which its main melody has several variations that will play randomly each time you reach that point.

This adds richness and keeps the freshness of the song longer without the need to increase the whole duration.


Alternate versions: There are some tracks that need alternate versions for places you visit under different situations in the story (think about a Belsoto invaded building and going back after you defeat them), aaaand… we are doing a night version for all cities and routes!

You’re going to experience a really cool mood change in the music when the night will fall on Temtem.

Deniz - Arissola - Night Version - https://soundcloud.com/damiansanchezmusic/deniz-arissola-night-version/s-AQQrg


Creating a music track for Temtem includes:

  • Having a good idea.
  • Getting approval from the team.
  • Producing the whole track.
  • Recording the live performed instruments.
  • Choosing the start points and creating their respective intros.
  • Composing the alternate melodies.
  • Make the alternate and/or night version.
  • Exporting all the materials for the audio engine.
  • Program the behaviors in FMOD.
  • Ask Dani to make his coding magic to call the music in-game correctly at its place.
  • Playing that game area over and over to ensure everything works as intended.

Crazy uh?!... haha

As you may imagine, there is no time to get bored in Temtem development!

Thankfully, we found some of that time we don’t have to write some updates which I hope will ease your wait until Alpha 2 arrives.

See you at the Discord server!

Damian Sanchez.
Temtem - YaW

“It sure looks like rain,” said Professor Víctor of Briçal as he looked out of the window. The gloomy Arburian skies were steadily turning a darker shade.

“Well, I suppose we have time for a story, then. Let me put the kettle on…”

The old armchair creaked when he dropped on it again. He took off his glasses.

“So, Digital Temtem, it is? I’m not surprised you’d ask about them. They are the newest, shiniest variety after all. And all that tech we have running on the same principles, like commcasters… or TVs, like you youngsters call them. But I suppose you want to hear about the Digitals themselves, right.”

“I was there, you know. When they were first developed. I was a young research assistant, fresh out of Properton College. I jumped on an airship as soon as I got the message, and rushed to Cipanku just in time to join the team. It costed a fortune too! Mind you, that was just before TemCards, so if you wanted to bring your favorite Temtem to Cipanku you had to book berth space for it too… Anyway, so I made it to the lab and met my first boss, Dr. Sasaya. Let me tell you, she was by far the best scientist and most intelligent woman in…”

The whistling of the kettle interrupted him. He served two mugs of fragrant tea and gave the stranger one of them. He cupped his in a hand, inhaling wistfully.

“Very à propos – Cipanki black tea, with a touch of Denizan jasmine. Reminds me of home, but also of my times in… but I digress. So, Dr. Sasaya. She was already a legend when I started working at her lab in Nanto. She had been investigating the information-storage properties of Omninesian volcanic crystal, and that’s how we came up with TemCards. It was pretty unexpected, trust me - Sasaya was never much into Temtem anyway. I was a Temtem fan, so I suggested we tried “storing” Temtem in them, and voilà, we came up with TemCards.”

“It’s difficult to exaggerate how important that breakthrough was. Before TemCards, Temtem had to be physically carried from one place to the other. That was a nightmare, believe me – many Earth Temtem were too heavy for airships, Fire ones were just too dangerous to handle, Water Temtem couldn’t survive for very long on dry land... It was a headache. TemCards provided a safe and easy way of carrying around dozens of Temtem. That’s what made Temtem taming the affordable pastime it is today. Before TemCards, you had to be pretty rich or influential to own more than a couple of Tems. No other invention has been as liberating as TemCards, after the development of airships…”

He sipped some tea, then nodded.

“But you were asking about Digital Temtem. Yes, yes, bear with me. So, of course, this generated incredible enthusiasm in the scientific community. It was a collective effort, you see - these principles had been described by Arburian theorists, but TemCards had been developed in a Cipanki lab, using Omninesian crystals and drawing on Kisiwan taming expertise during the trials. Everyone agreed that major tech breakthroughs required extensive collaboration. Nanto Labs used that prestige to bring in the best experts, people from all around the Archipelago. That was the team which developed Digital Temtem…”

The professor sat back, his eyes distant as he reminisced.

“And what a dream team it was! Professor Konstantinos from Properton did the theoretical groundwork – he was so young back then… Tihani of Nanga oversaw the Temtem breeding trials, a Dojo undergrad but already the best breeder in the Myrisles. Yareni of Quetzal, Nalla of Vumbi, the very crème de la crème was there… But Dr. Sasaya wasn’t interested in the Temtem side of the research, she was always more of a pure technologist. She wanted to concentrate on the applications of the tech itself, so in her stead, she put Dr. Hamijo, her most promising pupil. That turned out to be… a mistake.”

He gulped down some tea and left the mug over a precariously-balanced pile of books.

“Sure, generally speaking, it was a success. Digital Temtem were born! And that was no mean feat. It was well beyond our initial scope too - funny how nobody remembers this, but our initial brief was to create Crystal-Electric hybrids. Digital Temtem were a little happy accident! And it made sense too - we had loads of experience working with crystal from the development of TemCards, and Tihani showed us how to choose the best volcanic varieties. And most of the research assistants were Cipanki, so they really knew their Electric Temtem.”

“So, who knew you could theoretically code information as ones and zeroes? Professor Konstantinos, building on Dr. Sasaya’s research. But, to use electricity to store that information into crystalline formations? That was Dr. Hamijo’s genius. And who knew how to tame those new Temtem and develop ways to communicate with them so that they could be taught? You guessed it, young Tihani. It all came together like magic.”

A shadow fell on the professor’s eyes. His mouth twitched a little.

“But as amazing as this invention was, it was just the tip of the iceberg. Digital technology had many more uses, as we all know now. Communications, transport, pansolar energy. We leaped a century ahead, all in mere years. It was intoxicating. For the first time, the Archipelago was coming together... I guess all this went to his head.”

“Dr. Hamijo thought the team shouldn’t stop with Digital Temtem. He wanted to push forward and create more varieties of Temtem, specifically suited to serve humans. Now, this raised ethical issues within the team – Tihani and Nalla said that was inhuman towards Temtem, but Hamijo just doubled down, proclaimed he wanted to create a new race of Temtem slaves. Konstantinos tried to mediate, but it was too late.”

The professor sighed, lacing his fingers together.

“In the end, Dr. Sasaya had to intervene. She had been busy developing most of the Digital-derived technology we have nowadays, including the HealTem machines you can see in any Temporium. There was a meeting, a vote, and Dr. Hamijo was expelled from the team. He didn’t take it well. He just disappeared, and nobody has heard from him ever since.”

He shrugged sorrowfully, recovering his tea mug for another sip.

“But that was years ago. We all moved on. Nanto Labs carried on developing new Digital Temtem, and the tech spilled over. Now it’s everywhere. Everyone went home. Tihani became Dojo Master. Konstantinos has been traveling around, last I heard he was in Deniz researching meta-mimetic Temtem. I returned to my alma mater and these days I’m teaching Lore at Properton. It’s more laid back… oh, Dr. Sasaya? She still writes. She’s back in Nanto, working on some crazy “instant matter transfer” experiment, whatever that is…”

The stranger got up suddenly, something in his hand. The professor caught the glint of something flashing. His eyes went wide...
Temtem - YaW
We love giving our community the chance to name new Temtem, and you already helped us name a few:

  • Nessla, Ampling and Amphatyr
  • Umishi and Ukama
  • Kalazu and Kalabyss

And today, we bring you a new contest!

#037 evolves into #038. Both #037 and #038 are common inhabitants of the areas around the Anak Volcano in Omninesia. Also both are pure-fire type.

As usual, we're running the contest in our Discord server. We will be accepting new name suggestions up until Monday, then we will chose our favorites and we'll let the community vote on the final name.
