Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling

As officially announced since the start of the Autumn sale, Post Scriptum offered a 25% discount on all its packages. However, as of today, due to a miscommunication with Valve, the discount was increased to 50% for the Standard Edition package while the Supporter Edition remained at 25%.

We are looking into rectifying the issue by levelling up the Supporter Edition package as well to 50% discount. We are in contact with Valve and hopefully it will be applied very soon.

If you've bought Post Scriptum at the initial 25% discount price, you can refund it per Steam’s refund policy and purchase it again with a discount of 50%.

Happy Thanksgiving for those across the ocean and we hope that everyone’s enjoying the 4.21 release.

Periscope Games
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling
Hey guys. Small update has been released to address some critical issues after launch.
v2.0.30.12255 Changelog

  • Fixed being able to revive people more than once
  • Fixed issue where players wouldn't be able to drive the vehicle anymore after getting out and back in
  • Fixed the broken 1p camera during paradrop sequences
  • Fixed invisible trunk in LOD3 mesh of pine tree
  • Fixed exclusion distance between FOBs (now 350m again)
  • Fixed vehicle spawns on capturezones not working
  • Fixed Driel capzones being set to wrong team
  • Added new gameplay layers:
  • Veghel Offensive 02/03/04
  • Grave Offensive 02
  • Arnhem Offensive 02
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling
Greetings everyone!

Before we delve further into this major update, we want to thank everyone who participated and helped us in the Public Playtest that ran this weekend. You guys are awesome!

Six months ago, we started the process of updating Post Scriptum to Unreal Engine 4.21 from the current 4.16 version. This update brings a lot of noticeable improvements to both the client and the server.

Furthermore, with this release we want to announce that Post Scriptum will be 25% off during the Steam Autumn sale. So if you have been waiting to try it or have friends who might be interested, now is the perfect time to grab yourself a copy!


One of the major things we focused on for the 4.21 Unreal Engine upgrade was to make sure that there would be an improvement in performance from the optimization that occurred from upgrading the engine. After a few closed playtests, including the public one over the past weekend, we have gathered very positive feedback and are confident to state that this is the biggest improvement of optimization to date.

The game has undergone a visual revamp with changes in shading, lighting, textures and foliage that should give the environments a much more diverse, lush and sharp look.

UI improvements have been made to the radial menu icons, the deployment screen as well as the map voting panel.


We have also made minor improvements to the gameplay by reworking weapon sway and replacing the instant black screen when killed with a two-second fade out. The foliage also no longer slows down your character instantly, but gradually, and for vehicles, we have gone through and rebalanced vehicle damage to help make the vehicle combat experience is even better than it is currently.

To go alongside the rebalance to vehicle damage, we’ve gone through and improved vehicle handling for both the tanks as well as the wheeled vehicles, new visual effects have also been added for shell penetration to help tankers better verify a penetrating hit on a vehicle.

We also updated some of the sounds in the game, including weapon firing sound for the Lee Enfield, G41 and Sten. The grenades had their explosion sound effect updated, alongside the No77 Phosphorus grenade. The main menu has got some new ambient audio and we did an ambiance pass on all of the maps.

We also added new impact sounds for shells both inside and outside of tanks. There is an audible difference between different calibers of Armor Piercing and High Explosive rounds hitting the ground. Shells also have a more accurate 'woosh' when they pass overhead, and this is affected by the caliber, distance and direction from the player.


Our animators have gone through and improved the animations of several weapons including the M1 Garand, Lee Enfield, M1911, P38, G41, M1A1 Thompson and many more. We have also improved several character animations like different prone movements for rifles, faster stand to prone transition, new bandage and animation to name a few. General character movement has also been refined and feels more responsive than before.

A new game mode was introduced with 4.21 called Random Advance And Secure (RAAS). Random Advance And Secure works much the same way as the regular Advance And Secure game mode does with both teams attacking and defending capture zones across the map.

With Random Advance And Secure capture zones are randomized each time the game mode is played, making for a much more diverse and replayable experience. On top of that, the capture zones that you can’t capture are hidden in a fog of war, making them invisible until you are allowed to capture them. Once they are revealed on the map they will stay permanently visible for the rest of the game.


Lastly to finish off this already long post, we have updated the Arnhem Range to be a much better tutorial for new players, we highly encourage new players and veterans alike to check out the new range as it offers a lot of useful knowledge about the ins and out of Post Scriptum as well as the gameplay mechanics.

On the range, you can find tutorial sections for Infantry, Armoured, Logistics, and Commanding. Each section will help you to learn the basics but essential functions of each section type.

Below you can find our changelog for 4.21

  • RAAS (Random Advance and Secure)

  • Better performance due to UE4 Engine upgrade
  • Ground material changes
  • New undergrowth for most ground layers
  • Changed grass to blend better with the landscape
  • Complete foliage overhaul
  • Implemented imposters for better performance
  • Multiple shader overhauls
  • Lighting overhaul
  • Level design changes/additions to forests and fields
  • Level design optimization
  • UI partial overhaul

  • Including tutorials and easy to use weapons range

  • Weapon sway values reworked
  • Rebalanced armor damage
  • Death cam for 2 seconds
  • Visible penetration marks on tanks
  • Foliage slowdown now gradual, not instant [community request]
  • Progress of bandaging visualized through bandage material
  • Player can now ADS focus while slow walking
  • Players now have to reactivate FOB in case of enemy presence

  • Different prone movement for rifles
  • Faster stand to prone transition
  • More responsive movement in general
  • Head rotation in open vehicle seats
  • New bandaging animations
  • New US Syringe animations
  • Added idle animations
  • Added head rotation of characters in vehicles [community request]

  • M1911 Colt
  • M1Garand
  • Lee Enfield / Scoped
  • Sten
  • P38
  • M1A1 Thompson
  • STG 44
  • G41
  • G43
  • M24 Stiehlhandgranate
  • Mills Bomb

  • Improved vehicle handling [community request]
  • Added internal penetration sound [community request]
  • New visual fx for shell penetration [community request]

  • Updated weapon sounds: StG44, K98, Lee Enfield, Sten, Bren, G41, G43, MG34 coax [external close], 20mm cannon [flak36]
  • Updated Grenade explosion
  • Ambience pass on maps
  • Interior reverb values tweaked
  • New explosion sound for Magnetic/AP mines
  • New sounds for tank HE/AP shell explosions
  • New impact sounds for tank shells inside and outside of tanks
  • Tank shell 'woosh' added
  • Updated tank shell ricochet sounds
  • Armoured vehicle passengers have outside audio filtered
  • Armoured vehicle passengers hear internal weapon sounds
  • Updated No77 Phosphorus grenade explosion sound
  • Ambient sounds now 'duck' in volume when inside buildings

  • New main menu background
  • New loading screens
  • New Stielhandgranate 24 model
  • New bandage model
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling
Greetings everyone!

We are happy to announce that players can finally have a chance to experience the 4.21 upgrade patch and all its new goodies today (on the 20th of November) at 8 pm GMT, (9 pm CET, 3 pm EST, 12 pm PST). Join the fun!

For those who do not know how to opt into the validation-branch build, here are the steps:

1. Right-click Post Scriptum and go to Properties at the bottom.
2. Next, go to the "BETAS".
3. Press the dropdown menu and select "validation-branch". (If you do not see the branch then restart steam)
5. PS should now queue an update. If it doesn't restart steam.

(Below is an image tutorial showing you how to do this)

Over the past weekend the Post Scriptum team were taking part in a fundraiser event called Stack-Up, which is a charitable organization that focus on bringing military veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video games. Their organization aims to help veterans from the US and other allied nations through various programs ranging from Supply Crates and Air Assault, to their Stack Up Overwatch Program which aims to combat PTSD, depression, and emotional distress.

The fundraiser will remain open so if you wanted to donate but couldn’t, then you still have a chance for the remainder of 2019, every contribution helps!

If you missed out on playing in the StackUp charity event this weekend, which featured the new 4.21 engine upgrade then there is still good news. This week we will be hosting a public playtest where you can have the chance to try out the upgrade with all its new visuals, sounds, animations, features and most importantly the improved performance.

During this event Periscope Games and the community over at Easy Company teamed up to bring the Post Scriptum community a planned event called “Ritter Von Kasteel”. The event was streamed live on our twitch channel. If you would like to view the event VOD, you can check out the link here


The team have been adding in new animations for weapons and equipment such as the M1 Garand, 1911 Colt, Stielhandgranate & new medical animations. Check it out here

Our level designers have been working hard on a revamp of the training map Arnhem Range.
There you’ll see new tutorials and guides on how the game’s systems and roles work as well as being able to test out all the vehicles, weapons and equipment in the game. Also, don’t forget to listen to your instructor!

The Death Cam is also a new feature introduced to Post Scriptum and aims to give players more perspective when being killed by high caliber shells, explosions or headshots. For about 1 second after you get killed you will still be able to see some of your surroundings, no longer are you sent directly to black and this makes for some truly epic and horrific moments.

After 6 months of hard work, we are finally ready to jump into the fray with you guys!

Periscope Games
Nov 14, 2019
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling

Hey guys!

Starting this Saturday, November 16th at 3:30 PM PST (00:30 CET | 6:30 PM EST) we will partake in the traditional yearly StackUp Livestream!

This one hour long livestream will be running alongside the 4.21 Event "Ritter Von Kasteel" which is also a great opportunity for you to try out the new engine version! The event is being run by the awesome guys over at EASY Company!

If you would like to sign up you need to hurry as not many slots remain. To sign up for the event join our official discord https://www.discord.gg/postscriptum and check out the community events channel.

For those who can't participate in the game itself, we will of course be streaming parts of the event as well as talking about the engine upgrade, taking questions and have a good time all in the name of charity! Watch us live at https://www.twitch.tv/postscriptumofficial

Additionally, there will be several livestreamers playing in the event.
Digby Tatham-Warter https://www.twitch.tv/digbytathamwarter
MonsterScream https://www.twitch.tv/monsterscream
Friendlynikolai https://www.twitch.tv/friendlynikolai
LT Spaghetti https://www.twitch.tv/lieutenantspaghetti

Game keys will be given during the event, so you can tune in to one of their streams and try to win a free game.

StackUp is a charity organization focusing on bringing military veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video games. Their organization aims to help veterans in many different ways and through various programs like Air Assault, Supply Crates and StOP. You can read more about StackUp on their website https://stackup.org/

You can support the charity directly by donating on their website. Or you can support via our donation pool https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/periscopegames
We have set ourselves a goal of 5000$ and we hope that with the help of the streamers and you guys we can reach that goal!

Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling
Greetings everyone!

Our work in upgrading Post Scriptum to 4.21 version of the Unreal Engine has been a 5 month long period that is finally showing us a bright light at the end of the tunnel.
This week our testing team had the chance to try a playable build and the results have been very pleasant.

(Note that some elements are missing due to Steam limitations. To see the extra content please visit http://postscriptumgame.com/4-21-mini-devblog-5/ )

Despite the existence of some (funny) gameplay breaking bugs…

...the vast majority of testers reported a significant performance increase that they have never experienced before in past iterations. We will continue with more tests in forthcoming days, but so far performance and server stability seems to be a dramatic improvement and we can’t wait to share it with all of you!

Performance Benchmark Video

Random Advance and Secure (RAAS)
One of the new features that we have been working for the next patch release is the inclusion of RAAS. Similar to AAS, both teams attack and defend control points (known as "flags) but the layout is set in a predefined order. While in RAAS, the order of the control points are randomized.
At the start of the round your team will only be able to see the next cap-able objective. As they progress further into the flag layout, other control points will become visible.

RAAS will replace AAS as we believe that it is more beneficial for gameplay for players to react and adjust over time according to the new intel given. 

Vehicle Driving
Vehicles have been subjected to a revamp in how they feel in weight, scale and motion. From tanks to light vehicles, they have been thoroughly refined.

Vehicle Driving Video Showcase

Chapter 2 Incoming

Periscope Games
Squad 44 - SnazzyDuckling
Hey everyone!

During the conversion to UE4 version 4.21, we’ve had some time to look into how we can improve player feedback for armored gameplay, both inside tanks and infantry around them. Vast improvements have been made to tank shell flyby audio in terms of design and how they work, only triggering at correct distances from the player and having a more realistic and most importantly, visceral feel. There are also different flyby variants dependant on shell size.

HE and AP shells of all sizes have had an impact and explosion audio revamps, AP now has a much more distinct ‘thud’ to the impact, whereas HE has a much larger ‘boom’. Also, thanks to new systems available in the OWI Core 4.21 framework, we have finally been able to implement internal impact sounds for vehicle occupants [both transport and armoured], so you can now tell that your hull has been hit by either HE/AP shells, rockets or small arms rounds. All tank occupants can now hear the vehicle’s weapons systems from the correct internal perspective, to make the overall experience much more immersive for the whole crew.

All of the above are aiming to allow the player to more quickly and accurately discern what kind of armoured threat they are facing, if there is no clear visual, and for armoured players to see some enhancements to immersion.

There have also been some continual improvements to some infantry weapons and kits that required a bit of love since release.

- K98 firing sounds
- Lee Enfield firing and reload sounds [new animations]
- G41 firing and reload sounds [new animations]
- Sten MkV firing and reload sounds [new animations]
- British No77 Phosphorus grenade ‘pinpull’ and explosion sounds
- StG44 firing and reload sounds [new animations]
- P38 reload sounds [new animations]
- G43 firing sounds

We realised that we really wanted ‘vanilla’ PS content to hold up to more recent additions such as the US faction, as well as future chapter content we’ve been working on behind the scenes. And that finishes off the Devblog this week, we will have more to show you soon.

Periscope Games
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling
Hey everyone!

Throughout the past few weeks we have been reading your feedback and suggestions on how to improve PS for the better. We have put together a roadmap that outlines the plans for Post Scriptum over the foreseeable future. Please keep in mind that the order of the items on the roadmap does not represent the release schedule of the content


During our ongoing work on the roadmap, our level designers have been revamping the older and newer maps with new visuals.

Below is a link to our webpage, where you can use an interactive before & after slider to compare the old Doorwerth and Oosterbeek to the new with most notably the change in forest scenery, now providing much more undergrowth, tree density and render distance without sacrificing performance.

4.21 Mini Devblog 3 "Roadmap" on Post Scriptum Official Website

Post Scriptum has come a long way since release and it has seen many new additions like the US Airborne faction, four new maps, brand new vehicles, gameplay improvements and more. However the journey is not over, we are committed to the longevity of Post Scriptum as well as the community at large.

Periscope Games
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling

Greetings everyone!

In the first Mini Devblog, we spoke about the changes we made to the maps and visuals of the game. 

As work continues on the Unreal Engine 4.21 upgrade, our artists have been remaking and improving outdated animations. The goal was to bring them up to new standards and provide a more visceral and polished feel to the general handling of the weapons.

The following video shows the updated animations of the Gewehr 41, STG44, Walther P38, and the M1A1 Thompson

Next to the weapon animation changes, work has also been undergoing on the character movement animations and general controls.

Due to the OWI core update, infantry movement should feel more responsive and less floaty and actions such as going prone while sprinting much faster, reducing downtime of being stuck in animation sequences.

Our artists will keep improving many aspects of the game while our coders continue to work on fixing issues that have arisen from the 4.21 upgrade. You can expect to see more stuff coming in the next few weeks.

Periscope Games
Squad 44 - [PS]SnazzyDuckling


As some of you may already know, we were in the process of upgrading the Unreal Engine 4.16 version to 4.21. This milestone has been achieved in the previous month. However, we are going through a mountain of bugs, broken features and visual corrections that have been caused by the engine upgrade.

At the moment, we are dealing with issues in several fields, such as UI or vehicle mechanics. In parallel to the hard work of our programmers who are working on fixing core components of the game, the artists have been working on audio changes, updated animations, visual enhancements and new gameplay additions.

The Mini Devblog will be a series to keep you updated through this journey and provide you with information about the state of Post Scriptum on UE 4.21.

Expect more news in the upcoming weeks!

Landscape & Graphical Improvements

The first entry in the Mini Devblog series will be about the work that has been going into visual enhancements of the maps.

To see the interactive before & after images, you need to go to the post on our official WEBSITE.
The arrival of the 4.21 update led to a series of broken meshes and shaders and proved to be an excellent chance for our artists to try and improve the visual aspect of the game.


As seen in the images, ground materials, post-processing and undergrowth were changed to get more color into the Netherlands and make the environment appear more vibrant and lush. The overall image is also much sharper and clearer, compared to the past.
We hope you are all as excited as we are to see the Unreal Engine 4.21 come to life in Post Scriptum. We will make sure to regularly keep you informed on what progress is being made on the upgrade.

Periscope Games
