Jun 24, 2018
Prosperity - dSolver
Hello everyone!

Another update is here! We have a nice mix of bug fixes and new features, so here's the gist:

New Features

  1. Some workers will have a new experience mechanism applied. For now it is the Apothecary, Brick Maker, Smelter, and Lumber Miller. More jobs will be make use of this mechanic in the future. For each of these experienced work, there is a concept of top experience, which is pushed when some worker has more experience than the top. However, bonus production is calculated based on average experience of the job, so it could be more worthwhile to keep people at least one person on the job (when removing workers, it removes the least experienced first).

  2. Added a new tech, building and job, (Brick Mold, Brickworks, Brick Maker respectively), for producing bricks. Brick making may not be worthwhile early on due to inexperience of workers and tech.

  3. Added a new indicator for resource changes, it is unlocked at the same time as the ledger, it provides you with information about changes to a resource over the last period of time (you can decide via a slider how many days back you want it to calculate)

  4. Added a new system for managing workers, called Seasonal Workers (civil tech). Once unlocked, you will be able to specify on a seasonal basis how many workers are expected at a job. Specifying seasonal changes is optional. Note, that this also changes the behaviour for workers leaving, see when there are more workers at a job than the specified amount, they will start to leave.

  5. Added a Fur Trader contract, this represents the first of a new type of contract where the guild isn't a city-state, but rather an independent guild with some purpose. They do not possess a market so you can't trade with them except through contracts.

  6. Added 4 new tracks by DYATHON

Bug Fixes/Tweaks

  1. Fixed a bug where the toggle policies weren't being shown as active if a player leaves the screen and comes back, even though it is active in the background

  2. Modified the ore discovery mechanism a little bit to slightly increase the odds of finding new veins

  3. Increased the scaling on exp required for unlocking new tech in preparation for a new mechanism being introduced later

  4. Replaced Trader Joe's placeholder avatar with the real avatar
Jun 10, 2018
Prosperity - dSolver
Hey everyone,

First major patch that also brings in a couple new features is here! Here's the gist:

New Features:

1. Toggleable Policies - some techs have been converted over to Toggleable Policies, such that they can be toggled on or off in the Council screen under the appropriate tab.

2. Contracts come with a toggle to switch between per-shipment import/export and total import/export

3. The City Guard HQ is now available, it will be in a new tab in the Council screen. The City Guard will allow you to hire up to 5 constables, who work to combat crime. Their efficiency is set by increasing pay, however be warned because increasing pay also increases baseline salary. So, crime may temporarily drop but the city guard will expect a higher base salary for some time.

4. Synching saves to the filesystem is now implemented. So before now your saves were stored in a local database, which meant loading/saving was pretty fast but you didn't have a file to back up, or (eventually) use steam cloud save. But now, we have a process to automatically create/update a file on the filesystem for each save you have in game. This opens the way for people to share their saves with each other.

Bug fixes:

1. Ability to queue buildings past the limits of land availability has been addressed

2. Waterfront space wasn't properly initiating even though the Dam was created

3. Some players experienced screen tearing in fullscreen. Although this is not addressed for all players who experienced this, it has been addressed for some. We will continue to monitor the issue.

4. Toggling food consumption wasn't working properly

5. Animal Fat kept on being added to the recipe for Medicine, eventually making Medicine prohibitively expensive

6. Addressed a number of performance issues (delays) during some game processes.

7. The "Cold" effect wasn't showing up properly so it was difficult to gauge when the population was being affected by lack of fuel.

Thank you for reading the patch note, and happy prospering!
