Jun 15, 2012
Left 4 Dead - the gish
While cleaning/moving our offices around (all our desks at Valve are on wheels so we can have desk races), we discovered this old, long ago used Zombie decision making tree. It was created before our session with Mike Patton to record the common zombie sounds. While it is near indecipherable gibberish thanks to bad penmanship, it shows not at an AI level how a zombie behaves but all the speech opportunities and transitions.

Our favorite is the top. Lay Down? Nope. Want to vomit? Sure.

<img src="http://media.steampowered.com/apps/l4d/images/chart_thumb1.jpg">
Jun 15, 2012
Left 4 Dead - the gish
While cleaning/moving our offices around (all our desks at Valve are on wheels so we can have desk races), we discovered this old, long ago used Zombie decision making tree. It was created before our session with Mike Patton to record the common zombie sounds. While it is near indecipherable gibberish thanks to bad penmanship, it shows not at an AI level how a zombie behaves but all the speech opportunities and transitions.

Our favorite is the top. Lay Down? Nope. Want to vomit? Sure.

Left 4 Dead 2 - the gish
You’ll never see them coming

This Survival Mutation was inspired by Karma Jockey. There are commons, plenty of beefed up Specials, no glows, and lots and lots of fog. If you like to be scared by things that jump out at you from the night, this one is for you.

<b>What do Zombies Think?</b>
While cleaning/moving our offices around (all our desks at Valve are on wheels so we can have desk races), we discovered this old, long ago used Zombie decision making tree. It was created before our session with Mike Patton to record the common zombie sounds. While it is near indecipherable gibberish thanks to bad penmanship, it shows not at an AI level how a zombie behaves but all the speech opportunities and transitions.

Our favorite is the top. Lay Down? Nope. Want to vomit? Sure.

<img src="http://media.steampowered.com/apps/l4d/images/chart_thumb1.jpg">
Left 4 Dead 2 - the gish
You’ll never see them coming

This Survival Mutation was inspired by Karma Jockey. There are commons, plenty of beefed up Specials, no glows, and lots and lots of fog. If you like to be scared by things that jump out at you from the night, this one is for you.

What do Zombies Think?
While cleaning/moving our offices around (all our desks at Valve are on wheels so we can have desk races), we discovered this old, long ago used Zombie decision making tree. It was created before our session with Mike Patton to record the common zombie sounds. While it is near indecipherable gibberish thanks to bad penmanship, it shows not at an AI level how a zombie behaves but all the speech opportunities and transitions.

Our favorite is the top. Lay Down? Nope. Want to vomit? Sure.

Dota 2 - Alden
Today we’re announcing that Dota 2 will be free to play, and contain an optional in-game store filled with community created content submitted to the Steam Workshop.

<a href="http://blog.dota2.com/2012/06/introducing-the-dota-store/"><img src="http://cdn.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/570/extras/Workshop_Dota2Workshop2.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></a>

You can read the full blog post here: <a href="http://blog.dota2.com/2012/06/introducing-the-dota-store/">Introducing the Dota Store</a>.
Dota 2 - Alden
Today we’re announcing that Dota 2 will be free to play, and contain an optional in-game store filled with community created content submitted to the Steam Workshop.

You can read the full blog post here: Introducing the Dota Store.
Left 4 Dead 2 - the gish
<b>Flu Season</b>
The smell of spit and bile in the air.

This Coop Mutation is a mashup of "Boomer Shooter" by SR69MMJC and "Spitters!" by Karma Jockey. The only specials are Boomers and Spitters. The only commons are the result of the Boomer. The only other change is we amped up everything about these two Specials. But don’t worry you’ll be okay as long as you avoid all the goo flying in the air.

PAX Prime is taking place this year from August 31st to Sept 2nd. It is a great event filled with gaming and gaming culture. While the tickets have already sold out, we are curious to know how many L4D players will be visiting. So the question is simple – will you be attending PAX Prime this year?
Left 4 Dead 2 - the gish
Flu Season
The smell of spit and bile in the air.

This Coop Mutation is a mashup of "Boomer Shooter" by SR69MMJC and "Spitters!" by Karma Jockey. The only specials are Boomers and Spitters. The only commons are the result of the Boomer. The only other change is we amped up everything about these two Specials. But don’t worry you’ll be okay as long as you avoid all the goo flying in the air.

PAX Prime is taking place this year from August 31st to Sept 2nd. It is a great event filled with gaming and gaming culture. While the tickets have already sold out, we are curious to know how many L4D players will be visiting. So the question is simple – will you be attending PAX Prime this year?
May 8, 2012
Portal 2 - the gish
The Perpetual Testing Initiative (PeTI) is live! Even though most of you will be getting your first sweet taste of test chamber construction today, a lucky few of you have already been beta testing for the last couple of months. An unfair head start? You bet. But it's thanks to this massive injustice that you have a ton of great test chambers to solve on launch day.

In fact, one of the beta testers made so many great maps that we've decided to award him the first ever Aperture Science Employee of the Moment Certificate for his provisional excellence in the field of test chamber construction. Congratulations, Mevious! Enjoy it while it lasts.

<a href="http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68462137"><img src="http://media.steampowered.com/apps/portal2/eom/eom_001.png" width=520></a>

Those of you interested in checking out Mevious' terrific maps can get them all at once by subscribing to them at <a href="http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68462137"> this collection page</a>. Make sure to also Follow Mevious on <a href="http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970484475/myworkshopfiles?appid=620">his Workshop author page</a> so you can keep track of what he makes in the future.

Remember, the next employee of the moment could be YOU! That's right: transient fame and fleeting fortune could be yours. Dethrone the tyrant Mevious! He's been on top for too long. He's getting soft, and you're hungry. Be like Rocky in all the Rocky movies. Except for Rocky I, where he lost (unless you're counting victories of the heart, which won't win you any awards from us). Or Rocky VI, where it was a show fight and didn't count. In fact, just focus on Rocky IV. The last half.


Dun dun dun.

Dun dun dahhhhhhh...
May 8, 2012
Portal 2 - the gish
The Perpetual Testing Initiative (PeTI) is live! Even though most of you will be getting your first sweet taste of test chamber construction today, a lucky few of you have already been beta testing for the last couple of months. An unfair head start? You bet. But it's thanks to this massive injustice that you have a ton of great test chambers to solve on launch day.

In fact, one of the beta testers made so many great maps that we've decided to award him the first ever Aperture Science Employee of the Moment Certificate for his provisional excellence in the field of test chamber construction. Congratulations, Mevious! Enjoy it while it lasts.

Those of you interested in checking out Mevious' terrific maps can get them all at once by subscribing to them at this collection page. Make sure to also Follow Mevious on his Workshop author page so you can keep track of what he makes in the future.

Remember, the next employee of the moment could be YOU! That's right: transient fame and fleeting fortune could be yours. Dethrone the tyrant Mevious! He's been on top for too long. He's getting soft, and you're hungry. Be like Rocky in all the Rocky movies. Except for Rocky I, where he lost (unless you're counting victories of the heart, which won't win you any awards from us). Or Rocky VI, where it was a show fight and didn't count. In fact, just focus on Rocky IV. The last half.


Dun dun dun.

Dun dun dahhhhhhh...